THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance. California Page 7-S Champs to Assault Three Records at !|Claymen Fall Before] BUILD NOW! MODERNIZE NOW! CONSOLIDATED Bis Compton J. C. Meet Friday Night liMerchants1 Rally LUMBER COMPANY Is Ready To Help You With ZAMPERINI IN He'll Perform Under Lights At Compton Macfterel Run NEW TEAM Every tfuttalng Problem Is On Now Off Dudley Burnt TOP FORM Hermosa Beach HERE SUNDAY 182S 213th Street Phone 129 Champions from the entire Mackerel are running wild at A three-run rally and a four- West will compete In the Comp­ Hermosa Beach with the largest hit game pitched by Pat Malonc ton Invitational Track and Field run in three years reported by for the Lomila Merchants gave M. Andersen, skipper that team a 6^p a victory-over THE NEW 1937 Meet and the Southern-Pacific the Pacific Clayl club last Sun­ A. A. U. championships tomor­ barge anchored off shore. Sack- day afternoon at the city park SERVEL GAS row (Friday) night at Compton. fulls of the green-backed fish diamond. World and American records are Bottom fish, threatened In three events, as Malonc, although a trifle wild, Olympic champions, world-record- held the visitors In cjicck most holders,, the national champions of the way with two runs being vie for Individual titles. base hit. .The daymen's rally The finals will start at 7:45 was cut In the ninth. Five double p. m. with the preliminaries plays were recorded in the tilt Slated to get under way at 7 p. with three going to Lomita. m. A record-breaking crowd Is Markham, third b a so man, _One--ot the-first ELE&-. expected to Jam every available topped the Merchant hitters with TROLTJX Gas Refriger­ seating space In the Compton three credits in four appear­ Junior College stadium. Last ances. ators Installed by us in year an estimated crowd of 8,000 witnessed the meet and an addi­ The Johnson Brokers were to Tommce over five years tional 1.000 were turned away j be the Merchants' next opponent URO Is still performing per­ I this coming Sunday here but at the gates. Seats have been fectly and operating cost provided to accommodate 1,600 j due to conflict. In dates, Man­ more people this year and an­ ager Walt .Morris relinquished Is no more than the first other-sell-out-seem* certain. his booking with them and has obtained the Follies theatre nine. month I purchased It, says on world records will Assaults This team will make its debut Daisy SUtzer, pride of the Eugene, one of Our'customers. begin in the first track event on on the city park diamond. Ruff, Ore., bowling league, who recently race will begin In the first track recently pitcher for Portland, won the Northwest International the program, the 1500-meter nd Thrift; will hurl for the Follies while title for women at Vancouver, B. The reason Is that ELEC- ra'ce between Louie Zampcrlnl Morris .will use Malqne again. C. Her three-game score of 564 of Torrance, America's leading was the envy of many of the men TROLCX has no moving The box score of last week's j competing at the meeting. runner In the 5000 meters In the game was: - parts. Hence, there is noth­ Olympic Games at Berlin, and mitted into the troop. A new PACIFIC CLAY ing to wear. Norman Bright of the Olympic record was set May 11 in that Club of San Francisco. These AB 1,300 to Graduate ot pins were pre­ Svidio, ss. two arc the greatest distance sented to Scouts. From U. C. L. A. runners in the entire West. Here is Bill Sefton, U.S.C.'s premier pole vaulter and You pan Now Buy a TROOP 217 On June 11 _._.: .JLojiie Is Confident co--holder with Earle Meadows of the world's record in the new 1937 ELECTROLUX -It-was-Zamperini and -Bright i.K__.,_ u«_ Tests were passed by George The 18th annual commence- who brought the crowd to Its! b.arn°°° h°P He will be.seeri..lnjacjion^F>|dajrhigh^ at .Piper, .First Aid, Handicraft and for as low as feet last year as they waged a the Compton Invitational meet. Judging; Leon Shell, Swimming; .mcnt.an.thc Los.Angeles campus Harold Shell, Swimming; Bob of the University of California Sterling, Pace, Knife and Axe; J. Kralovich; has been scheduled for Friday NARBONNE GAUCHOS CINCH Richard Thompson, First Aid, afternoon, June 11. It will be $ Pace, Cooking, Oath and Law. held at 1 o'clock iri the after­ Plans for the first year anni­ MARINE TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP versary dinner May 27 were an­ noon at the Hollywood Bowl. ELECTROLUX nounced at the meeting. This AB Approximately 1,300 students will be held for the Scouts in ... 5 will receive degrees. The de- uraioitAiom Coaches Ben Comrada and J. Vcnablc, rf. ... 