FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION 1325 K SIRtE T N.W. WASHINGTON,I).C. 204b3 THIS IS THE END OF 11UR _ _ _ _ BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION In the Matter of ) ) MUR 602 (78) Nat West for Congress Committee ) La Gente Committee ) CERTI FI CATION I, Marjorie W. Emmons, Secretary to the Federal Election Commission, do hereby certify that on June 26, 1978, the Commission approved by a vote of 6-0 the recommendations in the General Counsel's Report dated June 21, 1978 as follows: 1. Take no further action against the Nat West for Congress Committee and close the file. 2. Take no further action against the La Gente Committee and close the file. Date: 0 - Marjorie W. Emmons S cretary to the Commission Received in Office of Commission Secretary: 6-22-78, 4:30 Circulated on 48 hour vote basis: 6-23-78, BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION June 21, 1978 In the Matter of ) MUR 602(78) Nat West for Congress Committee ) La Gente Committee ) GENERAL COUNSEL'S REPORT BACKGROUND On May 15, 1978, the Reports Analysis Division referred the Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee to the Office of General Counsel for their failure to file the ten day pre-primary report required by 2 U.S.C. S434 (a) (1) (A) (i) The Commission found reason to believe on April 28, 1978, and reasonable cause to believe on May 1, 1978, that the Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee were in violation of 2 U.S.C. §434(a)(I)(A)(i). Both committee's names appeared as non-filers in the Commission's publication of May 3, 1978. EVIDENCE The Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee are required by 2 U.S.C. §434(a)(1)(A)(i) to file a ten day pre-primary report. The Texas primary election was held on May 6, 1978. On May 6, 1978, the Nat West for Congress Committee filed its ten day pre-primary report. The April 10th and ten day 0 -2- 0 pre-primary reports filed by the Nat West Committee reveal financial activity of $2,190 in receipts and $2,186 in expenditures. The April 10th report filed by the La Gente Committee reveals financial activity of $2,070 in receipts and $2,000 in expenditures. The candidate, Luis A. Diaz De Leon, represents the Raza Unida Party, a minority party. Repeated attempts have been made to reach the La Gente Committee by telephone but neither Information in Austin, Texas, nor the Secretary of State's office has a listing for the candidate or his committee. RECOMMENDATION 1. In view of the fact that the Nat West for Congress Committee's aggregate receipts plus expenditures totalled under $25,000, and that the Committee did file the report, we recommend the Commission take no further action against the Nat West for Congress Committee and close the file. 2. In view of the fact that the La Gente Committee's aggregate receipts plus expenditures totalled under $25,000, that the candidate represents a minority party, and that repeated attempts to locate the committee have failed, we recommend the Commission take no further action against the La Gente Committee and close the file. D, 1 Willii C'. Oldaker General Counsel -9j I ( 0 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION 1325 K STREET N.W. WA',HINGTON.D.C. 20463 May 15, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO : WILLIAM C. OLDAKER THROUGH ORLANDO B. POTTER TOM HASELHORS-iiV. STA FROM PETER KELL, J.A./HOUSE TEAM.1 / REPORTS ANALYSIS DIVISION SUZANNE WILSON / SENATE TEAM / REPORTS ANALYSIS DIVISIONC .' SUBJECT : REFERRAL OF TEXAS 10 DAY PRE-PRIMARY NOI-FILERS The following Texas Non-Filers have, at this date, not filed the 10 Day Pre Primary for the May 5, 1978 election: Nat West For Congress HOUSE P.O. Box 16281 Houston, TX 77022 La Gente Committee SEA-E 3320 South First Austin, TX 78704 In accordance with the Commission's expedited ncn-.Fiier compliance procedures, these committees are being referred to your office for appropriate action. Previous action regarding these non-filers consists of the following: !) RTB ',,ailrams sent April 23, 1978. 2) RCTB Mailgrams sent May 1, 1978. 