livestock Show On TENCEN1S Tap Here Tonight , The annual ~tenbutg FI'A and Monit and S. R. Heard. ' 4 "H II vwock ,how wl\l be held The ,uperlnt<:"tlellt of ,h'>$hee tonight ,(frIday) at Ih~ :thool dlvl~on are Slats c: ..tI~erry'." show bun. ShOlty Robertson, Don Megl and 1'heJllow. ",btcb 101111 be ludged Plck~!. Heud. by Jeny IId.mlof Ab~r~thY will The superl Iltend"nt of the Iwloe stilt II 6:00 p. m. dIVIsion' are Vlrgal Plenon Aulnlng Adams ,,11\ be Elmo Jerald '-I gilt. George Wllllsand Hall. PetWlq-vo-aglnslructO! WJlburn Richardson. and the superintendents of the TheJuper1ntc~dents of the beef dMslQI)& of the ,h,ow. and the taule dlvluon Ire Alva IIQren. abow dlrectO!'. Gene fUlllnglrn. A. L. Peacock. Tllewhow dlreetort are W. f'. Ind R. C. Manit. Holloway. J'I't,ldentl Vltg" Pl;lle money and rlbbOns wIll !'Ierson. Geme fulllnglm, Olln be pretented by EVelyn Hopkin,. Hegt, Aivi Bo",n, W, C. Caltle- ffA Sweetheart and Charlotte PETERSSYRG • HAl.E~. TEXAS, fRIDAY. MARCH 12,1971 berry. A. L. Pe,cock, ~. G. Ii~gl, 4 -H Prlncen. Teachers Honored At Annual . Five On City Ballot, Teacher Appreciatiqn Banquet School Trustees Unopposed About l76 petersbutg area ruidenll honored Petersburg flV~ men ",1\1 be on the ballot The SChool T1Ultee election Public genoal Teacher* at the for three places on ,he Peteuburg which w!11 b t Id h annual PTA Teacher Apprecla' ;I~y er!:~r~:'''lon In the April 3 day as the ~Il'; el~~t~Q~ s~~lll Hail Suppression . tlon banquet last friday night. Jut of th~ fIVe n.me 0 th apparently be • roullne .ffalras sever"l Ie.chen wete honored I n e only the .hree Incumbent. fUed with MH. TempI. Fry. Mrs. ballot the three receiving the (ori\:lelrre'pectlve pla"".on the Larry Lyde and Mrs. Pauline ~~~~d nmnber of vote. will be ballot. The thteeboud mem1)ell Funds Sought Hagood receiving, top honor,. '" ",ho will be unopposed are H About fifty farmers and bus" 'All of the spokesmen for die Mrs, Hagoodtecelved the "Tex .. Three of the men are pretently B." SlOrty' Robertson. Harrold lnepmen were on hand last Thur,.. program were eager and enthull" Ufe.Membersblp"from the local serving on the commll$lon and D. Rhodet and DonJlegi. day night for a meeting on the astlc over tbe program pointing PTII Chapter w\lli. Mrs. Lyde seeking re- election. They are The nung deadline [or 'both Plains Weather ImprOv~ment out the resulll accompl1Jlled Ian and Mrl. Fry leeehed outstand­ Fore.t YO~ng. Glenn foote and thecltyand-hoo! I tI A.,oclllioo. year •. whIch WIS the first time Ing e-dudator awardl from Peterr EUA allberry. ~ • ec on. was The group kicked off. cam- tn five year; for .ome area far b.. g Area Chamber of commerce Twa men, Dob Olive and lohn Thursday. March 4. l'erry "ere secured by. ~olll" The city electlon \1111 be held palgn In die Peterlhurg area to mer. to Mrven a COllOO corp. ¥Ice president, sob Olive. mince from the PetertbWB Are. at city hal.1 while" the school collect funds for the Hall The .pokesmen. armed ",Ith MD. Hagood wll picked for Chamber of Com merce to tun