Vatican: forgive 3rd World debt Even if it hurts own economy From Voice wire reports debts before bankruptcy occurs. 'The current economic Commission officials said it competition among The Vatican has issued a represents the first occasion in which groundbreaking document laying down the Vatican has addressed a specific industrialized ethical guidelines for dealing with Third technical social question rather than countries.Js assuming World debts and calling for a Marshall speaking in more general global terms. the shape of a ruthless Plan-type aid program for developing Although it did not specifically name countries. any countries, the 31-page document war in no way concerned The document, "At the Service of the was clearly referring to the enormous about the harsh effects Human Community: An Ethical debts of several Latin American on the weaker countries' Approach to the International Debt countries. It said the debt situation in —Vatican document Question," was prepared by the some parts of the world is so urgent as Pontifical Commission for Justice and to require "immediate solutions in the Peace and personally approved by Pope context of an ethics of survival. nations. But it calls for a total lems of developing countries which are John Paul II. "Some of the countries are on the cancellation of debts in the most urgent plagued by apparently insurmountable It calls for industrialized nations to very brink of bankruptcy" and require cases and for more relaxed repayment debts. But the new document offers an help the debtor nations, even at the emergency measures to ensure their terms in others. ethical overview for the world expense of their own economies, by survival, it says. The document warns Over the last few years, the Pope has community. It describes the problem as v^dropping the interest on the enormous against unilateral actions by debtor spoken out frequently about the prob- (continued on page 3) ^/ Vol. XXXIV No. 3 Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Friday Feb. 6,1987 Catholic Schools Week A constellation of colorful balloons skittered through the skies of South Florida this week proclaiming pride in Catholic schools. The balloon launches, including the one pictured at right at St. David School in Davie, were only the outward signs of celebrations taking place throughout the week in nearly every Catholic ele- mentary and secondary school of the Archdiocese, as the entire nation marked Catholic Schools Week Feb. 1-7. St. David's followed up its balloon launch with a teacher appreciation day, during which the teachers received flowers and were served coffee and donuts by the students. There also was a picnic lunch and volleyball game between teachers and students, and an open house for parents. Nearby, students at St. Bernadette School in Hollywood also celebrated the week with a variety of activities, in- cluding an essay contest. The winning entries appear on page 14, as do more photos. On page 9, Education Secretary William Bennett speaks about Catholic schools. Reaiw s House Gives kids freedom on way back from drugs for adolescent boys who have drug convinced them of the urgent need for a By Betsy Kennedy going to end up dead, in prison or in an problems. privately funded, out-patient program for Voice Staff Writer institution if he keeps on using drugs. So he agreed to go to Regis House, a Regis, located at 320 N.E. 23rd St., adolescent boys. Fr. Lerena had was the inspiration of Father Francisco discovered that there were only 14 such Michael's limp is one of the last unique, privately funded halfway house Lerena, S.J., of Gesu Church in facilities in the U.S. and none in the things you notice about him. Perhaps downtown Miami. Miami area. it's because you don't expect such an ^ Churches ' have been "So many youngsters came to me "We decided to open Regisnot as a attractive 19-year-old to have a piece of pushed out of the field by in desperation because they couldn't kick substitute to what the Archdiocese is metal holding his right leg together. their drug habits. And the number of doing in drug prevention and treatment, Michael's football playing days are over, counselors and them who attempted suicide or were but to provide something just for teen- and when he has his own family, his psychiatrists and basically thinking about it was alarming," said agers, to add a plus to what was already kids may be able to beat him in a race Fr. Lerena. Members of the lay being done," said Fr. Lerena. around the block. they didn't community had also expressed their The Latin community gave generous But he's alive. realize that concern about the problem and offered backing to the project, he said, "because And that is a lot to be grateful for people who their assistance in launching a program. they wanted to give something back to when, before you've reached your 21st are addicted the country that