Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-21-1984 The BG News September 21, 1984 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 21, 1984" (1984). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4292. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4292 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Falling into A local band a new high of 'Upsetters' -in Friday -in Friday Friday, September 21,1984THEBGLNEWS Vol. 67 Issue 15 It's official: Latta confirms president's visit by Geoffrey Barnard arrival," Johnson said. "It could "SINCE HE'S only scheduled wire editor be 10:30 or 12 noon depending on to be here 25 minutes, there whether he stops in Akron first. would be no time for anything It's official. President Reagan "THE SECRET Service ad- after the speech." Boutelle said. is coming to the University vance team. .said one of those "Reagan's plans for anything Wednesday. times would be confirmed within other than a speech are unclear Philip Mason, executive assis- the next couple of days." at this time." tant to University President Johnson also said a "large It is also unclear what topics Paul Olscamp, made the an- complement" of military air- Reagan will address in his nouncement yesterday af- craft would be landing in Toledo speech, he said. ternoon after getting with Air Force One, the presi- confirmation from U.S. Rep. dent's Jet. "There was speculation after Delbert Latta (R-Ohio). Security for the visit will be it was first announced that he Both Latta and Olscamp said handled by campus police, city might be speaking on foreign yesterday Reagan's visit was police and the Secret Service, policy ... but I don't think any- only a rumor until official word Bill Bess, director of the Depart- one at the University knows was given by the White House. ment of Public Safety, said! what he's going to be talking Latta was the first to know "The whole picture is defined about," Boutelle said. because he is the co-chairman of with the word 'security,' " Bess the Reagan/Bush Re-election said. "It's going to be very thor- The president's advance Campaign, Mason said. ough." team, mostly made up of Secret He said Reagan is scheduled The flexible schedule will help Service agents, will be meeting to land at Toledo Express Air- rird the president, according with University officials in the port at 10:30 a.m. and fly to James Goodenough, special next few days to iron out details Bowling Green by helicopter. He agent in charge of the Toledo of the president's visit, Goode- is expected to give a 25-minute branch of the Secret Service. nough said. speech at 11 a.m. in Anderson "Things are easier to take It is not yet known how stu- Arena and leave immediately care of if they haven't been dents will get to see the presi- afterward, Mason said: planned for two months ahead of dent, but seating is an important "The details other than that time," he said. concern of the planners, Mason are sketchy," he added. Originally it was thought Rea- said. Reagan's schedule is flexible, gan would meet with a small "The important thing is for according to Ron Johnson, di- group of students after his students to have first priority," rector of security for Toledo speech, but that might not hap- he said. "It's an important expe- Express Airport. pen, according to Clifton Bou- rience for the students to be able _,_ ''We've been given two possi- telle. director of public relations to see and hear the president in /We times for The president's for the University. person." 23 die in suicide attack on CIS embassy in Beirut BG News/Susan Cross BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - A Secretary of State for Middle The main road leading to the van driven by a suicide bomber East Affairs Richard Murphy annex building - in the Christian Jump shot careened past concrete barriers said he was told a U.S. Marine suburb of Aukar, nine miles Clem YasKovYaskowltz, senior business administration major, was hoping to find people to play basketball with at and through a fusillade of gun- guard shot and killed the suicide northeast of central Beirut - is the courts behind Conklin dormatory yesterday, but nobody else showed up. fire yesterday and blew up at the driver just before the vehicle partially blocked with large con- doors of the U.S. Embassy an- blew up. crete barriers and anti-tank nex. Police said 23 people were Police and embassy officials traps that force entering vehi- killed in the blast and the U.S. said they believed the gunfire cles to move in a zig-zagpattem. State Department reported two from Lebanese and American U.S. Ambassador Reginald of the dead were Americans. guards prevented the van from Bartholomew and British Am- Lebanese state radio initially driving into a basement parking bassador David Meirs were in Group registers voters put the death toll at 10, but later lot and blowing up the entire conference in Bartholomew's said as many as 40 people may building. top-floor office when the explo- have perished. About 90 minutes after the sives detonated at 11:45 a.m. The blast tore into the lower explosion, an anonymous caller (4:45 a.m. EDT) and both were Campus GOP to rally stories of the six-story building claimed responsibility for the slightly injured. and ripped a crater 16 feet wide attack on behalf of Islamic Holy Both ambassadors were taken nearby. Local radio stations War, a shadowy terrorist group to Abu Jawdeh hospital in east by Carole Homberger With the excitement of Rea- film made by the national quoted police as saying the van that claimed the bombings that Beirut, where they were seen staff reporter gan's visit to the University, committee, he said. was laden with as much as 385 killed 299 American and French conscious and talking. Miller expects a large turnout pounds of TNT and that it car- peacekeeping soldiers last Octo- In Washington, President The University's Reagan at the rally. But because of "If the president does ried fake Dutch diplomatic li- ber, and the bombing of the U.S. Reagan reacted with "anger /Bush Republican Party or- space limitations and topics come, we might skip the film cense plates. State television Embassy in west Beirut in April and sorrow." However, he said ganization will hold a rally at on the agenda, Miller would because we will have much to said the van also was fitted with 1983. Sixty-three people, includ- the United States would not be 7:30 Monday in 200 Moseley like to see only those people talk about," Miller said. "I four Soviet-made rockets, add- ing 17 Americans, were killed in driven out of the Middle East. Hall for anyone interested in truly interested in helping am very excited about Rea- ing to the force of the explosion. that explosion. "We must continue," he said. volunteering to help the party with the campus campaign gan's possible visit and I hope American guards and Leb- No member of Islamic Holy "We can't just withdraw in the in its voter registration drive. there. we, the campus party, can anese Christian militia guards War has ever been identified. face of this kind of terrorism." According to Mike Miller, "Tentatively, we plan to step up registration." said they fired at the speeding Lebanese and American offi- The wreckage of the van lay campus party chairman, the talk about what we plan to do Miller added it is important van as it scraped through the cials say the name may actually about five yards from the build- party has registered more in the campaign program," University students fill out a concrete barriers. British body- be used by many individual at- ing's main entrance. students to vote than on any he said. change of address card. "If guards waiting outside the an- tackers or small groups. U.S. Marine guard Cpl. Larry other campus in the country The meeting will also in- they do not change it, they nex also said they fired at the THE AMERICAN staff had Gill of Mobile, Ala., said he was so far and plans to hold on to clude concentration on voter will not be able to vote," he van and hit it several times. just moved to the east Beirut on duty at the entrance to the that distinction. registration and showing of a said. annex in July for security rea- embassy annex when the bomb- IN WASHINGTON, Assistant sons. ing occurred. New placement policy eliminates all-nighters by Larry Harris Ste in sign-ups, held the first have a credential form so em- chances for first-day interview the second day for available North East Commons. Educa- reporter y of each two-week period, ployers can pre-screen candi- sign-ups. times." tion majors will sign up the must complete requirements set dates," Kroll said. "If students same day at 6 p.m. in the Stu- On-campus job recruiting be- by the Placement Office. have not turned that in, they will Second-day sign-ups are open SHE ALSO suggested May dent Services Building Forum.
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