South Gloucestershire Council New Local Plan Site Submission Form GUIDANCE ON COMPLETING THIS FORM Please return this form if you are suggesting a site to be considered in the New South Gloucestershire Local Plan. Previously submitted sites are available to view on an online map at: www.southglos.gov.uk/callforsites For each site please complete a separate form and provide a map that clearly and accurately identifies the site boundary. Completed forms and site location plans should be emailed to: [email protected]. Identifying a potential site does not infer that the council in any way supports the development of the site. Sites will be assessed through the plan making process and will be subject to normal planning procedures. Data Protection Statement: This information is collected by Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council and South Gloucestershire Council as data controller in accordance with the data protection principles in the Data Protection Act 1998. The purposes for collecting this data are: to assist in plan making, to contact you, if necessary, regarding the answers given on this form, and to keep you informed of progress with plan making. Some of the data relating to specific sites will be made public as it will form part of the evidence base used to inform the creation of planning policy documents. The above purposes may require public disclosure of any data received on the form, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 1. HAS THE SITE PREVIOUSLY BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE COUNCIL? Previously submitted sites are available to view on the online map accessible from: www.southglos.gov.uk/callforsites (Click on the site to see the site reference number and information previously submitted). Please enter the relevant Site Reference number from www.southglos.gov.uk/callforsites Has this site previously been Yes / No PSP039/SGJSP10018/SG000091 submitted? If the site has already been submitted, how does the information provided in this form change the information you have previously provided to us? This site now includes additional land to the north east, some of which has already been submitted to you, and it confirms that the whole site is available, achievable and suitable for development. 1 2. YOUR DETAILS Name Joanna Lee Company/Organisation Peter Brett Associates (if applicable) Address 10 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4NT Telephone 0117 3327840 Email Status (please tick all that Owner of (all or part of) the site [ ] Land Agent [ ] apply Planning Consultant [ X ] Developer [ ] Amenity/ Community Group [ ] Local Resident [ ] Registered Social Housing Provider [ ] Other (please specify) [ ] If acting on behalf of Tim Baker Landowner / developer Strategic Land Partnerships please provide client name Greendale Court and address details: Clyst St Mary Exeter EX5 1AW I (or my client)… Is sole owner of the site [X ] Owns part of the site [ ] Do not own (or hold any legal interest in) the site whatsoever [ ] If Owner/Part Owner, have Yes [ ] No [ X] you attached a title plan and deeds with this form? If you are not the owner, or own only part of the site, do you know who owns the site or the remainder of it (please provide details)? Does the owner (or other Yes [ X ] No [ ] owner(s)) support your proposals for the site? 2 3. SITE DETAILS Site Address (including Land to the rear of Park Farm postcode where applicable) Barry Road Oldland Common Bristol, BS30 6QX Site Area (Hectares)(if known) 25ha Current land use(s) Arable Land Adjacent land use(s) Variety of agricultural, residential, employment and recreation Relevant planning history (if known) Planning applications PK/09/5056/O refused 19 October 2009 PK10/0484/O refused 10 June 2010 Please tick box to confirm you have provided a site plan [ X ] 4. POTENTIAL USES & CAPACITY Suggested uses (please tick all that apply and where mixed use indicate % of overall site for each use) USE Capacity (number of units) and indication of possible residential tenures, types and housing for different groups Residential Yes/No Up to 650 units, with a mix of house sizes, tenures and elderly accommodation USE Floorspace (m2) / number of floors/pitches / notes Office, research & development, Yes/No light industrial (B1) General industrial (B2) / Yes/No warehousing (B8) Sports / leisure (please specify) Yes/No Retail Yes/No Gypsy and Travellers / Yes/No Travelling Showpeople sites Other (please specify) Yes/No Additional notes about potential uses: 3 5. SITE SUITABLITY ISSUES Question Further details including details of further studies undertaken / mitigation proposed Does the site have any physical Yes/No constraints (e.g. topography, access, severe slope, vegetation cover etc.)