,r,7>- » * iv;v3 •'f The Gowichan Lea^P PUBUSHED WEEKLY AT DUNCAN, B. C. VOL. V.* DUNCAN. B. C.. SATURDAY JULY 13 1907 No. II FBUIT TR.VSSPORTATION. therufure taking steps to socore the J. Maitland-Dougsdl. Saws reeUiratiua uf the bill by the Lords Cement The B. C. FVult & Producm' Ex- of the words "Final and unalteror D«iic9n$ Emporium & ble," bnt in view of the aasarance & ohanga haa now bean fairly laonchad giten by Lord ElSin to Premier Mc­ NOTARY PUBUC Nails. PITT tc PETERSON Piojs. Axes. and tlia dlracton bava got down to buainaaa. One of thalr Brat and fore Bride. it is- felt that the Canadian moat objects of benefit to fruit grow ­ premier cannot succeed, ers and farmers will be that of some this end all directly or indirectly con arrangement and understanding with Real Estate ,v Congo moor Ctak Roofing. railway^ companies for the lapid do- epatch of fall ahlpmenta of fruit and yor to co-operkte. It will be the duty of the directors to see that the The Cheapest and best on the market produce., 'fhle applies especially to sDull frulta tor long distances and shipments are carried with the least Heat will not effect it to insure the success of the crop each possible delpy sd thot no cause for year, and the mutual satisfaction of grievance wiu he given growers or •Cold will not effect it Finance means ihcraased patronage to the nsumem.—Revelstoke. Uail-Beeald. Waterproof and time defying. both growers and consumers, which railroads, 'and the railway companies NEW DIAMOND FIELDS ^IN Easily and quickly laid. SOUTH AFRICA. Duncan, V. I. ' B. C should lose no opportunity to co-op­ One of the sensations in dooth Af> Fire Resisting, Elastic * Pliable. erate and thus aid in the develop­ rica today, and most in the pubtle ment of this now industry already eye. is the discovery of diamonds in Coated oh both sides, so pleVenting rot underueath. hitIMrto undeveloped district* in th^ making rapid strides in the province. Ste«i Ptaift for A real Protection to Building Britlah Columbia U spending a large ' and af o“ld‘“^gi^r'Wi^^ amount oi money to build up the’former* ycAn the* crudeness of —ap-^- Practically indestructible. fruit growing Industry and it 1* pliancen. mode of woHdng and c&«<af>- ness of diamonds caused them to be tiancoiKxr Tsiaid IT IS GUARANTEED BY THE MAKERS WHO HAVE only fair to expect that the railways abandoned, and where now. under THEIR TRADE MARK STAMPED ON and express eompanlee eboold also new conditions , of Wnlng and In­ EVERY ROLL. , expend money to back this project, creased Value,' ‘the M&ftes are foundi J. T. Shadforth, a BritUh Hron- which is making such a name . for in paying quantities. These fields maator. formarly of abadfonb,,,Um- conatst uf the did diggings along the' Itself. Complaints have been nu­ It^. of Great Britain la In Victoria Send fdr'DesdHptive Catalog & Prices banks of the Vaal river and the new­ invMtigatlnil condltloBB rittr Tetfard merous as to the manner in which ly dWcovered alluvial deposits, par­ to the establiatamant of blaat.,.fnp- Iranspurtation companies handle ahlp allel to but aothe miles from the' naoe for the manufacture of iron and menu of fruit and in a great many Vasl river. The old diggings streUh a Rteel plant for the monufactuid' ol for many miles, and the old debris, Sc^es SEE US FOR. Hay caacs these complainU have been Jus- steel plated for aUpbnilding...etc,., in­ Rakes years ago abandoned as dnprofttable cluding branchee for the manufacture & ALL KINDS OF tifiod. Yet if we believe that the is being rewnahed by improved mach- of ordnance. at«el rails, etc. & frult cars stand all nJ^t on a June-1 Ineiy, more than paying the cost of BUILDERS HARDWARE Manganeae ore Is reported to exist Snaths.* ... *---------------------- 1 Awua flf/ltiMk nf Forks. tion aiding without any apparent rea removal.' ere discotered stones ql oa Vancouver Island and thare Is a fair sire, unusual brtlliency'end of­ large depoelt la the Olympica. efaem- son and without ice to keep the bei^ ten great value. This is especially ical analysix of which diovfo K id ba rloa from decaying in the warm eir the care at "Old Fblel." opposite the aatiafactoiy ior the manufactara of end unnecceserily delayed, while eon- lltlle village of Bnrkly West on the heavy ordnenoe. Vanl, about eighteen miles from Kim­ Mr. Bhatford la the Mdeot atm' of I have a large.Stock of Jam Jars eignmenta are inadequately cared lor berley. It is an rcmioiscent .of Cal­ Robert Shadforth, ironfoandar, and on their arrival, then the fruit far­ ifornia In the '50s. ' grandson of the late J. T. Bfaad- left over from Last Season which I mer