The Weather Serving the State 0cH ......1 ...... War University of Iowa &1II'Illq ....... law &Ids ~ c.Ner FrWa'l. Campus and HIch ....,. 51: 10 • :S •• H1ch WHae.Ia" 5%: low. Iowa City 43. Est. 186& - AP leased Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, lowo, Thundoy, Dec. 3. 1,53, Vol. 97, No. 305 * * * *** RledsU TUCK:~u:::'I~u:t~in ~:':~n= Chu«hill I eJ se SUI Students Win buck d throu,h an AUantic torm aboard the Suatocruiser CAnOPUJ Warns GOP 0 Need Of (Oercllon and landed in Bennuda's sunshin Wednesday to at! nd the W tern F 5 d n :!~~ree conference he hopes wlJl brin, the world closer to lasdnr or oun ~ r-ogram I I Forelcn Secretary Anthon)' Ed~ and Lord CherweJ1, former Wllh Allies Mu-,;oy Scholarships chief ot Britain's atomic en~rgy d v lopm nt work, w re In Chur- WASHINGTON (iP)- PresIdent -----------­ chill's p rty ot 28. E~nhower told Republicans in ment can or should try to get biih­ WASHINGTOl'l ~Pres[dent Preml~ Jo ph Laniel ot France took ott tram Paris In an Air conlres&-Sen. Joseph McCarthy er taxe n xt year than Jt Ls let­ France Con leUation a few hours let r with hi loreiln rnfru.t.er, 01 Wisconsin among them-Wed- Une now. What the administration Eisenhower Wednesday strongly endorsed Secretary of State John Geor, I Bldault, and a 19-man dele&ation . for th lalla o~nln, Ft~ ~esday that their party will stay will do, said the President, is cut Fost.er Dulles' rebuU to Sen. Jo­ day at the Mid-Ocean club. The French Will arrive today. III power only if they adopt costs by Improving iovernment seph McCarthy (R-Wls.) on the President Eisenhower, Secretary ot State John Foster Dulles and "a prolrculve, dynamic pro,ram efficiency. He said it should be wue of U.s. torelan pollcy and nine other American oUiei I expect to iet In Friday. enhanclnl the weltare of the peo- possible to cut the size ot he nrmy warned against any swJne toward Five days or d cllYlon of world problems are slated at the club, pIe of our country." thou,h he wouldn't commit hlm- "coerclon" in deallnr with Ameri­ t[n,ed by barbed wire ond heavUy JUBrded by British nnd American Without ever mention In, Mc- HI! to the 10 per cent cut !JlUre ca's allle•• service men. Ru la', sunesllon for a BII Four lorelan mln[sters' Carthy, the Prealdent in effect mentioned by Deten.e Secretary conference In BerUn looms as a major topic. took the posJtion th.t the WI con- Charles Wilson. Declarlnr that unity amon, Ir e An lIuthorltative source said the President hopes to win Fr nc '. sin senator hIB picked the wronl 4. He's leal/lng lit 8 lI.m. (EST) nations Is "our only hope tor sur­ ratification of th six-notion Europenn army plan, to Inelud W t issue for th political Itruul FridaY tor the BermUda coolcr- vival" In the Ilobal atruule with German troop, Ith nn a urance tbe United State.' wO.lJld m Intnin that 11 head. ence with Prime M[nlster Sir W[n- Soviet RUIlIia, Eisenhower told a its present "combat eHectiveness" In Europe. Not A Bla baae ston Churl!hlll and Premier Jo eph crowded news con terence: WherelU McCDrthy Insists Reds- Laniel, and tok[nl Secr tory of Ib JIaeka DillIes In-Iovemmcnt will be a biZ issue State John Foster Dulles nnd nine "I am in full occord with the In 1954, E ohower elCpreued re- ollier official with him. Th Ber­ Itatements made yesterday by newed conviction that It won't be. muda talks, he expects, will pretty Secretary Dulles In hi p(ess con­ Then th Pre Id ot I Jd down much t8k In the whol world and lerence. 100 fr()m 16 Colleges his own prescription for victory: he hopes they will lead to better "I would like to add this com­ Republlcan. should filht tor the coord1n tlon 01 th three nations' ment to what he said: The easl~t "prolrcsslvc, dynamic prolfam" effort to keep the peace. thlnl to do with rreat power fa he will lay before congre s In to abuse It - to use It with ex- To Speak in .<:ontests January. cess." Eisenhow~ added, In a news Justice Dept. Denies McCarthy had no immediate Over 100 studcnta from 16 unl-.