<iongrcssional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 78th CONGRESS~ FIRST SESSION Stater:: for the term of 6 years, beginning on omce prescribed by law was administered SENATE th3 3d day of January 1943. to them by the Vice President. Witness: His Excellency our Gov. Coke The Chief Clerk called the names of WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1943 R. Stevenson, and our seal hereto affi.xed at Austin, this the lOth day of December, in Mr. MOORE, Mr. MURRAY, Mr. O'DANIEL, The 6th day of January having been the year of our Lord 1942. and Mr. REVER COMB, designated for the annual meeting of COKE R. STEVENSON I These Senators, escorted by Mr. Congress by the provisions of Public Law Governor. THOMAS of Oklahoma, Mr. WHEELER, Mr. 819 (77th Cong., 2d sess.), approved De­ By the Governor: CONNALLY, and Mr. KILGORE, respectively, cember 19, 1942, the first session of the [SEAL] WM. J. LAWSON, advanced to the Vice President's desk, Seventy-eighth Congress commenced Secretary of State. and the oath of omce prescribed by law this day. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH was administered to them by the Vice The Senate assembled in its Chamber The VICE PRESIDENT. The creden­ President. at the Capitol. tials of all Senators-elect have been The Chief Clerk called the names of HENRY A. WALLACE, of Iowa, Vice placed on file. The Senators-elect who Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. STEW­ President of the United States, called have not a.;:; yet been sworn in will pre­ ART, and Mr. THOMAS of Idaho. the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. sent themselves at the desk in groups of These Senators, escorted by Mr. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown four as their names are called to take O'MAHONEY, Mr. GEORGE, Mr. MCKELLAR, Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, the oath of omce. The clerk will call and Mr. CLARK of Idaho, respectively, ad­ offered the following the names of the first group of four. vanced to the Vice President's desk, and PRAYER The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) the oath of omce prescribed by law was administered to them by the Vice Presi­ Our Father God, in this hour of solemn called the names of Mr. BAILEY, Mr. BALL, Mr. BANKHEAD, and Mr. BRIDGES. dent. convocation as with reverent hands we The Chief Clerk called the names of open a new volume of destiny in our These Senators, escorted by Mr. REYN­ Mr. WHERRY, Mr. WHITE, and Mr. WILSON. Nation's history, we would, first of all, · OLDS, Mr. SHIPSTEAD, Mr. HILL, and Mr. These Senators (with the exception of in contrition of spirit, lift our hearts to TOBEY, respectively, advanced to the Vice Mr. WILSON) , escorted by Mr. BUTLER - Thee, in whom we live and move and President's desk, and the oath prescribed and Mr. BREWSTER, respectively, ad­ have our being, We confess our personal by law was administered to them by the vanced to the Vice President's desk, and and social sin, our indifference to the Vice President. the oath prescribed by law was admin­ want and woe of the world, our racial The legislative clerk called the names istered to them by the Vice President. rancor, and the bigotry which has so of Mr. BROOKS, Mr. BUCK, Mr. BUSHFIELD, often blinded us to the deep meanings and Mr. CAPPER. LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES of human brotherhood. These Senators, escorted by Mr. Alabama.-John H. Bankhead and Lis­ 0 Thou by whom the meek are guided LUCAS, Mr. TUNNELL, Mr. GURNEY, and ter Hill. in judgment and light riseth up in dark­ Mr. REED, respectively, advanced to the Arizona.-Carl Hayden and Ernest W. ness for the godly, grant us, in all doubts Vice President's desk, and the oath of McFarland. and uncertainties, the grace to ask what office prescribed by law was administered Arkansas.-Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway Thou wouldst have us to do, that the to them by the Vice President. and John L. McClellan. spirit of wisdom may save us from all The Chief Clerk called the names of Cali/ornia.-Hiram W. Johnson and false choices and that, in Thy Light, we Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. EASTLAND, Mr. ELLEN­ Sheridan Downey. may see light, and, in Thy straight path, DER, and Mr. FERGUSON. Colorado.-Edwin C. Johnson and Eu­ may not stumble. In all the delibera­ These Senators, escorted by Mr. BARK­ gene D. Millikin. tions begun this day keep our motives LEY, Mr. McKELLAR, Mr. HILL, and Mr. Connecticut.-Francis Maloney and clean, our vision clear, our patriotism VANDENBERG, respectively, advanced to John A. Danaher. undefiled, our speech guarded, our ap­ the Vice President's desk, and-the oath Delaware.-James M. Tunnell and C. praisals fair, and our consciences un­ of omce prescribed by law was adminis­ Douglass Buck. betrayed. ·we ask it in the Dear Re­ tered to them by the Vice President. Florida.