A NEWS BULLETIN published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) ■ v !•'•--•-gRjEiVSffittfc Registered at Post Office Headquarters. Vol. 8 No. 3 Wellington. New Zealand, as a magazine. September, 1977 SOUTH GEORGIA ".. SOUTH SANDWICH Is SOUTH ORKNEY Is £ \ aSigny I.uk. //o Orcadas arg. SOUTH AMERICA f Borga / \ ] S y o w a j a p a n \ g Q . g SOUTH Q .& WEDDELL \ f SA */ ^ x " ^ M o l o d e z h n a y a V / • SHETLAND*^© ; * s x r \ u s s p ^ \ / Halley Bavf DRONNING MAUD land' E N D E R B Y v ! / S E A U K j J C O A T S L d I / LAND i^f v [General Beldrano arg ANTARCTIC W ^V\ Mawson * MAC ROBERTSON LAND\ \ aust. /PENINSULA"®" i map below) 'Sobral arg. Davis aust USA > Amundsen-Scott I QUEEN MARY LAND {Mirny [ELLSWORTH " V U S A . / I f a U S S R . I LAND . ». / °Vostok ussr./ & WILKES LAND Russkaya, U.S.S R / ROSS|NZi§> SEA 1^ TERRE ,j LAND \, AOELIE,"/ GEORGE VLd --Dumont d'Urville france Leningradskaya X / U.S.S.R.,-'' \ --- — '""xBALLENY Is ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Teniente Matiehzo arg. 2 Esperanza arg. 3 Almirante Brown arg. 4 Petrel arg. 5 Deception arg. 6 Vicecomodoro Marambio arg. ' ANTARCTICA 7 Arturo Prat chile 8 Bernardo O'Higgins chile 9 P r e s i d e n t e F r e i c h i l e ^ 0 500 1000 Kilometres 10 Stonington I. uk. 13 11 Adelaide'!, uk. «. 12 Argentine Is uk. i3 Palmer usa. 14 Bellingshausen ussr .;. * Larsen ■■■' IceSheif: 0 100km (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 8, No. 3 87th ISSUE September, 1977 Editor: J. M. CAFFIN, 35 Chepstow Avenue, Christchurch 5. Address all contributions, enquiries, etc., to the Editor. CONTENTS ARTICLES ANTARCTIC WASTE 101-102 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND UNITED STATES AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN GENERAL OBITUARY WHALING COMMISSION 98-100 TOURISM ANTARCTIC REUNIONS ANTARCTIC September, 1977 NEW ZEALAND LINKS WITH AUSTRALIA Closer co-operation between New Zealand and Australia in Antarctic research and logistics is proposed in the New Zealand Antarctic research programme for 1977-78. This summer a Royal Australian Air Force air crew will fly with the Royal New Zealand McMurdomm f*r,011 Station, lts suPP°rt an Australian lights glaciologistbetween willChristchurch work with Newand Zealanders in the dry valleys, and officers of the Australian Antarctic Division will visit Antarctic to discuss future' programmes, including a New Zealand-Australian survey in North Victoria Land for three seasons from 1978-79 Once again New Zealand will glaciological and hydrological studies in participate in several international the dry valleys, which were cancelled programmes. Marine biologists and last year. Geological Survey and Soil oceanographers will work with United Bureau field parties which were also States scientists on the Ross Ice Shelf withdrawn will return this season. Project, and four men will take part in the meteorological programme at the Vanda Station's programme will Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. cover geophysics, earth sciences, and Support will also be given to French and u p p e r a i r p h y s i c s , i n c l u d i n g Japanese parties which will work on meteorology. Its staff will also support Ross Island and in Victoria Land. the Ministry of Works hydrologists' monitoring of selected dry valley Two scientists from the University of glaciers, the flow of the Onyx River, and Waikato, Professor A. T. Wilson, the levels of Lake Vanda and other director of the university's Antarctic major dry valley lakes. research unit, and Dr C. Hendy, a geochemist, will work at the Soviet MAPPING SURVEY Station, Vostok, which is 3300m above sea level, and 1110km from McMurdo One of the main field events will be Station. They will fly there in a United detailed mapping by the Geological States Navy VXE6 Squadron Hercules Survey of the region between the to carry out geochemistry and isotope Koettlitz and Blue Glaciers. This work is a continuation of the work done by Dr D. geochemistry of snow samples. N. B. Skinner's party in the 1975-76 NO CUTBACKS season. Dr Skinner will lead the Geological Survey team this season, and Economic constraints reduced the the other geologists are R. Findlay, scope of the New Zealand programme Margaret Clark, and Anne Wright. last season, and there were some cutbacks. But summer scientific With helicopter support, and using activity this season will be about 30 per motor toboggans, the party will cover cent above last season's. This brings it some 1000 square kilometres among the back to the level of the 1974-75 foothills and ridges east of the Royal programme. Society Range. It expects to spend about 80 days in the