for trustee election win be held In Suppre.sion program In the &Ri .tatlstlc. on rainfall amounts on her honor. by th. local PTA and tbe poution. the hall 'Ii'y of the high school. again thlJ yeal. the SOuth Plains, Mtlmated acres '!he ouutandln$ educator select­ __________------------------------- of cotton lOst or damaged ~y Ion came from the t.acberl .r hall In 19~9 and 1~,70 In a per- the IChool. " centage comparison and, listed B. M. I.yde. hlgh 'school prill" the number of OIghll. the ttlne elpal, served .. mister of cere­ aDd material _a In Ulfl1970 monlel for tbe evening, Roland Hall SuppreedOll program. JobIllOQ. Malt! SU60t Cbureb 01' The gro~ will II. COIItaCting Cluttt mWater, pYe the lnvocr area teIIdellt. 10 the near fueare tlon. Roger llndeholood prm'lded to ~cure fund. to continue die the dinner mutlc. program thl. yeat when a larger FoUowlng the meal. Mil. DOn arel ",m be Included. Tbey "'Ill Hegl. president of the PTA. 'wei" be asking farm owner "operators comed the gues\!. A trio com­ 32~ per acre: farm ownell 16¢ pOled of ' Karl vaughn. Roger per acre. farm operator 16¢ per Morris and Johnny Lewb, pre­ acre Ind city home ' owners sented IORgs accompanied by $25.00. Lavonia vaught! at tbe plano. Area residents Ire beIng urged pete Wilson, lupetlntendent of to .end In their share of the eo.t ochools. then took the podl urn to by mailing dlelr check. to Dol present a",ard, and pins to ochool '269 Peter,burg Or mailing to CIty p6rson,neL lie presented Ihe National Bank In PlainvIew or year pins to Carolyn Davb. Elaine the cbecks may be left at die ThomptOn. ' Louise MtIler and first Staie Blnk of Petersburg. MlIIle Kelley. Pauline Hagood All checks should be made out received her 10 year plo and Hee-HawPerformance to "Plains Weather Improvement Allce StapletOll wll honored for Assocl&tlonj Ii her 20 yeara of teacblng In the Petersburg SCbQOIt. Supt. Wilson also presented Tops tasl Years Show Post Woman cert1flcltes of appreciation to teacherl who retired at the end Over $900.00 was railed for Plano mllSlc was by G,y1e Tro .... Grand Jury Lavonia, Vaughn and pf Ichool 1111 year and to th_ the ~teuburg Opportunity Plan budge, Inlured Roger Undet'lloqd Iccompanylllg planning to \<Itlre this year. 'lbe at the twO Performlncel of Indites Two certiflcatCl were presented to Hee - Haw staged In the school the .Ingtng groups. Wednesday Millie Martin. Ruby I'ry an4 &Ud!todum Moridayan& Tlle,Iday JOKU and comedy skits were for Robbery presented . by "The H.tflelds· SJra Mlltneyofpoot", •• Injured Violet ~Qn. TM If,le county Ck.tnd Jury In nlgbto. about 11 I. m. wednesday In • Mr. Olive then PfCleDted the The lIIlcolid ,nnUlI benefit Mn. Robert Ful1!n$lm, Buzz _tan Monday in PlalPvlew Gregory. JoettobeltsonlMH. 1.. a utomoblle accident aboUt ·one oUl.tandlog teacher awards banded down I ndltements again.t pe.tfotmanee wu pre,.nted by • mUe north of ~'M 54 on hlgh",ay followed by Mrs. Tommy 1.tJid­ large cast of Petersburg 'and Porter. lr. Olher s!dll .,nd Jokes twa Lubbock Nef!l.o men. 