-------------- conference statem nt plainly In- comment on tbe President's slate­ • vcraJti s and collelles will particl- 8 p.m. The question Is. resolved: tended to squelch Intra-party cUs­ ment. The senator had previously pate in the onnual intercoll gl te ''That th U.S. should adopt a sens[on, that he knew his senU­ Fed" Judge's Charge Indicated he mllht have a news conference on world ~robJ lOS t9 pOlicy ot lr trade." mentl were shared "by the vast conference later Wednesday, but be held at SUI Friday and S tur- Saturday momln, at 8, the flnal majority ot my close associates WASHINGTON (A» - The Jus­ after readln, a copy ot Eisenhow­ day. round ot dlscu ons wlll be held both In the senate and in the house Uce departmen\ denied Wednea- er's remark., McCarthy told news­ '.ESW~NT VIRGIe- ~,. IIIlNCHEB cOlJlrtllul.le. II,,!! svt ItUdM" who were !~~r~:;r J~b!"~. The day and a halt meeUn, to .nd at 9 the I.st slate of d bates. of representatlv s." d.y a statement by U.s. Dl.strict men he wanled to study It fur­ Murray .cbol'l'IIhlp!! of 50D Wedne day. In the Jlletu~, President Hancher hancls checks to (lelt lo aid in improvlnt spe_kine leatur The entire conler nce will go Unity Felt JUdi Willis W. Ritter that 1t ther. ItI'M) Bobelt D.)'ton Johnston, At, Lake City: John l1eendo Stewarl, Ct, Cedar l1aplcJs: Rn A. 17 debat s go[nl on slmullaneou~- into Ic,lslatlve sculon from 10:20- "Because ot thia unity of teel- had reCused to slst In an inves- ~ HeCariJl"1 Vlew.- 8&lIlI.lOn, At, lou City: PhllUp leve Dandos, LZ, loux Cit" and John lser McTavlsb, L3, Ea- Iy In 17 SUI classrooms. 12:20 to discuss conlfcsslonal In- Inl such II program wilt be en- tlgation of Jury, tamperlnl by Once apin the President avoid­ U1ervllle. Awarded annua~y, tbe IcholanblPII were provlded by the wiU of the late lUn. Be Ie Prot. Dewey B. Stult, dean. ot velticatlon procedures and PrllC- acted," he declared. DeJnv;r '~bler;s. m t h ed a direct, personal crackdown htlon Murray, Wheatland, In meMory of her bu band, the late John F. Murray, a native or Mon- the colle, ot Ubcral arta at SUI, tlce!!. He r ad a prepared statement, b u 'ft ~lerll slate en as on the controv rllal Wiscons[n roe, who bec!ame famous and wealtb, throll&"b hi, work In advertlslnl" and bu Ine I promoUon. wlll welcome the p rUeipant! Frl- The confer nce w1l1 clo w th a and only once In the reading did d een t c e: I y C a:l~~ ~i~heYi senator. Like Dullel, be did not . __ .. __ . __ day mornln, 01. 9 In the senat 12:30 p.m. luncheon in the River his calm attitud crack. That. was epu Y carman 0 e a ona mention McCarthy by name. Five SUI studcnts have been slblhUes ot th court. Iowa In September, 1952. chamber of Old CapJlol. room of the Iowa M marl 1 Union toward the end. His eyes narrowed Democratic committee:, as evl- But Eisenhower was emphatic awarded John F. Munay schol~r- Ot the five scholarship winners, McTavish received his bachelor The fir t ot tour discu lion with A. Craig Baird, profC$Sor- and hIs voice grew steely cold u- dence that. there Is a serious c In opposing McCarthy's views on ships ot $500 each, President V1r- lour Il.re senior.!; Bankson, Mc- of sciencc Ln commerce degre· d Ul bit 9'20 Itb 10 emer[tu of the SUlapeech depart. a,aln not mentlonlnl McCarthy or situation ,~Ithln the ju 4 de- the proper way to conduct foreirn gil M. Hnneher onnOullc d Wed- tavish, Stowart and Johnston. "with distinction" trom SUI In roun s w e, n a . w ment III toastmaster Batln,. at parim nt. ncsday. Dandos I.s a junior In the coli ,e ]950. He Is now ed[tor-in-chl f Iro~pS, each I~mposed or nlr~ the t~urnament wl11 b~ dlltrlbuted his t:n~-~~Cte~Ods of ;n.; Frltchey charled In a televl- polley-views which Dulles as­ Sel~ted <m the Qasl s ot scholar- of law. ot the IowD, Law Review. ItU eots, llleA",nll on the top c. to the fUel anlS at this time veB ia n, 8 • mmun s .100 appearance last Sunday night sailed. Tuesday as an "arro,ant, ,.hlp, prort! Of abJ\i(y in their 'Bankson carne to SUI 1n )l15f, Dandos received hi bachelor "HOw can pres nt pr~edurcs. ancL S$o: aJ ci in th c~n- -~~e President u1d: that one .of th reasohS why Atty. blUit rln, and domineerlnt' ap­ fields ot peciallzation and quall- after two yean 8t North Park of art.a delree in 1951 at Jowa 011 practlces ot COIl(l"essIOtlal lnvcsti- . p ~t III . In aU ,"at we do to combat Gen. Brownell launched the con- proa~b.
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