EDITORIAL BOARD HILLSIDE NEWS In-House Magazine Of JHPS ISSUE 7 OCTOBER 2012 CHIEF EDITORS INTERVIEWERS PHOTOGRAPHY Harinni G. Sankalp G.S.K Vivek Harshita N. Divya Jyoti ILLUSTRATIONS Pourush Sood Reeshmika WHATWHAT YOUYOU Swetha D. don’t want to Shravan C.H. Nikitha Deepna T. REPORTING TEAM TEACHER COORDINATORS MISSMISS Other Members Deepa Mathur Madhavi Vinod FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK .................................................. 4 COVER STORY INDIA 66 YEARS AND STILL RISING .......................................... 21 NEWS WITH IN CAMPUS From the Editors’ Desk… JHPS ACHIEVES SCHOOL SANITATION RATING ........... 5 INVESTITURE CEREMONY ................................................. 7 Our school certified with ISO 9001-2008, with our alumni soaring high and RAKHI - A TRUE BOND OF HAPPINESS ............................ 9 the students still setting records throughout the country, we are striving INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS ............................. 10 to spread our glory world wide. We are proud to inform all our readers JANMASHTAMI CELEBRATION ......................................... 11 that we, the young journalists are releasing the 7th edition of Hillside DESH KI ASHA DESH KI BHASHA ..................................... 12 News by providing you all an insight into our school activities, high filers THE FEAST OF LADDOOS .................................................. 14 and other recent social and environmental issues that raised our concern. VIEWS TO SHARE ................................................................ 17 NEWS BEYOND CAMPUS All young minds of the journalism group have worked together to make our THE JANAGANAMANA PROGRAM .................................... 25 magazine interesting and exciting. SPREADING THE WINGS AROUND THE HORIZON .......... 26 SCIENCE EXHIBITION ....................................................... 28 We assure you a great time as you will be engulfed in every page you INTERVIEW read. We have expressed our views on our marvelous country, that has REFLECTIONS OF SUCCESS ............................................ 19 such a rich cultural heritage and facilities that cannot be found anywhere ENTERTAINMENT else. The editors have also focused our attention in the ‘zeal world of ARTICLE ............................................................................... 28 sports’ and where India stands. So don’t stop yourselves from reading all POETRY .............................................................................. 30 the fact files and information that is sure to catch your attention. SPORTS ......................................................................................... 33 Read and feel all the enchanting things happening around you!! NCC ................................................................................................ 37 YOUNG ACHIEVERS .................................................................... 38 HAPPY READING!! 3 HHillill SSideide NNewsews 22012012 - OOCT.inddCT.indd 3 110/3/20120/3/2012 77:39:07:39:07 PPMM CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE A bright future for India “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” John Fitzgerald Kennedy oing by the recent trends and reforms, India can become the third largest economy by 2030 and also have the chances of attaining the economic superpower status if it can develop a G system of good governance coupled with effective administration. India’s inherent strengths, are its relatively young population, large domestic market and strong information and communications technology industry, which certainly puts it on a higher pedestal. Every year, India gives the world maximum number of Engineers and Doctors. There are huge number of people in India with huge professional knowledge in almost all the sectors, who can deliver much better results if they can collaborate and act. India is also rapidly developing in terms of Education by introducing new methods of teaching. India, more than any country, has vast potential to be a hub for Education. I have seen Indian Teachers in action with fantastic skills and expertise doing a better job than their counterparts across the world. A massive investment in education is the only best medicine that we must propose for the problems of illiteracy, over population, poverty, ineffective judicial system, pathetic politics and religious intolerance prevailing in our country. We at JHPS believe in the strength of education and strive to prepare students who can make the future of India bright in all aspects. A. Murali Mukund Chairman Jubilee Hills Public School 4 HHillill SSideide NNewsews 22012012 - OOCT.inddCT.indd 4 110/3/20120/3/2012 77:39:07:39:07 PPMM news within campus JHPS ACHIEVES SCHOOL SANITATION RATING been instituted with the purpose of recognizing those schools who are taking signifi cant steps towards effective sanitation and improving service delivery leading to the desired behavioral and attitudinal changes towards hygiene & sanitation. 