pool fund drive nears 7,000 mark A county-wide drive to open ested In backing the project. to be holding back so far,* Dr Johns and the YMC must know pumps were going to be ordered the group after the people present and Floyd Parmelee, Bob De- the Veteran's Memorial Swim­ Dr Herbert Oatley, chairman Oatley said. "But please get whether the pool will be oper­ Tuesday. Both of these steps voted to go ahead and try to dyne, Bob Gill, John Flak and ming Pool In St. Johns this'sum­ of the committee, said the money your contributions in right away ational In time for the Y to run have been made possible by con­ raise the $12,500. Frances Conn. mer has reached approximately raised so far includes $6,761. so we can add everything up. their proposed swimming pro-, tributions from donors who Attending were representa­ A' special Clinton County Me­ $7,000 as of Tuesday noon, which This amount does not Include A deadline Is a deadline," gram in St. Johns. | specified that their money could tives of the Lions Club, Hotary morial Swimming Pool Fund was is over the halfway mark of a goal pledges or money that has been *Thls is a community-wide Steps are already being taken be used for those purposes and Exchange, Jaycees, Jaycettes, set up at the Clinton National set at $12,500 to be collected by sent, but not receivedas of Tues­ drive," he pointed out, "and there to shorten the time necessary it won't have to be returned to VFW, American Loglon, VFW Bank, and all contributions to this Friday. day noon. Is no -one group or faction be­ for ordering and delivering them should the fund drive ulti­ Auxiliary, Legion Auxiliary, the pool fund should be made out Still to be contacted, however, Despite the distance-to go yet hind it. Everybody who is inter­ equipment. The YMCA said they mately not reach its goal. Knights of Columbus, St. Johns to the fund and mailed to Clinton by the volunteers of the Clinton toward the $12,500 goal, Dr Oat­ ested in having kids swim at must have the pool In operating This enables the committee Woman's Club, Order of Eastern National. All contributions will County Memorial Swimming Pool ley said he is encouraged and the pool instead of the gravel condition by June 7 so their to j*et a jump on some of the Star, 40 & 8, Rainbow Girls, be receipted and will be refunded Committee are Industries and optimistic. "I think we're going pits this summer should be be­ Instructional programs can start work that otherwise would have PTA, board of supervisors and If the drive Is not successful in many businessmen of St. Johns, to make It,* he said, pointing hind it." soon afterward. to wait until after the $12,500 a number of Interested 'citizens. reaching Us goal. ' which the committee feels will out that the money raised so far The deadline imposed by the Working drawings showing the is assured, Dr Oatley explained A permanent committee was The meeting last week was result in the success of its drive. has been raised in less than a committee of 31 persons at­ Inclusion of new filters, pumps Some 31 persons were present elected to carry out the fund called In an attempt to sound Federal-Mogul and SealedPower week. tending a meeting last Tuesday and water-heating equipment for at the organization of the com­ drive this week. Others beside out the civic organizations of Corp. are accepting contributions "There are a lot of people night is this Friday, May 10. the pool are already been drawn mittee last Tuesday evening. Dr Dr Oatley include Elolse Ham- the community on their ability to from employees who are inter­ who want to give but who seem That's the date the City of St. up, and Dr Oatley said necessary Oatley was elected chairman of bleton as secretary-treasurer. (Story continued on Page 3-A) MICH. — THURSDAY, May 9, 1968 SECTIONS — 32 PAGES 15 Cents $ 7-per-quarter rate hike for sewer-water proposed by group 'A $25,000 quarterly increase in the city's combined water thousand gallons to a low of 30 cents per thousand for four and sewer rates is the unanimous recommendation this week to major users. the St. Johns City Commission by the finance committee of Chairman Downing said his committee's study of the city's local citizens named by Mayor Charles Coletta last January to water-sewer system revealed a four-year operational deficit study the city's fiscal problems. which will amount to at least $150,000 by June 30 of this year. It was the first public pronouncement of the nine-member The loss has been made up by advances from the city's general committee which has been meeting regularly for nearly five fund. months to study and discuss the city's current financial dif­ "Our committee is unanimous in its opinion that the water- ficulties. sewer department should charge rates