CONTROL YOUR FEELINGS Bleeding Gums I HAD CANCER THE NATIONA EALTH JOURNAL APRIL 1952 Fl sk for CUBOIDS at these shoe and deportment stores Allentown Wetherhold and Metzger Altoona, Pa. K levan Bros. Atlanta ...... Thompson-Boland-Lee Atlantic City ......... M. E. Blatt Co. Austin, Tex. Lone Star, Inc. Baltimore ...... Hess' & Lane Bryant Battle Creek, Mich. David B. Black Co. Beloit, Wis. Murkland Shoe Store Birmingham Loveman, Joseph & Loeb Boston Thayer McNeil Brockton, Mass. Baker Bros. Brooklyn Palter & Fitzgerald Buffalo .. Eastwood's Burlington, Vt. ......... Boynton's, Inc. Charleston, S.C. Condon's 4141E4/6 Chattanooga ......... Miller Bros. Co. 0 -- /IN Cheyenne Wasserman's (..,„zguorrLuo Chicago Mandel Brothers, also Lane PARENTS' Bryant, Inc. and Wieboldt Stores MAGAZINE Cincinnati Shillito's • Cleveland Lane Bryant Columbus, Ga. Miller-Taylor Shoes • Columbus, 0. F. & R. Lazarus & Co. Dallas Volk Brothers Co. Denver . Fontius Shoe Co. 0 Des Moines Younker's Detroit Gordon Shoe Co. El Paso ...... Popular Dry Goods Co. Eugene, Ore. Burch's Flagstaff, Ariz............................ Babbitt's Ft. Worth . Monnigs Fresno, Calif. ...... Rodder's Shoe Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. East End Shoe Store Houston Krupp & Tuffly; Foley's; Levy's Indianapolis . Wasson's Inglewood, Calif. 327 E. Manchester Kansas City ............ Robinson Shoe Co. Knoxville Miller's, Inc. Lincoln, Nebr. ..... Wells & Frost Little Rock, Ark. Kempner's Long Beach, Calif.... 243 E. 1st St. Los Angeles May Co. & Robinson's Cuboid Salon, 3415 W. 43rd Place Louisville Stewart's Lubbock, Tex....... Godwin's Booterie Madison, Wis. ...... Dyer's Shoe Store Memphis Walk-Over's & Goldsmith's Milwaukee Boston Store & Gimbel's 0 Minneapolis C. M. Stendal Nashville, Tenn. Harvey's Newark ............ Walk-Over Shoe Store New Orleans D. H. Holmes Co., Ltd. New York McCreery's New York . Saks 34th Street Northampton, Mass. David Boot Shop Oakland, Cal. Rocsil's also Stewart's Oklahoma City Nissen's Orlando Stiefel's at Dickson-Ives • Peoria, Ill. ... Crawford Shoe Stores Philadelphia Gimbels • Phoenix ......... Diamond Boston Store v%se Pittsburgh, Pa. Gimbel's "Vs‘e oC• Portland, Ore. Meier & Frank • WS" 13se Pottsville, Pa. ......... Raring's, Inc. Providence ............... Sullivan Company Ve v:%•OS' 40- 0031 s. Quincy, Mass. Heffernan's Shoe • itlak t Store .1 cays 6" oatV°.‘ . a, s Reading, Pa. ...... Wetherhold and NS`%'4ett_ . '06..t c,_ cicot°1 ' 0 Metzger -,14 a 2.°6 4tLes .,140 Reno, Nev. .. Sunderland's t 1 es 4se''' ‘se , e e 0 2` t. • v Nel 'CO° -(v Richmond, Va. ...... Miller & Rhoads ' • %.‘, V° %tee\ %0,0 Rochester, N.Y. Eastwood's ve$ y vox tioVis%a le3%%1" cols100- .otN° et, .0Le•t . Sacramento ... Dr. Locke Shoe Store cdOs 1, v 0%'" 4L Salt Lake City . vet - ;to% Auerbach's 0 0e (N la toevi. 060. 1%. San Antonio, Tex. Joske's ote oft, San Diego, Cal. Physicians' Supply its le sc,0 Oloto eVe'‘' ANeAN°. ate , 4.4 c Co. tea tt,:ve Ae vceos%% edOs San Francisco ,, otvo. tt ass otpt VS4 Macy's 1 .44•ANX s San Francisco Southwick's; Stewart's otelao•N‘e tto ‘ f‘s 06° ,•k°1 Santa Ana 411 N. Main, Cuboid OVS sat) 44•4eNe( Ve.os WO% fee via\ it 0° tie Salon ova'o 119' ctlos .0 10e l ,,ses %'„% to 1 Santa Barbara 1208 Anacapa St. WI 03.S3' t SO% 0.0.. % ,ctts.e, 1.t6w .t..ag, _t° c.,,,, . ,z6Nol'' ,14 % Scranton, Pa.... Lewis & Reilly, Inc. 1,5 eft f- ,,,a,,,,,,-,. Seattle ............... Nordstrom Shoe Co. ° • Silver Spring, Vs ° c loe .c totea' Md. Hecht's eic.Ve ,svte$e aect% tateVi . %reeose d 0 St. Louis Vandervoort's; also Fa- v),( 1% mous-Barr 00e. 0 St. Paul, Minn............. The Emporium AN 36?1°e't‘iol,ctv,08) cPcgc.1 0,VNei_e‘:ce:\:"t1, ,x,:tev4 Syracuse, N.Y. ............ Park Brannock 01 • Tucson, Ariz. Levy's ° Waco Bauer-McCann Washington, D.C. Hecht's & Jel- lef f's also Woodward & Lothrop Y,e4c.%a West Palm Beach, Fla.... Anthony's Wilkes-Barre ... Walter's Shoe Store Yakima, Wash. ..... McCutcheon's York, Pa. Newswanger's HEALTH (y-nteittsi April, 1952 Vol. 67, No. 4 J. DeWITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C., Editor Captivated by Cover T. K. MARTIN, Art Editor D. A. DELAFIELD, Assistant Editor DI 11: EDITOR: C. E. WENIGER, Ph.D., Editorial Consultant LIFE & HEALTH has recently come to my desk. I am most appreciative of it, and Consulting Editors: M.D., F.A.C.P.; WALTER E. MACPHERSON, M.D., F.A.C.P. ROBERT A. HARE, have thoroughly enjoyed this issue (De- HAROLD M. WALTON, M.D., F.A.C.P.; THEODORE R. FLAIZ, M.D.; J. WAYNE MCFARLAND, M.D. cember, 1951). Our daughter was capti- Contributing Editors: D. Lots BURNETT, R.N. • M. WEBSTER PRINCE, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. vated