5 Wayne Sloss added another the Christian church. The Scout­ grees to be awarded win include masters of the other troops arc Patalano. Ib. .. ... 5 master of arts, bachelor of arts, TORRANCE HIGH track victory in all three divi­ cordially invited to atcnd. Lang, If. ........... .. 5 bachelor of science. It is be­ EASY TERMS - - - PAY AS YOU SAVE sions for the Narbonne Gauchos Olson, ss. ....... lieved this will be the last Com­ LIGHTS ... by over the highly-favored San Pe- TROOP 230 Nixon, 2b. ....... mencement to . be held off the Alice Taylor & Dorothy Elder dro Pirates last Friday "after­ The inner-patrol contest win­ Markham, 3b. campus, as the University Bowl, noon on the San Pedro turf. The ners were Scouts of the Eagle Cheek, c. ......... seating 12,000 people, should be Scholars Ditch For theii final score for the varsity was Patrol. Another record attend­ Malonc, p. ....... completed by commencement Torrance PlumbingCo. ambitious studying all year long 58 to 46. ance was made, 20 being pres­ Morris, 2b. ..... time in 1938. F. i. PARKS, Proprietor Opposite Post Office students who belong to the The win virtually cinched the ent out of 21 Scouts. MacGahan, Ib. Scholarship Society were allowed Tests were passed b.y Keith 1418 Marcettna .Avenue Phone 60 Marine League track champion­ TOTOL ..........................37 6 10 LOUIS ZAMPERINI to "ditch" last Thursday after ship for the Gauchos as they Beck,- Cooking; Norman Peter- ... meek arch-rival hoon. But watching the other have been undefeated In four son, Handicraft, Knife and Axe; students work while they took meets so far this season.^ Marion Buffalo, .Swimming; nip-and-tuck fight over the 5000- it easy wasn't all. They also Podro and Lcuzinger are tied for Charles LcBoeuf, Knife and Axe, meter distance at Compton with had a party in Mrs. Elschen' second with three wins and the Thrift and Safety; Billy Hagei the Sunnyvale school teacher room. After playing severa man, Knife and Axe and Pace; beating Zampcrini to the tape games, delicious refreshments vlth one - win and two losses Howard Voicn, Knife and Axe. "Ready FotYou by less than six inches. were served. vhile El Segundo and Torrance Those present at the Court of Zampcrini has been training Dally Practices Almost no victories as yet. Honor were: Keith Beck, Rob­ diligently for this rematch race very afternoon the G. A. Billy Dillon started for th< ert Beck, William Jcnscn, Her­ Low rammer for the past month nnd Is in girls can be seen out on the field Gaiicrids in the Pirate meet by man Wood, Wan-en Shepherd, the best condition of his career, i playing baseball, volleyball winning the 100-yd. dash in 10.5 Gordon Johns Matthew He Is confident of victory and j hockey, tennis, or pitching horse and the 160-yd. hurdles in 18 Coy, Norman Petcrson, fares east is hopeful of cracking either j shoes. They are practicing for onds flat. San Pedro's big­ Hageman, Billy Hageman, Rich the world record of 3:47.8 or! the playday with Narbonnc June gest event in the varsity meet ard Rossett, Charles LoBpouf, the American record of 3:48.8. | 2. With all this enthusiasm, Tor- was the five to one decision in Robert and Alcx Mathcson, Don Bright Is equally confident of j ranee should surely win. the shot put. The Gaucho'B's aid Howc, Clinton Perkins and victory nnd of establishing a -Hear King George ... So that captured seven firsts-while the new mark. all the students could hear the Narbonne C's captured all first Earle Meadows and Bill Set'-1 coronation speech by King places. Viaduct Ncars Completion ton, the "Vaulting Twins of j George VI, everyone was ex- The Figucroa street viaduct Troy," will attempt to soar to I cuscd to the gym last Wednes- Moose Meeting International across the S. P. tracks, "Los An another new record in the pole | day where a radio was set- up. CLEVELAND .(U.P.) Del­ geles river and San Fernando vault. The Trojans startled the | summer Fashions . Now egates from 1,000 lodges repre­ road is scheduled for comple­ track world at Palo Alto vo I that summer is here and every senting the United States, Can­ tion June 30. weeks ago. by soaring to a | onc reels that middli ind skirts ada and the British _Islcs, and height of 14 feet 8'.a inches. | arc too warm to w, the girl 30,000 members and families, arc Hard Brew faxes Critics predict that either or have been granted the privilege xpected to attend this year's Californians paid $617,777 in both will clear 15 feet before to wear print dresses the rest convention of the Loyal Order hard liquor taxes last month, the end of the season.
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