sufficient to cover oper­ Ross Downing, who has served as chairman of the indepen­ ational and capital improvement costs," said Downing. "We also dent finance committee, said the group's rate recommendations belieye the revenues should be adequate to repay the $150,000 have been announced to give local residents and city officials an obligation to the general fund over a period of the next 10 opportunity to consider the proposals prior to the May 17 meet­ years." ing of the city commission. At that time the commission could The proposed rate schedule is designed to produce an approx­ set in motion ordinance procedures which would make new rates imate $300,000 in annual revenue, as compared to the present effective for the quarter beginning July 1. $200,000 received from water-sewer customers. Revenues from customers necessary to fund the system are THE RECOMMENDED RATE adjustments would be spread estimated by the committee at $300,000 annually and include among 1,934 city water and sewer accounts. The minimum com­ $53,000 for interest and retirement of revenue bonds, $50,000 bined rate for up to 10,000 gallons of water would be increased for capital improvements and $15,000 for repayment of advances from $9 to $16 quarterly. from the general fund. The remaining $182,000 is the estimated The suggested schedule of water-sewer charges descends cost of utilities, repairs, materials, wages and administration through a series of six further steps ranging from 85 cents per involved in operation of the water and sewer plants AMONG NEEDED capital improvements in the system during Bath road the next 10 years cited specifically by the committee are two new IT WON'T BE LONG AND THE WHOLE THING WILL BE ROOFED OVER wells at costs ranging from $30,000 to $50,000 each; replacement of 22 blocks of galvanized water line, $110,000; replacement of Construction at the new St. Johns High School on West Sickles Street had reached this point tax plan four blocks of sanitary sewer along the railroad tracks, $40,000; last week when the state-wide construction strike all but stopped work on the $3 million-plus replacement and interconnection of 12 blocks of dead end water main, $36,000. building. Carpenters were to vote Tuesday night on whether to join the strike that has kept brick­ defeated The finance committee also- recommended that, if rates are layers off the job. This overhead picture shows only the cafeteria area at center, the science- adjusted in accordance with its recommendations, the city resume wing at lower left and the auditorium, swimming pool and music areas yet to be roofed. Steel BATH-Bath Charter Township operation of water softening processes. The committee determined voters by almost a 2-1 margin that the only additional cost for this service is an approximate work Is up in the auditorium area. — Clinton County News colorphoto by Al Haight from a plane' Saturday turned down a proposed $16,000 annually for the materials used. piloted by Max Miller of rural Ovid. Increase in mlllage which would Federal-Mogul Corp., the largest user of city water,indicated have been used for Improving the to the committee during its deliberations that they are seriously road system in the township. The concerned about this possible second substantial increase in their vote was 106 yes to 186 no. •water rates within the past 18 months. Federal-Mogul management Less than 25 per cent of the said that in view of the extremely competitive nature of the auto­ Chamber of Commerce, retailers township's registeredvoters cast motive parts industry any large increase in operating cost can ballots in the special election. MRS GERTRUDE BUEHLER affect the volume of work. Bath Charter Township Better Federal-Mogul advised the committee that they will investi­ Roads Committee, a community gate the feasibility of installing their own standpipe, wells and action group, made a comprehen­ Nurses water system. On the basis of current usage, the proposed in­ studying plans for reorganization sive study of the township road crease for Federal-Mogul amounts to about $16,000 annually.* situation. As a result of their The first steps to reorgani­ more beneficial to St. Johns. at the retailers meeting, all at the L&L Restaurant untilpro- findings, the committee sug­ elect Mrs. IT IS ALSO THE recommendation ot the finance committee zing the St. Johns Chamber of THUS THE INITIAL plans were agreed that the groups Involved blems have been worked out to gested that if the road system in that 10 accounts which currently pay only a sewage charge be^ Commerce and local retailers formulated to try to combine the should continue to work out the the satisfaction of all concerned.
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