www.americanradiohistory.com Two Strikes Three Balls! The pitcher has completed that slow, leisurely, tanta- lizing wind-up. That long, lithe, million-dollar arm has flashed back. A moment . and the ball, a white, hissing streak, is catapulting toward the catcher's waiting mitt. And the winning or losing of a World Series depends on whether or not the batter has his eye on the ball. A Cunningham Tube always has its eye on the ball. It stands ready to transmute an electrical impulse, travel- ing at a speed which would make the speed of a baseball seem a snail's pace, into mu- sic, a President's message- what you will. Since 1915 Standard fr for All Sets Types C-301A : C-299 : C-300: C-11 : C-12, In the orange and blue carton Price $3.00 each A CUNNINGH A'' '"ICTORAMP, Home Office: 401AL C 2'79 182 S e ittl Street, NEW YORK CHICAGO ....1111 SAN FRANCISCO P.Itent nit,. emered by patrol.; 11,'I 2-1,1-914, 2-1S-12, 12.410.13, 10-23.17. 10.2 17, .t/1.1 ..111e 1,401.1 and Pentli.g. www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO MAGAZINE 1 1 \1:» , ')2 5 WIRELESS AGE - THE fi.. .. /%//A////////,///° 4 / 4/I/i, ///// ,i /J//%n '/O/¡Q / % AA r ous Equal to the BEST regardless of price i scienYi AK1 .50 Surely a Wonderful TOWER TRIUMPH Unquestionably the greatest Loud Speaker Value ever of- fered, giving the quality and volume to be found in the most expensive speakers, but priced within the reach of all. The same true (cello like) tone that has made Tower's Scien- tific Phones the World's most popular headset is characteris- Tower's Scientific tic of the NEW TOWER Phones are tested LOUD SPEAKER. and approved by The many features include Government li- magnets that lift 2 lbs. 10 oz., censed Radio Oper- diaphragm of specially con- ators, thus guar- structed material, perfect non - anteeing uniform vibrating fibre horn, finished tone, quality and in beautiful golden bronze accuracy. Weight with 10" bell. only 8; ozs. The __:-.- logical Phone to buy. The Woolworth Bldg., New York City, is the On sale at all good dealers tallest office building in from coast to coast. the world being 792 feet high, containing 60 stories, and having an estimated weight of 206,000,000 pounds. THE TOWER MFG. CORPORATION 98 BROOKLINE AVE. Dept. Q BOSTON, MASS. worlds Greatest Loud Speaker Value "Quality Goode for Quality Readers" l www.americanradiohistory.com tre e She Radio Magazine NIWr May, 1925- Contents Your c4uthors Cover Design, By F. Reed - Editorial 6 pAURIE YORK ERSKINE (Me London Voice Talks to U. S., By J. Eddy 9 From the Cabinet) is the author of the famous "Renfrew" stories. Quality and DX with 5-Tubes. By R. A. Bradley 12 In one year Mr. Erskine wrote "The Horns, By Dr. John P. Minion 14 River Trail" and The Laughing Rider." He is also the author of The Confidence "D- Coil ", By K. M. Macilvain 17 Man," "Valor." and In the Event of Ail, By Dr. Mat Talmey 18 Death." "The Voice from the Cabinet** written especially A Real One -Control Receiver, By S. F. Finkelstein 20 for Wireless Age-The Radio Magazine, is an attempt to do a Cross Word Contest, By Helen F. Diuus 22 worth -while short story that has its locale in the living room Aerials, By_William F. Crosby 23 of any ordinary American home. You will agree that he Low -Loss Coils, By K. M. Macllvain 24 has succeeded beyond your expectations after reading the story. Broadcast Impressions, By Ed Randall 25 Radio Cabinets, By H. P. Strand 26 dtatttlttntettttlltttla A Radio Star Interviewed, By J. Addy - - 28 BCD RANDALL (Broadcast Impres- World Wide News, By C. S. Anderson - 31 sions) is a native of Rancho de los Bolinas y Tomales, Marin Co., Cal. He Giant Radio Lab.. By W. T. Meenam - - 32 graduated from California School of Radio Tempers the Tornado, By Albert Laird - 33 Mechanical Arts in ,go7 and the Col- lege of Mechanics at the University "How -do- you -do? ", By Ann Lord 34 of California in 1415. As civil engineer he The Voice from the Cabinet, By Laurie York Erskine - 36 had charge of harbor improvement works N.T. G. Speaking: "Ready Boys? Let 'er Go!", By Golda M. Goldman 40 in Seattle, San Francisco, St. Pedro, San Diego, Galveston, Hampton Roads, Ches- Education via Radio, By Mrs. Christine Frederick - - - 42 apeake Bay, Newark Bay, Plymouth, S. The H. I. in Broadcasting, By Dorothy Brister Stafford - 44 Boston. and as an outstanding caricaturist he has done work for a number of newspa- Mr. T. P. Alley, By Earl Reeves 45 pers and magazines, as follows: New York KHJ, KFI, KNX, KJR, KGO, KPO, By Dr. Ralph L. Power 46 Daily News, New York Evening Globe. Evening World, Yachting. Industrial WGR Ensemble, By Lloyd S. Graham 48 Digest, Commerce, Finance and Indus- Television a Reality, By Theo. M. Sewards 49 try, Playthings, Iron Age, Hardware Age, Progressive Grocer, Groceries Retailer, Appliances and Devices 50 Talking Machine World, and Wireless The Greenland Radio Stations, By O. Lund Johansen 52 Age -The Radio Magazine. Amateur Stations of the United States 77 Broadcasting Station Directory 79 PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT WIRELESS PRESS. INC., 326 BROADWAY. NEW YORK Les Angeles, Calif., 1116 Chapman St., Coast Publishers Co. Chitties. III.. Wrigley Bldg., Wheeler & Northrup. Boston. 