ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 1-7 Radio 2UE Anne Richards, WA OIdfield, Todd Duncan, Will Mahoney, Evie 2/7/46 Hayes, Bebe Scott 8-22 JCW "Follow the girls" Joy Nicholson, Mr Carpenter 17/9/46 23-30 Radio 2UE "Follow the girls" Bebe de Roland, Lois Green, Freddie Carpenter, NZ 3/10/46 group 31-119 JCW "Follow the girls" Title card, Theatre Royal, Ormonde Douglas, 1946 Keating-Murray, stage sets 120-132 120-122, 124- JCW Bebe de Roland in "Follow the girls" 1946 132 133-148 135-141 JCW "Follow the girls" Ormonde Douglas, Shirley Rivett, Arthur Taylor, Don 1946 Nicol 149-151 JCW at 2UE Elliot & Ritchard with E Wahlquist, Brian & Marge 152-157 JCW Lois Green 158 JCW Neville Dunn "Smilin' thru" 159-160 JCW-Legacy Madge Elliot, Shirley Everingham, Lois Green, Lorna King, Gloria Club Lynch, Don Nicol 161 JCW Ron Folkard 162-167 JCW "As you like it" 168-181 JCW "Follow the girls" Don Nicol, Bebe de Roland, Shirley Anderson, 1946 Ormonde Douglas 182-214 JCW-Borovansky "Gay Rosalinda" Tara Barry, Max Oldaker, Cyril Ritchard, Edna Busse, 2/1947 Serge Bousloff and others 215 JCW Architectural drawing of planned His Majesty's Theatre 216 JCW-Borovansky "Gay Rosalinda" Title card 2/1947 217 JCW Irene Bevans 218-219, 223 219, 223 JCW Muriel Howard 220-222 JCW-Borovansky "Gay Rosalinda" Max Oldaker 224-241 233-236, 239- ." " Tamara, Lorna King, Muriel Howard 2/1947 241 242 JCW Henry Mienouski 25/3/47 243-246 243-246 JCW-Borovansky Muriel Howard 9/4/47 247-254 247-254 JCW-Borovansky Tara Barry 9/4/47 255-260 255-260 JCW Pat Nicholson 9/4/47 261-266 261-266 JCW-Borovansky Kathleen Gorham 1/5/47 ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 267 JCW John Charles Thomas 1/5/47 268 JCW "Dancing years" Quentin & Gay 2/5/47 269-270 JCW-Borovansky Edna Busse, Tamara et al 2/5/47 271-274 JCW Vivien della Chiesa 2/5/47 275 JCW Richard Watson 5/5/47 276-279 276-279 JCW Edna Busse 280-283 280-283 JCW-Borovansky Phyllis Kennedy 8/5/47 284-289 284-287 JCW-Borovansky Joan Gadsen 14/5/47 290-291 JCW-Borovansky "Dancing years" 16/5/47 292-297 292-296 JCW-Borovansky Phyllis Kennedy 19/5/47 298 298 JCW Irene Bevans 26/5/47 299-303 299-303 JCW Norman Lee 304-308 304-308 JCW-Borovansky "Dancing years" Martin Rubinstein, Edna Busse 3/6/47 309-316 309-316 JCW-Borovansky "Dancing years" Elizabeth Gay 3/6/47 317-322 317-322 JCW Demise Walls 323-325 323-325 JCW-Borovansky Eugene Marie 326-329 326-329 JCW-Borovansky Miss Wilkie 330 J&N Tait John Charles Thomas, Sydney Town Hall 19/6/47 331 JCW John Charles Thomas introducing Vivian della Chiesa 332-338 332-338 JCW-Borovansky Serge Bousloff 339-342 JCW-Borovansky Monica Halliday 343-348 346 JCW-Borovansky Valerie Jack 349-353 350 JCW-Borovansky Joan Halliday 354-359 354 JCW-Borovansky Bunty Harrison 360-362 360 JCW-Borovansky Edna Busse 363-371 JCW-Borovansky Joan Potter 372-375 JCW-Borovansky Kathleen Gorham 376-379 JCW-Borovansky Sheila McDonald 380-383 JCW-Borovansky Peggy Campbell 384-387 JCW-Borovansky Miss Wyatt 388-391 JCW-Borovansky Tamara 392-397 392-397 JCW-Borovansky Martin Rubenstein 398-402 JCW Leon Kellaway 403-405 