What’s News in the Woods… Farmington Woods IB/PYP Elementary Magnet School December 2018 Newsletter http://fwes.wcpss.net for any info updates From Mrs. Pierce... December, 2018 those around Calendar Items to Note... #fwesactivateslearning support the social emotional them each development of our students. and every • Dec 3– Magnet Tour 10:30am; Interim Have you seen learning activat- day. In this ed at Farmington Woods? If P2 is aligned with the IB mis- Reports for Q2 home; District 9 BAC sion and Learner Profile as season of Meeting 5:30pm Salem Elem not– do a search on Twitter for giving and taking action in our hashtag above and scroll the focus is on Other People • Dec 6 & 7– ITBS Testing for select 3rd Matter and consideration of our community, please help graders 9:30am each day through the amazing and engag- us know how our students ing learning that happens each how each of us can make a • Dec 7- Walk to School Day; 1st to difference for someone else. have taken action by sub- Quarry (Long, Brown, Williams) day for our IB Learners. Our mitting information on our The weekly Monday folder • Dec 8– FWES in Cary Christmas Parade fantastic educators and sup- website so that their ac- port staff embrace the IB phi- identifies the focus character 1-4pm strength for the week. Please tion can be highlighted on losophy each day to engage and the FWES News– Action • Dec 10– Interim Reports for Q2 go connect students to meaningful take time each week to ask home; Gift of Reading Logs go home your child what they have Speaks Louder Than learning experiences. In addi- • Dec 11– 7:35am SIP Quarterly Review learned about bravery, caring, Words- IB Learners are tion these experiences support encouraged to take action Mtg; 6:00pm PTA Board Mtg the development of 21st centu- how words and actions affect others, etc. We have been so in many ways to make a dif- • Dec 13– Gift of Reading Kick Off– ry skills in students. More com- Dress Like a Book Character Day; Read excited to see our students ference for themselves, monly known as the 4Cs, stu- their community and the together Guests to read; Box Tops col- seeking opportunities to think lection begins; 1st Grade Rock Show 2:00 dents collaboration, communi- world. cate, think critically and are about others and to engage in (Byrd, Edwards, Morrissette) creative on a regular basis as actions that truly show their Wishing you all the IB Mis- • Dec 14– Flashlight Friday to read; 9:30 learners. What an exciting understanding that sion– A Better and More 4th Grade Enterprise Day; 2:00 1st learning environment to develop #otherpeoplematter. Peaceful World! Grade Rock Show (Brown, Long, Williams) our students as learners! Our IB Learner Profile and • Dec 17– Mix Match Monday to read With Love, Winston In addition to academic learning P2 for December is Caring. • Dec 18– Tacky Sweater Tuesday to strategies that engage stu- We encourage our school com- read; 9:30 Coffee with Counseling Team– dents, our school has initiated munity to continue to show Go for the Gold! Social Emotional Learning; Last Day for caring for each other and Box tops the Positivity Project (P2) to Give and Earn Respect • Dec 19– Wild Animal Wednesday for Own your Actions Reading; Reading Logs Due by 4:00pm A Walk in the Woods ... Lead by Example • Dec 20– Relax in PJs and Read (1st- Demonstrate Coopera- 5th); Kindergarten to Marbles • Dec 21– Kinder PJs Day; Early Release • Spelling Bee Preparation Materials: minutes to complete a parent sur- 1:15pm FWES Scripps Spelling Bee- More vey related to Conferences and our • Dec 22-Jan 2– Winter Break information regarding our upcoming Positivity Project. Your feedback is • Jan 3– Students return to school– Hap- Spelling Bee for grades 1-5 can be important to our school as we plan py 2019! accessed through this link. Spelling for events and implement pro- • Jan 4– Classroom Written Spelling Bee rounds begin January 4, 2019. grams. Thank you for your time! • Jan 7-11– Grade Level Spelling Bees • Cary Christmas Parade: Be on the Parent Conference/Positivity Sur- look out for Ringers and Singers, vey Fall 2018 tiple strategies and models with a focus Safety Patrol, FWES NewsCrew and • Fifth Grade our Chinese Dragon in the Cary on being able to explain how they solved • EL/Science: We are continuing to Christmas Parade on Saturday after- each problem. Next up...adding and sub- learn about the interdependence of tracting fractions! noon, December 8th! plants and animals and the types of • Recognize the way FWES Staff acti- • Exhibition has begun! Students are consumers and producers that live being put into groups around a big cen- vate learning! Please remember to within various Biomes around the world. use the link on our website for rec- tral topic that they came up with, “The We have