field, starting from the This summer the normal scientific Skelton Glacier at a site north of the programme at Vanda Station will be Baronick Glacier early in November resumed, and also the Ministry of Works and finishing in the area of the Hobbs ;~.J^':^W f&* September, 1977 ANTANTARCTIC A and Blue Glaciers in January. Institution of Oceanography, who spent last winter diving beneath the ice of Scientific aims of the project will be to McMurdo Sound to study its benthic map in detail selected rock sections communities, Dr Bradford will do addit between the Koettlitz and Blue Glaciers, ional marine biological work in the area. to study the structural features, The scientists will define further the investigate the change from low to high recently-discovered microscopic grade metamorphic rocks, and to collect animals living at the ice-water samples for age dating. In their field interface. work the geologists will cover the Messrs J. S. Mitchell and P. Anderson unmapped massif between the Foster will study the composition and transport and Renegar Glaciers, the rocks of dynamics of suspended and bedload Heald Island, and the rocks in the sediment beneath the seasonal ice of Chancellor Lakes area. They will also McMurdo Sound. They will measure work at Lake Miers, in the Hobbs- concentration of suspended sediment Glacier-Blackwelder Glacier divide, over a tidal cycle at eight different and the Hobbs-Blue Glacier divide east stations, and monitor water temperat of the Hobbs Peak. ure, salinity, and current velocity. Four scientists from the Soil Bureau POOL DEATHS will study old weathered soils in the Wright and Taylor Valleys, and in the As part of a distribution study by the Asgaard Range region to assist in the Department of Health of the amoebae preparation of a book on polar soils. Two which cause "hot pool" meningitis,two scientists from the Geophysics Division m i c r o b i o l o g i s t s f r o m M a s s e y will make a gravimetric survey across University, Dr T. J. Brown, and Mr R. T. the mouth of the Taylor Valley at New M. Cursons, will sample Antarctic soil, Harbour, and across the valley near water, and ice, and study what environ Lake Fryxell to tie in with the old Dry mental factors are important in deter Valley Drilling Project holes. mining the distribution. They will work in the dry valleys, at Cape Royds, Scott ROSS ICE SHELF Base, and in the McMurdo Sound area. Last season because of technical An international group will resume drilling problems the Ross Ice Shelf observations on the summit area of Mt Project did not complete the hole Erebus this season. A French through the ice shelf, and New vulcanologist, Dr Haroun Tazieff, who Zealanders taking part in this major worked on Erebus in the 1974-75 season, international event could not complete and three other vulcanologists, will their work. This season three scientists spend up to three weeks with a New- from the New Zealand Oceanographic Zealand team making geochemical. Institute will be attached to the Ross Ice geophysical, and geological studies. The Shelf Project, and two will work in group will sample gases from the inner McMurdo Sound. crater, analyse snow and ice layers, and Temperature measurements at map warm ground areas. varying depths down the drill hole A New Zealand geologist, Dr P. R. through the ice shelf will be taken by Mr Kyle, now at Ohio State University, also N. J. Day. Mr W. Whitley will carry out plans to work on Erebus this season. He benthic biota studies (echinoderms has been awarded a grant by the United etc.) on the sea floor under the ice shelf. States National Science Foundation to Dr Janet Bradford will sample pelagic continue his studies of the volcano which copepods from under the shelf. She and began several years ago. Dr Kyle, who Mr Whitley worked with the project last worked with Victoria University of Wellington expeditions for a number of seasons, was a member of the New MARINE BIOLOGY Zealahd-French-United States exped With Mr J. S. Oliver, of the Scripps ition on Erebus in the 1974-75 season. *:r^i^t ANTARCTIC September, 1977 OTHER PROJECTS Some New Zealand support will be provided for a Japanese Antarctic Apolotok to be Research Expedition party led by DrT. Preserved Torii, which will work in the dry valleys, and use Vanda Station. Other members of the party will be Dr T. Cho, and Messrs. A. Yamada, and T. Yukawa. Apolotok, the big Scott Base husky Japanese scientists, particularly Dr which lived and died in the Antarctic, Torii, have worked in the dry valleys for will be preserved in the Antarctic cen several seasons in co-operation with tre of the Canterbury Museum.
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