had offered them hope birthday, you've had three violent car Realizing that to move mountains want to know you may have to start with a few and sanctuary, even if they arrived with accidents, four arrests and a stay in the only $5 in their pockets." juvenile detention center during which about spirituality' hilltops, Fr. Lerena got out his phone After a lot of hard work and hundreds you were almost beaten to death. -Fr.Sean O'Sullivan directory and contacted dozens of parishioners and supporters of Gesu. He Michael has finally realized he's V Story on Page 12 (continued on page 12) Peace activists ask pope for 'Star Wars' study WASHINGTON (RNS) — Catholic peace A spokesman for the Vatican's embassy in have begun sending postcards to the pontiff activists are calling on Pope John Paul II to Washington confirmed the existence of the study asking for disclosure of the report. make public a confidential report by the but said there was no official information on its The postcards express appreciation to John Pontifical Academy of Sciences which is believed contents. He added that the report was very likely Paul for the "moral leadership you exercised," in to criticize President Reagan's space-based hShded to the pope just before the October sum- a December speech to the Inter-Agency Consul- weapons plan, known as Star Wars. mit meeting in Iceland between Mr. Reagan and tative Group. The pope told the agency, made up The report was presented directly to John Paul Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. of American, European and Soviet atomic scien- by the academy, which met in January 1985 to tists, that space should be free of "any type of Those talks, which centered on proposals to hostile endeavor." evaluate the Reagan administration's Strategic drastically cut U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals, Defense Initiative (SDI). Recent statements by broke down when Mr. Reagan refused to com- The cards add: "The release of the Vatican's academy leaders and the pope himself have promise on SDI. scientific report on SDI would demonstrate that bolstered speculation that the report calls into SDI is a hostile endeavor and confirm the question the wisdom of the U.S. defense In a campaign spearheaded by the urgency of your plea. I urge you to have it initiative. 7,000-member Pax Christi USA, peace activists released." Tuition tax, abortion, missing Prostitutes need church help, from Reagan's State of Union says priest who ministers to them WASHINGTON (NC) — Two staples of the CHICAGO (NC) — Catholics trying to imple- Reagan agenda — tuition tax credits and opposition ment the U.S. bishops' economy pastoral should be to abortion — were missing from the president's an- concerned about justice for prostitutes and their nual State of the Union address for the first time in need for church help, said a priest who ministers to years. Some pro-lifers and Catholic education of- them. The priest, Franciscan Father Depaul Genska, ficials aren't certain if those omissions mean any- said that the pastoral letter does not explicitly men- thing, while others expressed disappointment or tion prostitutes, but it does show clear concern for skepticism about the president's plans. Reagan, in them when it urges special care for the poor and the Jan. 27 address to a joint session of Congress, outcast of society and when it calls for jobs with did reiterate support for other favorite administra- dignity and adequate pay for all. To put the pastoral tion issues, including aid to rebels fighting into effect, he said, means to come to the aid of Nicaragua's government, prayer in public schools* "persons trapped in the oppressive occupation of welfare reform and the Strategic Defense Initiative. female prostitution." Clergy discuss church roles Fundamentalists Anonymous during meeting at Notre Dame issues 'Hall of Infamy' awards NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) — About 50 Catholic NEW YORK (RNS) — Fundamentalists bishops, theologians and higher education leaders Anonymous, whose members say they have suffered met at the University of Notre Dame Jan. 19-21 to emotionally from their religious experiences, has discuss their respective roles in the church and how named Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jimmy they should work together. The colloquium, closed Swaggart and Jerry Falwell as winners of its first an- to the press and general public, took place amid nual Hall of Infamy Awards. Founder and Execu- wide controversy in the United States about what tive Director Richard Yao said in the organization's authority the church and the local bishop should newsletter that the goal of the awards is to "focus have over Catholic colleges and universities and the public scrutiny on habitual religious malpracti- theologians who teach in them.
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