A History of the Baptists (Third Edition) by ROBERT G. TORBET With a Foreword· by Kenneth Scott Latourette :.: . : : VALLEY FORGE JUDSON PRESS® A HISTORY OF THE BAPTISTS Copyright © 1950, 1963, by The Judson Press All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any manner without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations included in a review of the book in a magazine or newspaper. FOURT EENTH PRINT ING, 1993 INTERNATIONAL. STANDARD -·BooK· ·No,-·•0-8170,,0074-7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE CARD No. 63-8225 ; "' " . :. ' ~ ...~ All Scripture· q uotations, unless otherwise ln~icated, ~~e from the American Standard Version of the Bible and are copyright (re· newal) 1929 by the International Council of Religious Education. PRINTED I N THE u .s .A. CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD ill • e ill e e e e e e e • e e e • • e 1111 • • • e • • • • • • • e e • • e • e • I • e I • • • 7 PREFACE . • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . • • 11 PREFACE TO THE NEW REVISED EDITION • . • . • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • 13 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION . 14 PART ONE: BAPTIST BEGINNINGS CHAPTER I AN APPROACH TO BAPTIST HISTORY • • . • • . 17 CHAPTER II BAPTIST BEGINNINGS AMID PERSECUTION . 33 PART '!WO: BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BAPTISTS CHAPTER III REACTIONS TO TOLERATION, 1689-1800 ..... 61 CHAPTER IV DENOMINATIONAL EXPANSION ...... " ... ". 84 CHAPTER v BRITISH DOMINION BAPTISTS •••.•.••...•. 135 CHAPTER VI THE BAPTIST WITNESS IN EUROPE .••.•... 168 PART THREE: AMERICAN BAPTISTS CHAPTER VII BEGINNINGS IN A NEW LAND •.••••.••.•• 201 CHAPTER VIII· EXPANSION AND STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM .•.• 221 CHAPTER IX SMALLER BAPTIST BODIES • • • • • . • • • • . • . • • • 254 CHAPTER x DISSENSION AND STRIFE • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 266 CHAPTER XI EVANGELISM AND EDUCATION •...••.••••• 298 CHAPTER XII BURMA AND BEYOND ••.•••.•••••••••.••• 331 . .· . CHAPTER XIII "NORTH AMERICA FOR CHRIST" •• , •••• , • • • 356 .. ·· .. CHAPTER XIV MISSIONS UNDER FIRE ••.••••.•.••••••.• 385 CHAPTER xv FACING A REVOLUTIONARY CENTURY 424 CHAPTER XVI DEVELOPMENTS SIN cE Mm-CENTURY 457 CHAPTER XVII DEVELOPMENTS SINCE Mm-CENTURY (cont.) 487 CHAPTER XVIII BAPTIST CONTRIBUTIONS TO PROTESTANTISM 512 •· 9 ..·· . · 10 A HISTORY OF THE BAPTISTS APPENDICES APPENDIX A A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE 536 APPENDIX B TABLE OF BAPTIST BODIES . • . • . • 542 APPENDIX c TABLE OF BAPTIST SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN T HE UNITED STATES •.••.•...•.•••.••.•...• 546 APPENDIX D M1ssroN SocIETIEs AND THEIR WORK ..•..... 550 BrnLJOGRAPHY . .• • . •. .. •. ....... ..•• .. • ..•.. .. • ...... ..• 553 I N DEX •... .. ... .• . .. ....... .. • ..... •• . ....• .• •..•.. .• 575 INDEX Abolitionists (British), 525 ~55 Acadia College, 140, 152 f., 157 American Sunday School Union, 326, African Baptist Mission Society, 333 328 f. African Christian Mission, 435 Anabaptists, 23 ff., 512 f., 515, 518, Alabama Baptist Convention, 288, 291 520, 531; relation to Baptists, 19, 29 Alabama Institute of Literamre and Anderson, Frederick L, 399, 430; state­ Industry, 315 ment on "evangelical policy," 399 f., Alabama Resolutions, 291 430 ff. Alline, Heney, 136 f. Andrews, Emerson, 302 American and Foreign Bible Society, Anna Bagby College, 402 279, 288, 337 Anti-mission Baptists, 262 American and Foreign Free Baptist Anti-mission controversy, 268 ff. Board of Foreign Missions, 289 Anti-Masonry controversy, 276 ff. American Baptist Anti-Slavery Con­ Anti-slavery movement, 286 vention, 288 f. Argentina Baptist Convention, 403 American Baptist Churches of the Arizona Baptist Convention, 433 South, 484 Arizona, Baptist General Convention of, American Baptist Convention, reorgani­ 434 zation of, 474, 484 f. Arminian Baptist bodies, 254 ff., 425, American Baptist Education Society, 5.14 323, 410 Association of Baptises for Evangelism American Baptist Educational Commis­ of the Orient, 43 5 sion, 323 Association of Baptists for World Evan­ American Baptist Foreign Mission Sod· gelism, 395, 435 ety, 178 ff., 186, 197, 389, 395; Associations, organization of in Amer­ doctrinal controversy, 429 ff. ica, 232; origin of, 43 ff. American Baptist Free Mission Society Austrialian Baptists, 160 ff. 339, 416 .Australian Baptist Union, 164 American Baptist Home Mission So­ ciety, 287, 289, 293, 295, 302, 305, Backus, Isaac, 235 ff., 243, 255, 299, 314, 323, 358 ff., 410 f., 437, 523, 520 529; organization of, 334 f. Backus, Jay S., 364 American Baptist Magazine, The, 332 Bacone, Almon C., 3 7 6 American Baptist Missionary Union, Bagby, W. B., 350 177, 180, 193, 279, 293, 338 ff •• 43 7 Bagby, Mrs. W. B., 350, 402 American Baptist Publication Society, Baldwin, Thomas, 249, 250 177, 279, 302, 326, 329. 