<600 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14 JANUAEY, 1916. 29380 Corporal W. J. Esau, Headquarters, 9839 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant T. 3rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Floyd, 52nd Battery, Royal Field Artillery. •6322 Serjeant E. Evans, 2nd Battalion, King's 9738 Private T. Flynn, 3rd Battalion, Con- Royal Rifle Corps. naught Rangers (formerly 1st Battalion). •516 Corporal F. J. Evans, 7th Battalion, East 32861 Corporal E. R. Fogden, llth Siege Surrey Regiment. Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. 4148 Gunner T. J. Evans, " C" Battery, 3855 Serjeant J. Foley, 2nd Battalion, Royal 52nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Munster Fusiliers. '.9823 Serjeant W. E. Evans, 1st Battalion, 9838 Corporal (Acting Serjeant) T. Foley, 1st Coldstream Guards. Battalion, Liverpool Regiment. T/566 Driver J. J. Everard, 47th London 9839 Serjeant R. Forbes, 2nd Battalion, East Divisional Train, Army Service Corps, T.F. Surrey Regiment. '30902 Serjeant E. Eyre, Royal Army Medical S/7535 Serjeant A..W. Ford, Depot, Rifle Corps. Brigade (formerly 1st Battalion). •1281 Serjeant W. H. Farish, lst/4th Batta- 54075 Bombardier H. Forman, 94th Battery, lion, Royal Lancaster Regiment, T.F. Royal Field Artillery. •2619 Private J. S. Farmer, lst/8th Battalion, 27278 Sapper F. J. Forster, Fenny Stratford V Royal Warwickshire Regiment, T.F. Signal Depot, Royal Engineers (formerly ="-4420 Private R. Farnham, 1st Battalion, 7th Signal Company). Hertfordshire Regiment, T.F. 328 Bandsman J. Forster, 1st/ 4th Battalion, -8635 Serjeant J. Farrell, 1st Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, T.F. Devonshire Regiment. 44871 Gunner W. Forsyth, 9th Siege Battery, 133 Serjeant A. Faville, lst/5th Battalion, Royal Garrison Artillery. Gloucestershire Regiment, T.F. 55028 Acting Bombardier J. Foster, Royal .12519 Private J. Fell, Depot, Border Regi- Field Artillery (attached Lahore Divisional ment (formerly 7th Battalion). Staff). 1133 Drummer J. H. Ferguson, 1st/7th Bat- 3835 Company Serjeant-Major S. Fowles, 1st talion, Middlesex Regiment, T.F. Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles. -'39536 Gunner W. J. Ferguson, 9th Siege Bat- 9517 Private J. J. Fox, 2nd Battalion, Royal tery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Irish Fusiliers. :2532 Private H. Fernee, 8th (City of London) 17075 Private M. S. France, 1st Battalion, Battalion, The London Regiment (Post Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Office Rifles), T.F. 12674 Private J. Francis, 9th Battalion, 115788 Corporal (Acting Company Quarter- Devonshire Regiment. master-Serjeant) F. W. J. Field, 5th Field 25954 Pioneer C. L. Franklin, Dunstable Company, Royal Engineers. Signal Depot, Royal Engineers (formerly 10692 Private G. Field, 1st Battalion. Wilt- 7th Signal Company). shire Regiment. 7119 Private G. Fraser, 5th Battalion, Royal 198 Temporary Serjeant-Major W. H. A. Irish Regiment (formerly 2nd Battalion). Field, Army Veterinary Corps. 58430 Gunner (Acting Bombardier) J. B. 7910 Serjeant T. P. Finegan, 1st Battalion, Fraser, 37th Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Connaught Rangers. 484 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant M. •64791 Bombardier J. Finn, 15th Battery, Fraser, 14th (Countyof London) Battalion, Royal Field Artillery. The London Regiment (London Scottish) "8327 Private G. Fisher, 9Eh Lancers. T.F. (now Quartermaster and Honorary 57031 Serjeant G. P. Fisher, 34th Battery, Lieutenant, 8th Battalion, Lancashire Fusi- Royal Field Artillery. liers, T.F.). 54 Company Serjeant-Major J. W. Fisher, 843 Private W. Fraser, 1st/ 6th (Morayshire) 22nd (County of London) Battalion, The Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, T.F. London Regiment (The Queen's), T.F. T/22199 Acting Serjeant F. Freathy, Army 1732 Acting Corporal C. J. FitzGerald, Service Corps (attached Royal Army Medi- ]st/5th Battalion, Northumberland Fusi- cal Corps). liers, T.F. 9633 Serjeant J. E. Freeth, 3rd Battalion, 1446 Lance-Serjeant R. FitzGerald, lst/5th South Staffordshire Regiment (attached Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion). T.F. 109 Lance-Corporal T. J. French, 1st (City of SR/4146 Serjeant E. Fitzmorris, No. 2 Rail- London) Battalion, The London Regiment way Company, Royal Monmouthshire, Royal (Royal Fusiliers), T.F. Engineers (Special Reserve). 721 Serjeant C. N. Fretwell, lst/8th Battalion Sub-Conductor P. J. Fitzpatrick, Military (Leeds Rifles), West Yorkshire Regiment, Works Services, Indian Army. T.F. 9404 Serjeant R. Flack, 2nd Battalion, Essex 13988 Serjeant H. G. Frond, No. 2 Mounted Regiment. Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. 14775 Private S. Flanagan, 6th Battalion, 6451 Private S. Fryer, 2nd Battalion, Essex Northamptonshire Regiment. Regiment. 5805 Lance-Corporal J. H. Flecknoe, 3rd f Dragoon Guards. 2334 Lance-Cofrporal ^A. F. Fuller, 1st/ 7th •625 Lance-Serjeant J. Fletcher, 5th (Cum- Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, T.F. berland) Battalion, Border Regiment, T.F. 23314 Serjeant A. Gadsby, 1st Signal Com- 3700 Private W. T. Flitton, 1st Battalion, pany, Royal Engineers. Royal West Surrey Regiment. 14896 Corporal A. W. Galvin, " C." Battery, 18831 Corporal C. S. Flower, 12th Battalion, 73rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Highland Light Infantry. 12392 Lance-Serjeant J. Gandy, 1st Batta- 7064 Company-Serjeant-Major F. Flowers, lion, Leicestershire Regiment. Royal Engineers (attached 1st London Field -12298 Serjeant G. Gant, 7th Battalion, Nor- Company, Royal Engineers, T.F.). folk Regiment. \.
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