Numb. 50. T he Government Gazette. BRITISH COLUMBIA. V ol. V .] NEW WESTMINSTER, DECEMBER 15TH, 1866. [Price 12 1/2 cents. G overnment H ouse, New Westminster, Colonial Secretary's Department. 1 2th November, 1866. Conveyance of Mails, 1867. THE GOVERNOR directs it to be notified that he will receive all those who may wish to see him on every Wednesday and Saturday morning, from 10 Victoria, Vancouver Island, A. M. to 4 P. M. 3rd December, 1866. Persons who may desire to bring matters of public importance before him will be received any week day TENDERS addressed to the Colonial Secretary, within the hours mentioned. Vancouver Island, and endorsed “ Tenders for D. C. MAUNSELL. the conveyance of Mails to Comox, &c.,” will be re­ ceived until noon of the 19th instant, from persons willing to undertake the conveyance of the following Colonial Secretary’s Department. Mails: Between Victoria and Comox, once a month, each Supplies, 1867. way. Victoria, Vancouver Island. Between Victoria and Nanaimo, calling at Cowichan 3rd December, 1866. (Harris’ ), Maple Bay, and Saltspring Island (inside EALED Tenders addressed to the Colonial Secre­ settlement), once each way, weekly. S tary, Victoria, Vancouver Island, and endorsed Tenders to state the days and hours of departure of “ Tenders for Supplies for Gaol at Victoria for 1867,” the various Mails from each place; by what means will be received until noon of the 19th December, in­ they will be conveyed; the rate per trip; and to give stant from persons willing to supply the Gaol at Victoria the names of two persons willing to become security with such quantities of all or any of the undermen­ for the due performance of the Contract, each in a tioned articles, as may be required during the year sum not less than one-sixth of the amount of the 1867. Contract for the year. Samples as far as practicable, to accompany each Tender. The Government will be disposed to give a prefer­ Each Tender to contain the names of two respon­ ence to the Tender of any person who may offer the sible persons, willing to become security for the due greatest facilities for the conveyance of passengers performance of the Contract. and produce between the above places, but does not The Government do not bind themselves to accept bind itself to accept the lowest, or any Tender. the lowest, or any Tender. Beef, Coffee, (raw) By His Excellency’s Command. Vegetables, Soda, sal WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG. Bread, Brooms, Tea, Blacking, Soap, (yellow) Matches, Conveyance of Mails, 1867. Candles, Coal, (Vancouver Island) Coal Oil, Wood, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Sugar, Water, Salt, 3rd December, 1866. By His Excellency’s command, ENDERS addressed to the Colonial Secretary, WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG. T Victoria, Vancouver Island, and endorsed “ Ten­ ders for the Conveyance of Mails,” will be received Supplies for Lighthouses. until noon of the 19th instant, from persons willing to undertake the conveyance of the following Mails: Victoria, Vancouver Island, 3rd December, 1866. Between Victoria and Esquimalt, once each way, daily. EALED Tenders addressed to the Colonial Secre­ S tary, Victoria, Vancouver Island, and endorsed Between Victoria and Saanich, and intermediate “ Lighthouse Supplies,” will be received until noon places, once each way, weekly. of the 19th day of December, instant, for the Supply Tenders to state the days and hours of departure of of Provisions, Coal, and Water, to the Race Rocks and the various Mails from each place; by what means they Fisgard Lighthouses, during the year 1867. will be conveyed; the rate per mensem, and to give 1. Each Tender must be accompanied by the names the name of two persons willing to become security of two persons (to be approved of), who are willing for the due performance of each Contract, each in a to become joint security for the performance of the sum not less than one-sixth of the amount of the Contract, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500). Contract for the year. 2. Payments will be made Monthly on receipts being produced for the articles supplied. The Government does not bind itself to accept the 3. The Government does not bind itself to accept lowest, or any Tender. the lowest, or any Tender. By His Excellency’s Command. By His Excellency’s Command, WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG. WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG. 2 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [D ECEMBER 15TH, 1866. Colonial Secretary's Departm ent. N OTICE TO SHIP OWNERS AND SHIP MASTERS. C OLONIAL Se c r e t a r y ’ s O FFICE, 17th November, 1866. SEA-SCURVY. THE Governor directs the publication of the following Despatch from Her HE result of the inquiries recently insti­ Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies tuted by the Board of Trade in several for general information. Tcases of Outbreak of Scurvy in Merchant Ships, By Command. in some even where it is manifest that the ARTHUR N. BIRCH, Owners have had every desire to provide for Colonial Secretary. the health of the crew, leads this Board to believe that the publication of the following CIRCULAR.