Vol. III, No. 120, 11th Waxing of Wagaung 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Sunday, 14 August, 2016 Tens of thousands 2nd batch of detained State of fish Myanmar workers Counsellor to released into returns to Yangon pay official visit Yayzin Dam from Malaysia PAGE 9 PAGE 2 to China PAGE 3 FLOOD PROTECTION VP pledges to assist in rehabilitation of flood victims in Ayeyawady Region VICE President U Henry Van Thio pledged to assist in the reha- bilitation of flood-affected people in the Ayeyawady Region and stressed the need to step up pre- paredness to fight such disasters in future. At a meeting with flood-af- fected people sheltering at a monastery in Nyaungdon the vice president called on locals to co- operate with the government in disaster preparedness matters as the country is experiencing flood- ing nearly every year. During his tour of Ay- eyawady Region, Vice Pres- ident U Hnery Van Thio vis- ited flood-affected people sheltering at temporary relief camps in Ngathaingchaung, Lay- myatnar, Hinthada, Zalun, Danu- byu and Nyaungdon and present- ed aid to them. The vice president also in- spected dams and dykes. The flooding hit nine- teen townships in the region, displacing more than 120,000 residents. Vice President U Henry Van Thio assists in preparedness to the flooding in Danubyu, Ayeyawady Region. PHOTO: MNA Local authorities have estab- lished more than 680 shelters for submerged more than 202,000 Ayeyawady Region. Meawhile, three rivers over the next two days, according the peoples in the areas affected acres of farmland with paddy The flooding has also forced which are currently exceeding the Department of Meteorolo- by flooding. plants, according to the General schools to shut their doors in the their flooding danger level are ex- gy and Hydrology Department. The flooding has reportedly Administration Department of region. pected to fall back to safer levels —Myanmar News Agency Reviewing of political dialogue framework : steps to all inclusiveness THE three-day meeting to review “We can build the Federal NCA to participate in the Union the political dialogue framework Union only when we all are in Peace Conference will be de- ended yesterday in Yangon and unity,” he added. cided at the UPDJC meeting on outcomes of the discussion will He, on behalf of the non-sig- 15 August.” said U Hla Maung be put forward to the meeting of natories to the Nationwide Cease- Shwe, Secretary of the Prepara- the Union Peace Dialogue Joint fire Agreement, stressed the need tion Committee for Holding the Committee meeting in Nay Pyi to take time for those groups to Union Peace Conference— 21st Taw on Monday. reach consensus on facts in the Century Panglong. The tripartite meeting was political dialogue framework The three-day meeting saw participated in by representatives as they have not yet clearly un- progress and some issues re- of the government, 16 armed derstood the framework because mained to be discussed, said U ethnic organisations and UPD- they are new faces at the meeting. Hla Maung Shwe. JC-member political parties. During the three-day meet- “The road to negotiation is “We see the dawn of the ing the DPN discussed ways for open to all and we will continue peace and we are on the middle the non-signatories to the NCA to discussions with the DPN” he of the road to the federal union,” be able to participate in the Union added, “we are also in negotia- said Khu Oo Reh, Head of the Peace Confernece-21st Century tions with them to hold discus- Delegation for Political Negotia- Panglong. sions again around 20th August. The tripartite meeting in progress to review the political dialogue tion (DPN), to reporters after the “The proposal of the DPN That’s the way the peace process framework. PHOTO: PHOE HTAUNG meeting. and ways for non-signatories to is moving.”—Ye Khaing Nyunt 2 NATIONAL 14 August 2016 2nd batch of detained Myanmar workers returns to Yangon from Malaysia THE second batch of detained reported. Myanmar citizens in Malaysia ar- The first batch, comprised of rived back to Yangon on Friday 138 workers, returned on 8 Au- via charter flight. gust under the arrangement of the The return of the group com- Kanbawza’s Brighter Future My- prised of 137 Myanmar citizens anmar Foundation-BFM. was sponsored by private donors: The remaining citizens will The Mother Trading and Construc- also be brought home by charter tion Co Ltd, Pho La Min Co Ltd flight, according to the BFM. and the Miba Gonye foundation. According to sources, 2,294 Of 700 detained workers Myanmar citizens were detained who have already received a Cer- for various reasons in 11 camps tificate of Identity, 275 have been in Malaysia.