by the cover illustration, for she is ARLIE L. MOON, M.D. • JOHN F. BROWNSBERGER, M.D., F.A.C.S. • CARL J. LARSEN, M.D. the mistress of five new puppies (cocker LEROY E. COOLIDGE, M.D., F.A.C.S. • HORACE A. HALL, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. spaniels), two of which we will keep. ROGER W. BARNES, M.D., F.A.C.S. • BELLE WOOD COMSTOCK, M.D. • DANIEL H. KRESS, M.D. Your articles on health and suggestions Cm', B. COURVILLE, M.D. • LUCILLE J. GOTHAM, B.A. • GEORGE T. HARDING, M.D., F.A.C.P. for living we will be anticipating. And E. HAROLD SHRYOCK, M.D. • HENRY W. VOLLMER, M.D., F.A.C.S. those at hand we have read, and are the Braille Edition, Life & Health: C. W. DEGERI NG, MANAGING EDITOR better for having done so. Thank you so much. EVELYN BAKER LANGLIE Executive Mansion Olympia, Washington FEATURE ARTICLES Page * And to Mrs. Langlie, wife of Governor Arthur B. Langlie of Washington State, I Had Cancer ANNE Y. STARKMORE 8 we say "Thank you too!"—ED. Music Can Make You Well ARTHUR GASKELL, M.D., AND CAROL P. GASKELL 10 Big Favor DEAR EDITOR: Gold From the Soil HARRY W. MILLER, M.D. 12 When I was in a beauty parlor recently I happened to be given a LIFE & HEALTH Bleeding Gums WILLIAM D. TAYLOR, D.D.S. 14 magazine for January, 1952, to read as I • had my hair set. But I didn't get a chance How to Control Your Feelings HAROLD SHRYOCK, M.D. 16 (Turn to page 4) Kenneth Is Getting Better SELMA J. FRIEND 18 THE APRIL COVER For Happy Feet J. DEWITT Fox, M.D. 20 FOR MOTHERS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Family Physician 22 Wings of Health 24 Dietitian Says 26 MENTAL HYGIENE April Food Guide 26 Faith Lives Today 11 Homemaker Hints 28 Control Your Feelings 16 R. J. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager J. R. HANNA, Advertising Manager J. M. JACKSON, Associate Circulation Manager Color Photo by Cy La Tour LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1952 by the SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: Review and Herald Publishing Association, U.S. and possessions, 1 year, $2.75; 2 Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. All rights re- years, $5.25; 3 years, $7.50. Higher in With the first warm days of spring there is served. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office. Canada and foreign countries. All sub- scriptions must he paid for in advance. born in the human heart a new hope—anticipation Published monthly by the Review and Herald of the days to come. All nature is re-created, and Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C. Single copy, 25 cents, U.S. Entered as second-class matter, June 24, 1904, CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send to comes to life again. at the post office at Washington. D.C., under LIFE AND HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C., So we sally forth with garden tools and seeds, the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mail- at least 30 days prior to the date of the issue ing at special rate of postage provided for in with which it is to take effect. Send old to clean and dig and plant. Section 538. Act of October 2, 1917. and address with the new, enclosing if possible But for those who love boats, the greatest joy authorized June 24, 1904. Member of A.B.C. your address label. of all comes in anticipation of the thrills of sail- ing, as they eagerly paint their boat in readiness for the balmy summer days. APRIL, 1952 3 Readers' Pulse (Continued from page 3) to read several of the articles. I'm very —much interested in reading "Why Hyster- ectomy?" also an article on arthritis and a good one on coffee and tea drinking, which I saw as I scanned . through the ...the key to magazine fast. I never heard of LIFE & HEALTH before, but it looked good. So would you please do me a big favor? better health and Send me a copy of your January issue. I believe my husband too would like some of the material in it. better meals for If I like this magazine, can I get more copies as you issue them each month? all the family Right now it's this January issue that I'm very much interested in, so please Yogurt is the talk of send this JANUARY ISSUE, and I shall mail America today! Yet, you the price of it by return mail. there is nothing new Mits. C. P. about this cultured milk- Kenosha, Wisconsin food. For thousands of years, people in all lands have known the health- Twenty Years of Life & Health importance of Yogurt. DEAR EDITOR: Many physicians and sci- We have been reading LIFE & HEALTH METCHNIKOFF entists have givenYogurt Famous Russian piolo• high praise; but it re- for more than 20 years.
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