ANTHROPOL L RESEARCH IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE PROSPECTS FOR OGICA - Moscow, Russia N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences, and , Belgra e, Serbia Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts d Prospects for Anthropological Research in South-East Europe Editors Marina Martynova N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology IvanaRussian Baši Academyć of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia MOSCOW – BELGRADE 2019 UDK 39 BBK 63.52 47Querl Editorial board: Dragana Radojičić (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Srđan Radović (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Natalia Belova (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS), Marina MartynovaThe reviewers (Institute: Marina of Ethnology Simić and Anthropologyty of Pol RAS) Sceince, University of Belgrade), lena Filip ova ( Moscow, Russia)(Facul itical E p Institute of Ethnology and anthropology RAS, PROSPECTS FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE / Ed. Marina Martynova & Ivana Bašić. – Мoscow: IEA RAS & Belgrade: EI SASA, 2019. – 238 pp. ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 The book marks a new phase in the fruitful collaboration between the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is an important publication for any future research on the development of ethnology and anthropology in Southeast Europe. The papers presented here, the topics they raise and the methods they employ, comprise an overview of the issues, concepts, phenomena and research methodologies anthropology in this has been dealing with in the early 21st century. Positions of the discipline itself, transformations of traditional culture and various phenomena of contemporary culture in Southeastern Europe are subjected to a theoretical scrutiny in the papers of this volume. © Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2019 ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 © Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019 CONTENTS NTRODUCTION I AND IDEN ITY CONTEMPORARY ETH OLOGICAL7 –AND12 L I. “NETWORKING” T – N ANTHROPOLOGICA Delivery(SELF of) REFLECTIONEthnographic Material. The 15 25 Work of Eth ologists in e Conditions f ‘Project Ines Prica, n th o – Interdisciplinarity’ ultidimensional Identity and National Tradition under the Condition of Pan- 27 39 Petko Hristov, MoM Is y of a Un ted Europe Possible? s – European bility. Ethnolog i HE EW C THES OF II. T N LO nthropologicalTRADITIONS Interpretatio of 43 65 Popular Cos ology: Research Pers ives. Milan Tomašević, A n – inship some Calendar m pect 67 88 brations. A Case tudy f the bration of VesnaEpiphanyPetreska, in MacedoniaRitual K in Cele S o Cele – ubarac Matić, Fr Serbian Epics to The Hague Thematic C rcle and 69 113 ĐorđinaBack:Tr Decasyl abic Singing omas a theLinguistiClassical Register Seen from the Functional Perspi – l c Katerina P Kuzma , A ective 115 131 ch of t e Role of R Processions in Folk Traditionetrovska nova spects of the Resear h usalian – 5 DERN GAMES AND RITUALS III. (POST)MO J a he Celebration of Childre 's Aleksandar Krel, adrank Đorđević Birthdays in Belgrade and Consumer Society 135 152 Crnobrnja, T n – itics on the Fo ll Fie d. An Overview of the Relationship between Id ology Ivan Đorđević, Pol otba l and Sport in erbia 153 177 e – S MMORPGs and 179 206 Ljiljana Gavrilović, me Ba ic Fa torsNationalism of – Pilgrimage in Contemporary Serbia Biljana Anđelković, So s c 207–229 6 UDK 39+655.535.564; DOI:INTRODUCTION 10.33876/978-542-110-238-0/7-12 The edited volume Perspectives of Anthropological Research in South-East Europe is a joint effort between “N. N. Miklouho- Maklay” Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia, and the Institute of Ethnography of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. The idea for this volume came about at the international conference Retrospectives and Perspectives of Ethnology and Anthropology, held from the 8th to the 10th of September 2017 at the open air museum “Staro selo” in Sirogojno, Serbia. The occasion for the conference was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Ethnography SASA. The conference was attended by more than 50 scholars from 11 countries, with the main topic being the history and development of ethnology and anthropology, theories, methodologies and research topics, as well as contemporary fields of research and approaches. This edited volume is also the result of a decades long fruitful collaboration between two scientific institutes, that was formalized through the signing of the Protocol on international scientific collaboration between SASA and RAS in v c o a p 2006 the jubilee conference f the