BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHURCHILL COUNTY, NEVADA 155 N. Taylor Street, Suite 110 Fallon, Nevada 89406 (775) 423-4092 Fax: (775) 423-7069 Contact Person: Pamela D. Moore, Deputy Clerk of the Board E-mail: [email protected] ****NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING**** PLEASE POST- NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE PLACE OF MEETING: Churchill County Administration Building, Chambers, 155 North Taylor Street, Suite 145, Fallon, NV DATE & TIME: March 7, 2014 at 8:15a.m. TYPE OF MEETING: Regularly Scheduled County Commissioners' Meeting Notes: I. These meetings are subject to the provisions ofNevada Open Meeting Law (NRS Chapter 241). Except as otherwise provided for by law, these meetings are open and public. II. Action will be taken on all Agenda items, unless otherwise noted. III. The Agenda is a tentative schedule. The Board of County Commissioners may act upon Agenda items in a different order than is stated in this notice- so as to affect the people's business in the most efficient manner possible. IV. In the interest of time, the Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to impose uniform time limits upon matters devoted to public comment. V. Any statement made by a member of the Board of County Commissioners during the public meeting is absolutely privileged. Agenda: 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Verification of the Posting of the Agenda. 4. Review and Adoption of Agenda: Action to approve the Agenda as submitted or revised. 5. Review and Adoption of Minutes: None. 6. Public Comment: Comment upon matters not on Agenda. 7. Appointments: 8:15 a.m. Consideration and possible action re : Recognition of Joseph R. Whimple for his retirement from years of service to Churchill County. Agenda- Churchill County Commissioners March 7, 2014 Page 1 8:16a.m. Consideration and possible action re: Approval to submit grant application to the Nevada Court Improvement Program for $10,000 to support the implementation of the CASA of Churchill County Program, Shannon Ernst, Social Services Director. 8:20a.m. Consideration and possible action re: Approval to submit grant application to the Hearst foundation for $60,000 to support the implementation ofthe CASA of Churchill County Program, Shannon Ernst, Social Services Director. 8:30a.m. First Reading- Consideration and possible action re: Bill 20 14-A, Ordinance #71 , an ordinance making corrections, deletions, additions, and minor revisions to Title 13 Water and Sewer, Sections 13 .02.010 through 13.04.1060 and Sections 13.05.110 through 13.05.1110, Eleanor Lockwood, County Manager. 8. Letters Received: None. 9. Old Business: None. 10. New Business: A. Consideration and possible action re: Request to appoint the Planning Director as the acting Code Enforcement Officer, authorizing him to impose fines, fees, and other assigned duties to the Code Enforcement Officer. B. Consideration and possible action re: Request from Simmie Dee Travis to extend timelines on presentation of final maps for the El Rancho PUD per the Development Agreement approved in November 2008, Bill2008-I, Ordinance 103, APNs: 008-263-14, 18, and 21 consisting of 100.71± acres with 39.62± acres ofwater rights. C. Consideration and possible action re: A Division Into Large Parcels Map for APN: 004- 431-06 owned by New Nevada Lands (TCID #13-000) (Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 29 East, on the Lovelock Highway). D. Consideration and possible action re: A Division Into Large Parcels Map for APN: 004- 431-21 owned by NewNevadaLands (TCID #13-000) (Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 29 East, on the Lovelock Highway). E. Consideration and possible action re: Southwest Gas Franchise Extension Agreement. 11. Consent Items: (Action items generally not requiring discussion or explanation) All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of County Commissioners with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the Consent Agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. Informational Items: A. Consideration and possible action re: Settlement Agreement and General Release with Saint Mary's Healthfirst for insurance premium refund. B. Consideration and possible action re: The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) provides notice that staffhas reviewed the Fourth Quarter 2013 Monitoring Report for the former Lightning Lube at 1 South Maine Street, Fallon, Nevada. C. Consideration and possible action re: The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) provides notice that staff has reviewed the Fourth Quarter 2013 Monitoring Report for the former Bootlegger Texaco Station at 16 North Maine Street, Fallon, Nevada. Agenda- Churchill County Commissioners March 7, 2014 Page 2 D. Consideration and possible action re: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection provides notification of its review of the R-Spill Report filed on behalf of Smedley's Chevron at 1755 W. Williams Avenue, in Fallon, Nevada. E. Consideration and possible action re: Bureau of Land Management's notification of the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzing the impacts of a proposed Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale. F. Consideration and possible action re: The Bureau of Land Management, Battle Mountain District, provides a copy of its 2013 Annual Report. G. Consideration and possible action re: Senator Harry Reid responds to Churchill County's letter regarding Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PIL T). H. Consideration and possible action re: Western Counties Alliance provides an update on Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PIL T). Review: None. Committee and Departmental Reports: A. Treasurer's Report for January 2014. 