La Raza disputes Leg Council funds By D AVE CARLSON “ changed its mind.” He accused The Legislative Council o f the Ricardo Perea, who chaired the Associated Students held an meeting when the reversal took informal meeting Wednesday and place, o f “ a conflict o f interest” it immediately plunged into a since Perea is a member o f bitter controversy over funding MECHA. between MECHA and a splinter Garcia interrupted Lozano’s Chicano group, La Raza Libre. statement repeatedly asking for The confrontation, which featured accusations, insults and a host o f incriminations, involved the expenditure of over $20,000. The meeting was held at the apartment o f Robert Garcia, A.S. president. Although Garcia described the first meeting in advance as being “ a small THIS FLA R E UP on the east flank Saturday opened a new front of the Romero fire. FJames moved southeast get-together so that we (Leg through the canyon above, then turned due east. The main body of the fire continues raging out of control North of Council) can get to know each this canyon. The American Red Cross needs advanced first-aiders to man the emergency first aid station at the other,” some important topics Romero Canyon fire. Anyone interested is asked to call Mrs. John Adams at 964-2749 as soon as possible. were discussed. Photo by Steve Gong LARGE CROWD What was supposed to be a “ small get-together” turned out A.S. President to be an apartment crammed ROBERT GARCIA with over 70 people. The crowd mostly consisted o f La Raza “ documentation” on the claims Libre, a second Chicano of large membership and abusive organization consisting of former treatment which the La Raza ÜCSB MECHA members who were leader claimed before further dissatisfied with that action could be taken on the organization. matter. Lozano accused Garcia o f A spokesman for the group, trying to confuse the issues. “All DAILY Nathan Lozano, presented what we want,” he said, “ is for A JS. to set up an investigative committee he called “ a grievance” to Leg Council after having been abused to look into the facts.” Garcia explained that it was an this summer he charged, by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA informal meeting and no action VOL. 52-NO. 13 MONDAY, OCTOBER 11,1971 Finance Board. Lozano said that La Raza deserved a share o f over could be legally taken by Leg $20,000 which A.S. has allocated Council at this time. He stated that a presentation o f what La to MECHA. “ We feel we have a Raza believes to be the facts Legal collective formed right to half those funds,” he said, claiming that one-half the would be more proper at the officers of MECHA and regular formal meeting o f the three-fourths o f the committee Council this Wednesday. by Department of Justice chairmen had defected to La Mike Salerno, A.S. executive vice president attempted to get Raza. passage o f a proposal in support has a different emphasis. “ Most Lozano went on to say that By D AN HENTSCHKE hoped, be able to perform all o f State Senate Bill 101 which young White radicals, students or the Finance Board this summer The I.V. Department o f Justice duties except court appearances would raise UC faculty pay seven and the Legal Defense Center o f and the actual giving o f legal non-students can be handled by was going to give the issue a fair (Continued on p. 16, col. 1) Santa Barbara have not merged, advice. The main function o f the (Continued on p. 16, col. 1) hearing but that later the Board as reported in last Tuesday’s workers is, however doing legal NEXUS, under the name o f Santa research. ACTION ON CAMPUS Barbara Legal Collective. Rather, The “ collective” is currently some attorneys and legal workers located in I.V. Upon finding who worked last year in both office space in Santa Barbara offices have joined together to they will have their main office Peace corps, Vista recruiting become the law firm o f Eiden, there, but still maintain one in Imhoff, Schlosser and Solomon. I.V. The Santa Barbara Legal By P A T T I POSNER years o f trade experience or ACTION upon graduation. The The Santa Barbara Legal Center is Center, on the other hand is ACTIO N, the new joint agency farming experience will be first reason is that ACTIO N is a a separate organization. located at 906 Garden St. in combining the Peace Corps and considered. social action agency, involved in “ We refer to ourselves as the Santa Barbara. V ISTA, will recruit UCSB The four recruiters will be here problems dealing with people Santa Barbara Legal Collective,” Although the Department of students Oct. 11-15, especially as resource persons