Institute of hy ASA. ide tThis s olume is omprised o f topics nd p resentations given at a o i pEthnograp f S a fAs e fromrchhe oncientific he impactmentf the findividual ethnology apersand anthropologypublished here, n the book lso representsurope. n thatan mportantense, the ublicationers sentedor ny ereutur s resea t t t develop d oa m t c isei aSoutheastern kind f Eview f theI s , researchpap methodologies,pre h ptsa andwell as enomenahe opics they eal withgy nnd isethods region hey employges withompr n teen o over the o issuesry. The ers n thisconce olume deal phith theoreticalanthropolost crutiny it th p oenga nei theelf, the analysisyears of f the21 centu ons papof raditionalpublished ulture,i s vwell variousw phenomena s of of he ositionsy culturef the indiscipli its Europe. o transformati t c a as contemporar Southeastern This e is ivided nto ee parts. he “Networking” and identity – contemporary ethnological and anthropologicalvolum (self)reflectiond – isi edicatedthr o theoreticalT first,nd d t a 7 Editors ------------------------------------------------------ al uestioning f ology and gy n conditions f disciplinarity nd oject” h, s wellmethodologic s paneuropeanq and o ethnional lityanthropolo nd i then, that ead to ohangesdesired n interthe ionship towarda “pr c” researc a l a o i internat t mobi w a t connectio es l oc i relat a “classi t ethnoh logica topicsThe secondf national art –dentity The newand clothesfolk radition, of traditionsas ell – asd o c hangw in the status fonsethnology of and traditionsanthropology n the mongmodernhe umanities.orld nd p to ditional henomena. Theeals thirdith thet transformati- (Post)modern gamesfolk and rituals incompasses anthropologicalw a contemporary papproaches t tra p t p par o modernism and postmodernism, – end heir relationship with research intol, n henomenal a d r hatouscame identities.into being in he eriods f a t ideologica ationa no eligi t c I E a F Delivery of EthnographicThe paper Material.that Thepens Workhe firstof Ethnologistshapter is inby thenes ConditionsPrica (The of Institute“Project Interdisciplinarity”of thnology nd wolkloristics, t a Zagreb), t s e a t h t c arity and the , in jectification”hich he uthor f considerse. hehe tateor offocusesthnology on hangesnd nhe umanitieseption ndin he he onditions off ethnologyinterdisciplin in he ontext f “proerdisciplinary projects,o scienc whichT eadsauth o the fact t ca ral i percological verviewa t is performativityften eft o key disciplinaryt c whicho int subsequently eads the l t tha gene w ethn e o a to rl without “purveyors f material”bases, for her analyticl torocedures.reducti ontkoof the professional I ork o of thnologists, nd B heir ielegation erto Multidimensionalo Identity andfurt National Traditionp underPe the HristovConditions(The of Pan-Europeannstitufe f Ethnography Mobility. Is EthnologyBAS, ulgaria) of a Unitedn the Europepap Possible? a w t m wed by the cha es in socio- l clima e (the fall of the Iron t nalyzes s the t challenges E hich he new illennium, o t follosoutheastern art ofng e) roughtpolitica o ethnologistst n the curtain,These he preads of hedentU and n thethedrastic changetransformation f the subjectsf hef ethnological p rch,Europ s bwell ast n the constructioni Balkans. f changeonalwere evi s in i urope. he oonditions of o European reseaity uencea the i t n n oal multidimensiidentity nd he relationshipidentitie wardE ulturalT andc historical pan- h is understoodmobil infl as “folk traditionchanges. in he ature of ation a t to c heritage 8whic ” ------------------------------------------------------ Introduction The second art The New Clothes of Folk Traditions o a p b I o SASA, Serbia), ntitledp Anthropological Interpretation of Popularpens Cosmology:with aper Researchy Milan PerspectivesTomašević. (Thee nstituter f Ethnographyches he relationship betweene opular ulture, , religion and gy, and rough ing Thpularpape cosmologicalresear tes arrives at n aboutp e relationsc ofscience ower nd n anthropolo s th a s analyz po t “ wtheori t t p a conclusioa th o p a T identity ti modernicationociety, of withemiotic pecificysis,regard eto he orcultural ars” haar took lace t thec beginning f then new century.f hrougha her applmythology”. The papers analesna thka Theauth Instituteviews of popul e cosmologies“Marko Cepenkov”,as ontemporary acedonia)folk Ritualarrative Kinshiporms in andsome sCalendar“secula Celebrations. A Case Studyby V of Petresthe Celebration( of EpiphanyFolkl orin Macedonia a M r t c of t. ohn d Epiphany, by relying oremost on he heory of tice ynalyzes Pierre“kumstvo” urdieu.as itualThekinship in considershe elebrations he S J anl meaning of itual f p in t imest h canprac
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