![Queen's Collegeý Journal](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
QUEEN'S COLLEGEý JOURNAL. KINGSTON, CANADA. VOL. XII. - SESSION 1884-85. M. A 4JKMKN T. JOHN MILLER, - Managing Editor. JOHN HERALD, - Editor. Editing Commsnttee. Divinity.-JoHN HAY. Arts :-S. W. DYDE. Mfedicine.-W. SPANKIE. A. GANDIER. F. C. EATH.A. G. FARRELL. F. C. EATH.G. W. MITCHELL. Law.-G. F. HENDERSON. DAVID MILLAR. Secetay-Teasrer -W. J. KIDD. Published in Twelve Numbers during the session by the Aima Mater Society of Queen's University. BRITISH WHIG STEAM PRESSES. PAGE. AE Edînburgb Un .iversity . ALCHEMY, LECTURE ON.................9 Engaged Students .................. 30 ALMA MATER...............41, 69, 82, 93, 109, 139 Explanation................1 CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT.................9 Exarninatiofl...............127 Faculty of Law............... CIIANCELLOR'S CIRCULAR. THE...........132 Farewell.................141 CIARLEs DICRENS.................45 Football..............29, 57, 127 CLAIs 0F '88, THE.................9 Football Cbarnpionship........15, 44,101, 213 CLosINGý ExERCîsEs.................48 Fresbmen's Prîvilege............... Froude's Carlyle .................. 16 COLO PROIJUCRO 13Y EVAPORATION..........77 Glee Club................5 COLLEGE WORLD 11, 39, 53, 70, 96, Ill, 225, 137, 161 Governmrrent Assistance.............7 CORRESPONOENcE : Graduates as Teacbers.............9 387 Annual Re-unions...............20 Gymnaaium ........................... As another sees us...............38 Item, An.................1 Jolie. A..................142 Bond Street Cbu rcb. ................. 227 Crîticisma...................67 3 Last Number ...................... Canada from an Englisb Daily ........... 78 Legal lnsinuationls. -.............. Medical Council Our Graduates in British Columbia 78 .. ................ .s, oo Fbilosopby Lectures...............35 Meeting and Parting Swvan Hunting.................20 Newspaper Enterprize.............2 Tbose Gowns.................38 Our Advertisers..............127. Visit to Knox...................07 Our arriors................1 D Nomis N0onILI13US 23 6,4, 69, 84, 97, 2216 Petty Warfare................ Progressive Institution, A ................ 182 [40, 26 Philosopby Lectures..........14142 DIVINîTy HALL........39, 52, SI, 94, 1oS, 123, 265 Rebellion, The ..................... 141 ENOLANO AND) CANADA.................32 Snow Shoe Club ................... 1 EXTRACT PROM "OCEAN To OCEAN.............31 Session, The................144 EXCHANGES 1. 0, 24, 55, 82, 96, '10, 224, 136, 1bo Sociability................. Spring.................. EDITORIAL Staff...................29. 71 Agnostic Students................5 Stepinoli, Russian Noveliat...........5 Arts Course for Medicals...............30 Subjects for Dissection.............73 AIma Mater, The............43, 59, 85 Succeas, A.................41 Annual Re-unions.............43, 73, 85 Todds Manual 5 Athletic Association................28 Try Again.................73 Cap and Gown.................I Unique Unanimity..............7 Calendar....................127 University Confederation. ..... 2 o 72,1 Canoe Club.................128 University Council ................... 5 Carnîval....................57 Waîriors. Our...............4 Cbancell ras Address...............41 We sl for More................. College Sang ........................ 71 FAcULTIES 0E SCIENCE AND TH-EOLOGY.........9 Comparisun of Numbers............99 Coucursus vs. Fresbmao...........87,1229 PROM THE TALMUD..................39 C onvocation................24 FoUNDATION 0F PARTY GOVERNMENT..........17 Dent's-Upper Candian Rebellion" Denominationai University, A.......72 86 FOOTB3ALL ý Diagraceful Cunduct..............142 Association Annual Meeting . .. .. Dun..................113 Cornell Club...............139 CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGF. Gown and Tunic................8 Tempos Fugit......................103 Ottawa Match ..................... 8 To One iii Heaven................8 Rugby Me2ting..............j Trust..................131 Rugby Annual Meeting-...........8 Unconscious Faith.............147 Queen's vs. Cadets.............25 Unfinjshed................130 Queen's vs. Victoria.............25 REFERENcE GLASGOW, SCOTLAND....................104,131 LiBRARY, A_............38 REJOINDER, Gons IN THE GALLERY.................().0 MR. Ross'...............9 REFLEICTIONS HOLIDAY JOTTINGS....................23 0F THE COLLEGE MOUSE..........105 ROYAL COLLEGE- Howv SHAKESPEARE USES THE SUPERNATURAL .. 63, 80 IMAGINATION.......................78 Asylum Horror, An ................. 7 ITEMS.....................14, 28, 70, 98 A3sculapian Society.................51 Concursus MUSEUM.........................116 Virtutîs..................7 Huinan Heart, The............ OSSIANIC SOCIETY'................83, 110, 139 L. R. C. P. Edinburgh...............93 -OCEAN TO OCEAN," EX.1TfRAcTs FRom..........131 Medical Dinner...................3 PARLIAMENTARY Medical Council Examinatjons PRAcTIcE AND PROcEDURE.. .. 79 .......... 164 Medical Study PERSONALS.. 12, 28, 41, 55, 68, in Great Britain .......... 107 83, 97, 111, 125, 138, 163 Medical Study in France...........12 PHILOSOPIIY.......................105 Opening ofthe Session.............6 PRINCIPAL GRANT'S ADDRESS................5 Our Portrait Gallery....... 84, 93, 164 Personals..................7 10ETRrs , Regarding "At Homes"...............5, After Walt, Whitman ................. 46 Staff Changes................64 Coquette 147 SAVONAROL.A AND Hîs TimEs................î8 De -Massa ob de Sheepfol'....... 130 SCIENCE Edgar Allen Poe..............147 IN NATIONAL DEVELOPIMENT ........... 9 Freedom.................46 SENIOR RE UNION.....................8 Four Score.....................103 SERMON........................34. 47 Gleaner, The...............130 STUDY AND PROFESSION 0F MEDICINE............46 Home........................115 SUccESSFUL Late to Church................74 MES, THE.................158 Lines by our own Whitman..........64 SU'GGESTION, A...................... 17 Meeting, The...................4 UNIVERSITY CONFEDERATION 64, 75, 90, 96, 103, 116, 132 Meditation of aHindu Scep*tic*...........13 UTILIrARIANISM........................116 Near my Dewy Jacquerninot.........147 Parting Wish, A...............46 VîSîT TO CAMBRIDGE, A.............. Sunlight aud Moonflight ............... 32 WHAT 1 SAW AT THE YELLOWVSTONE............92 Such is Life...............115 WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE...................6 Take Heart................103 Y.M.C.A............40, 54 SI, 95, 109, 165 QUEEN'S COLLEGE JOURNAL. Vol_. XII. KINGSTON, CANAD4A, NOVEMinER 8-ri, 1884. No. i. uJif611c 0u1 vU)ii, W Eis feelbut assuredto cal' thatthe adlattention xve have ofto tbedo Published iN LvEiVF NuMýBERS; durinîg tLe session Lv the students to oui, aivertisets, ren-îndirgte ALi,'1 MIATEIR SOCrETYv f (n sUn]i VCrsity. that tbey îrrrrst be patroniicd if the paper is A. GRIAY FARRzELLr, - Mhaiurig [Sdifor. to thrive and iniprove, and tîtat the sugg,,es- EITrrrNG CiMMITIIr tion wvill be acted upon. Most of tu)e stu- Arts-S. W. D)yo M. \. JOIHN MIL1,ES, '84. dents, we believe, have already rcaliied tbis TENS:Ier Session, $io on Singie Noirrers ro cenrts. fact and( are acting accordirrgly. But to Matter for P'ublication sîrouli Le aLiresseri to A. G. the firesil ien, we FAR RE'LL; 1-Usinesý letter s ti WV.J. Kîro, P. 0. Drasver those xvho have flot and ta 114,6, IsuistOnl, Ornt. give titis gentie reitîder of tlieir duty. Mjen The liditor 10<151 Le acquaint \tuitli tihe nmfe cf thre cani have no olject in] "-OiItg ta other dealers author of aîry article, %vlirctirer local or literar v. exccpt froin shcer carclessilrcss and iîrdiffer- WE ieet again in this nurîber with the ence. Suppor t those who( support you even Wusuai salutatory greeting, and at the tlhotirgh it be a littie ilteonvertient at tirnes. sanie tinte it is otîr painful necessitv to bid studjeut you farewell. 0On bebiaif Of the JOURNAL \Ve F RZIESHl IEN, 'tcorî! Every apolog ise for its tardy appearaîrce, winich the Fis expecteci ta take the JOURNAL.Th unsettlcd state of its nranageinent accounts paper is yoni s, not ours. WTe are but a coin- for, ami] bespcak for its nIext staff the plea- mnittce a 1)poited for its coud uction, w'lich sant relationsîips vie ILave always enjoved. we dIo as a labor of love, not of gain. It is 0O1 our oxvn belitif, inr taking leave of you. ta your interest and! that of every other which increased duties and Nvant of time mnember of the A.NI.S. ta sec it pro'~er r1ccessitates, \ve rnust say it is with the This cannot be, of coul se, unc yusport greatest regret we do so. Sorne of us have it ,%Itll your brains and subscî iption fees. been wvit1î you for several y ears, " but tire The JOURnNAL \vill beC nnailed to each, of YOU best of friends mrust part." thiroughýl thte college office unltil ynU "ive notice How do you like thc appearance of the tirat you \virt it discrantinued, an action wve mnechanical xvork of the JOURNAL? Our feel sure that you, for the reason stated readers will notice that there biave been two above, xviii not ask us ta do. More pages of reading inatter and two of advertisernts added this session, and that T IE xvearing of the prescril)ed acadeiei the inside paper is of bctter quality. How T costume by students Nvhiieatein do you like our new dress ? It is Newv York lectures is to l)e enforced. The Senate bave Style, for we boîrglt it there. \Ve thou'ght posteA a notice on its builletil, board calling 'Ve would like something lieavier; the old 1 attention to the fact triat sucbi a costume is (Me was too liglit for winter, and wxe expect required by
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