Agenda Date: 1/29/2013 Agenda Placement: 7A Napa County Flood Protection And Watershed Improvement Authority Board Agenda Letter TO: Board of Directors FROM: Karen Collins for Watt, Nancy - County Executive Officer Flood Control Authority REPORT BY: Julie Kirk, PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTING ASST - 259-8719 SUBJECT: Amendment No.19 to Agreement No. 13 with Napa County for County Unincorporated Area Measure "A" Projects RECOMMENDATION Executive Director rerquests the following actions regarding County unincorporated area Measure "A" funding: 1. Approval of and authorization for the Chairman to sign Amendment No.19 to Agreement No. 13 (NCFPWIA) with the County of Napa increasing the total amount of Measure "A" funds by a total of $1,125,000 for scope additions to the following two previously approved and one new unincorporated area projects: a. Milliken-Sarco-Tulocay Recycled Water Project - $675,000 to cover final costs of the Imola Avenue Extension project and for additional design costs for relocating the pump station to Napa State Hospital and downsizing the pipeline; b. Napa River Restoration - Rutherford Reach Project - $150,000 to fund construction oversight activities during summer 2013 for Reach 8, and surveying to complete the design for the remainder of the project in Reaches 5 through 9. c. New project, Milliken Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Fish Passage Barrier Removal - $300,000 to fund preconstruction activities, including grant application and administration costs, environmental review, design, permitting, project planning and project management. 2. Approval of and authorization for the Chairman to sign Budget Adjustment No. FLA002 to transfer $1,125,000 from fund balance. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Measure "A" has been used to fund twelve projects in the County unincorporated area, nine of which are still active projects. Staff has prepared Amendment No. 19 of the County-Flood Authority Measure "A" Funding Agreement for approval by the Board to appropriate additional funding to support project activities on two previously approved projects and to provide initial funding for one new project. Available fund balance totals $7,968,344. Board Agenda Letter Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT Is there a Fiscal Impact? Yes Is it currently budgeted? No What is the revenue source? County Measure "A" sales tax revenues. Is it Mandatory or Discretionary? Discretionary Discretionary Justification: The activities being funded are the type of projects authorized within the County unincorporated area for the use of Measure "A" funds. Is the general fund affected? No Future fiscal impact: The additional funding being proposed provides funds for activities through FY2012-2013. Unspent funds at the end of this fiscal year will be rolled forward into FY2013-2014. Consequences if not approved: Additional activities on existing projects would not be performed and work would not begin on one new project Additional Information: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Measure "A" Background In March 1998, voters approved a half cent sales tax increase for flood control purposes known as Measure "A". The County and each City and Town are entitled to the proceeds from Measure "A" generated within their political boundaries for projects that were specified in the ballot measure. For the County, the measure reads: Unincorporated Areas of Napa County: 1. County unincorporated area flood damage reduction projects including elevating/relocating structures, including bridges, in the floodway and floodplain; and 2. Agricultural watershed and stormwater runoff management improvements planned jointly by the agricultural industry, the County, the Napa County Resource Conservation District and the Department of Fish and Game, including projects which will: a. Reduce the amount of storm runoff and sediment in the Napa River System from agricultural lands; and b. Increase flood storage of the River system by the setback of active land uses from river and tributary banks. Community of Angwin/Deer Park: Board Agenda Letter Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Page 3 1. Stabilization and enhancement of existing water reservoirs which shall be for the purpose of flood protection and water reliability; and 2. Stabilize water quality. Evaluation of Types of Projects and Benefits Measure "A" does not identify specific projects for the County unincorporated area (including the Angwin/Deer Park and Berryessa sub areas), but rather specifies that projects must meet the above-stated objectives. In January 2008, staff presented and received approval from the Board on the Measure "A" Project Benefits and Priorities Matrix, which outlines the types of projects and benefits that meet the required Measure "A" objectives. The matrix also provides a relative priority ranking of projects based upon the ability of projects to cost effectively meet the Measure "A" objectives, while also considering the overall benefit to the public by applying the