Print Rate card 2021 De Telegraaf Modules 1.1. CPM CPM X 2. Reach x 1,000 contacts X 3. Size X 4. Position X 5. Season Content Code Newspaper GrossGross Mon thru Fri Sa Share Ad formats Guaranteed positions Factor Mon thru Sa Factor formats Packages 2 1.6700 2.0875 Front page 4 Special daysdays**** 1.15 De Telegraaf + Mediahuis Regional Newspapers West* € 33.50 1,614.6 2,099.2 1 1.0000 1.2500 Page 3 2 ** See Special Days Calendar 2021 Nationwide 1/2 0.6800 0.8500 Page 5 2 De Telegraaf € 27.50 1,067.9 1,466.3 1/4 0.3000 0.3750 Page 7 1.5 Regional 1/6 0.2000 DFT 1.5 De Telegraaf, Amsterdam supplement (thu)** € 38.50 267.7 1/8 0.1500 Back page 1.5 1/12 0.1000 Back pageTheme 1.2 * For the price conditions see page 3 ** For other regional options in De Telegraaf, please contact your account manager 1/16 0.0800 Amsterdambijlage 1 1/24 0.0500 Sports 1 1/48 0.3000 Other guaranteed positions 1.2 Changes reserved. The rates are gross rounded amounts and exclusive of VAT. The general advertising terms and conditions of Mediahuis Nederland are valid. 1 of 7 For deadlines and material specifications, please visit www.mediahuis.nl/international. 11-1-2021 - Tariefkaart 2021 Mediahuis Print EN V2-1 Mediahuis Regional Newspapers West ModulesModules 1.1. CPM CPM1. CPM X 2.2. ReachReach xx 1,0001,000 contactscontacts X 3.3. SizeSize X 4. Position X 5. Season ContentContent CodeCode NewspaperNewspaper GrossGrossGross MonMon thruthru FriFri SaSa ShareShare AdAd format format Guaranteed position Factor Mon thru Sa Factor formatformatformat NationwideNationwide 22 1.67001.6700 2.08752.0875 Front page 4 Special days** 1.15 DeDe TelegraafTelegraaf ++ MediahuisMediahuis RegionalRegional NewspapersNewspapers West* West* €€ 33.50 33.50€ 33.50 1,614.61,614.6 2,099.22,099.2 11 1.00001.0000 1.25001.2500 Page 3 2 ** See Special Days Calendar 2021 1/2 1/21/2 0.68000.6800 0.85000.8500 Page 5 2 RegionalRegional 1/4 1/41/4 0.30000.3000 0.37500.3750 Page 7 1.5 K51K51 MediahuisMediahuis RegionalRegional NewspapersNewspapers West West €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 546.7546.7 632.9632.9 1/5 1/51/5 0.24000.2400 Back page 1.5 K32K32 NoordhollandsNoordhollands DagbladDagblad €€ 38.5038.50 338.6338.6 382.2382.2 1/6 1/61/6 0.20000.2000 Front page Regio 3 K05K05 HaarlemsHaarlems DagbladDagblad KombinatieKombinatie €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 87.287.2 103.8103.8 1/8 1/81/8 0.15000.1500 Page 3 Regio 2.5 12P12P LeidschLeidsch DagbladDagblad €€ 38.5038.50 61.561.5 78.478.4 1/10 1/101/10 0.12000.1200 Back page Theme 1.2 13P13P DeDe Gooi-Gooi- enen EemlanderEemlander €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 59.459.4 68.568.5 1/12 1/121/12 0.10000.1000 Obituaries, Personal 1.5 Announcements Module 1/14 1/141/14 0.08570.0857 Personel 1 K01K01 SchagerSchager CourantCourant // HelderseHelderse CourantCourant €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 64.564.5 70.170.1 1/20 1/201/20 0.06000.0600 Other guaranteed K06K06 DagbladDagblad Waterland Waterland // DagbladDagblad ZaanstreekZaanstreek €€ 38.5038.50 86.686.6 100.5100.5 1/21 1/211/21 0.05710.0571 1.2 positions K21K21 AlkmaarscheAlkmaarsche CourantCourant // DagbladDagblad KennemerlandKennemerland €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 111.0111.0 125.7125.7 1/24 1/241/24 0.05000.0500 K31K31 