Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room FULLr TON OBSERVER(HOLIDAY ISS) ) OBSERVER(HOLIDAY TON FULLr DECEMBER DECEMBER 1996 Fullerton’s Only Local, Independent Newspaper ( printed on recycled*paper) No. 271 Holiday, 1996 Norby Joins Puppet Parade Pre-cast nominations result in Norby as Mayor (still), Bankhead as mayor pro-tem. Norby passes over Flory for mayor pro-tem, calling her “still (read: too) young” mayor in city history to serve consecutively By Jack Harloe —the late Wayne Bornhoft was the last, in It was like a scene from Orwell’s “1984” 1981. Norby said that he favored his reten­ —officials droning on about election counts tion of the post “in the interest of experience and oaths of office, then Todd Spitzer, our and stability.” brash new county supervisor dashing in During the evening’s public comment PLEASE RETURN TO MAIN DESK with a few too many words on the subject of time preceding the election of the mayor, FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY how he will work with Fullerton, once he is Jean Askham reminded the council that the 353 W. COMMONWEALTH AVE. sworn in. Then 12 residents from El Mirador office of Councilmember is non-partisan FULLERTON, CA. 92832-1796 street arrived to complain about city hall and urged continued rotation of the mayor’s neglect: a reclusive neighbor who never post. Gerald Brown, of Fullerton, also urged Recently elected City Clerk Audrey Culver is administering the Oath of Of­ puts out his trash, has a pool filled with it, reminding Norby of his campaign state­ fice to Councilmembers-Elect, left to right, Julie Sa, Dick Jones, and Chris mosquitoes and why doesn’t the city do ments in which he repeatedly avowed sup­ Norby. Norby was later elected to a second term as Mayor of Fullerton. something? Then our continuing mayor, port for rotation of the position. after a campaign filled with repeated asser­ Councilmember Jan Flory’s two years on Republican establishment he may decide to Sa’s past strong vote support withered to tions about the democratic value of “open the council has consistently demonstrated march to a different drum. But don’t count barely enough to nose out Bob McNutt for rotation” reveals his vows as written in jello, an inquisitive, analytical stance toward city on it—Norby’s track record as an idiosyn­ the third seat. Thus, she may prove more obeys the words from on high that Flory is a problems, and a penchant for getting to the cratic player of city politics, and one with his sensitive to the wishes of the Republican no-no, acquiesces without demurring even bottom of issues. Her conduct has been in own agenda, has led many, including city establishment than she has been in the past. “aw shucks, guys” in his own nomination sharp contrast to Norby’s who often seems staff to be cautious, even apprehensive in Her nomination of Norby as mayor can be by Sa, later nominating councilmember to display a “been there, done that” weari­ their dealings with him. viewed as a move on the part of the Fullerton Don Bankhead for mayor pro-tem, resulting ness with city affairs at odds with his current Similarly, quotir£ former speaker of the GOP establishment to avoid what it likes in a 5-0 vote for the latter. practice of meeting regularly with residents. house Tip O’Neill’s famous statement that even less than nominating Norby —install­ An overflow audience of former mayors, Responding to a Norby charge that she “all politics is local,” new councilmember ing Bankhead as mayor, and Flory, (excuse committee and commission members, 2‘jdolized” councilmember Don Bankhead, Diok Jones expressed his support of Norby the expression) a Democrat, as mayor pro- board members and League ofWomen V ot- Flory said that she could not speak “highly as the largest vote getter in the past election tem. Former mayor LeQuire has made ho ers participants filled the chamber Tuesday enough” of Bankhead. “But I must say,” she and therefore “the people’s choice.” Jones, secret of her unhappiness with Republican night, December 3 and applauded the brief added, “that Don and I have differed funda­ saying “the problem is I haven’t even found Bankhead’s past stances on the issue of ceremonies recording, the election results, mentally on many issues.” Flory blamed the the bathroom,” voiced his support for Norby affordable housing and some redevelop­ swearing in winners (to be followed in due “powers that be” for preventing Bankhead and may have tipped us off to his possible ment activities. course by swearing “at”) and electing offic­ from being mayor for the reason that he future approach to city problems by saying Norby capped the evening’s program by ers of the council. Also receiving hearty would then back her.for mayor pro-tem. “It “all politics is also partisan.” This