April 30, 2017 Qualitative Sociology Review Volume XIII Issue 2 Available Online www.qualitativesociologyreview.org Qualitative Qualitative EDITORIAL BOARD Sociology QSR Review Sociology ©2017 QSR • ISSN: 1733-8077 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Review Patricia A. Adler Tony Hak Constantinos N. Phellas Krzysztof T. Konecki, University of Lodz Peter Adler Scott R. Harris Susan Pickard EXECUTIVE EDITORS Mahbub Ahmed Paul ten Have Jason L. Powell Łukasz T. Marciniak, University of Lodz Volume XIII Magdalena Wojciechowska, Michael Atkinson Judith Holton Andrea Press University of Lodz Issue 2 Kate Bacon Domenico Jervolino Robert Prus ASSOCIATE EDITORS Howard S. Becker Benjamin Kelly George Psathas Anna Kacperczyk, University of Lodz Laura Bisaillon Robert A. Kenedy Antony J. Puddephatt Dominika Byczkowska, University of Lodz APPROVING EDITORS Nicolette Bramley Steven Kleinknecht Anne Warfield Rawls Steven Kleinknecht, Attila Bruni Hubert Knoblauch Johanna Rendle-Short Brescia University College Marie Buscatto Joseph A. Kotarba Brian Roberts Geraldine Leydon, Southampton University Antony J. Puddephatt, Lakehead University Tanya Cassidy Ireneusz Krzemiński Roberto Rodríguez-Gomez BOOK REVIEWS EDITOR Kathy Charmaz Margarethe Kusenbach Bernt Schnettler Dominika Byczkowska, University of Lodz Catherine A. Chesla Riitta Kyllonen William Shaffir EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cesar A. Cisneros Puebla Staffan Larsson Phyllis N. Stern Anna Kubczak, University of Lodz Adele E. Clarke Geraldine Leydon Antonio Strati ONLINE CONTENT EDITOR Edyta Mianowska, Zielona Gora University Jan K. Coetzee Lyn H. Lofland Joerg Struebing LINGUISTIC EDITOR Juliet Corbin Jordi Lopez Sintas Andrzej Szklarski Jonathan Lilly Michael Dellwing Michael Lynch Massimiliano Tarozzi STATISTICAL EDITOR Norman K. Denzin Christoph Maeder Roland Terborg Piotr Chomczyński, University of Lodz Note Robert Dingwall Barbara Misztal Victor Thiessen MANAGING EDITOR, DTP The journal and all published articles are a contribution Agata Dziuban Setsuo Mizuno Jan Trost Magdalena Chudzik-Duczmańska to the contemporary social sciences. They are available wi- COVER DESIGNER thout special permission to everyone who would like to use Rosalind Edwards Lorenza Mondada Jonathan H. Turner Anna Kacperczyk, University of Lodz them for non-commercial, scientific, educational, or other Peter Eglin Janusz Mucha Dennis D. Waskul cognitive purposes. 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(4842) 635 52 63 The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary Nina Veetnisha Gunnarsson Eleni Petraki Kiyomitsu Yui email: [email protected] permissions for publication of materials which are protec- www.qualitativesociologyreview.org ted by a copyrights owned by other persons. 2 ©2017 QSR Volume XIII Issue 2 Qualitative Sociology Review • www.qualitativesociologyreview.org 3 CONTENTS Articles Robert Prus Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Pragmatism: A Missing Link between Classical Greek Scholarship and the Interactionist Study of Human Knowing and Acting 6 Salomé Schulze The Value of Two Modes of Graphic Elicitation Interviews to Explore Factors That Impact on Student Learning in Higher Education 60 Christopher J. Schneider $#*! Sociologists Say: e-Public Sociology on Twitter 78 Jeanne M. Lorentzen Power and Resistance: Homeless Men Negotiating Masculinity 100 Bolei Liu Getting a Job in Flushing: A Qualitative Study on Chinese Immigrants’ Job-Finding and Job Transitions in an Ethnic Enclave 122 Book articles & reviews Krzysztof T. Konecki Review Article: Janesick, Valerie J. 2015. Contemplative Qualitative Inquiry: Practicing the Zen of Research. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press 146 Magdalena Nowicka-Franczak, Katarzyna Waniek Book Review: Alber, Ina. 2016. Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in Polen. Ein biographietheoretischer und diskursanalytischer Zugang. