Fair, not aa m M toalgM^ Low n-28. Tueaday pariUy eltmdy witli —I— ■ • brought it home to hla mother and ServicJi^Listed ■Mwonahta tempertatnrea. Rlgb * • * / announced he waa going to take It PTA Comedy^ Talland County MtMgaber of Um Audit iW44r 60. M t o u t ^ o w n to claaa the next day for the "TeU F^^'lloly Week Butmui of Otrenlatteu. Manchp,$*pf— A City of Village Charm Heard Along Main Street and Show” aession at the begin­ Superior Court ning of the school day. IQMitoiNinob Trib* No. 68, Offered Twice At Center Church And on Some of Mancke$ter*» Side Sireef*, Too She aald something Mke, "Oh, MANCHESTER, CONN., JVIONDAY, MARCH 2.3. 1959 JCIasellled Advertleing on Pago It) PRICE FIVE CENIE tORlf, ■will Ito iw nlM inrtt*' that’e nice," and took the wire Five divorces were granted viv VOL. LXXVIll, NO. 146 (FOURTiSeN PAGES) By ieVELYN SWEET twy ta Tlnkor ball Monday at 8 copy, euppoaedly to study this won­ Judge Alva P. Lolselle 'yiatsMay Center Congregational Cfirurck pjn. drous thing more closely. During Capacity audiences 'filled the has announced Its program of «MMeratlyt Two Minute* ..." f ** thinking at a short calendar aessi^ftf . Tol­ the next couple of days she hid Robertson School Thursday and land County Superior' CoUrt. The ■ervioea for Holy Week. COMPLETE REPAIRS ' Mbah National AUiasc*. Oroup New soap powders are constant­ about that pleat." “Let's fix it now," ■he aald. the thing In several places, like Friday evenings 1o see "Your Fare. actions brought the ■winter sea-' •nie topic of the Rev. Clifford a u t o m a t i c w a s h e r s , Poll Indicates IMS. will hoU) its monthly meatlnf ly coming on the market, and local boxes and cupboards, and each b. Slmpabn'a Palm Sunday mea- DRYERS, RANGES ifr TSoStonlsht at North housewives often experiment with And they did. Lady," writtisn and directed by aion to a close.' time the Cub found It. Finally she Divorces- were Ranted on the sage will be "Prayer Amid the 8 t the new brands. But this week s versatile Mary Ann Handley. Shadowk." The three morning aerv- CMS Opening Item Not Budgeted ’ tueked It In her daughter's scrap­ grounds of desertion to Helen Yan- STUART R. WOLCOTT Public Backs Manchester husbanp reports that As chairman of a PTA commit­ icM will be held* as usual at 8, A Boodenominational servlca hit wife tried a new brand, entire­ Last week Heard Along told book. ke Bowers of Vernon from Henry Ml 9-6678 about da Mancheater woman who He hasn’t found It yrt. tee seeking the answer to a happy R. Bowers a t Hartford, and to Olln 9:15 and 11. The aetcvices will be wUl bo hald in Orange HaU Sunday ly of her own mMufacture. home, Mary Bonham, with her preceded by a celebration a t Holy Here-la hla letter, reporting on was about to go akllng for the firat J. Levlellb of Somers from Dor­ Ike on Berlin at 4 pJB>. In charge will be Mias The Green Wore flair for comedy, lead her group Communion at 7:30 a.m. Mianle Kilpatrick and Mias Mary the success of her new way of get­ time, '■ and who contemplated othy $. Levlelle of Wales, Mass. ■pending $147.56 before the week­ Into many enjoyable situations. Mrs,'lowers was awarded $1 per At 7:30 tomorrow avenlng the . / 'l Clarke. AH are welcome. ting the family laundry spick and One family living on Uyijwood Of the groups interviewed, the end was over. yea'r alimony., Rhythmic Choir will present an Service to All New York, March 23 <XP)— Dru in Vernon came up with a APPUANOE PROtojPMSr Her estimate waa fairly cloae. mountaineers were most hilarious, Nina C. Hale was^granted a di­ interpretation of the events of President Eisenhower’s no­ M^. and Mr«. W. David Kei\h, M My wife was making cereal novel idea for observing St. Pat­ with M aryeolpltts and Kay Orcutt, Be sure—call the man Who dis­ IBUeresL R d, wni be the host and for the famUy the other morning, -with the exception of opb Item for rick’s Day. .they built a snowman vorce from William N. Hale, bbUi Holy Week, accompanied by a plays’ this emblesn. He fa • 4oal- retreat policy on Berlin has $23.50. ■tealing the^^enes. The Navy of Rockville. She -had previously N ow H aven M arch 23 «uf)scribera* contract, aald bosteas at the lAita Junior Mu^ and, together with this chore, she and then used vegetable dye to wives. In the NevK^ndon sequence, choral choir. Ifted appliance apeclallat! . f j '„ U t h a t to hla knowledge it was the overwhelming support in the was putting the wash in the wash­ She lost her balance