18 Stewart St.. Charles M. White. Sal Francisco, 821 Market St., Coast Publishers Co. Great Britain. 12 -13 Henrietta St., London. Australia, 97 Clarence St.. Sydney, N. S. W. Yearly subscription In U. S. A., $2.50- Outside U. S. A., $3.00; Single Copies. 25 cets. Entered as second class matter Oct. 9, 1913. Post Office, New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. 1879. f,psrlght, 1925, Wireless Press, Inc. When subscription expires you will find a renewal blank enclosed. Return with remittance promptly. James G. Itarbord, Pres. I'lerre Boucheron. Pite -Pros. and Oen'l Mgr. L. MacConna ch. Secy. George S. UeSousa, Treas. H. H. Reber, Bus. Mgr. C. F. Boon. Adv. Mgr. C. S. Anderson. Managing Editor R. A. Bradley, Technical Editor Because certain statements and expressions of opinion from eortespundenls and others, appearing In these columns from time to time may be found to be the subject of ,ontroversy In selentlae circles and In the courts either now or in the future and to sometimes involve questions of priority of Invention and the comparative merits of apparatus employed In wireless signaling, the owners and publishers of this magazine positively and emphatically disclaim any privity or responoil,Illty for any statements of opinion or partisan expression if such should at any time appear herein. Printed' in U, S. A. THE WIRELESS AGE is a member el the Audit Bureau of Circulations www.americanradiohistory.com MAS', 1925 WIRELESS AGE - THE RADIO MAGAZINE 3 Radio at its Finest ems Now WitlünYourReach h.,¡`v,Y.Z17P AN ALL -AMAX RECEIVER At your favorite Semi- Finished - Factory- Mounted Radio Store OU buy this set with the ALL -AMERICAN parts prop- erly mounted on the panel and baseboard. Without Ask them about knowledge of blueprints, circuits or names of radio parts, the great delightful eve- you can wire up an ALL -AMAx SENIOR in one ALL -AMERICAN ning and know that it is right. It was inevitable that sooner or later this reliable -and still economical- method of getting Slogan Contest a high -grade radio set should be discovered. ALL- AMERICAN manufacturing ingenuity has found You can win the solution and offers this com- a set by pletely mounted, highly efficient submitting a three -tube set at no more than you Ì SLOGAN would pay for a kit of parts. Price, $42 Ì Ten cents will bring you the new Radio Key can Book, and upon request we will include, free, Everybody a complete wiring blueprint of either ALL - Ó ALL -AMAXJUNIOR enter. It costs AMAX SENIOR or ALL -AMAX JUNIOR. IThe same unique manufacturing rmethods that created ALL -AMAX (.. nothing s, SENIOR have brought forth ALL- ALL-AMERICAN RADIO CORP. AMAX JUNIOR -a one -tube set E. N. Rauland, President / that b nn' g s ,n th e 1 oca 1 s t a t ions L 2674 Coyne Street, Chicago / on the loud speaker. or tunes them and gets real distance. parts are mounted on panel endand baseboard, and clear photo- n2d,/ graphicra hic wiringin directions are included. Price . 22 L ERICAN "Quality Goods for Qun 111 y Iti :nlw-" www.americanradiohistory.com 4 WIRELESS AGE - THE RADIO MAGAZINE MAY, 1925 Look for the Checkered Box Brass Plates - Soldered Joints-Grounded Rotor Are Standard Features of the 'Bradleydenser The Bradleydenser is a low -loss condenser with many dis- tinctive features that insure long life and high efficiency. For instance, the brass stator and rotor plates are soldered at all joints. The plates cannot become loose, corrode at the joints or work out of alignment. The rotor is mounted on a long sleeve bearing that supports the rotor plates without the use of an outer end -plate. Therefore, the di- electric material is reduced to two small buttons. This means low loss and sharp tuning. The stator plates are protected with a dust cap that can be detached without tools. The minimum capacity is extremely low, and body capacity effects are greatly reduced. The entire design makes for the highest efficiency in radio receivers. 'Build for Co. Use the Efficiency Electric Controlling Apparatus Bradleydenser 283 Greenfield Ave.
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