
________________________ SOCIETY NEWS THE BULLETIN OF THE ENFIELD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ________________________ September 1999 No.154 CONTENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS: Friday 1!t" September # $ect&re: 'Historic )&i$di*+( # t"e Evide*ce o- t"e Fabric.. /*dre0 Wittrick. Friday 15t" October # $ect&re: '3&*de*0ic: Excavatio*( o* t"e Site o- Saxo* 3o*do*.. Gordo* Ma$co$m. Friday 19t" November # $ect&re: 'Retrievi*+ 3o*do*5( 6re"istor . Jo* Cotto*. FORTHCOMING EVENTS: Edmo*to* H&*dred Historica$ Societ Historica$ /ssociatio* # Nort" 3o*do* )ra*%". MEETING RE6ORTS: T"e Work o- t"e M&se&m o- 3o*do* /r%"aeo$o+ Service. /* /ir Raid Experie*ce. FOC8S ST89: GRO86. FI3M 3OC/TIONS IN THE 3ON9ON )ORO8GH OF ENFIE39. MISCE33/N:. 6ON9ERS EN9 )REWER:. THE ROSE THE/TRE E;HI)ITION. Society Ne0( is p&b$i("ed <&arter$y i* Mar%"= 7&*e= September a*d 9ecember a*d i( -ree to members. T"e Editor= to 0"om a$$ correspo*de*ce a*d arti%$e( -or p&b$icatio* ("o&$d be se*t is: Jo"* C Steve*(= > Scarboro&+" Road= Edmo*to*= Midd$ese4= N9 ?/T. T@* ABA?.?A4.C91?. T"e stateme*ts a*d opi*io*( o- co*trib&tors to t"is *e0($etter do *ot *ecessari$ refe%t t"e opi*io*( o- t"e editor. TWO FORTHCOMING EVENTS T"e -o$$o0i*+ meeti*+( 0i$$ be "e$d at 7&bi$ee Ha$$= at t"e E&*ctio* o- C"ase Side a*d 6arso*a+e 3a*e= E*fe$d at ?.AApm. 9oor( 0i$$ ope* at !.>Apm 0"e* tea a*d coGee 0i$$ be served a*d t"ere 0i$$ be a* opport&*it to $oo2 at t"e sa$e( a*d i*-ormatio* tab$e. Visitor( are ver 0e$come= -or 0"om a %"ar+e o- H1.AA 0i$$ be made. Friday 1!t" September Historic )&i$di*+s: t"e Evide*ce o- t"e Fabric. /*dre0 Wittri%2 /*dre0 Wittri%2 i( a* Histori% )&i$di*+( /*a$yst 0it" E*+$i(" Herita+e. Hi( ta$2= i$$&strated b vario&( case (t&die(= 0i$$ di(%&(( t"e importa*ce o- &*dersta*di*+ t"e -abri% o- "istori% b&i$di*+( a*d= i* parti%&$ar= "o0 evide*ce i( obtai*ed to e*ab$e i*-ormed decisio*( bei*+ made re+ardi*+ t"e $isti*+ o- (&%" b&i$di*+s. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Friday 15t" October 3&*de*0ic: Excavatio*( O* t"e Site o- Saxo* 3o*do* . Gordo* Ma$co$m T"e area 0"i%" became avai$ab$e -or excavatio* aro&*d t"e Roya$ Opera Ho&se i( a* &*&(&a$$ $ar+e site 0it"i* t"e "eart o- t"e Saxo* to0* o- Lundenwic. From t"i( a*d (ma$$er ar%"aeo$o+ica$ i*vesti+atio*( i* t"e vici*it "a( come o%%&patio* evide*ce i* t"e -orm o- b&i$di*+(= foor (&r-ace(= a$$e 0a (= i*d&stria$@cra-t activitie(= b&ria$( a*d a ra*+e o- %&t -eat&re( (&%" a( dit%"e(= re-&se pit( a*d 0e$$( 0"ere t"e associated arte-a%t( +ive a date ra*+e o- !t" J 9t" ce*t&ry. T"e rece*t 0or2 "a( provided t"e $ar+est a*d most comp$ete evide*ce -or t"e to0* so -ar recorded a*d a*a$ysi( o- t"e data 0i$$ revo$&tio*ise o&r &*dersta*di*+ o- t"i( $itt$e 2*o0* period o- t"e Capita$5( "istor . Gordo* Ma$co$m i( a Se*ior /r%"aeo$o+ist 0it" t"e M&se&m o- 3o*do* /r%"aeo$o+ica$ Service. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Friday 19t" November Retrievi*+ 3o*do*5( 6re"istory. Jo* Cotto* Jo* Cotto* i( C&rator K6re"istor L o- t"e 9epartme*t o- Ear$y 3o*do* History a*d Co$$ectio*( at t"e M&se&m o- 3o*do*. He 0rite(= 'I 0i$$ aim to bri*+ yo&r member( &p to speed 0it" rece*t discoverie( i* t"i( part o- t"e 3o0er T"ame( Va$$e = emp"asisi*+ a$$ t"e 0"i$e t"e primar importa*ce o- t"e River T"ame( a( "i+"0a = bo&*dar a*d Msacred (tream5= a*d t"e pre"istori% peop$e be"i*d t"e evide*ce. I 0i$$ to&%" o* t"e reaso*s 0"y 3o*do* "as bee* so ($o0 to reco+*ise t"e pote*tia$ o- it( ear$iest past= a*d $oo2 at "o0 t"i*+( "ave improved rece*t$y. I* parti%&$ar= I 0i$$ co*trast t"e approa%"e( adopted o* maEor pro+ramme( o- 0or2 co*d&cted o* t"e +rave$ terrace( to t"e 0est o- t"e Cit a*d compare t"em 0it" t"ose adopted i* area( (&%" a( We(tmi*ster a*d *ort" So&t"0ark. I 0i$$ %$ose b ide*ti-yi*+ some o- t"e +ap( i* o&r 2*o0$ed+e= a*d 0a ( i* 0"i%" t"ese mi+"t be p$&++ed.. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THREE MEETINGS OF OTHER SOCIETIES Edmo*to* H&*dred Historica$ Societ 3ect&re(. Visitors H1. AA BB*d September 6eter 3a0re*ce The History of Whitehall: Part2 ?.AA pm 7&bi$ee Ha$$ 1Bt" October Gra"am 9a$$i*+ Edmonton in 1850 1A.>A amJ1B.AA *oo* Edmo*to* Gree* 3ibrar B!t" October Neri 9avi( Richard ou!h" Enfeld $nti%uary ?.AA pm 7&bi$ee Ha$$ B4t" November Fra*k ) -ord &emories of 'hase (arm ?.AA pm 7&bi$ee Ha$$ Sat&rday Ct" November 9.45amJ4.>Apm: )ay 'onference: (rom &ills to &ass Production at 7&bi$ee Ha$$. 1A.AA am Gra"am 9a$$i*+ Railways of Enfeld COFFEE 11.>A am Neit" Fair%$o&+" Water &ills at Enfeld and *ewardstone + Their ,se of the River in the *tuart and eor!ian Periods. 38NCH B.AApm Mar+aret Ha$stead Li!htin! from 'aveman to the &illennium. TE/ >.>Apm GeoGrey Gi$$am The $rrival of as and Electricity to the London /orou!h of Enfeld. HC. AA F&$$ day H>. AA "a$- day KEHHS members H5= AA O HB. 5A respective$ L Tickets a*d -&rt"er detai$( -rom )etty Smit" ?B Ha$i-a4 Road E*fe$d EN1 O6R. Te$ep"o*e A1?1 >C> >9>1 ******************* Historica$ /ssociatio* #Nort" 3o*do* )ra*%". /$$ meeti*+( "e$d at 7&bi$ee Ha$$ at ?.AApm. T&esda 14t" September '/* E*fe$d Ma* i* t"e First Wor$d War.. Mi%"ae$ Rye T&esda 1Bt" October 'T"e Midd$e Gro&*d # 1"at Is ItP Rece*t I*terpretatio*( o- /merica* I*dia* History.. 6ro-.6 Mar("a$$ T&esda 9t" November 'T"e Fa$$ o- Si*+apore i* 194B.. 6ro-. Car$ )rid+e E/S members are very 0e$come at meeti*+( o- bot" o- t"e above Societies. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FOUR MEETING REPORTS T"e Work o- t"e M&se&m o- 3o*do* O&r (%"ed&$ed $ect&rer 0a( &*avoidab$ /r%"aeo$o+ Service. detai*ed i* t"e Far East a*d t"e brea%" 0a( F$$ed by Robi* 9emse*= Se*ior 6roEect Robi* 9emse*. Ma*a+er at MO3/S. He me*tio*ed t"at at t"e %&rre*t time t"ere are abo&t t"irty Friday May B1(t. ar%"aeo$o+ica$ +ro&p( %&rre*t$y excavati*+ i* 3o*do* a*d t"at MO3/S i( a maEor p$ayer. 9&ri*+ t"e C"ristmas period o- 199? MO3/S 0a( excavati*+ a To0er Ham$et( site o* t"e I($e o- 9o+( %$ose to t"e River T"ame( a*d discovered 1!t" ce*t&r eart"Jba*2 food de-e*ces. T"e site 0a( ver 0et= -avo&ri*+ t"e preservatio* o- or+a*i% materia$ a*d a* Ear$ )ro*ze /+e 0oode* p$at-orm 0as -o&*d. T"e Re+i( Ho&se site= E&st to t"e *ort" o- 3o*do* )rid+e= 0a( excavated -rom 1994 to 199C a*d meta$ sca$e( o- Roma* armo&r 0ere -o&*d. T"e midd$e o- t"e site 0a( dated to /9 4! K-o&r year( a-ter t"e Roma* i*vasio*L a*d co*tai*ed a re$ative$ i*(&bsta*tia$ 0oode* revetme*t o- a 0"ar- a*d a m&%" more massive oa2 revetme*t dated to /9 C> K)o&dica5( revo$t o%%&rred i* /9CA@C1L. T"e Mar2( a*d Spe*cer site adEace*t to Fe*%"&r%" Street revea$ed t"at t"e Roma* For&m be*eat" 0a( 15A metre( (<&are a*d b&r*ed bri%2 0a( -o&*d dati*+ -rom t"e )o&dica* revo$t. /t o*e poi*t t"e -o&*datio*( o- t"e For&m 0ere revea$ed to be cracked= provi*+ t"at *ot a$$ Roma* b&i$di*+( 0ere per-ect. T"e foor o- a room 0a( made o- ti$e( set o* ed+e i* a "erri*+bo*e patter*. / rece*t excavatio* i* )oto$p" 3a*e &*covered a B*d ce*t&r Roma* co*d&it i*side a 0a$$. It "ad 0a$$( o- ra+sto*e= a roo- o- ti$e( a*d mortar a*d a timber foor.
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