made great connections to Rights of Humans.” We will begin to ognizing a staff member who has the ecosystem of an estuary after vis- helped to ignite your child’s learning develop a central idea and lines of in- iting Masonboro Island on our beach quiry based on this overarching topic. this year! field trip! Our EL module two for lan- We NEED YOU parents! We are in need • Gift of Reading: Our FWES Annu- guage arts centers around the unique of Exhibition mentors. A mentor is al Gift of Reading will be Dec 13- biome of a rainforest and the guiding needed to help guide the research and 20 (reading logs begin Dec 10)! questions, “Why do scientists study time management of a small group once Please check out the flyer and in- the rainforest?” and “What can we do per week or at least 2 times per month formation on when registered vol- to help the rainforests?” The final for 45 mins to 1 hour each time. We will performance task will be the creation unteers can come in to read in meet during the day! Times coming of narratives about the rainforest and soon! We aim to have a men- classrooms during our December compiling them into an Ebook. tor for each small group as it 13th Kick Off Day! We look for- • Math: students have been building ward to celebrating giving all of truly makes a huge differ- their conceptual understanding of ence with feedback and sup- our students the gift of reading. fractions. They have learned how to port each session. Thank you • Parent Survey: Please take a few multiply and divide fractions using mul- for considering being a men- FWES Student Services Team Coffee with the Counseling Team help your children stay healthy, so they do not get sick and Social Emotional Learning is an important part of raising so- miss school: cially responsible, self-aware, kind, loving humans. Come learn 1. Hand Washing - Teach your children how to thoroughly about how Wake county is putting social and emotional health wash their hands, and always remind them to wash their hands after using the bathroom, before eating, and after as a priority in our schools and how Farmington Woods is im- bouts of coughing and sneezing. plementing it in the classroom. 2. Daily Physical Activity - Exercise every day for at least 60 minutes will help your children stay healthy. Let them run around and play when they get home from school. 3. Sleep - A good night’s rest will help children fight off illness. Young children need 10-11 hours of sleep each night. 4. Healthy Eating - A well balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables will help children keep sickness away. 5. Good Hygiene - Help children practice good hygiene by reminding them to bathe, brush teeth, wear clean clothing, and keep hands out of the mouth and off the face. Who: Jennifer Thakur, Joette Basham, Megan Trapasso, Taylor Hartley Student Services at FWES provide support to students and families. Where: FWES Café If you have questions or concerns about your child this year; please When: Tuesday December 18, 2018 don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our student service staff: Jen- nifer Thakur and Taylor Hartley, counselors or Joette Basham, social 9:30am worker. Jennifer Thakur, Counselor, [email protected] From Mrs. Basham, Social Worker- 919-460-3469 ext. 26517 Winter Weather Reminders: Taylor Hartley, 50% Counselor– contact info TBA If your student is in need of warm winter clothing or outerwear, Joette Basham, Social Worker (T & F), [email protected] please contact Mrs. Basham as she can assist you getting the items 919-460-3469 ext. 26516 your student needs. Dr. Megan Trapasso, Psychologist (T ,W & F) [email protected] As we enter into Cold and Flu season, here are some reminders to 919-460-3469 ext. 26519 Kindergarten Registration Starts NOW! view your school assignment and magnet school options for next year. http://wwwgis2.wcpss.net/addressLookup/ 2019-20 Kindergarten Registration is now available online. Enrollment information and a link to the registration portal From the Office– Student Health Guidelines can be found at https://www.wcpss.net/Page/33753. Once the online registration is submitted, parents will be contact- ed by their base school to setup an appointment to finalize Please review health guidelines, as we go into colder weath- the registration process at their school. Please tell friends er seasons and illnesses become more common. Students and neighbors with 5 year olds! need to remain at home or be picked up from school for the following conditions. Thank you for supporting the wellness of your child and all WCPSS Student Assignment Plan for other members of our school community by mak- 2019-20 ing sure sick students remain at home until well enough to return and learn.
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