12. Consider Future Agenda Items. 13. Commissioner and Departmental Reports. 14. Claims and Payroll Transmittals. 15. Adjournment. 16. Affidavit of Posting: State ofNevada ) : ss County of Churchill ) L Pamela D. Moore, Deputy Clerk ofthe Board of County Commissioners, do hereby affirm that I posted, or caused to be posted, a copy ofthis notice ofpublic meeting, on or before the 3rd day of March, 2014, at the following locations in Churchill County, Nevada: I. City Hall; 2. County Administration Building; 3. Public Library; 4. Churchill County Law Enforcement Center; 5. The Churchill County Website @ .!.!w'-'-w'-'w:..:.."""'ch'""'u"""r~c~"'===~.!...¢..:. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 3rd day ofMarch, 2014, Pamela D. Moore. ~~ Agenda- Churchill County Commissioners March 7, 2014 Page 3 Endnotes: Disclosures: *Churchill County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Accommodations: *Churchill County will make all reasonable efforts to assist and accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend. Persons who are disabled and require special assistance may contact the Churchill County Commission, in writing at 155 N. Taylor Street, Suite 110, Fallon, Nevada 89406, or by calling (775) 423-4092. Procedures: *The schedule ofregular meetings of the Board ofCounty Commissioners is provided for by Title 2, Chapter 2.04, of the Churchill County Code. *The public meetings may be conducted according to rules ofparliamentary procedure. *Persons providing public comment will be asked to state their name for the record. *The Board ofCounty Commissioners reserves the right to restrict participation by persons in the public meeting where the conduct ofsuch persons is willfully disruptive to the people 's business. *All supporting materials for this Agenda, previous Agendas, or Minutes are available by requesting a copy from the Clerk's office, 775-423-4092. During the meeting, there will be one copy available for public inspection. Additional copies are available by making the request f rom the Clerk's office. Yo u are entitled to one copy ofthe supporting materials free ofcharge . *In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department ofAgricultur e policy, Churchill County is prohibited from discriminating on the basis ofrace , color, national origin, sex, age, or disability (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint ofdiscrimination, write USDA, Director, Office ofEqual Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W , Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800)795-3972 (voice), or (202)720-6382 (TDD). Agenda- Churchill County Commissioners March 7, 2014 Page 4 Churchill County Agenda Report Agenda Item: # _______ Date Submitted: 2-24-2014 Agenda Date Requested: March 6, 2014 To: Board of Churchill County Commissioners From: Shannon Ernst, Churchill County Social Services Tenth Judicial District Court Subject Title: Consideration and possible action re: Approval to submit grant application to the Nevada Court Improvement Program for $10,000 to support the implementation of the CASA of Churchill County Program. Type of Action Requested: (check one) (___) Resolution (___) Ordinance (lLJ Formal Action/Motion (_) Other- Informational Only Does this action require a Business Impact Statement? NO Recommended Board Action: I move to submit the grant request of$10,000 to the Nevada Court Improvement Program, as indicated by the signature of the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion: Churchill County Social Services, Civil District Attorney's Office and the Tenth Judicial District Court have partnered to develop a CASA Program of Churchill County and obtain grant funding for implementation and ongoing operations. In January 2014 the National CASA accepted the letter of intent for development ofthe program and a grant totaling $70,066 was submitted to the Community Development Block Grant Program to assist the court youth dependents advocacy. As of February 2014 Provisional Membership has been obtained and the committee is working to submit the full membership application to the National CASA. The Court Improvement Committee met and a guest from the State program was present. During that meeting the committee was invited to submit an application to the State for additional funding to assist in the implementation of the program. The application has been drafted and is attached. At this time we would like to proceed in submittal and only accept the funds, to be utilized as match, if full funding is obtained to implement the program.
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