416, 418, Baltimore Compromise, 289 437, 446 f. Baptism, mode of, 516 .American Baptist Publicadoo and Sun­ Baptist Bible Institute and School of day School Society, 334 Theology, 435 American Baptist Theological Seminary, Baptist Bible Seminary in Johnson City, 435 450 Baptist Church of Christ, 262 American Bible Society, 278 f. Baptist City Mission Societies, 414 American Bible Union, 279 Baptist Convention of British Colum- American Board of Commi~ioners for bia, 155 Foreign Missions, 248 Baptist Convention of Manitoba and American Colonization Society, 354 the Northwest Territories, 155 American Indian Mission Association, Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, 367 f. New Brunswick, and Prince Edward American National Baptist Convention, Island, 142 575 Baptist Convention of Ontario and 480, 482 Quebec, 159 Blunt, Richard, 42 f. Baptist Education Society of the Middle Board of General Promotion of the States, 309 Northern Baptist Convention, 439 Baptist Evangelical Union, 184 Board of Education and Publication of Baptist Federation of Caoada, 159, 502 f. the Northern Baptist Convention, Baptist Foreign Missionary Convention, 447 f. 35~ Board of Missionary Co-operation of Baptist: General Conference of America, Northern Baptist Convention, 439 f. 499 Boardman, George Dana, Sr., 335 Baptist General Tract Society, 302, 326, Bolles, Lucius, 334 334, 337 Bowen, T. ]., 350 Baptist Jubiiee Advance, 469, 477 Boxer Rebellion, 347 f. Baptise Missionary Society, 133, 522 Boyce, James P., 318 Baptist Missionary Society in England, Brantly, W. T., 330 409 Brazilian National Baptist Convention, Baptist Missionary Training School of 403 Chicago, 322 Bright, Edward, 3 38, 342 Baptist origins, theories concerning, British and Foreign Bible Society, 106, 18 ff.; of English General Baptists, 181, 191, 278, 347, 522 3 7 ff.; of English Particular Baptises, Broadman Bible Commentary debate, 40 ff. 497 f. Baptist Sunday School Board, 407 Broadus, John A., 3 70 Baptist Training Union, 447 Brooks, Charles A., 413 Baptist: Union of Great Britain and Drown University, 531 Ireland, 112 ff.; merger with New Brunson, ]. A., 352 Connection, 116; trends since 1900, Bryan, R. T., 402 128 ff., 506 Bucknell Junior College, 446 Baptist Union of New Zealand, 166 Bucknell University, 313, 531 Baptist Union of Western Canada, 15 5 Bucknell, William, 313, 328, 351 Baptist Union Theological Seminary, Bulgarian Baptists, 189 321 Bunyan, John, 51, 519 Baptist W odd Alliance (Congress) , Burroughs, John C., 321 160, 168 ff., 175. 180, 182, 190, Busher, Leonard, 38 196, 425, 427, 43 7, 445, 452 f., Buzzell, John, 259 507 ff. Baptist Young People's Union of Caffin, Matthew, 64 America, 446£. California Baptist Theological Seminary, Baptist Young People's Union Auxiliary . 446 to the Southern Baptist Convention, California, Southern Baptist General 447 Convention of, 434 Baptist Youth Fellowship, 447 Calvin, John, 512 Barebone, Praise-God, 41, 48 Camp meetings, 301 Barrowist:s, followers of Henry Bar- Campbell, Alexander, 269 ff., 280 rowe, 28 Campbell, Robert C., 485 Bates College, 323 Campbell, Thomas. 270 Baylor University, 324 Canada Baptist Missionary Convention Bell, Edwin A., 197 East, 153 Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, 446 Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board, Bethel Association, 230, 233, 284 157 Bethel College, 446 Canadian Council of Churches, 160 Bible Society, controversy, 278 f.; in Cary, Lott, 353 f. England, 101 f. Carey, William, 80 ff., 127, 133, 247, Bilingual churches, 414 332, 353, 522 Bill of Rights, 243 Carmichael, Rober4 92 f. Bishop, Nathan, 364 Carroll, B. H., 324 Bitting, W. C., 438 Carson, Alexander, 96 Blackall, Christopher R., 327 Central American missions, 383 f. Black American Baptist Churchmen, Central Baptist Theological Seminary, 576 323, 446 Committee 0£ fifteen 0£ Northern Bap­ Central China Baptist .Missionary Con- tist Convention, 43 7 ff. ference, 347 Committee on Co-operation in Latin Chalmers, William E., 446 America, 417 Chapel cars, 327 Cone, Spencer H., 279, 290, 361 Chaplains, 422, 454£. Confessions of faith, early English, 45; Chaplains of Army and Navy, Com- early usage, 46; of London Particular mittee on, 454 Baptists ( 1644), 514; of London Gener;i.l 'Baptists ( 1660), 514; of Chaplin, Jeremiah, 310 · Philadelphia Baptist Association Charleston Association, 230, 285, 308f. (1742 ), 213, 514; New Hampshire Chartists, 525 Confession ( 1830). 429, 431, 434, f. Chase, Ira, 310 514 Chemung Association, 263 Conscientious objectors, 418, 453 Chicago, Divinity School of the Uni­ Conservative Baptist Association of versity of, 428 America, 436, 500 Chicago, University of, 321, 410, 426, Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission 428 Society, 400 f., 435 f. China Baptist Theological Seminary, Conservative Baptist Home Mission 407 Society, 436 China Inland Mission,
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