I .,...'"'I ..... I I r - A sample of recent articles of interest to Morehead State University INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY UPO BOX 1100 MOREHEAD, KY 40361-1689 606-783-2030 The Daily lndependent;~hlan~,_Kentucky, Monday, February 2, 1998 In October, tlie· class toured St:-· Claire's obstetrics/gynecol­ ogy unit and nursery and pre­ sented the angel gowns to the hospital. Lisa Wallace, nurse manager Pr0j8Ct of OB/GYN and the nursery at St. Claire, · called the gowns a "wonderful idea." "We're finding that more and more of these parents are a lesso-n having funeral services and treating these babies as if they'd gon-e full-term," Wallace said. She said three or four of the gowns have been used. "It was just precious to be in caring able to give the gowns to the hospital," said 24-year-old se­ nior Christi Stewart of West Liberty. "I never knew it would become so personal." ·· Stillborns buried in While the class was sewing the angel gowns, Stewart found out she was pregnant: _ students' 'angel gowns' She miscarried io11., weeks later. morbid. But (the students) re­ Stewart did not use an angel By TOM LEWIS alized there was a need· for it gown, but the episode added to OF THE DAILY INDEPENDENT and wanted to do it." the project's emotional impact Taylor said when she sug­ on class members, who helpea·_ MOREHEAD - ·on gested the angel gown project, Stewart through her grief. ; Christmas Day. Sarah the class responded with genu­ Taylor hopes the project fos- · Baldridge was 19 -·weeks ine compassion for the infants tered a desire for continued pregnant and looking for­ and mothers. community service in her stu­ ward to what next Christ­ "Knowing you're going to be dents. Some took copies of the mas would be like with a able to help someone in their angel gown patterns to make baby. time of need when they 'tlon 't more themselves or to 0 pass But things took a tragic have the time to think about them along to church and civic turn Christmas night. when something like that" made the groups. abdominal cramps sent her project emotional as- well as Stewart and- GulletLplan~<i-1 to St. Claire Medical Center. educational, according to stu­ , teach high school hom'iiico-~ The next day, Baldridge, 19, dent Susie· Gullett of Flat­ I nomics and .said. 'their .classesj and her 20-year-old hus; woods. I li,kely will.make angel gci:\ffl~~-- band, ·Shawn, "found 'them­ Students spent 10 hours ..Taylor said hec.sewin"'~"~~ selves planning-a'flirieral:" ·. making a gown and cap to ful­ 1·es-'miglif'¥e1ieat 'Uie'iirtiff~ Erica Ann Baldridge was fill the class requirement to need exists, or 'she might]aolf. born five months t90 soon sew a child's garment. They for other service-orietited"' and died Dec. 26. chose from one of. three sizes; projects, such as garmeiits'Joi. "We knew we were going Gullett made the smallest. nursing home residents . ..., .' ;;,.~.;-1 to have. a funeral," said "If you can Imagine making · Mrs. Baldridge, wh~o-·lr Mrs. Baldridge. "But we a gown the size of your hand studying nursing at· MSU,._ were t!li!}king, __'.Wbat. }V91¼1~-~­ and then thinking it needs to thanked Taylor's class.and.St.,,, we,put ·on· lier2"';li:rjca'·~s, be even smiiller -:..... its'Jtard to Claire for _her di{fijlJ,J!!EAAtl . opl¥,JD il}SJ}ft~&n&i,,,;,. ;;,:;,, imagine," ·said .. tl!e 26-ye:µ-,old .. .-.-~,- ... ,_:;... -:..,, · Someone,, ~µ,i;ge,'sFeµ ,~qpr. ~ fiii~iif°s~r~,s~~~t~~t~~~J!i-;.· ~10 ·_· .-. ,, ,, . ~' f •.i!f senior. ·~1•'~:--.-fr~;-"q . , - ,-..~ .. ~~--c,,•cc---~-.. ·- , (\jg . AA ~ ... --~ i'~no , .,~'l.~~~:Pr-~ :~-';a."'i,:;' ~, Ou"'~'" · '·. ~ s \ The Daily Independent. Ashland, Kentucky, Monday, February 2, 1998 ~-- area teachers win presidential awa:rds upper levels of the primary program - what used to the Russell, Elliott educators second and third grades. She became involved in the among 214 afforded honor math and science teacher part­ going back to reexamine ev­ nership group after adoption of By GEORGE WOLFFORO the Kentucky Education Re­ erything. You've got to keep form Act. She was spurred on 0FTHE DAILY INDEPENDENT them interested in science or by a brother. Claude Simmons. they' 11 get turned off.'' who teaches science in Indi­ RUSSELL - Two North­ The two teachers have dis­ ana. "'He kept telling me I eastern Kentucky teachers cretion on how $2,500 a year would enjoy it because it al­ with passions for science have lows a hands-on, minds-on ap­ been named winners of Presi­ will be spent at their schools. Nichols said she wants probes, proach ... dent Bill Clinton's Award for . Elliott County's high, junior Excellence in Mathematics and graphic calculators and other computer equipment to go high and elementary schools Science Teaching. ~vith math study. are on the same campus at The honor is the