403-405 JCW-Borovansky Alfred Ross ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 406-409 406-409 JCW-Borovansky Vassily Trunoff 410-416 JCW-Borovansky Joan Gadston 416A-416B J&N Tait John Charles Thomas, Australia Hotel suite 24/6/47 417-420 417-420 JCW Evelyn Gardiner (including Merry Widow & Duchess in "Gondoliers") 421 JCW Mr EJ Tait 422-426 JCW-Borovansky "Dancing years" 427 427 JCW-Borovansky A. James 428 JCW-Borovansky Borovansky Ballet title 429-431 429-430 JCW Phyllis Kennedy 432 JCW Joan Potter 433-442 435-442 JCW Letty Craydon 443-445 JCW-Borovansky Phyllis Kennedy & Vassily Trunoff 446 JCW-Borovansky Kathleen Gorham & Vassily Trunoff 447-453 447-453 JCW Alan Trevor 454-459 454-459 JCW Miss McRae 460-467 460-467 JCW Master George Constantine 468-473 468-473 JCW Miss Ford 474 JCW-Borovansky Kathleen Gorham & Vassily Trunoff in studio 475 JCW Bunty Harrison 476-477 476-477 JCW-Borovansky Allison Lee 478-479 478-479 Ruth Helfgott 480-483 480-483 Moire Peoples 484-487 484-487 Margaret Madden 488-490 488-490 Pat Bryson 491-493 491-493 Joyce Cummings 494-495 494-495 Joy Huddy 496-498 496-498 Eve Gordon 499-501 499-501 Anne Palmer 502-503 502-503 John Shepherd 504-505 504-505 Michael Anderson 506-509 506-509 Wilfred Stevens 510-510A 510-51OA (( (( Reg Bartram 511-514 511-514 Francois Lisner 515-517 515-517 (( 11 William Donaldson ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 518 518 Avonna James 519-521 519-521 Keith Sincock 522-528 522-528 JCW Miss Wilson 529-530 JCW-Borovansky Phyllis Kennedy & Vassily Trunoff 531 Kathleen Gorham & " 532-541 similar to 540 "Terra Australis" ballet, Theatre Royal (?) 542 Group at Theatre Royal 543-549 545 "Scheherazade" Martin Rubenstein & Tamara 550-555, 557 552 "Capriccio italien" Tamara 556 "Facade" Tamara 558 Joan Tandy 559 E. Borovansky 560-562 Fred Stenning 563-564 563-564 Anne Palmer 565-575 "Scheherazade" Jonet Wilkie [& unidentified role] 576 Nada Arandjelovitch 577 JCW E.J. Tait 578-579 578-579 Peter Linch 580 JCW Ruth Ellis 581 581 JCW Judy Morgan 582 JCW Graeme Browne 583-585 Peter Linch 586 JCW-Borovansky M. Ristitch & Nada Arandjelovitch 587-588 Keith Sincock 589 589 JCW Judy Morgan 590-591 Graeme Browne 592-593 592-593 JCW Joy Huddy 594-597 594-597 JCW-Borovansky Joan Tandy 598-602 598-602 JCW Pat Keating 603 JCW "Trial by jury" old theatre programme 604-612 604-612 JCW Pat Keating 613-620 613-615, 617- JCW Bettina Welch 620 621-627 621-626 JCW Wilma Harrison ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 628-633 628-632 JCW "Water babies" 634-635 JCW Cicely Courtneidge 636 JCW Thorley Walters 637 JCW Miss Cousidene 638 JCW "Under the counter" titles for Cicely Courtneidge 639-644 JCW-Borovansky Peggy Campbell 645-650 " " Sheila McDonald 651-654 Joan Halliday 655-657 Peggy Campbell & Sheila McDonald at studio 658 Joan Potter in dressing room at studio 659-662 JCW "Under the counter" Thorley Walters 663-664 JCW Cicely Courtneidge 665-666 665-666 JCW Albert Chappelle 667-670 667-670 JCW Wilma Harrison 671-674 671-674 JCW Jane Cowan 675-685 JCW "No, no Nanette" C. Lorman, Pat Keating, Fred