view reminding the audience that he would be approbation for her successful campaign to seems to me that it’s the fair thing for me to could mean that future council accord on continuing his weekly, Sunday night ses­ retain her post was Audrey Culver, now our be mayor. But local politics has had this local issues could be extremely hard to sions at Giovanni’s restaurant, where he elected city clerk. town in its partisan grip for three years. achieve. makes himself available to residents with Fullerton-on-the-hill in the form of that After all, [councilmembers] Sa and Norby In the recent election, Councilmember problems. dynamic duo, Linda LeQuire from Con­ have both been mayors, and Jones is new to gressman Royce’ (Ed, not Rolls) office and, the council. These are reasons for voting for reportedly, Assemblyman Dick Ackerman, me as mayor.” prevailed Tuesday to have former mayor Councilmember Julie Sa, claiming to Observer Editor Diagnosed Julie Sa nominate mayor Chris Norby to have lost 10 pounds during her campaign for continue in the office of mayor; Bankhead re-election, has tieen criticized for contrib­ followed with the nomination of Flory for uting little to council deliberations during with Pancreatic Cancer * mayor. In the ensuing voting Norby voted her first term, promised to “work harder” After a series of tests and treatments at U.S. and abroad. for himself, while newly seated Dick Jones during the next 4 years. St. Jude, UCI, and UCLA Medical Centers, The Kennedys have, as of this writing are joined Sa in dutifully casting a vote for Mayor Norby, invoking the peacemaker Observer editor Ralph A. Kennedy (71) has in consultation with a UCLA onocologist Norby, thus missing an opportunity to es­ role, said he would continue to look forward been diagnosed with a malignant tumor in Dr. Isakoff, who claims that his current che­ tablish himself early on as a councilmember to working with [Flory], Norby character­ his pancreas... motherapy offers the best hope of extend­ possessing his own convictions or at least ized Sa’s victory as “hard fought,” then The family learned Wednesday that due ing lives of patients with unresectible pan­ willing to take the middle road. The result­ called on his colleagues to “work hard” now to the cancer’s invasion of adjacent veins creatic cancers of any in the USA. ing vote was 3-2 (Bankhead, Flory) in favor on problems of the city infrastructure, the and blood vessels, it is not operable even In addition, they are flying to Houston this of Norby. The mayor then nominated Don city urban forest, aging water distribution by pancreatic surgical specialists at UCLA, week to consult with a Doctor at the Stehlin Bankhead for mayor pro-tem; the ensuing system and pot-holed streets. one of the top three such centers in the U.S. Insitute about a trial drug treatment being vote was unanimous. But past considerations of these problems Treatment of such cancers with conven­ tested there, which also seems particularly With this most recent action, Norby is have evoked equivocal assessments by tional chemotherapy has not been long-term promising. embarking on his third term as mayor. He Norby, who most recently attributed the effective, so hope of survival beyond a few As Dylan Thomas said, “Do not gentle served as mayor in 1990-91, mayor pro-tem dead landscaping on Bastanchury to “poli­ months may be in trials of new drug com­ go into that good night, Old age should bum in 1994-95, and mayor in the just completed tics.” [He may be right on that one.] Now binations being conducted in various hos­ and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against year of 1995-96. He is only the second with his apparent anointment as leader of the pitals and cancer treatment centers about the the dying o f the light. ” MORE INSIDE Santa Claus Food Vendors Create Problems for Residents Page 4 " \ m r + , First Grade Class Reductions Successful Page 5 is Coming ® & i l l to Town '% F -sell f First Night Fullerton December 31 Page 11 Page 14 4 ?i w Dr. Philip McFarland Honored Page 12 Commentary Page 3 Bulk Rate Council Doings Page 4 CAR-RT School Subjects Page 5 U.S.Postage PAID FULLERTON OBSERVER About Fullerton Page 6 Post Office Box 7051 Permit No. 1577 Fullerton, CA 92834 Fullerton, CA Classifieds Page15 Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room Page 2 FULLERTON OBSERVER NEWS Holiday, 1996 Electric Vehicles: Sell Them For What Fullerton Rotary Club Donates They Are, Not What They Aren’t Unusual Clothing to FIES — Editorial — By Michael Gage, and was found in every home. The micro- President CEO-CALSTART wave oven was initially expensive, limited Christmas Clearing Program One had only to look around the exhibit in application and bulky.
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