nation's , Maggard said she wants to Sandy Hook, offering op­ highest for math and science take her time deciding how to portunity for collaboration by teachers in elementary and spend the "once-in-a-lifetime youngsters of widely differing secondary schools. opportunity. I lean to equip­ ages. Maggard's students Susan Nichols of Russell ment. I want to do field trips, worked with high schoolers to Middle School and Vanessa like space camp, but that beautify the playground by Maggard of Sandy Hook El­ would limit the number of putting up birdhouses and dec­ ementary were among four children who take part, and I orating trash cans. teachers in Kentucky and 214 want to see it reach as far as it Later, Maggard helped put in the nation afforded the can. together a program featuring a honor - which includes $7.500 Maggard, who worked as a NASCAR display that helped over the next three years for beautician and a florist before teach students about physics. use in their schools. going to college, didn't focus at "It was an idea I had to sell Nichols, who graduated from first on science. Now she to the principal, the . superin- · the University of Kentucky in teaches only that topic, four tendent and the board,". she 1982 and returned to teach in times a day. to students in the said. her home district, says she thinks she was selected not on the basis of a particular THE COURIER-JOURNAL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1998 project "but just the way the Lexington Herald-Leader whole classroom is set up, Tuesday, February 3, 1998 stressing performance and in­ Illinois official quiry. Candidate for EKU presidency visits: "I just don't do things out of Illinois Lt. Gov. Robert Kustra met yesterday with the textbook, but I concentrate .is interviewed faculty members at Eastern Kentucky University, on how things work and why where he is among four finalists to become the next they work that way." · about EKU job school president. Kustra, who has been lieutenant If there was a specific· eye­ governor since 1990, serves as chairman of the catcher, it was a lifesize, in­ Associated Press Illinois Board of Higher Education, which oversees !1ated whale her students put 12 public universities. RICHMOND, Ky. - Illinois together during a study of Lt. Gov. Robert Kustra met yes­ oceans. Or it could have been terday with faculty members at her cooperative approach to Eastern Kentucky Uni':ersjty, education. which brings in col­ where he is among four finalists leagues like math teacher Mol­ to become school president. lie Damron. Kustra; who has been lieuten­ ant governor sine!' f990, 1s "It takes·a whole cooperative chairman of the Ilhn01s Board effort, keeping up· on -teaching of Higher Educali~n, .'?hich skills and-· knowledge·· cif ·sci- oversees 12 public umvers11ies. ence, II she said. o.:~c: :; He said that if he were named Nichols has worked-_,closelY. president of EKU, he would like with the Kentucky·Dl!pamrterit to serve as adviser to a half doz­ en· students to help gauge what of"E'du·catfon·"·on~Jfcfence kind of education they are re• proJe'ds· arid' 1~-pff~fc:1[nfiiryie ceiving. ·: Kentucky ;·Sci~itce ':r1t~c;llei's Kustra said being a guest.lec­ Association this'· yeitr:-;sne's turer or filling in for vanous been a board meml;11ij;_ 9t~)lat professors might also help htm group for six years. .. stay connected to the classrool)l without assuming full responsi- She is a resource teacher. for bility for a course. · . the Partnership.. Refonh ;;ln!tia- Kustra was instrumental 1n ~-~,.,JU;,,§.9.~!!,!!!z.C,.,.,a ~M~J!l- establishing the lllinois Distance ematic •, 0~1 · ,t - Leaming Foundation. He-@lso ~-·•-- •~ .· resource•·. eac eri, served ! □-years in the lllin_ois Af'-cR;i. Xil':i~'n "~ttffit" ~-;. General Assembly, advocat!ng c,=.,st""'•rlfl.tll!i : -,.,'il education issues and promotmg . cationt.~-. ~~~·1 J.ey', -the -interests .oPthe,-ChlcagQ 1®w,~, -~ public school reform.-. ~,/- mlddlt~clicloi'sttiden~,J,! ·. The other finalists.are sched· mi:". uled for interviews this month; 11~f~iiflil~i~i1ir.~.11.~.-~~ . The·school's presidential search dl!!ra~xplorei;;_the.fE',A.w.-liol~; committee hopes to name a suc­ wprld, andiliy:.theiti -; ~~11,t) cessor by !he ,time the_current 1m0Nmit1dietrs1i '65i ·~ · . " ,il ._,Pl'l!5ideilt;·~Ht1!).ly._{f11D1e{!L,.!,lt.-1¼ •tettres·June30;;-,;· ~'tt%!.wz '"" - 1• -- ' , __.:.., ..;:.._'::~ ... ;~..~~~~"' "'!':.:':;.'1- ~~~•'·' ft-1,~,SOURIER-JOURNAL • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1998 cut one purpose of UK basketball "One purpose UK basketball ha; A study for UK released last month served_ has been a sort of unifying said construction of an arena on factor m the state, bringing people 344 faculty campus is feasible.
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