-Char!es 0. Andrews and deemer's Name. Amen. The Chief Clerk called the names of Claude Pepper. SENATOR FROM TEXAS-CREDENTIALS Mr. GLASS, Mr. GREEN, Mr. HATCH, Mr. Georgia.-Walter F. George and Rich­ HAWKES, and Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado. ard B. Russell. Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, I present the credentials of my colleague These Senators (with the exception of Idaho.-D. Worth Clark and John the junior Senator from Texas [Mr. Mr. GLASS), escorted by Mr. GERRY, Mr. Thomas. O'DANIEL], and ask that they be read. CHAVEZ, Mr. BARBOUR, and Mr. MILLIKIN, Illinois.-scott W. Lucas and C. Way­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The creden­ respectively, advanced to the Vice Presi­ land Brooks. tials will be read. dent's desk, and the oath of omce pre­ Indiana.-Frederick Van Nuys and The credentials were read and ordered scribed by law was administered to them Raymond E. Willis. to be placed on file, as follows: by the Vice President. Iowa.-Guy M. Gillette and George A. The Chief Clerk called the names of Wilson.• To the PRESIDENT or THE SENATE OF THE Mr. LoDGE, Mr. MAYBANK, Mr. McCLEL­ Kansas.-Arthur Capper and Clyde M. UNITED STATES: This 1s to certify that on the 3d day ot LAN., and Mr. McNARY. Reed. November 1942, W. LEE O'DANIEL was duly These Senators, escorted by Mr. WALSH, Kentucky.-Alben W. Barkley and Al­ chosen by the qualified electors of the State Mr. BARKLEY, Mrs. CARAWAY, and Mr. bert B. Chandler. 01 Texas a Senator from said State to repre­ HOLliiAN, respectively, advanced to the sent said State in the Senate of the United Vice President's desk, and the oath of •Not sworn. L:XXXIX--1 s 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 6 Louisiana.-John H. Overton and Barbour Guffey Radcliffe Allen J. Ellender. Barkley Gurney Reed HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bilbo Hatch Revercomb Maine.-Wallace H. White, Jr., and Bone Hawkes Reynolds Ralph 0. Brewster. Brewster Hayden Robertson WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6; 1943 Maryland.-Millard E. Tydings and Bridges Hill Russell Brooks Holman Scrugham This being the day fixed by the pro­ George L. Radcliffe. Buck Johnson, Colo. Shipstead visions of Public Law 819 (77th Cong. 2d Massachusetts.-David I. Walsh and Burton Kilgore Stewart sess.), approved December 19, 1942, for Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Bushfl.eld La Follette Taft Butler Langer Thomas, Idaho the annual meeting of the Congress of Michigan.-Arthur H. Vandenberg and Byrd Lodge Thomas, Okla. the United States, the Members-elect of Homer Ferguson. Capper Lucas Thomas, Utah the House of ·Representatives of the Minnesota.-Henrik. Shipstead and Caraway McCarran Tobey Chandler McClellan Truman Seventy-eighth Congress met in their Joseph H. Ball. Chavez McFarland Tunnell Hall, and at 12 o'clock noon were called Mississippi.-Theodore G. Bilbo and Clark, Idaho McKellar Tydings to order by Hon. South Trimble, Clerk James 0. Eastland. Clark, Mo. McNary Vandenberg Connally Maloney Van Nuys of the Seventy-seventh Congress. Missouri;-Bennett Champ Clark and Danaher May bank Wallgren Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Harry S. Truman. Davis Millikin Walsh Chaplain of the Seventy-seventh Con­ M ontana.-Burton K. Wheeler and · Eastland Moore Wheeler gress, offered the following James E. Murray. Ellender Murdock Wherry Ferguson Murray Whit e PRAYER Nebraska.-Hugh A. Butler and Ken­ George Nye Wiley neth S. Wherry. Gerry O'Daniel Willis Our Father in Heaven, the God of all Nevada.-Patrick A. McCarran and Gillette O'Mahoney grace and power, in the sanctuary of the James G. Scrugham. Green Overton soul we wait at the altar of prayer. Here New Hampshire.-Styles Bridges and The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight may we find that peace and unity which Charles W. Tobey. Senators have answered to their names. underlie diversity of intellect, fusing New Jersey.-W. Warren Barbour and A quorum is present. courage, strength, and truth into un­ Albert W. Hawkes. ' biased cooperation. Let there throb in New Mexico.---Carl A. Hatch and Den­ NOTIFICATION TO 'iRE PRESIDENT all breasts an undying ·gratitude for the nis Chavez. Mr. BARKLEY submitted the following incomparable genius exemplified in our growing institutions, about which there New York.-Robert F. Wagner and resolution (S. Res. 1), which was read, James M. Mead. shall never arise the mournful lament considered by unanimous consent, and of failure and loss. Thou Christ, who North Carolina.-Josiah W i 11 i am agreed to: Bailey and Robert R. Reynolds. art man's best Friend and love's divinest North Dakota.-Gerald P. Nye and Resolved, That a committee consisting of Love from whom earth's greatest souls William Langer. two Senators be appointed to join such com­ have borrowed their greatest gifts, make Ohio.-Robert A.
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