OPIArTES 11 ,0.1. 11peasants had anything to drowiththlis (From., . 1. .ani.) Istrike is not stated, but the fact that the crew qulitin spite of the service iiThe olpiate prl'scribedfor the work- 1they were expected to relder is at PORTS OF ALL iers to soothe their tendency to re- 1 SORT least significant. bel is uniforlmlin .JapanI. IEngland and The universal character of this PALLAS DANCE tie I[nitedStatesi .M. r. ilslon has fertenlt of the workers gives the HALL called aiIllet"ing etllloyerv NEWS OF INTEREST FROM FAR of s andi aInswer to the press harpies, who are AND NEAR workers in thO holpe that labor and ever willing to blow their "pro-Ger- capllitaln get togilleler. In Englandl I mlan" spitballs. The uniform reac- the Whitley (councilll(s are offlered forI tion in all these countries to this 0 the saite lllpr'llise. In Japan biglIrising of the workers and the uni- SSPORTOGRAPHY I DANCING FROM 9 TO biankers andtapitalists have tbeen at form plan adopted to meet it indi- FIFTY YERS WITH VS. work since lllllillato work out a cates the international character of AIIMY NAVYIN similar plan- capitalism. Opiates and of- Thle .Jalpanese project drugs are By "GRAVY." 12 EVERY EVENING ASis h•aided ly lii'aron Shitbusawai, otne fered, which may bring some tem- MAY T NOT o)f the ricihesltmlen in Japan. who porary relief to a dying social order, * * * in view of the large crop BIG fathered the orgainiization of a harm-lbut they can never restore it to what CINCINNATI REDS BALLOONRACEI ' ' of boxers developed among our over'- less "yeltow union some years ago. it was in the days before it took the Only two of the 186Q. Reds, who seas forces, ask whether the last let- (By United Press.) A MtI.Suzulki was placed at its hIati great plunge. went through a season without a de- ter in A. E. F. slands for "Fists?" St. I,ouis. Sept. 27.--Army and andl ws ac'ceplted in this country as feat and gave Cincinnati her first navy airmen will get away this after- a "liltori I dilci,"" I thi occa)it'sionl otf baseball championship, have lived noon in tile first official after-the- In the Good Old l)yts-tept 27. his visit Iore. Shibusawa is anxious through the 50 years to see the Ohio war baloonl race. The raice is for eI ADMISSION 50c i for the establishment of "wholesale 1847.----l ike Donovan, "tlhe Grand city repeat. They are George Wright, distance. tunions., probably modeletd after his Old of the Ring." born in sporting goods dealer of Boston and Man Chi- Entrants today were free in pre-I LADIES FREE :: original design. cago. Only the old timers remember " Carl McVey, of San Francisco. dictions of shattering the long dis- The ilmpulse back of tIbis nmove- Mike as a fighter and middleweight Wrtght is reputed to be a nillion- riIncee record now hold by Allan in all countries is the champion, but tllousands of young- Haw- I ientl three aire while McVey is penniless on the Iey of New York city. They declare x1AY litL S\\\ IT IN TFII' I'IILLTIN. same. The numterous strikes anil genl- coast, where several benefit games er generation have come under his with the implnlrovements tlaide in gas eral telndencyl to break away fronti the manly influence have been staged to keep him in during the long pe- bags since Hawley flew 14.50t0 mniles old conservative policies inllt~r ie n- riod he was boxing instructor at the funds. from St. Louis in 1909, their chances iiils are miart ed features of Ithe l•lit- New club. olpin- The first champions, who have been York Athletic In the are excellent. ish and Amttericatn unions. I n Japani the lone consolation of Cincinnati ion of iiany veteran faens, l)onovan Three enltries each from the army C. unions have bieen otltlaweid biy Ilie 'IS THE SUN UP ? IT IS. fans up to this year, were composed was the greatest middleweight the and navy will get away when Mtajor The A. B. of the Plumb Plan goverlln tllt.ullt the latest issue iof ring ever had. He fought nearly 500 of Harry Wright, captain and center- Charles J. Gliddlen of New York city - the Japan C'hronicle at hand devotes ring battles, dozens of them with the DO field; George Wright., shortstop; signals the race is on at 4: 30 today. What Is the Plumb Plan? thlllOeepages to all eullllnmeraltion of NVAMPIRES LIKE Charles H. Gould, first base; Charles btare fi.ts,and figured in a number The six bags have been here for Ihe Istrilkes inl that country. They eml- the Sweasy, second base; Fred Water- of contests lasting from 50 to 11)0 last few days in preparation for the It is a plan for plllic ownership and the democracy in the control brace all classes of workers