— B r i t i s h C OLUMBIA. means, suggested by the Seaman’s Hospital Downing Street, Society, for the prevention and check of this 25th August, 1866. malady, m a y be attended with advantage:— The Cause o f the malady is generally believed to be p ri­ S i r ,—Applications are frequently made by vation fo r a considerable length o f time o f Fresh Colonial Officers on leave of absence solicit­ Vegetables. ing Advances of Salary in order to enable them to return to the scene of their duties. MEANS FOR PREVENTION. The practice of granting Advances of Sal­ AT SEA. ary to Public Officers is always inconvenient, 1. Every ship on a long voyage should be supplied but in the case of Officers who have come with a proper quantity of Lime or Lemon Juice. The Juice having been received in bulk from the home on leave it is so peculiarly objectionable Vendors, should be examined and analysed by a com­ that its discontinuance has become necessary. petent Medical Officer. All measures adopted for its You will make known this decision in the preservation are worthless unless it be clearly ascer­ Colony under your Government, in order tained that a pure article has- been supplied. that Officers coming home on leave may not 10 per cent. of Brandy (S.G . 930) or of Rum (S.G. 890) should afterwards be added to it; make their arrangements in expectation of It should be packed in Jars or Bo t tles, each con­ receiving such advances. taining 1 Gallon or less, covered with a layer o f Oil, and closely packed and sealed. I have, &c., Each man should have at least four ounces (8 table- CARNARVON. spoonsful) a week, and should take it as part of his Acting Governor Birch. daily food. The quantity should be increased to an ounce daily if any symptoms of scurvy manifest them­ selves. C OLONIAL S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e , The giving out of Lime or Lemon Juice should be 14th December, 1866. commenced with the issue of salt provisions, and should be continued even with fresh meat in harbour T HE Governor directs the publication o f the follow- when no green or succulent vegetables accompany it. ing Despatch from Her Majesty’s Secretary of It should certainly not be delayed longer than a fort­ State for the Colonies, for general information. night after the vessel has put to sea. By Command. 2. Preserved Vegetables; of these Potatoes and Onions ARTHUR N. BIRCH. are the best; next—Greens, Carrots, Turnips, &c. 3. A plentiful supply of good water. D o w n in g S t r e e t , 4. Attention to cleanliness and ventilation, more par­ 24th September, 1866. ticularly of the quarters of the crew. Sir,— I transmit to yon herewith, at the instance of the Board of Trade, copies of a Notice which that IN PORT. Department has caused to be prepared, stating the A full supply of such Vegetables as may be most means of Checking and Preventing Scurvy on board easily procured, viz., Potatoes, Greens, Radishes, of Ships, and I have to request that you will take the Watercresses; the latter vegetable is a powerful anti­ necessary measures for the distribution of these No­ scorbutic and easily procurable. Fruits, as Oranges, tices amongst the Officers at the Ports of the Colony Lemons, Limes, Shaddocks, &c. under your government, for the use of the Masters of Ships. It is always well to provide an extra supply of the I have, &c., above-mentioned important antiscorbutics in case o f an unusually protracted voyage or other contingency. CARNARVON. Board o f Trade, September 1866. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, NEW WESTMINSTER. ABSTRACT OF RESUL TS, F R OM 7th TO 13th DECEMBER, 1866. NOTE. —The cistern of the Barometer, is 34 feet above the level of the Sea. Observations taken by J, W . TRUTCH, A . R . Howse, and J. B. Launders. Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. D ecem ber 15 t h , 1866.] THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 3 General Post Office. General Post Office. BRITISH COLUMBIA. PUBLIC NOTICE. BRITISH COLUMBIA RATES OF FOREIGN POSTAGE. RATES OF POSTAGE. ETWEEN British Columbia and Vancouver Island B delivered at Victoria or. New Westminster, for each Pre- letter under 1/2 ounce.............. 3d. PAYMENT. Cents. And for every additional 1/2 ounce, or fractional excess 3d. LETTERS, For each Newspaper.,..,........................
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