? Is the site subject to flooding? Yes/No Is the site affected by ‘bad neighbour’ Yes/No Some overhead electricity lines cross the east of the uses (e.g. power lines, railway lines, site major highways, heavy industry)? Is there a possibility that the site is Yes/No contaminated? Can satisfactory vehicular access to the Yes/No As shown by plan submitted as part of the planning site be achieved? application Has the Highways Agency been Yes / No Previously as part of application PK10/0484/O consulted? Is the site subject to any other key Yes/No constraints? UTILITIES / INFRASTRUCTURE PROVISION Please tell us which of the following utilities are available to the site Mains water supply [ X ] Mains sewerage [X ] Electrical supply [ X ] Gas supply [ X ] Landline telephone [ X ] Broadband internet [ ] Other (please specify below) [ ] Please provide any other relevant information relating to site suitability issues: Mains sewerage, electricity, telecommunications, and gas are all available in the highway corridor that the site has frontage with and all have sufficient capacity to serve the scale of development proposed 4 6. SITE AVAILABILITY ISSUES Question Comments/further details Are there any legal/ownership constraints Yes/No on the site that might prohibit or delay development of the site (e.g. ransom strip/covenants)? Must land off-site be acquired to develop Yes/No the site? Are there any current uses which need to Yes/No be relocated? Is the site owned by a developer or is the YES owner willing to sell? Estimated delivery rate: When do you think the site would come forward for development? (Where a development will be phased over more than one period please indicate this) Within the next 5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 200 450 Do you have any information to support when the site will come forward and its phasing? Please consider suitability, achievability and constraints. 7. SITE ACHIEVABILITY ISSUES Question Comments/further details Are there any known significant abnormal Yes/No Two new vehicular access points from development costs (e.g. contamination Barry Road. remediation, demolition, access etc.)? If yes, please specify. Does the site require significant new Yes/No infrastructure investment to be suitable for development? If yes, please specify. Are there any issues that may influence the Yes/No economic viability, delivery rates or timing of the development? If yes, please specify. Has a viability assessment / financial Yes/No appraisal of the scheme been undertaken? 5 Have any design work studies been Yes/No Ecological Report, Aboricultural Report, undertaken? Archaeological desk based study and evaluation, Flood Risk Assessment, Noise Assessment, contamination study, transport assessment report and heritage strategy – which were all submitted as part of the applications. 8. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet and attach to this form. The site is located on the south eastern built up edge of Bristol and is located approximately 9km from the City centre. Access to the site is gained from the A4175 which links the A420 with the A431 via Oldland Common. The site is well connected to Bristol City Centre. There is good access to alternative means of travel such as the cycle and bus network with a range of bus services and the Bristol / Bath cycle path within five minute walk of the site. Connections to local and national rail services can be found at Keynsham Railway Station which lies approximately 3km from the site. St Anne’s C of E Primary School is located approximately 150 metres to the west of the site, on School Road. The local secondary school, The Sir Bernard Lovell School, is located within 800 metres walking distance to the north of the site. Oldland Common local centre is located approximately 300 metres north of the site and provides a range of local shops and services. Included within Oldland Common’s local centre are: • Doctors surgery • Veterinary surgery • Dentists • Post office • Pharmacy • Mini-supermarket • 2 Public houses • Fish and Chip shop • Chinese takeaway Keeping new development close to the existing city edge with a band of closely related development is a potentially very efficient way of developing and one which will maximise the use of infrastructure as well as making new opportunities within the extension available to existing residents. The site at Oldland Common lies adjacent to the periphery of Oldland Common/North Common and is contained by the strong Oldland ridgeline. Oldland Ridge is a strong landscape feature that provides a very clear threshold between town and country, protecting the Golden Valley and the AONB to the east from the visual influence of the city. The ridge also contributes to the setting of Bristol and, at the southern end, contains the city in distant views from the western edge of Bath. It is a landscape that is highly sensitive to change due to its exposed nature and development upon it would impact on the character of the landscape beyond and the setting of the AONB. It is considered to be ‘Fundamental’ to Green Belt.
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