( 12 ) United States Patent

( 12 ) United States Patent

US009919512B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,919 ,512 B2 Jung et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent: Mar . 20 , 2018 ( 54 ) DNA MARKING OF PREVIOUSLY 5 , 132 , 242 A 7 / 1992 Cheung 5 , 139 , 812 A 8 / 1992 Lebacq UNDISTINGUISHED ITEMS FOR 5 , 151 ,507 A 9 / 1992 Hobbs, Jr. et al. TRACEABILITY 5 , 429 , 952 A 7 / 1995 Garner et al . 5 ,451 ,505 A 9 / 1995 Dollinger (71 ) Applicant: APDN ( B . V . I .) Inc ., Tortola (VG ) 5 , 498 , 283 A 3 / 1996 Botros et al. 5 , 595 ,871 A 1 / 1997 DelVecchio et al . ( 72 ) Inventors : Lawrence Jung , Dix Hills , NY (US ); 5 , 599 ,578 A 2 / 1997 Butland James A . Hayward , Stony Brook , NY 5 ,602 , 381 A 2 / 1997 Hoshino et al. (US ) ; MingHwa Benjamin Liang , East (Continued ) Setauket, NY (US ) ; Abdelkrim Berrada , Lake Ronkonkoma, NY (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 0 477 220 B1 4 /1992 ( 73 ) Assignee : APDN (B . V .I . ) INC ., Tortola (VG ) EP 0 623 658 A2 11/ 1994 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ( Continued ) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . OTHER PUBLICATIONS S . Hou , X . Li and X - Z Feng Method to improve DNA Condesation ( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 / 049, 170 Efficiency by Alkali Treatment . Nucleosides, Nucleotides and ( 22 ) Filed : Feb . 22 , 2016 Nucleic Acids, 2009 . 28 :725 -735 . Taylor & Francis Group , LLC . M . Ageno , E . Dore and C . Frontali The Alkaline Denaturation of (65 ) Prior Publication Data DNA , Biophys. J . Nov . 1969 , 9 ( 11) : 1281 . Abstract . M . Ageno , E . Dore and C . Frontali The Alkaline Denaturation of US 2017 /0021611 A1 Jan . 26 , 2017 DNA , Biophys. J . Nov. 1969 , 9 ( 11 ) : 1281- 1311 . T . Thiel, L . Liczkowski and S . T . Bissen New Zwitterionic butanesulfonic acids that extend the alkaline range of four families Related U . S . Application Data of good buffers : Evaluation for use in biological Systems. J . (63 ) Continuation of application No. 14 / 584 ,100 , filed on DIOBiochem . Biophys . Methods ( 1998 ) 37 : 117 - 129 . Elsevier . Dec . 29, 2014 , now Pat. No . 9 , 266 , 370 , which is a ( Continued ) continuation - in - part of application No . 13 / 796 ,663 , filed on Mar . 12 , 2013 , now abandoned , and a Primary Examiner — Cachet I Sellman continuation - in - part of application No. 13 / 789, 093 , ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Hoffmann & Baron , LLP filed on Mar. 7 , 2013 , and a continuation - in - part of application No. 13 /648 ,594 , filed on Oct. 10 , 2012 , ( 57 ) ABSTRACT now Pat . No . 9 , 297 , 032 . The invention provides a method of marking an item with (51 ) Int. Cl. naturally -derived or synthetic non -natural polymeric marker B42D 25 / 405 ( 2014 . 01 ) molecules , such as a DNA or Peptide marker in conjunction B41F 17 / 00 ( 2006 .01 ) with optional visible or rapid scan reporters for authenticat B41M 3 / 14 ( 2006 . 01 ) ing or tracking, in which the method includes providing an GO7D 7 / 14 ( 2006 .01 ) item for marking , and applying a medium including a DNA B42D 25 / 378 ( 2014 . 01) marker to the item . The invention further provides methods C120 1 / 68 ( 2018 . 01) for stably binding and immobilizing activated deoxyribo (52 ) U .S . CI. nucleic acid onto objects and substrates . The method CPC . .. .. .. .. B41F 17 / 00 ( 2013 .01 ) ; B41M 3 / 14 includes exposing the deoxyribonucleic acid to alkaline (2013 .01 ) ; B42D 25 /378 (2014 .10 ) ; C12Q conditions , and contacting the deoxyribonucleic acid to the 1 /68 ( 2013 .01 ) ; GO7D 7 / 14 (2013 .01 ) ; B42D object or substrate . Also provided are methods for increasing 25 / 405 ( 2014 . 10 ) ; Y1OT 29 /49826 ( 2015 .01 ) ; the recoverability of taggants from an object . The methods Y1OT 29 /49885 ( 2015 . 01 ) include the steps of incorporating a taggant into a solution ; ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search mixing the solution including the taggant with a perturbant CPC??? . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. GO9F 3 / 00 to form a first perturbant taggant solution ; mixing the first USPC .. .. .. 427 / 7 perturbant taggant solution with a polymer to form a second See application file for complete search history . perturbant taggant polymer solution ; and applying the sec ond perturbant taggant polymer solution to at least a portion (56 ) References Cited of the object to form a taggant - coated object . The invention U . S . 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