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 150 4 ©2017 QSR Volume XIII Issue 2 Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Pragmatism: A Missing Link between Classical Greek Scholarship and the Interactionist Study of Human Knowing and Acting Robert Prus Robert Prus is a sociologist (Professor Emeritus) at the gion, education and scholarship, love and friendship, pol- University of Waterloo, Canada University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. A sym- itics and governing practices, and deviance and morality. bolic interactionist, ethnographer, and social theorist, Rob- As part of a larger venture, Robert Prus also has been ana- Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Pragmatism: ert Prus has been examining the conceptual and method- lyzing a fuller range of texts produced by Emile Durkheim A Missing Link between Classical Greek Scholarship ological connections of American pragmatist philosophy (most notably Durkheim’s later, but lesser known, works on and the Interactionist Study of Human Knowing and its sociological offshoot, symbolic interactionism, with morality, education, religion and philosophy), mindfully of 1 and Acting Classical Greek, Latin, and interim scholarship. In addition their pragmatist affinities with Aristotle’s foundational -em to his work on the developmental flows of pragmatist social phasis on the nature of human knowing and acting as well Abstract The term “rhetoric” often has been maligned by those lacking familiarity with classical Greek thought in rhetoric, he also has been studying the flows of as Blumerian symbolic interactionism. and Latin scholarship. However, a more sustained, historically-informed examination of per- Western social thought in the interrelated areas of poetics suasive interchange is of fundamental importance for the study of human knowing and acting (fictional representations), philosophy, ethnohistory, reli- email address: [email protected] / [email protected] across the humanities and social sciences, as well as all other realms of community life. While acknowledging several contemporary scholars who have reengaged aspects of classical For rhetoric as such is not rooted in any past condition tradition of the present with its emphasis on the Greek and Latin rhetoric, this statement gives particular attention to the works of Kenneth Burke of human society. It is rooted in an essential function study of human knowing and acting. and the linkages of Burke’s writings with Aristotle’s Rhetoric, as well as American pragmatist of language itself, a function that is wholly realistic, thought and the ethnographically, conceptually-oriented sociology known as symbolic interac- and is continually born anew; the use of language Clearly, there is much more to Burke’s scholarship tionism (Blumer 1969; Strauss 1993; Prus 1996; 1997; 1999; 2015; Prus and Grills 2003). as a symbolic means of inducing cooperation in be- than his involvements in rhetoric, but because clas- ings that by nature respond to symbols. [Burke 1969 sical Greek and Latin rhetoric has been so thorough- Because scholarship does not exist as isolated instances of genius, even the productions of highly (1950):43] 1 ly and precisely articulated, Burke’s dramatism rep- accomplished individuals such as Kenneth Burke are best understood within the context of a hor- resents a particularly valuable resource for connect- izontal-temporal, as well as a vertical-historical intellectual community. Accordingly, Burke’s lthough well-known as a dramatist, rhetori- ing the scholarly productions of the present with contributions to the human sciences more generally and pragmatist social theory (along with cian, public philosopher, and literary critic, the intellectual accomplishments of the past. its sociological extension, symbolic interaction) more specifically are best comprehended within A Kenneth Burke’s scholarship has been described this broader, historically-enabled scholarly context. as fascinating and brilliant, as well as obscure and Some sociologists, particularly those in symbolic disconnected. For our more immediate purposes, interactionism, may be aware of Kenneth Burke’s Kenneth Burke’s dramatistic pragmatism is not the only missing link between classical Greek however, I will approach Kenneth Burke as a “me- “dramatism” through their attentiveness to Erving thought and symbolic interactionism, but Burke’s work on rhetoric represents a particularly im- dium of interchange” between the classical literary Goffman’s (especially 1959; 1963a; 1963b; 1971) “dra- portant medium for extending the conceptual and analytic parameters of contemporary sym- world of the humanities and the sociological study maturgical sociology.” Still, even most of those who bolic interaction. Indeed, Kenneth Burke’s scholarship has important implications for the fuller of human knowing and acting, as well as a concep- have found Goffman’s materials especially valu- study of community life as implied in the most fundamental and enabling terms of human know- tual bridge between classical Greek
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