—Myanmar News Second batch of detained Myanmar workers arrives back in Yangon from Malaysia. PHOTO: MNA brought back home, it has been Agency Nearly a million acres of paddy Over 600kg of relief supplies to Naga planted in Yangon Region OVER 900,000 acres of monsoon As well as eight northern Yan- remains stuck in Mandalay airport paddy have been successfully gon townships such as Insein, MORE than 600 kg of relief arranged because other means of “There is no cargo plane here, put under cultivation across the Shwepyithar and Hlegu which supplies to be airlifted to mea- transportation would take a week, so passenger flights take the sup- greater Yangon Region this rainy plant monsoon paddy, a large sles-stricken Naga still remains said U Ke Jung of the Naga Nation- plies bit by bit,” he said. season, according the Ministry of number of those townships in the stuck at the airport in Mandalay al Council. Nearly 1,000 kilograms Only three airlines ply be- Agriculture, Livestock and Irriga- south of the region, such as Than- Region, according to relief work- of relief supplies had been stuck at tween Mandalay and Hkamti. tion. lyin, Kayan, and Dala also culti- ers. the airport for three days, he said, Some 400 kg of the supplies have U Myo Tint Htun, assistant vate the seasonal paddy. An airlift of food and medical adding that passenger flights were so far been transported to Naga by secretary of the ministry, told the “Planting paddy doesn’t supplies to the remote town was the only options. air.—Aung Thant Khaing Myitmakha News Agency that cause us much grief. We use they have anticipated 1.2 million about ten bushels worth of mon- acres will be planted before the soon paddy to plant an acre of rainy season comes to a close. paddy, and we plant a minimum Efforts to curb illegal logging in Bago “Monsoon paddy was planted in of around ten acres. Our town- areas of Yangon, which first see ship was flooded but our paddy the rains, around the end of May. escaped the worst of it.” said U Region undermined All paddy will have been planted Hla Myaing, a farmer from Ka- IN just four months since the new by September. We’re presently whmu Township. The planting of NLD-lead government came to providing training on the usage monsoon paddy within Yangon office, legal action has been taken of re-planting machines to en- Region during the previous 2015- against over 300 individuals for il- courage farmers, in areas where 16 fiscal year reportedly produced legal logging, and more than 1,800 farmhands are in short supply, over 8.7 million bushels of rice.— tons of illegally logged timber has to utilise the machines,” he said. Myitmakha News Agency been confiscated, within Bago Re- gion, says the local Department of Forestry. Hailing the Union Peace A total of 128 vehicles were st caught illegally transporting the Conference-21 Century Panglong confiscated timber, which is report- edly comprised of over 700 tons of teak, 500 tons of hardwood and Local police and forest rangers seize illegal timber in Bago. 600 tons of other miscellaneous PHOTO: MYITMAKHA NEWS AGENCY varieties of wood. and press legal charges, against the The trading of unlicensed chain- “Our crackdown on illegal perpetrators. saws is being closely monitored. logging activities in the region “Illegal logging is carried out Plans are also in place to conduct gathered pace during the new gov- by gangs, known for their hostili- a series of surprised inspections ernment’s 100 day projects initia- ties towards staff of the forestry de- [on areas where logging activities tive. In comparison with last year, partment,” continued U Zaw Win are taking place], and to conduct the magnitude of confiscated tim- Myint. “It’s difficult to root-out the educational awareness campaigns ber was similar, but the number of criminals who orchestrate illegal with the general public in a bid vehicles caught transporting it has logging as they don’t partake in to persuade them to play a part in doubled. The reason for this can it personally, instead getting local helping tackle the problem,” said U be analysed as illegal loggers us- residents to do their dirty work Kyaw Min, Bago Region Natural ing a variety of ways to evade the for them. Alternatively livelihood Resources, Forestry and Environ- authorities by changing up their initiatives should be created for mental Conservation Minister. methods of transportation; smaller villagers who survive off their in- According to Section 43(a) loads transported more frequently volvement in illegal logging.” of the 1992 enacted Forestry Law, with smaller, less attention-draw- The ineffectiveness of the law anybody caught logging or trans- ing vehicles,” said U Zaw Win to mitigate the easy availability of porting teak wood, or in posses- Myint, director of the Department unlicensed cars, motorcycles and sion of illegally logged teak, can of Forestry for Bago Region.
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