'ftere b~ DOnna Stanton. Clthy 400 and "as taken to Plalnvte" rethpresendngthe life member­ Tbe n,o, MajOr Lee \~hl!e and 'torenJCI relidetllJ In a mllSlc. ho;pltal In the Petcnl:>urg am­ ftm and .ong roullne pattetened WiltOn. Don KeUey, Lany MJr ihlp to M\' •• Hap>d. Horace Hood, were IlIdlte~ (or tln. 100. Rob ..ruon, Steve Trow­ .bulanceauhtedby Deputy $Iedff Mr. Lyde then Inaodllced Abe after the popular televhlon sho"" from Plainview • Uncolil. minister of the SUllllet armed robbery .nd jddnapplng. The th.Qw. under the direction brld~, \leverlr McDaniel. • The charge are for tba armed Loy nda Jones, Mrs. Robert FIIll­ City Secretary Cllff easen and ChUld> of CIIr1at 10 1ubbock ",110 ofMn:GenUulllnglm. fe'tured l)epury FrADk Lindsey took the robbery of l'etertbur& Tlrt the mllSle and jODg of Earl and IQglm. ' ~unell Grimes, Mrl. "'" tile speaker for the bah!luat. company .nd , kldn.pplng of Lavonia vaughn. H. L, POtter. Petersburg vnbUI4/lce to the Mr. Uocoln llledbl11110r to btgJl­ Muncy cantor of ~orenlO, lenny scene af the accIdent and. wele JtQber! ChavCI;, an "mplpyet:, of Jr. Mn. Hank Jonel. 8u.\II Gre­ light ht. thought. provQldnS ~nd EddIe Fullinglm. Cayle by POURlY l~ stAtion on Monday, Janu.ry gory. Ckady Kelly, Jimmy FuU aIded the NO HI,le polntt of his talk. :rlowbrlpge. Jimmy Fulllnglm, Deputlet from PlainvIew. coach Bob Whe\\;bel pr_nted 18. Kim I'QJ'tU. t~ . MoonUshten. Inglm. Mn. Doug ttllson Ind T1I& NO were ,ppreh~nded lell The woman, rrlve1108·llone, !he beaed1ctlon. Katen H411. \leverly MoD.nl"l. Mrs. Jimmy Ftilllnglm; t4/l off of I;Ilgh",ay 400 Ind bit thAn 1..,0 lIo..:. after they had A v!tal part of tile program, but Tereta Aldn. Johnny Le\lla, ther_rora highway dep.trunehl robbed the ,tallOn &lSlInpoint not In.the performance cut were T"'e Peter.~uri Po.t Roger llndeNood and ROger tluck parked I' tile JAde of the taking about $25,00 In cbanga Morth; the jug PI.". Deldra FellXM,rtInes. $coitIon",. Judy ,will be published one Ind lorclog Cbav .. to accompany JllIrlce.. Katby Leon, Sld pulUn­ hlgh'f/ay 'f/hue a 'f/(]I'll "ClWd Ii" VlUghn. 1.. 11 Hall. SUII .. ~."Is. patehinS the rOld. them. c;havea. waafelCited about I!ddle f1I1Uoglm, Mack Hall. gllli, RockDII Ale>t.nder. Wlnda day e,rly next week. two mtle. weat of Peten!>llIg and Kad Vaugjln. VlilOq Morris: Akin, Mrs. '{)¢nna Lyde and ber made bb~IY blck to Peler&blllg "typing ella. Mn. 8ud Kelley with the OPI. ",u '!he thew . a ~U10 ot MI •• Ken Penrod. Mrs. ~ll advertili.ng And' to give • deJCl'lpllOn of tile 'Lavonia vaugbnand Mtk~ Fisher; an.d Mr.. lI\eltlr ROgers, aU wIlo armo'uncCl. "surpr~ \'1a1i by,"", lllla. oflbe robberund !~II vehicle. a triO. Ka;1 Vaughn. JollllllY had • part In tile props, ticket new. roU..f bti In, by They "'er~ arrested In Lubboel\ ..le~.od preparatlonofi!1l1ahOW. yean,perfonnen. KOf\II8th F_ Le'" t. and Roger MOIriJ. ud LeveUnd. Idded to lbe lI>ow l11ortl1 .fter the.r dllscl'lpU9f\ ' ·WheJe o[ who",' by allIS lU<:k Rhodei.
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