CITY CENTER PARISHES SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY SAINT MARY OF MERCY Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 3, 2019 CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pisburgh, PA 15219 www.divinemercypgh.org Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—[email protected] Reverend John Odeyemi, Parochial Vicar—[email protected] Deacon Samuel Toney—[email protected] In Residence : Rev. Edward Bryce Monsignor Ronald Lengwin Rev. Augusne Wayii Business Manager— Chuck Goetz Email: [email protected] Administrave Assistant and Safe Environment— Priscilla Davis Email: [email protected] Administrave Assistant – Cindy Goetz Email: [email protected] SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY SAINT MARY OF MERCY 91 Crawford Steet 164 Washington Place 202 Stanwix Street Pisburgh, PA 15219 Pisburgh, PA 15219 Pisburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-281-3141 Phone: 412-471-0654 Phone: 412-261-0110 Fax: 412-471-1345 Fax: 412-471-1345 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: sbtmoffi[email protected] Email: offi[email protected] Email: offi[email protected] Outreach Staff - Carole Clifford Music - A.R. Vallea Music - Dr. John Raevens Music - Antonia Long Red Door ‐ Heidi Poer Maintenance - Ray Krivanek As you know, we have been acvely As we welcome our new Music Director, searching for a new music director to it is important to offer a word of thanks cover the Liturgical needs at Epiphany and appreciaon to Dr. John Raevens and Saint Mary of Mercy. Through the and Mr. Anthony Valea. While we are grace of God, we have hired our new not saying goodbye to them, we will not music director. We welcome Mahew be seeing them as oen as we are used Radican to our grouping. He will to. They have both given selflessly to the introduce himself in this secon next church over the years and their efforts week. While we are sll acvely will not be forgoen. God bless you searching for a music minister at Saint Dr. Raevens and Mr. Vallea! Benedict the Moor, this is yet another step in the right direcon BECOMING ONE PARISH A Message from Fr. Chris, As many of you know, I oen encourage the faithful to get to know five saints. This is the second part of a two-part series that will talk about who these new saints are. Giuseppina Vannini Her childhood name was Giudia and she was born in Rome in 1859. Both her parents died within three years of one another, and Giudia and her two siblings were le orphans. It was at the orphanage run by the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de' Paul that she first experienced the call to religious life. In 1891, Giudia parcipated in a spiritual retreat where she met Camillian Father Luigi Tezza. A few months earlier, Fr Tezza had been tasked with restoring the Camillian Teraries. He asked Giudia to assist him, and she agreed. Giudia took the religious name of Sister Giuseppina and soon became Superior General of the new religious Congregaon known as the Daughters of Saint Camillus. The new instute needed the definive approval of the ecclesiascal authority, but Pope Leo XIII refused it twice because he had decided not to allow the foundaon of new religious communies. The Congregaon did receive official approved, however, in 1909. Mother Giuseppina died in 1911 from heart disease in Rome at the age of 51. By then, the Camillians already had 156 professed religious and 16 religious houses between Europe and America. The main legacy the Foundress le her sisters was the pure and simple physical and spiritual care of the sick, exercised at home as in hospitals, leprosarium's and nursing homes, both in European rehabilitaon centers, and in mission countries. Pope Saint John Paul II declared her Blessed on October 16, 1994. Mariam Thresia Chiaramel Mankidiyan Mariam Thresia, Founder of the Congregaon of the Holy Family of Thissur, in India, canonized by Pope Francis on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan was born in 1876 in Kerala, India, and named aer Saint Teresa of Avila. She spent her enre life assisng the poor, the sick, the elderly and all those in need. Thresia’s Mother was the greatest influence in her childhood, reading her stories from the Bible and the lives of the Saints, and teaching her how to pray. When Thresia was 10 years old, she made a private vow of virginity and decided to consecrate her life to Christ. At the same me, she aended to the sick and the poor, nursing lepers and caring for orphaned children. Thresia had a series of myscal experiences, including the gi of healing and prophesy. She bore the sgmata in secret and passed through