COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 SESSION OF 2009 193D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 98 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEAVES OF ABSENCE The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Turning to leaves of absence, the Chair recognizes the majority whip, the gentleman from Greene THE SPEAKER (KEITH R. McCALL) County, Representative DeWeese, who requests leaves of PRESIDING absence for: Representative WAGNER from Allegheny County for the day, Representative PALLONE from Westmoreland PRAYER County for the day. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. HON. KAREN BOBACK, member of the House of The Chair recognizes the minority whip, the gentleman from Representatives, offered the following prayer: Allegheny County, Representative Turzai, who requests the following leave of absence for: Representative RAPP from Heavenly Father, we gather here today with open minds and Warren County for the day. Without objection, the leave will be open hearts as we rise to meet the challenges of this great State. granted. Help us to find the path that will lead us to a common ground. Encourage us to work together to meet the needs of those we MASTER ROLL CALL represent. Enable us to make decisions that will have a positive effect on the workings of our government. The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. But most of all, remind us that we are instruments of The members will proceed to vote. Your peace, and in the words of the great humanitarian, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, that we are pencils in your hand. The following roll call was recorded: May the inscriptions we make reflect Your goodness and mercy today and always, we pray. Amen. PRESENT–198 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Adolph Evans, D. Kula Reed Baker Evans, J. Lentz Reese Barbin Everett Levdansky Reichley (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Barrar Fabrizio Longietti Roae visitors.) Bear Fairchild Maher Rock Belfanti Farry Mahoney Roebuck Benninghoff Fleck Major Rohrer JOURNALS APPROVED Beyer Frankel Manderino Ross Bishop Freeman Mann Sabatina The SPEAKER. The Journals of Thursday, July 2; Friday, Boback Gabig Markosek Sainato Boyd Gabler Marshall Samuelson July 3; Monday, July 6; and Tuesday, July 7 of 2009 are now in Boyle Galloway Marsico Santarsiero print. Will the House approve the Journals? Bradford Geist Matzie Santoni Brennan George McGeehan Saylor On the question, Briggs Gerber McI. Smith Scavello Brooks Gergely Melio Schroder Will the House agree to the motion? Brown Gibbons Mensch Seip Motion was agreed to. Burns Gillespie Metcalfe Shapiro Buxton Gingrich Metzgar Siptroth The SPEAKER. The Journals are approved. Caltagirone Godshall Micozzie Smith, K. Carroll Goodman Millard Smith, M. Casorio Grell Miller Smith, S. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Causer Grove Milne Solobay Christiana Grucela Mirabito Sonney Civera Haluska Moul Staback The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal Clymer Hanna Mundy Stern of Monday, September 28, 2009, will be postponed until Cohen Harhai Murphy Stevenson printed. The Chair hears no objection. Conklin Harhart Murt Sturla Costa, D. Harkins Mustio Swanger Costa, P. Harper Myers Tallman Members will please report to the floor. Members will please Cox Harris O'Brien, D. Taylor, J. report to the floor. Creighton Helm O'Brien, M. Taylor, R. 1912 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE SEPTEMBER 30 Cruz Hennessey O'Neill Thomas LENTZ, MARSHALL, MATZIE, MURT, PETRARCA, Curry Hess Oberlander True PHILLIPS, ROEBUCK, SANTONI, SAYLOR, SOLOBAY, Cutler Hickernell Oliver Turzai Daley Hornaman Parker Vereb STURLA and WATSON Dally Houghton Pashinski Vitali Day Hutchinson Payne Vulakovich An Act amending the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), Deasy Johnson Payton Walko known as The Professional Nursing Law, further providing for Delozier Josephs Peifer Wansacz definitions and providing for psychiatric mental health clinical nurse DeLuca Kauffman Perzel Waters specialist. Denlinger Keller, M.K. Petrarca Watson DePasquale Keller, W. Petri Wheatley Referred to Committee on PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Dermody Kessler Phillips White September 28, 2009. DeWeese Killion Pickett Williams DiGirolamo Kirkland Preston Youngblood Donatucci Knowles Pyle Yudichak No. 2007 By Representatives DeLUCA, MICOZZIE, Drucker Kortz Quigley BELFANTI, BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, COHEN, CONKLIN, Eachus Kotik Quinn McCall, D. COSTA, CREIGHTON, FABRIZIO, FRANKEL, Ellis Krieger Readshaw Speaker HARKINS, HENNESSEY, JOSEPHS, KORTZ, KOTIK, ADDITIONS–0 MANDERINO, MATZIE, MOUL, MUNDY, MURT, MYERS, M. O'BRIEN, O'NEILL, PASHINSKI, READSHAW, NOT VOTING–0 REICHLEY, SEIP, SIPTROTH, STABACK, R. TAYLOR, WALKO, WHITE and YOUNGBLOOD EXCUSED–5 An Act providing for the regulation of senior-specific certifications and professional designations in the sale of life insurance and