520 CBSE schools across the country had applied for the Board’s National School Sanitation Initiative. Out of 80 CBSE schools from Hyderabad, only three had he CBSE in collaboration with sanitation habits among the school applied for the ratings. It is an honour that T the Ministry of Human Resource children in order to inspire, acquaint from Hyderabad, only our school has won Development, Ministry of Urban and celebrate excellence towards the ‘Yellow Rating’ indicating a fair level of Development and GIZ has introduced School Sanitation at the National Level. sanitation with room for improvement. the `National School Sanitation School Sanitation Ratings have Swechcha Kurapati, X Initiative’. The aim is to inculcate good AN INITIATIVE TO he Confederation of Indian Industry – Asia T Foundation has donated high standard books to our SPREAD ‘N SHARE School Library. They were a total of 122 books, which included books on Literature, History and Science. JHPS THE KNOWLEDGE is thankful to Ms. Sowjanya, parent of Master Sri. Saharsh THROUGH BOOKS of Class I-B, who has coordinated with CII in this regard. 5 HHillill SSideide NNewsews 22012012 - OOCT.inddCT.indd 5 110/3/20120/3/2012 77:39:08:39:08 PPMM DEFINING A COURSE FOR OUR YOUNG MINDS news within campus TThehe RResoourceesoource ppersonerson MMs.s. JJyotsnayotsna aaddressingddressing tthehe pparentsarents arent Orientation programme was conducted on Saturday the 16th of June 2012 to apprise the parents P advised the parents that they must encourage their of the students who have joined our school this year. The wards to hone their communication skills to meet the programme started with a prayer song. The Principal challenges of the world. Ms.M. Varalakshmi welcomed the parents and gave them an insight about the CBSE results, activities, infrastructure Parents were extremely happy to attend the session and facilities provided by the school. She also requested and are looking forward for such informative sessions in the parents to cooperate with the teachers for the overall the future. development of their children. Ms.G.Durga, Ms.T.Lakshmi Sree and Ms. Suma Joseph gave a detailed analysis of the CCE pattern followed in the school. They emphasized that the evaluation provided a holistic profi le of the student through regular assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic activities. Ms.T. Aarti the student counselor stressed on the fact that parents and the counselor together should work as a team. This was followed by the communication TThehe RResoourceesoource ppersonerson MMs.s. JJyotsnayotsna aandnd tthehe PPrincipalrincipal MMs.s. MM.. VVaralakshmiaralakshmi wwithith skill trainer Mr.Ron, who addressed the gathering and tthehe tteacherseachers aandnd pparentsarents iinvokingnvoking tthehe bblessingslessings ooff ggodod dduringuring tthehe pprayerrayer ur school organised the Parent Teacher Meet from 4th to 7th PPrincipalrincipal MMs.s. MM.. VVaralakshmiaralakshmi aaddressingddressing tthehe pparentsarents O July, 2012. The Principal Ms.M.Varalakshmi welcomed the parents and apprised them with an overview of the school development, activities, facilities and about the CBSE results of 2011-12. The counselor, Ms. T. Aarti requested the parents to establish child centered routines, organize work spaces and encourage a habit of reading. For the senior students, she highlighted on the importance of positive discipline. The Communication Skill Teacher Mr.Ron addressed the gathering and stated that he would be focusing on the students’ spoken English and pronunciation. In his address, he also said that regular ‘drilling’ would polish the learners’ spoken English and therefore put them in a better position to compete with the outside world. PParentsarents llisteningistening ttoo tthehe aaddressddress bbyy tthehe PPrincipalrincipal The Parent Representatives of all the classes for the academic year 2012 were elected. 6 HHillill SSideide NNewsews 22012012 - OOCT.inddCT.indd 6 110/3/20120/3/2012 77:39:11:39:11 PPMM news within campus Pledging Alliance to JHPS THE INVESTITURE CCeremonyeremony CChiefhief GGuest,uest, PP.. VV.. KK.. MMohan,ohan, CChairmanhairman AA.. MMuraliurali MMukund,ukund, VViceice PPresidentresident BB.N..N. MMurthy,urthy, JJointoint SSecretaryecretary HHarisaris CChandrahandra PPrasad,rasad, MM.. KKrishnarishna MMurthyurthy aandnd PPrincipalrincipal MMs.s. VVaralakshmiaralakshmi rreleasingeleasing tthehe AAscentscent MMagazine.agazine. CChiefhief GGuestuest bbeingeing wwelcomedelcomed bbyy tthehe JJHPSHPS ffamilyamily nvestiture
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