on her color the 4-foot high figure an ap­ been granted a legal separation. On Monday, Tuesday and —The Connecticut Medical s to Big-4 Talk oeum tomorrow afternoon from 3, stopp^ the show wHh their choius first time every citizen in the state nation, the New York Times first trip down a alope about seven propriate shade of green. Mrs. esarolyn Goldsnlder Olen- Wednesday there will be 20-mln- ing machine, which is located next dance and had to do to enCore on Service, Inc., (Blue Shield) w as^ven the opportunity for such to 6 o'clock. feet long and two feet high. In Unfortunately there was no said today. to the cooking range. She absent- the spot. The scene In |be Old der -Of Vernon waa granted uta eetTvicea irt the sanctuary, led announced today that it iB eoverage. mindedly poured the contents of trying to get up she had trouble "wearing of the green" by the a' divorce from Stanley Olender by the mlnlatprs, at 12:10 and at This is the esaence of a nationwide jCaaohoster Aiodllary Police will bending her foot under her to ob­ South was the moat subtle intj^aa offering coverage to all Coht CMS aald the contract Includei spot check of public opinion con­ meet Monday night at 7 o’clock the farina box Into the wash and snowman on Paddy's, Day, ho\lf- enormously enjoyed. Here talented Jr. on grounds of Intolerable cru­ 7 p.m. The noon and evening serv­ it) other membership 'offers ’ to went about her business of prepar­ tain leverage. ■ Feeling hampered ever. A pouring rain took care elty. She was awarded custody of ices will vbe Identical. necticut residents. ducted by corre.spondents of the in the auxiliary room at by her clothing and boots as well Mary Ann Handley, as the grft^ those who qualify among them the Times in the past fp\y days. headqtmrters. ing breakfast. Being a nosy hus­ of both the color and the wearer. clous but helpless lady, took the two minor children and $10 per On Maundy Thursday thepewlll In a change of policy, the aorv- right to add new members under Briton Held band, I happened to peek in the as the skis, she removed her glass­ weejt support for each child. Ice announced that a Special In­ ' A Washington dispatch to the es to survey the Situation. Then show. The final scene, an Inter­ be a service at 12:1Q p.m. At 8 the family rate and the right for washing machine, and -the clothes ‘You Can’t Tel! In a, cross complaint Joseph T. dividual Contract will be available the family members to continue newspaper, which gave the result.4 The CristofoTO Colombo Society shoving the ski poles into the view with a supposedly happy the­ p.m. Holy Communion will be ob- of the check, noted that many will meet at 2 o’clock tomorrow were swishing aro'Und with no ap­ Baseball fanatics have a way of Stiles oT Stafford was granted a sgrved, and the Rev. Laurence J. APPLIANCE SERVICE to all reaidehts, regardleos of age, their coverage. when they reached parent suds. Calling this to my snow beside herself and clutchingf atrical Couple, waa conVincltlgly Americans know little about the-; W in n er at afternoon at the Italian American annoying their loss eports-minded done by Edytha Coffin and Ray­ divorce from Charlotte R. Stiles Vincent, associate pastor, will Contractors? Assoclatltm condition of health or pla?e of em­ ag 19 or marry b'fore this age. wife's attention, she then realized them flniily, she hauled herself up. friends with the quotation of end­ history or geography of the Ber­ mond Colpltts. on grounds of-intolerable cruelty preach on the subject "To Each a Qf Connecticut. ployment. Coverage also may be continued aub. that the clothes were being washed There was a snap, a crunch, and less streams of statistics, and ApplioejtKina •wUV be accepted lin crisis. she fell back to earth. Opening Good Chorus and was awarded custody of three Gethsemane.” by the member throughout hla life. with cereal." comparisons of the merits of the minor children.,' starting April -1. First benefits The spot check was made in Conference lOchael H. Wlchman. son of Dr. He didn't tell us how the kids her thickly mittened fist she drib­ With two fine romantic leads, On Good Friday there will be a The aervice aald it will not concel urban, suburban and rural areas. and Mrs. Barney 'Wlchman. 64 players of the game. done by Beatrice Rhlnes and Sam Virginia Ann Cordher Brown of children’s service at the church will be avatla’jle Aug.
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