annuities; Miccarelli Perry Rapp Wagner and imposing penalties. Pallone Referred to Committee on INSURANCE, September 28, LEAVES ADDED–3 2009. Godshall Maher Micozzie No. 2008 By Representatives DENLINGER, BARRAR, LEAVES CANCELED–1 BEYER, BOYD, BRIGGS, CLYMER, FLECK, GEIST, GEORGE, GINGRICH, HARKINS, HENNESSEY, HESS, Pallone HORNAMAN, KAUFFMAN, LONGIETTI, MAJOR, METZGAR, MUNDY, MURT, MUSTIO, M. O'BRIEN, The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will PETRARCA, PICKETT, PYLE, QUINN, RAPP, REICHLEY, proceed to conduct business. ROHRER, SIPTROTH, TRUE, VULAKOVICH and YOUNGBLOOD HOUSE RESOLUTION An Act prohibiting certain persons from being vaccinated with INTRODUCED AND REFERRED vaccines containing mercury or injected with any mercury-containing product; and prescribing a penalty. No. 475 By Representatives DENLINGER, BAKER, BENNINGHOFF, BOYD, BROOKS, CHRISTIANA, Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN CLYMER, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, FARRY, FLECK, SERVICES, September 28, 2009. GEIST, GIBBONS, HARHAI, HESS, HORNAMAN, HUTCHINSON, KAUFFMAN, MAHONEY, MENSCH, No. 2009 By Representatives DENLINGER, BEAR, OBERLANDER, RAPP, READSHAW, ROAE, ROHRER, BELFANTI, BEYER, BOYD, BROWN, CALTAGIRONE, SAYLOR, SONNEY, STERN, SWANGER, TALLMAN and CAUSER, CLYMER, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, FLECK, TRUE GEIST, GINGRICH, HARRIS, HENNESSEY, HESS, HICKERNELL, JOSEPHS, KOTIK, MAJOR, METZGAR, A Resolution condemning the Philadelphia Women's Center for MILLER, MURT, M. O'BRIEN, PARKER, PHILLIPS, RAPP, providing free abortions in honor of the memory of the late Dr. George REICHLEY, ROHRER, STERN, STEVENSON, STURLA, Tiller. SWANGER, TRUE and YOUNGBLOOD Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, An Act amending the act of November 13, 1995 (P.L.604, No.61), September 28, 2009. known as the State Fire Commissioner Act, further providing for Pennsylvania State Fire Academy. HOUSE BILLS Referred to Committee on VETERANS AFFAIRS AND INTRODUCED AND REFERRED EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, September 28, 2009. No. 1922 By Representatives GIBBONS, BRADFORD, No. 2010 By Representatives BEAR, SAYLOR, MILLER, BRENNAN, BRIGGS, CARROLL, D. COSTA, BENNINGHOFF, BOYD, CAUSER, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, DePASQUALE, FRANKEL, GALLOWAY, GERGELY, DENLINGER, EVERETT, FLECK, GINGRICH, GRUCELA, HORNAMAN, JOSEPHS, KORTZ, KOTIK, 2009 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 1913 HICKERNELL, MARSICO, MOUL, QUINN, RAPP, No. 2014 By Representatives MARSICO, BAKER, BEAR, REICHLEY, ROCK, ROHRER, ROSS, SWANGER, BENNINGHOFF, BOYD, BROOKS, CREIGHTON, TALLMAN, TRUE and WATSON CUTLER, DALLY, DeLUCA, ELLIS, FAIRCHILD, FLECK, GIBBONS, GINGRICH, GODSHALL, GROVE, HELM, An Act providing for open contracting by the Commonwealth and HENNESSEY, HUTCHINSON, M. KELLER, O'NEILL, its political subdivisions and their agencies and authorities. PAYNE, PICKETT, READSHAW, REED, ROAE, ROCK, Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, SIPTROTH, SOLOBAY, STEVENSON, TALLMAN, TRUE, September 29, 2009. VULAKOVICH, WATSON, GRELL and MOUL A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of No. 2011 By Representatives DENLINGER, ADOLPH, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for timely budgets. BENNINGHOFF, BEYER, BOBACK, BOYD, BROOKS, CHRISTIANA, CLYMER, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, DAY, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, EVERETT, FAIRCHILD, FLECK, GABLER, GEIST, September 29, 2009. GINGRICH, GRELL, HARPER, HARRIS, HESS, HICKERNELL, HUTCHINSON, KAUFFMAN, KRIEGER, BILL REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE MAJOR, MARSHALL, MARSICO, METCALFE, METZGAR, MILLARD, MILLER, MOUL, MURT, O'NEILL, PICKETT, HB 1482, PN 1844 By Rep. MUNDY QUIGLEY, RAPP, REED, REICHLEY, ROAE, ROCK, ROHRER, SAYLOR, SONNEY, STERN, STEVENSON, An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), SWANGER, TRUE and VULAKOVICH known as the Health Care Facilities Act, providing for photo identification tag regulations. An Act providing for a fraud examination of the Department of Public Welfare. AGING AND OLDER ADULT SERVICES. Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, September 28, 2009. BILL REREFERRED No. 2012 By Representatives BOYD, BENNINGHOFF, The SPEAKER. The Chair moves, at the request of the BEYER, D. COSTA, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, FAIRCHILD, majority leader, that HB 1482, PN 1844, be rereferred to the GEIST, GINGRICH, HORNAMAN, MILLER, MUNDY, Professional Licensure Committee. MURT, O'NEILL, PAYTON, PHILLIPS, PYLE, ROCK, SONNEY, VULAKOVICH and WATSON On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Motion was agreed to. Consolidated Statutes, providing for the discontinuance of rate class, schedule or rider and for additional notice requirements. RESOLUTION REPORTED Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FROM COMMITTEE September 28, 2009. HR 105, PN 738 By Rep.
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