DagbladcombinatieDagbladcombinatie NoordNoord Noord-HollandNoord-Holland €€ 38.5038.50 221.3221.3 246.2246.2 1/43 1/431/43 0.03150.0315 01P01P HelderseHelderse CourantCourant €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 27.927.9 30.830.8 01Q01Q SchagerSchager CourantCourant €€ 38.5038.50 36.636.6 39.339.3 02P02P DagbladDagblad voorvoor West-Friesland West-Friesland €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 76.576.5 85.985.9 03P03P AlkmaarscheAlkmaarsche CourantCourant €€ 38.5038.50 80.380.3 90.290.2 04P04P DagbladDagblad KennemerlandKennemerland €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 30.730.7 35.535.5 06P06P06P DagbladDagblad ZaanstreekZaanstreek €€ 38.5038.50 53.153.1 65.265.2 06Q06Q DagbladDagblad Waterland Waterland €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 33.533.5 35.335.3 O5PO5P HaarlemsHaarlems DagbladDagblad €€ 38.5038.50 70.970.9 82.782.7 05Q05Q IJmuiderIJmuiderIJmuider Courant CourantCourant €€ 38.5038.50€ 38.50 16.316.3 21.121.1 * For the price conditions see page 3 Changes reserved. The rates are gross rounded amounts and exclusive of VAT. The general advertising terms and conditions of Mediahuis Nederland are valid. 2 of 7 For deadlines and material specifications, please visit www.mediahuis.nl/international. 11-1-2021 - Tariefkaart 2021 Mediahuis Print EN V2-1 Advertising packages Packages CPMCPM Packages Code Newspaper GrossGross Code NewspaperNewspaper Combination Combination De Telegraaf + Mediahuis Regional Newspapers West* €€ 33.5033.50 K01K01 K05K05 K21K21 K31K31 K32K32 K51K51 MHNLMHNL 01P DeDe Telegraaf Telegraaf ●● Regional 01P HelderseHelderse CourantCourant ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● K51 Mediahuis Regional Newspapers West €€ 38.50 38.50 01Q SchagerSchager CourantCourant ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● K32 Noordhollands Dagblad €€ 38.50 38.50 02P DagbladDagblad voor voor West-Friesland West-Friesland ●● ●● ●● ●● K05 Haarlems Dagblad Kombinatie €€ 38.50 38.50 03P AlkmaarscheAlkmaarsche CourantCourant ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● 12P Leidsch Dagblad €€ 38.50 38.50 04P DagbladDagblad KennemerlandKennemerland ●● ●● ●● ●● 13P De Gooi- en Eemlander €€ 38.50 38.50 06P DagbladDagblad ZaanstreekZaanstreek ●● ●● ●● 06Q DagbladDagblad Waterland Waterland ●● ●● ●● K01 Schager Courant / Helderse Courant €€ 38.50 38.50 12P LeidschLeidsch DagbladDagblad ●● ●● K06 Dagblad Waterland / Dagblad Zaanstreek €€ 38.50 38.50 13P DeDe Gooi-Gooi- enen EemlanderEemlander ●● ●● K21 Alkmaarsche Courant / Dagblad Kennemerland €€ 38.50 38.50 O5P HaarlemsHaarlems DagbladDagblad ●● ●● ●● K31 Dagbladcombinatie Noord Noord-Holland €€ 38.50 38.50 05Q IJmuiderIJmuiderIJmuider CourantCourantCourant ●● ●● ●● The newspaper combination rates only apply to: • Unaltered material • The same posting day (date) • All titles and editions belonging to the combi as stated on the rate card The following also applies to the De Telegraaf + Mediahuis Regional Newspapers West combination: ●• Placements without position guarantee (except back page, factor 1.5) ●• The ad sizes S101V, D101V, D102VL, D104VL and D108VL ● The placement options differ per title, edition and ad combination depending on your choices. Please consult your account manager for this. Changes reserved. The rates are gross rounded amounts and exclusive of VAT. The general advertising terms and conditions of Mediahuis Nederland are valid. 