3) Publication as non-filing entities on May 3, 1975. Attachments I ,t .. -'La '~-~ 4 June 14, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: Marge Emmons FROM: Elissa T. Garr 4 SUBJECT: MUR 602 Please withdraw the General Counsel's Report on MUR 602 which was distributed to the Commission on June 9, 1978 on a 48 hour tally basis. The withdrawel is being requested as the General Counsel's Report states that neither Nat West or Luis A. Diaz De Leon appeared on the ballot for the Texas primary. This informattion which was furnished to the General Counsel's Office by the Texas Secretary of Stat.s Office is inaccurate, as both candidates were on the ballot. Pending withdrawal of MUR 602 a new General Counsel's Report will be circulated. Thank you. Jn 9 0 June 9, 1978 MEM0RANDUM TO: Marge Rmone FROM: Elissa T. Garr SUBJECT: MUR 602 Please have the attached General Counsel's Report on MER 602 distributed to the Couuujsion on a 48 hour tally basis. Thank you. BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION June 9, 1978 In the Matter of ) MUR 602 (78) Nat West for Congress ) La Gente Committee ) GENERAL COUNSEL'S REPORT BACKGROUND On May 15, 1978, the Reports Analysis Division referred the Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee to the Office of General Counsel for their failure to file the ten day pre-primary report required by 2 U.S.C. §434(a) (1)(A)(i). The Commission found reason to believe on April 28, 1978, and reasonable cause to believe on May 1, 1978, that the Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee were in violation of 2 U.S.C. §434(a) (1) (A) (i). Both committee's names appeared as non-filers in the Commission's publication of May 3, 1978. EVIDENCE The Nat West for Congress Committee and the La Gente Committee are required by 2 U.S.C. §434(a)(1)(A)(i) to file a ten day pre-primary report. The Texas primary election was held on May 5, 1978. Neither candidate's name appeared on the ballot. - 2 - On May 6, 1978, the Nat West for Congress Committee filed its ten day pre-primary report. The April 10th quarterly and ten day pre-primary reports filed by the Nat Wesl Committee reveal financial activity of $2,190 in receipts ind $2,186 in expenditures. The April 10th report filed by the La Gente Committee reveals financial activity of $2,070 in receipts and $2,000 in expenditures. Repeated attempts have been made to reach the La Gente Committee by telephone but neither Information in Austin, Texas, nor the Secretary of State's office has a listing for the candidate or his committee. RECOMMENDATION 1. In view of the fact that Nat West's name did not appear on the ballot, that his committee's aggregate receipts plus expenditures totalled under $25,000, and that the committee did file the report, we recommend the Commission take no further action against the Nat West for Congress Committee and close the file. 2. In view of the fact that La Gente's name did not appear on the ballot, that the aggregate receipts plus expenditures of La Gente's Committee as reported in the April 10th report totalled under $25,000, and that repeated attempts to locate the committee and candidate have failed, we recommend the Commission take no further action against the La Gente Commite and close the file. Willianf C. Oldaker General Counsel "P-95 FEDERAl ELECTION COMMISSION 1 Q) K ', I IIN ,% w ONA),( .0401, May 15, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO : WILLIAM C. OLDAKER THROUGH : ORLANDO B. POTTER TOM HAS[LHORS FROM : PETER KELL, J OUSE TEAM / REPORTS ANALYSIS DIVISION SUZANNL WILSON / SENATE TEAM / REPORTS ANALYSIS DIVISIONS' ' SUBJECT : REFERRAL OF TEXAS 10 DAY PRE-PRIMARY NON-FILERS -- The following Texas ion-Filers have, at this date, not filed the 10 Day Pre Primary for -the May 5, 1978 election: Nat West For Congress HOUSE P.O. Box 16281 Houston, TX 7702? - La Gente Committee SEN4ATE 3828 South First _ Austin, TX 78704 in accordance with the Commission's exoedited non-filer compliance procedures, ~ these committees are being referred to your office for apnropriate action. Previous action reaardino these non-filers consists of the follovino" 1) RTB Mailgrams sent April 28, 1978. 2) RCTB Mailgrams sent M'lay 1, 1978. 3) Publication as non-filing entities on tlay 3, 1978. Attachments m 00, Politics. 16 Runoff Results: !: Waning Influence Texas: Another Incumbent Texas is losing clout lit(:<regress. for Renomination 4(etirerients from i.' louse (hl.hegation nnd pri. Loses Bid marydefeats this y'ear are cos'ting the state I8$ years Democratic Rep. ,John Young, a 22-year House veter. of seniority in Congress. M,,it of that - 150 years - is accounted an, on June 3 became the second member of the Texas con- for by four vt v v'fnior members. gressional delegation to lose a bid for renomination this Texas will lose two c',,imttee chairmen, includ. year. ing one of the most pom,,ruil in Congress, a vice- Young was defeated in the 14th District Democratic chairman, and a hirh ratnking member of the Ways primary runoff by state Rep. Joe Wyatt of Bloomington. and Means Committee. Wyatt collected 36,379 votes (56.4 percent) to Young's 28,- The most prominent lo,s for Texas is Rep.
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