Rachel’s Rave Baseball Q & A Alice’s Tea Room A & E Kean’s Team p. 10 p. 4 Speaks! See page 2 The Tower p. 6 www.kean.edu/~thetower Kean University’s stUDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 9 • Issue 8 Jan. 11-Feb. 24, 2009 BANDING TOGETHER AT KEAN! Pep Band Cheers for Kean Basketball BY LISA MARTINEZ R. Delonas, and the three trumpets are played by Christopher A. Aleixo, Cristhi- On January 24, 2009 at 1 p.m. Kean an Mora, and Jessica L. Clayton. Carolyn University’s pep squad made its debut at P. Mullay plays the clarinet; Robert E. the Kean vs. Montclair ladies basketball DeMarco plays the saxophone; Michael game, the first athletic event at Kean with Conway plays the trombone; Feggens M. a band in 20 years. Kean is one of only two Monbrun plays the electric bass; Liam Ca- colleges in New Jersey to have a pep band, vadini plays the drums and Robyn Koenig- the other being Rutgers. berg plays the bells. The 15-piece band was led by Jerry Bry- Monbrun, the electric bass player, ant, Kean University trumpet professor, played in a pep band while in high school. and Dr. Tom Connors, the band’s direc- He first learned of the pep band try-outs tor. The band, much like a cheering squad, from a professor in the music depart- plays during time outs and halftime. ment, then later from trumpet professor Since the recent budget cut of the cheer- Jerry Bryant. Monbrun is also a music leading team, Kean athletics now has the major and will pursue teaching music af- THE PEP SQUAD AT PRACTICE. pep band to keep the crowd entertained. Currently, the pep band is scheduled to play at all of Kean’s home games for the SINcE THE REcENT Budget cuT remainder of the basketball season. Of the cheerleading team, What Price a Dorm Room? Auditions for next season will most likely be held during fall semester in late Kean athleticS now has the BY Jill JOHnsON space, state-of-the-art dining facilities, October into the first of November. computer lab, screening room, recreation- Roughly a year, ago Professor Bryant was pEp band to keep the crowD Game rooms. Flat screen TVs. Student- al rooms and study space. approached about leading a pep band by controlled heating and air conditioning. Of the two new dorms one is for fresh- Dr. Anthony Scelba, the only other trum- entertained. These are juse some of the cool new fea- man and the other for upperclassmen. pet professor at Kean and the head of the tures of the new dormiroties opening here The freshman dorms will contain laundry music department. All band members au- ter graduating. in Fall 2009. services, study rooms, and community ditioned to become part of the pep band, “All that matters is how well we play and But there’s a catch. They cost more—up kitchens on the first floor of the eight floor which was open to all Kean students. how much we enjoy playing,” said Mon- to nearly $1,200 more per semester for an building. The building will hold a capacity The band currently consists of 15 pieces brun said. uppclassman apartment-style residence. of 420 students and two resident advisors played by Kean undergraduate students, Watch out for Kean University’s pep According to Public relations Specialist will be on each floor. The rooms will be 175 but has plans to expand to 30 pieces some- band at all home games this basketball Paul C.DiNero, the increased costs for the sq ft. and will be a suite-style dorm. time in the future. Of the band’s players, season in the Harwood arena because this new residence halls reflects the addition- On the first floor of the seven total floors the three flutists are played by Melissa years’ basketball season is a trial for the al amenities, including increased living in the upperclassman (Continued on page 2) N. Blinkoff, Lea Patterson and Suzanne pep band. Did someone get personal with you? Find out on page 5! ❤ INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: What is your most memorable Valentine’s Day? BY Kelley Pennisi Deborah Locher Sharon Smith Andrew Li Stephan Cooper Junior, Marketing Sophomore, Visual Communications Sophomore, Visual Communications Sophomore, Economics “One time my boyfriend made a picnic “Once I dated a guy in high school who “Once I wrote a poem for a girl I was “One time my girlfriend took me on a on the beach for me.” made a collage for me.” dating.” romantic vacation.” One Artist’s Thought-provoking Work 2 Editorial & Anger Management 8 Horoscope & Crossword 10 Movies: Benjamin Button 2 Opinion: Following Your Dreams 9 Say Nuts to Food Allergens 11 ❤ 5 Rachel’s Rave-Restaurant Review 10 