3 of 7 For deadlines and material specifications, please visit www.mediahuis.nl/international. 11-1-2021 - Tariefkaart 2021 Mediahuis Print EN V2-1 Magazines ModulesModules CPMCPM CPMCPM X Reach Reach ReachReach x x xx 1,000 1,000 1,0001,000 contacts contacts contactscontacts X Size Size SizeSize X 4.4.4. Position PositionPosition X Seasonal Seasonal SeasonalSeasonal ContentContentContent Code Code MagazineMagazine GrossGrossGross MonMon thru thru Fri Fri SaSaSa ShareShareShare AdAdAd formats formats formats GuaranteedGuaranteed position position FactorFactorFactor MonMon thru thru Sa Sa FactorFactorFactorFactor formatsformatsformatsformats NationwideNationwide 222 2.00002.00002.0000 2.50002.50002.5000 CoverCoverCover 2 22 and andand / // or oror page pagepage 3 33 SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial days**days days** days**days**** AutovisieAutovisieAutovisie €€€ 12.8012.80 12.80 311.6311.6311.6 111 1.00001.00001.0000 1.25001.25001.2500 BackBack page pageBack page ** See Special Days Calendar 2021 PrivéPrivéPrivé €€€ €7.457.45 7.45 7.45 900.9900.9900.9 1/21/2 1/2 1/21/2 0.75000.75000.7500 0.93800.93800.9380 OtherOther guaranteed guaranteed positions positions VROUWVROUWVROUW Glossy GlossyGlossy €€€ 26.5026.50 26.50 292.2292.2292.2 1/41/4 1/4 1/41/4 0.40000.40000.4000 0.50000.50000.5000 VROUWVROUWVROUW Magazine MagazineMagazine €€€ 11.9011.90 11.90 881.1881.1881.1 RegionalRegional VRIJVRIJVRIJ Magazine MagazineMagazine Mediahuis MediahuisMediahuis Regional RegionalRegional Newspapers NewspapersNewspapers WestWest West €€€ € 13.30 13.3013.30 13.30 632.9632.9632.9 VRIJVRIJVRIJ Magazine MagazineMagazine Noordhollands NoordhollandsNoordhollands Dagblad DagbladDagblad €€€ € 18.45 18.4518.45 18.45 382.2382.2382.2 VRIJVRIJVRIJ Magazine MagazineMagazine Haarlems HaarlemsHaarlems Dagblad DagbladDagblad €€€ € 18.45 18.4518.45 18.45 103.8103.8103.8 VRIJVRIJVRIJ Magazine MagazineMagazine Leidsch LeidschLeidsch Dagblad DagbladDagblad €€€ € 18.45 18.4518.45 18.45 78.478.478.478.4 VRIJVRIJVRIJ Magazine MagazineMagazine De DeDe Gooi- Gooi-Gooi- en enen Eemlander EemlanderEemlander €€€ € 18.45 18.4518.45 18.45 68.568.568.568.5 Changes reserved. The rates are gross rounded amounts and exclusive of VAT. The general advertising terms and conditions of Mediahuis Nederland are valid. 4 of 7 For deadlines and material specifications, please visit www.mediahuis.nl/international. 11-1-2021 - Tariefkaart 2021 Mediahuis Print EN V2-1 Special Day Calendar 2021 Special days Seasonal factor 1.15 Easter Tue. March 30 to Sa. April 3 Pentecost Tue. May 18 mei to Sa. May 22 Singles day Thu. Nov 11 Black Friday Week Wed. Nov 24 to Fri. Nov 26 Cyber Monday Mon. Nov 29 Christmas Mon. Dec 13 to Fri. Dec 24 New Years Eve Mon Dec 27 to Fri. Dec 31 Changes reserved. The rates are gross rounded amounts and exclusive of VAT. The general advertising terms and conditions of Mediahuis Nederland are valid. 5 of 7 For deadlines and material specifications, please visit www.mediahuis.nl/international. 11-1-2021 - Tariefkaart 2021 Mediahuis Print EN V2-1 Gross page prices newspapers 1/1 page price1/1 page price1/1 page price NewspapersNewspapersNewspapers
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