who show railroads. THE SUN? NO,THEY man, third base; Douglas Allison, rounds. flight. All are 50,000 cubic feet 0of the a dl'ringin their delantndls, which in- catcher; Andrew J. Keonard, left 1875. -- Edward O'Baldwin, an capacity. Who Has Endorsed it? dieate a new er tiin thie devloplltp Iet Irish giadntwho had made a reputa- fiell; Cal McVey, right field; Asa The navy is represented today by The two million organlizd railroad employes and Amor- of the Japanese working class. One LIKE THE DARK.WHAT tion in the ring on both sides of the of America; the Braina.rd, pitcher, and Richard 1ur- teanms fromll the U'nit ed Stales naval icani Federation of ,Ihu', approving thle principle of goverlinlmelt ownler- slrikei f the Iprinters in'roIki spread Atlantic, was shot and fatally wound- leoy, substitute. station at Akron, O., United States ship,, has instructed it.et•xcutive •lmittee toc'o-operatelo io ovuer :Sa hotuses. Amonrg the de- A THIE.E NAMES OF ed by Michael Finnell. Ned died two with the officers Cincinnati, the first city to organ- naval station. Pensacola, Fla., and ofc the railroad internationals in their c.ffori.II by iiiaildsttadtle wete noti iily iin ill- days later and was buried in Brook- aIso has ibeeniendorsed ize a team of salaried ball players, the navy department, Washington, seVeral farmers ogalniz;ltions. crease illwages, but a; redle tion (f is really the home of professional line, Mtass. He was a good scrappler, 1. C. The three army balloon teams hours to ia lllaxiulln ofir12. }Stilluday TIIE YAMIPIRES IN THIS and mau- baseball. The defeatless champions and with proper training are from the United States army bal- How Does It Propose to Buy the Roads? holidays. doulble limiiefol' overtiume agemnent might have becomne the of 1869 wore crimson hose and were loon school at Omaha, Neb., Brooks By issuing botlnds anll the "attendance of hlairdele- world's chamnpion. goveirnment with which to pay for the legitimatte pri- PICTURE? THE ONE nicknamed the "Reds"--both of Field, San Antonia, Tex., andt Langley vate interests illthe railroadltindustry. gales atall collferences of 1ithe col-- which have passed down as tradi- 1876.- -Joe oss won front Tomn Field, Va. iny.. 'ITlhey wone hig conrcessions. tion through 50 years to Pat Moran Allen on a,foul in 27 rounds at.Cov- Contestants and visiting army and How Does It Propose to Operate the Roads? incllluding the i dentId,ilatter sni-•- TIATI' IS SHOT FULL OF ington, Ky. and his winning crew. navy officials last night were guests By hoard five Illinguuhouald of before in this east- 1899.---Kid McCoy defeated .TJimi a of 15 directors, namted by tie lrcesident.to represent Between 1870 and 1876 interest, of the Missouri Aeronautical society clcltd ersllii t oili'tliy. IHOL)ES IS M(ONARCI McCormack in five rounds at New the public; five by the operating officers;five elected by the chlasi- IV, in the game lagged and the profes- which is sponsor of today's race. fled employes. AnOther illteresting Slikt e uctrOi1- sional sport was discontinued. In York. In a previous figlht \lcC'or- icled was ai wailkout of t ie crew of T'I.IE FAT ONE IS 1876 the city entered a team in the mack, who was a heavyweight. had Does This Mean Government Operation? thre Rulssitn voluntr fleet• which knocked out the kid in the firsts National league and became a char-j No; it is operation by a board in which those having the responsibtility won all denutinds. \Whether synt- rotund. ('A PITlA I•ISM. ter member of the organization. The have also the authority. It is sutpel'ior ti governi'menti operattiolln beca)Pse it patthy for thie Russitan wortters aind 1901. -- Feltz defeated first president of the club was J. L. Tommy U.TO prevOents WISCONSIN control by an ieifficient biresnlclrlniiy; is trule a;nd demlocracy siice "Iron Man" Austin Rice in 21) rounds ("Cy") Keck, who was also manager it gives the nmen engatged illtihe industry a voice in its mantagettenit. of the club. The first season the at Savannah. Reds won nine games and lost 56I 1904.----Kid McCoy defeated Jack i THE FLU What Becomes of the Surplus? 20 FIGHT (Twin) Sullivan in rounds at Los for a percentage of .138, which stood After operating expenses are paid. and fixed charges are met, including as the lowest mark in the National Angeles. (By United Press.) the interest on outstanditlg government securities,the 1905.-Joe Jeanette knocked out surplus is divided league until 1899, when Cleveland Madison, Wis., Sept. 27. The Uni- equally between the govetrnment and the titeir.
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