her own “dark night of the soul”. At first, she joined the Franciscan Poor Clares, then the Discalced Carmelites of Ollur. In the end she decided that what she really needed was to lead a life that was withdrawn and in silent union with God. The "House of Solitude”In 1913 she created her first small community with two friends. It was to become the nucleus of the Congregaon of the Holy Family. During the 12 years in which Mother Mariam was at the head of the Congregaon, despite the difficules associated with the outbreak of the First World War, the Congregaon flourished with new convents, schools, boarding schools and orphanages. Mother Mariam Thresia died on June 8, 1926 and was beafied by Pope Saint John Paul II on April 9, 2000. Cardinal John Henry Newman Cardinal Henry Newman spent his life in search of Truth. He always said it was the only reason for living. At the age of 25, Newman said he had met God, not "as a noon, but as a person”. Two years later, he became an Anglican priest and taught at Oxford. Always one to queson the essence of the Truth and of Faith, Newman found an answer when he first visited Rome in 1833. Back in Oxford, he found he was increasingly far from Anglicanism. He began studying the Fathers of the Church, common to all denominaons, and gathered around him a group of scholars who quesoned themselves on important topics such as respect for the tradion of the first centuries. In 1843 he made his decision. Two years later he asked to be admied to the Catholic Church. Aer compleng his theological studies in Rome, he was ordained a priest in 1847. In 1850 Henry returned to England and threw himself into various acvies: he founded the Dublin University, produced a new translaon of the Bible into English, took over the direcon of a magazine, and founded an Oratory in Oxford dedicated to St Philip Neri, in whose Congregaon he had been ordained a priest. In 1879, Pope Leo XIII created him a Cardinal. John Henry Newman died at the Birmingham Oratory on August 11, 1890. He was declared Blessed by Pope Benedict XVI on September 19, 2010 during his visit to Britain. CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors and Ushers are needed on Sundays at the 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Masses. Please contact Pat Wilson at 412-527-0465 for more informaon. ***All volunteers must be in compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. *** Reminder-Offertory Loose Checks If a loose check is placed in the collecon basket, please include a notaon in the memo line: Regular Collecon, Parish Share, Maintenance, or Diocesan Collecon. OFFERTORY on 10/27 First Collection $1,522.50 Second Collection $512.50 Please pray for those who have requested our prayers: Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Jusn Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy, Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Diane and Jim Foley, Elizabeth Kochin SAINT MARY OF MERCY This academic year, the Red Door is blessed to have two seminarians from St. Paul Seminary parcipate in our ministry for their apostolic works assignment. Please meet Mr. Thong "Tony" Van Le and Mr. Mahew Selzer. They are both first-year seminarians in pre-theological studies at St. Paul Seminary. Tony is a student at Duquesne University and Ma studies at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Our Red Door guests and volunteers alike enjoy having the presence and company of our Pisburgh seminarians. Both men have a strong faith and definite heart for those most in need. Tony was born in Vinh, Vietnam, to a devout Catholic family and is one of five children. He has a Bachelor's degree in Controlling Engineering. Ma, too, grew up in a faith-filled Catholic family. He grew up in the north hills of Pisburgh and his home parish is St. Teresa of Avila. He is the oldest of two sons and has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communicaon from the University of Pisburgh. Recently both young men were asked about their experiences so far in the Red Door ministry. Tony said with a warm smile, "It feels like home. The volunteers have been very kind as to welcome us as friends...and even family." In kindness Ma also responded, "It's wonderful to meet people where they are, greet them, and serve them. The Lord is truly present here!" Please keep Tony and Ma in your prayers as they connue in their studies, in formaon, and in discernment for the vocaon of priesthood. Thank you, Tony and Ma, for your willingness to respond with openness, generosity, and courage to discern your call to priesthood.
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