Women’s & Men’s Basketball 11/12 2 January 11, 2009 | The Tower Kean Faculty and Students in Washington D.C. for the Obama Inaugural BY Jessie RIVera large Sony Jumbotron screens. Students also had the opportunity to visit some of The History Department took part in the national monuments and museums, the nation’s historic moment last month such as the Smithsonian Institute. when four professors and some 70 stu- “Everyone was in such good spirits, dents attended Barak Obama’s Presiden- said senior Kristina Gibson, one of the tial Inauguration. students who attended the event. “People Kean University provided two buses for were very friendly towards one another. students. One bus was organized by the The crowd was very diverse and people History Department, and the other by were very united.” Student Organization. But there was one glitch. Gibson said the “It was absolutely a once in a lifetime trip wasn’t well-publicized among Kean experience. We got so cold, but it was ab- students and most had no idea the trip solutely worth it, said Department of His- was being organized. Asked about it, Dr. tory Chair Sue Ellen Gronewold Gronewold said that “originally it was to Assistant Professor of History Elizabeth be a Historical Society event and one bus, Hyde said that the original idea to attend so we contacted all the Kean University the Inaugural began with members of the Historical Society students and other His- History Society and History Department, tory Dept people first; Student Activities but in the end it was organized by Profes- did advertising through their networks for sor Jonathan Mercantini and Student Or- the second bus. Since it was winter break, Students and Faculty at the inaugural of Barack Obame, the 44th President of the United States. ganization in December and January. it was hard to expand it. We also only had “Thanks to the generous support of tory Department Chairwoman Sue Ellen the inaugural. a few faculty members who could act as President Farahi and the Issues ‘08 lecture Gronewold, Adjunct Professor Michael Upon arrival, they were sent to the Na- chaperones. Two buses were all we could series program, the trip was free of charge D’Angelo and the students arrived in tional Mall and then to Constitutional Hall handle, given all those constraints.” to students,” said Hyde. Washington at about 4:15 a.m. on Jan. where both students and faculty watched Hyde and Mercantini along with His- 20, the first day of school and the day of the Inauguration in person and on the Black Turns Red: One Band’s Story PICK UP THE TOWER AT THESE LOCATIONS: BY RACHel ROTHSPan his life has been about melodies and notes story of dreams coming true at the lowest • Administration Building, since before he can remember, but rock of points. First floor lobby Kean student Jackie DaSilva can re- didn’t enter until he was eighteen, be- “My dream is to just being able for my member a time when she was going to give cause his parents didn’t like it. He doesn’t music to change people’s lives, help people • Bruce Hall, up music once and for all. Her first band, feel that this hindered him in any way. become better versions of themselves,” First Floor Lounge Salt, had broken up, and the guitar lessons “I was able to establish a style of jazz/ that she had taken since she was fourteen, pop and gospel and merge it with rock, so • Center for Academic seemed to be all for nothing. But just as I think it was a good mix,” he says. Success, Lobby Jackie was losing hope, she got a call from Nunez identifies. “Music is one of my a friend of hers, Alex Nunez, asking to see passions and playing in a band is just the • Communications some of the songs she had written. Within normal way to live the passion,” he says. Department Office, a few months, her intentions to give up CAS 402 were giving way to a new project; a band known as Black Turns Red. “IT’S A story Of dreamS • ESL Office, DaSilva is the lead singer of the progres- cOmING TRuE at THE lOwest Willis Hall 301 sive rock band. The lineup also includes Nunez, who was able to see the potential Of points.” • Harwood Arena, in a lot of her songs, as the lead guitar- OfficialBlack Turns Red website shot. by the basketball courts ist, and Victor Ladoano as the drummer. But aside from just the here and now, The trio has a rocky sound that gives the Black Turns Red has many aspirations to she says, “and connect people with good • Hutchinson Hall, message of hope out to their variety of make it in the music industry.
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