to provide here and abroad. those w ith math-science, those interested with information said attorney Richard Eiden. A Justice technically no longer ruling by the Bar Association exists, Eiden hopes “ that the education and civil engineering and applications for the social backgrounds. Recruitment for forbids a group o f lawyers to collective will still be able to service organizations. Oct. 14, operate under such a name. The provide free legal counseling.” spring and summer training Bill Council, Black minorities I.V. Department o f Justice no Like any law firm, financial programs will take place in the recruiter and past Peace Corps University Placement Center, longer exists, either. reasons have forced the collective volunteer in India, will be here to m ki The “ legal collective” consists to charge for its services. Building 427, south stairway (old talk to individuals or groups o f four lawyers and six legal While the law firm of Eiden, U C Extension). about the Peace Corps. workers. The legal workers are Imhoff, Schlosser & Solomon will The legal entrance age into Dave Buerge, past volunteer in being trained in a variety of cater to the needs o f the people either group is 18, but only those Nepal, explained two reasons different fields and will, it is in I.V., the Legal Defense Center with a college degree, five to ten why people might consider DAVE BUERGE I.V.’s beer, wine license appealed by ABC Second, involvement with July 24, the Second Appellate District Court refused to hear the ABC’s ACTION is a deeply humanizing By CATHY COGGINS experience. Volunteers are placed case. I f the California State Supreme Court does not hear the Department into foreign cultures and o f Alcoholic Beverage Control’s (ABC) appeal by Oct. 21, Isla Vista On this day ABC Director Edward J. Kirby filed for a hearing before according to Buerge, are forced may no longer be a dry community. the State Supreme Court. The conditions o f this filing were if the “ to come to grips with problems The ABC has taken the ABC Appeals Board to court once again to Supreme Court did not hear the case in the following 30 days either an they never had to face in their appeal its decision concerning the granting o f an off-sale beer and wine extension would be granted to Kirby or he would be compelled to private lives.” liquor license to Mike Schaeffer. Schaeffer owns the California Candle grant Schaeffer an off-sale liquor license. For those unable to visit the Shop in Isla Vista’s far-out village. Since that time the court has granted two extensions to Kirby. The Placement Center, you can write Last week, the ABC filed a writ o f review with the Second Appellate Aug. 24, 1971 expiring date was extended 30 days to Sept. 24 and or call collect to the Peace Corps District Court in Los Angeles. They are seeking a reversal o f the then to Oct. 21. If Kirby is not notified by Oct. 21 as to a further at the Pasadena Federal Center, appeals board ruling granting an off-sale license to Schaeffer. extension, he is required by law to grant the license to Schaeffer. 125 South Grand Avenue, An appeal by the ABC o f an appeals board decision is not as In the Sept. 30 issue o f the NEXUS, Schaeffer’s case was reviewed Pasadena, California 91105, unorthodox as one might think. The ABC Appeals Board is an agency briefly. In that article Schaeffer stated, “ I f need be I’ll take this thing phone number 213-796-0471, o f the executive branch o f the State government which is independent to the Supreme Court.” It appears that the ABC will beat him to it. extension 401; or call collect to o f the ABC according to Section 22 o f Article X X o f the California This is indeed an unusual case. Normally when a license is denied it Washington, D.C. at State Constitution. Therefore, the appeal o f an appeals board decision is because members o f the community have reasonable objections to 202-382-1882. For more the sale o f liquor in that community. However, in this case there is not an irregular occurrence. information on VISTA, call toll The action (the appeal) was taken within the required 30 day period appears to be no local residents opposing it. free to Washington, D.C. at alloted for the ABC to file an appeal o f this appeals board decision. On (Continued on p. 16, col. 2) 800424-8580. PAGE 2 U CSB DAILY NEXUS MONDAY, OCTOBER 11,1971 Supervisors to meet Tuesday The County Board of A report will be presented opposed to the backyard burning m eetings things Supervisors will hold their weekly concerning the repeal and restrictions.
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