Murray, W. Harris 686-691 JCW Cicely Courtneidge 692-693 692-693 JCW Lucille Leber Dec 1947 694-699 694-696, 698- JCW Miriam Lester 699 700-703 JCW Fred Murray Feb 1948 704 JCW Valery Shaviesky 705 (( Eric Reiman 706-708 [( Cicely Courtneidge press party 709-714 (1 "No, no Nanette" Xmas & New Year party 23.12.47 715-716 715 Sheila McDonald 717 717 [( Peggy Campbell 718 ([ June Clyde 719 719 " Sheila McDonald 720 720 If Joy Huddy 721-777 721-745, 747- (( "Under the counter" 755, 757, 761- 770, 772-777 778-781 Miss Gillespie ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 782 782 Fay Thompson 783-786 June Clyde 787-792 791-792 Fred Murray 793-797 [( "No, no Nanette" 798-801 "Born yesterday" 802-804 If Stewart Long 805-807 805-807 Phil Jay 808 [( "No, no Nanette" 809-810 Campbell Gray 811-815 811-815 Jean Cameron 816 Reg Newson 817-820 Colin Croft 821 [( Lily Moore 822-824 822-824 (( Haidee Selden 825-827 825-827 (I Veronica Laird 828-829 828-829 11 Lois Wiltshire 830-831 Enrico Ceccarilli 832 JCW Les King 833 Philips Radio Wilfred Thomas Show 834 Dick Fair 835 Eugene Goossens 836 Jim Gussey 837 11 Noel Coward 838 JCW Douglas Stark 839 Leonard Bullen 840-844 June Clyde 845-846 Benno Moisiewitsch 847 If Aileen Britton 848 if Kitty Reidy 849-853 If Interior and exterior, Empire Theatre 854-856 "Born yesterday" party 857 857 Lloyd Lamble 858-859 Greater Union Th Shirley Maycock signing film contract ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 860-911 863 JCW "Born yesterday" 912-916 912-9916 Veronica Laird 917-918 Phyllis Scully 919-923 Gaumont British Shirley Maycock Film Corp. 924-925 924-925 JCW Sue Peters 926 JCW-Grand Aldo Ferracuti Opera 927-928 Grand Opera principals names 929 Maria Huder 930 Rodolfo Moraro 931 Alvinio Misciano 932-933 El Plinio Clabassi 934-935 Fernando Li Donni 936-937 (( Augusto Romani 938-939 Francesco Battaglia 940-941 " Dora Minarchi 942-943 If Rina Marioso 944-946 if Germana di Giulio 947-950 Carlo Badioli 951 Rina Malatrasi 952 Mercedes Fortunati 953-960 959 l( Antonio Cassinelli 961-965 Raffaele Lagares 966-968 966-967 Eleanor Houston 969-970 Lorenzo Nolan 971-972 Adelio Zagonara 973-975 (( Leo Piccioli 976 976 Eleanor Houston 977 Franco Ghione 978 Aldo Ferracuti 979 Mario Basiola 980-982 Germana di Giulio 983 If Umberto Vedovelli ON 192 PXA 739 Organisation Photograph title or subject Date (Negative no.) (Print available) 984 Bruno Nofri 985 Adelio Zagonara 986 Lorenzo Nolan 987 Franca Nofri 988 Enzo Titta 989 " Rodolfo Moraro 990 Plinio Clabassi 991 Germana di Giulio 992 Mercedes Fortunati 993 Rina Malatrasi 994 Maria Huder 995 Fernando Li Donni 996 Jean Campbell 997 Franca Nofri 998 Maxwell Cohen 999 Manno Wolff-Ferrari 1000 Colin Thomas 1001 (( Wilma Whitney 1002-1004 (( "Aida" priests chorus rehearsal on stage 13.11.48 1005 K "Aida" conductor at rehearsal 1006-1016 "Aida" curtain calls, foyer, opening night 20.11.48 1017-1019 If Rina Malatrasi 13.12.48 1020 (( Carlo Badioli 12.1.49 1021 [( Antonio Casinelli 1022 Jean Campbell 1023 Carlo Badioli 1024 (( Germana di Giulio & Manno
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