following criteria, as follows in order of relative importance: 1. Projects which provide protection for health and safety; 2. Projects which provide protection against possible future damage to property and/or the environment or protects natural resources; and 3. Projects which enhance the environment. The above proposed criteria are consistent with the intent of the measure and also with previous direction from the Board. The proposed evaluation of projects also considers the ability of Measure "A" funds to leverage other sources of funding for projects which meet the Measure "A" objectives. In this regard, project opportunities that come forward with supplemental funding from grants or from benefiting property owners, which only need to be matched with Measure "A", support a previously stated Board objective of stretching the Measure "A" dollars. Similarly, if other sources of funds are readily available for certain project types, this may factor into the relative importance of using Measure "A" funds for a particular activity. Measure "A" Funding Agreement In August 1999, a Funding Agreement was entered into between the County and the Napa County Flood Protection and Watershed Improvement Authority (NCFPWIA), which is the mechanism for the County to receive Measure A funding to conduct projects as specified in the Measure "A" Ordinance. The Funding Agreement is amended to provide funding on an annual basis, or if necessary, as additional projects or tasks on previously-approved projects are identified. The County Funding Agreement was last amended on September 11, 2012; as of this 18th amendment, the NCFPWIA had authorized a total of $25,044,000 towards twelve approved Measure "A" projects in the County unincorporated area. The actual Measure "A" expenditures on these projects through the end of last fiscal year (6/30/12) were $14,800,062 as summarized in the following table. The table also shows the FY 2012- 2013 County Public Works budget for Measure "A" projects and the proposed additional funding for additional tasks on these projects as part of Amendment No. 19 and the resulting revised budget by project. Note that $1,962,919 of authorized project funding for Napa River Rutherford Reach Project and $100,000 for the Napa River Oakville Crossroad to Oak Knoll Ave. Project is being held in reserve for future fiscal year budgeting. These amounts have been allocated to these projects to meet grant match requirements for work to be completed in future fiscal years. Approved Additional Measure "A" Actual Measure Funding Total Revised FY Funding "A" FY12-13 Requested Measure "A" Project 12-13 through Expenditures Budget as part of Funding Budget Amendment through 6/30/12 Amendment Allocations No. 18 No. 19 Board Agenda Letter Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Page 4 Deer Park Rd and $0 Silverado Trail $179.000 $178,055 (Project $0 $0 $179,000 Road Elevation Completed) Feasibility $0 Lewelling Avenue $798,000 $798,000 (Project $0 $0 $798,000 Drainage Outfall Completed) Milliken-Sarco- Tulocay $3,113,000 $2,703,295 $409,705 $ 675,000 $1,084,705 $3,788,000 Recycled Water Plan Angwin/Deer Park Water $3,424,000 $1,868,599 $1,555,401 $0 $1,555,401 $3,424,000 Supply Reliability Plan Napa River Rutherford Reach $12,312,000 $6,484,312 $150,000 $4,014,769 $12,462,000 $3,864,769 Restoration Napa River – Oakville Cross $1,690,000 $299,556 $1,290,444 $0 $1,290,444 $1,690,000 Road to Oak Knoll Reach Flood Studies in the $450,000 $330,026 $119,974 $0 $119,974 $450,000 Unincorporated Area Zinfandel Lane Bridge $1,350,000 $1,231,195 $118,805 $0 $118,805 $1,350,000 Fish Passage County-wide Water $420,000 $233,711 $186,289 $0 $186,289 $420,000 Conservation Program Coordination of Napa River $80,000 $39,703 $40,297 $0 $40,297 $80,000 Restoration Projects Sulphur Creek Sediment Reduction/TMDL $398,000 $178,172 $219,828 $0 $219,828 $398,000 Implementation Project Board Agenda Letter Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Page 5 Lake Berryessa $830,000 $455,440 $374,560 $0 $374,560 $830,000 Projects Milliken Creek Flood Reduction $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 and Fish Passage Total Authorized $25,044,000 $14,800,062 $7,082,072 $1,125,000 $8,207,072 $26,169,000 Funding to Date A project summary and update on the status of the active projects being funded by Measure "A" is provided below. Staff is requesting approval of Amendment No. 19 to the funding agreement to provide additional funding for additional activities as described. Each of the projects meet the objectives of Measure "A" and are consistent with the types of projects in the approved project evaluation matrix. Status of Active Projects and Additional Budget Allocations MST Recycled Water Plan The MST recycled water project is an effort to provide an alternative source of irrigation water to the Milliken-Sarco- Tulocay (MST) area to offset local groundwater use and restore the groundwater basin, which should also improve the health of the local streams and ultimately, the Napa River.
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