flghte in vain. He may plant The flnda I saw were on a fairly forth. steel rail expert, and a lelae end tend the largeet and finest buah- large average, and in some instances tive of Oenaral Shadforth. who died rich, with the stones of great nurity ea, and he may pack the produce in Nawcaatle-upon-Tyno. in 1866. af­ shall clear out at Cost, Pints, Quarts and value. In one pocket some ter having Men.aeiwiee in the Orimaa with the utmoat care, but if those thousands of dollars worth hod been Be is endeavoring to Interest capi- and'-Half-gallons. Send in Your who conve>- It from him to the con­ discovered and one Canadian admit­ tai In tbs eatablisfamaot of an ini­ ted having cleared SI.350 out of a st mer are not equally careful and tial plant which will demonatnte the week's •work.—Johannesburg Corree- advantages Vancouver ielond pos* Orders...... watchful, dila labor will be In vain. pondenoe In Chicago Poet. aesaee for the manufacture of itaeL FTult growing gives fair returns for iron, and ordnance, etc. About $3,- the capital and labor expended on it The Oaterio Motor Leagoe haa ie- 000.000 will be required. Be aaye Mount Sicker Strawberries fresh The resources of Vancou'ver -Island but It la not one In which large pro­ eued a circular to the "Automobile and the North Pacl6c const are so Everyday. fits onset beevy losses. public" from whlci we quote the great that the island has better fao- To insure a real success of this following: llltles lor tbs manufactnie of steel new venture, fruit transportation of all grades than exiata.at any "When handled properly, the auto­ place In Europe, and even Pittsburg should be carefully attended to as mobile is the safest vehicle In the cannot compare with them.- I have We P. JAYNES’ The Arcade well as the peeking and storing. The world, end ea most automobllieU been looking into the poeeiblUtlea growers will look to the exchange for are careful and considerate, it is of here and am convinced that a plant for the manufacture of pig Iron, prlcra and also to the quick dispoa- {the greatest Importance that the few atael plate, eteel ralU! etc., would BATH TUBS. al of their prodnee. Good honest who ere not so careful should be im­ be a highly paying coaoern. -A’ ehi|^ ahiiimenta to consumers ■will do more pressed with a sense of their re­ building plant would naturally fol­ low. The great trouble In the way Ehamded Basiiis and to develop our fruit industry than j sponalbility. Automobiliste have of a steel ehlphullding ptant. wheth­ any other method adopted to further equal rigbla on the highways with er for the building of mercha^ or Sinks. ■ ♦ other ueers thereof. Our rights ere wurehips on this coast! haS'beefi''tha not superior, but are practically the high cost of ship platea. This dl61- London, July 6.—The bill to a- cullv .’’Sa preatly bothered tho Moi- Closets & Range Boilers ^SEAStrSUenOH mend the British North America act, •■•'ose of the drivers of horse an yarde at Seattle With A eteel HUtHOUTH '1867, the object of which la to in-'drawn vehicles. At the same ’ time. plant hare this dllBculty would , be NORUBmmNG. |crea.'w the annual snbsldles paid by | «« . ‘•’® newcomers; we are driv- overcome, for steel plates cquld . ba J/INITAPY ' the Dominion to the several provlne- •"« • vehicle which makes a certain eupplird at a much cheaper price, $\mt and hnnber ' ea of Canada, hoe pneirntl through all I amount ol noiee. which creates a than at pree. nt paid. As lor the NOMOULD NOLOSS 'lU stages In the Houae of Oommona |duet. and which not Infrequently mqnufacture of steel rails I have a Bicycles. KeeBsvnevmLes, I and is now before the Hones of, frightens horaee. It therefore be- vorhal guarantee from parties' to take as'many as can be supplied. ' ■ jCALtO /-OffOdW. Lords. Tho Commons accepted the comes us at all times to drive with mtuml < the greatcet self-restraint, and al­ Mr. Shadforth. who te the inventor Bicjcle liepairing and Parti. amendment proposed by Winston Churchill, undersecretary for . the ways well within the limits of safety of Shadforth'a open hearth funiaco. figures the cost of ar,. Initial plant, AT THE CASH STORE Colonies, striking out the words to all users *of the highway. ’* Bueh as would be required, at not Vl'inal and u^terable” of the ad- R. B. Anderson much leas than *3.000.000. Of this. C. B A Z E T T. dr.'ss' of the Canadian House of Com­ TOO RICH TO WORK. (.50.000 would be required lor the mons, thus leaving it open to ,Bri- Indions on the Skeens River Refuse eetabtidhmeht of a 800-ton blastfur­ tlMli Colubmbla.
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