bottoms. hook to catch these daytime feeders. daytime these catch to hook Take a friend fishing on this weekend in June in weekend this on fishing friend a Take tions restric and seasons for regulations current See ezon live around kelp beds and rocky headlands over hard hard over headlands rocky and beds kelp around live ezon Technique: These fish have small mouths, so try a #4 to #6 #6 to #4 a try so mouths, small have fish These Technique: Free Fishing Weekend Fishing Free - Cab inside). diagram (see rig fish-finder the Use Technique: ployed on wire or very heavy monofilament leaders. monofilament heavy very or wire on ployed to detect movement, but kelp and rock greenlings have five. have greenlings rock and kelp but movement, detect to - de flies shrimp or spoons jigs, herring, large by enticed e) Squar Black the eggs after the female deposits them. deposits female the after eggs the Most fishes have just one lateral line along each side side each along line lateral one just have fishes Most Fact: Fish gravel bottoms in water 150-500+ feet deep. Halibut are are Halibut deep. feet 150-500+ water in bottoms gravel (Red Flag with Flag (Red Flag) (Red Flag) (Red Fish fact: Like lingcod and greenling, the male cabezon guards cabezon male the greenling, and lingcod Like fact: Fish arning W Storm arning W Gale arning W Craft Small Technique: Boat anglers use heavy rods to fish on or near near or on fish to rods heavy use anglers Boat Technique: 2 feet (61 cm). (61 feet 2 over 2 feet (61 cm). (61 feet 2 over Greek for “horse tongue.” “horse for Greek with red spots) with a blue mouth. Both species grow to about about to grow species Both mouth. blue a with spots) red with and liver because they are poisonous. Cabezon can grow to to grow can Cabezon poisonous. are they because liver and ) is from the the from is ) ( name genus The Fact: Fish Hippoglossus are dark brown (often (often brown dark are fins. black and spots Rock greenling Rock are nonetheless very tasty. Avoid eating the eggs the eating Avoid tasty. very nonetheless are cabezon speckling and yellow fins, while males are brown with blue blue with brown are males while fins, yellow and speckling upper side and white underneath. white and side upper family with smooth, scaleless skin. Deemed ugly by some, some, by ugly Deemed skin. scaleless smooth, with family are light gray or brown with orange orange with brown or gray light are Female kelp greenling kelp tan to dark brown (often with marbling or spots) on the the on spots) or marbling with (often brown dark to tan This is a red, brown or green mottled member of the sculpin sculpin the of member mottled green or brown red, a is This are the heftiest of the flatfishes. They are are They flatfishes. the of heftiest the are Pacific halibut Pacific fishing. Kelp greenling (male) greenling Kelp Sometimes weighing up to 100 pounds (45 kg) in Oregon, Oregon, in kg) (45 pounds 100 to up weighing Sometimes let your chest waders fill with water when surf surf when water with fill waders Don’t chest your let ● ge logs in the surf. the in logs ge lar of clear Stay ● fishing from beaches or rocks. or beaches from fishing atch for larger-than-usual (sneaker) waves when when waves (sneaker) larger-than-usual W for atch ● fishing from jetties. from fishing sure of your footing and the stability of rocks when when rocks of stability the and footing your Be of sure ● and very dangerous! very and Cabezon Greenling or crossing an unfamiliar bar. Bars can be deceptive deceptive be can Bars bar. unfamiliar an crossing or “bullhead” “sea trout” “sea all the U.S. Coast Guard when unsure about weather weather about unsure when Guard Coast U.S. C the all ● Use a life jacket when boating. when jacket life a Use Halibut Pacific ● stout rod. Alternatively, try using live bait. live using try Alternatively, rod. stout Technique: Use the fish-finder rig (see diagram inside). inside). diagram (see rig fish-finder the Use Technique: conditions and weather. and conditions Pacific halibut is NOT managed as a groundfish species. groundfish a as managed NOT is halibut Pacific 6/0 hooks, a 4- to 6-ounce sinker, and 20-pound line on a a on line 20-pound and sinker, 6-ounce to 4- a hooks, 6/0 be aware of changing tides, bar bar tides, changing of aware be species can live more than 100 years. 100 than more live can species or 5/0 with bottom the along bait some Bounce Technique: Whether you’re afloat or ashore, ashore, or afloat you’re Whether out in schools while others are solitary. Individuals of some some of Individuals solitary. are others while schools in out SAFETY , hang hang , as such species, Some fishes). most like black rockfish black and about 3 feet long when 7-10 years old. years 7-10 when long feet 3 about and 15-pound line over sandy or muddy bottom. muddy or sandy over line 15-pound Fish Facts: Rockfish bear live young (rather than lay eggs eggs lay than (rather young live bear Rockfish Facts: Fish Fish Fact: Lingcod are about 1 foot long by their first birthday birthday first their by long foot 1 about are Lingcod Fact: Fish worm or mussel) with #2 hooks, a 2-ounce sinker, and 10- to to 10- and sinker, 2-ounce a hooks, #2 with mussel) or worm Technique: Drift a small jig or bait (such as shrimp, marine marine shrimp, as (such bait or jig small a Drift Technique: (503) 947-6101. (503) rockfish species are full-size at about 16 inches (41 cm). (41 inches 16 about at full-size are species rockfish 2 and 3 feet (61-91 cm). (61-91 feet 3 and 2 at Salem in Department Licensing the calling by or spines are slightly venomous, so avoid poking yourself. Many Many yourself. poking avoid so venomous, slightly are spines (152 cm), although those caught in Oregon average between between average Oregon in caught those although cm), (152 eye on the bottom side then migrates to the upper side. upper the to migrates then side bottom the on eye the current edition of the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations Regulations Fishing Sport Oregon the of edition current the dozen species of rockfish are found along the Oregon coast. The The coast. Oregon the along found are rockfish of species dozen (see below). Lingcod may reach lengths of 5 feet feet 5 of lengths reach may Lingcod below). (see greenling Later, they settle to the bottom and flop over to one side. The The side. one to over flop and bottom the to settle they Later, sturgeon and Pacific halibut. License details are available in in available are details License halibut. Pacific and sturgeon Ranging in color from black to orange or red, more than two two than more red, or orange to black from color in Ranging ” should not be confused with a a with confused be not should ” “ green-colored A blue. ling on each side of the head) and swimming upright in the water. water. the in upright swimming and head) the of side each on of age, need the proper tag to fish for salmon-steelhead, salmon-steelhead, for fish to tag proper the need age, of are generally mottled gray or brown, sometimes green or or green sometimes brown, or gray mottled generally are Fish Fact: Flatfishes begin life looking “normal” (with one eye eye one (with “normal” looking life begin Flatfishes Fact: Fish license is required to take shellfish. All anglers, regardless regardless anglers, All shellfish. take to required is license Lingcod have large mouths and large, sharp teeth. They teeth. sharp large, and mouths large have Lingcod license to take fish for personal use. A separate shellfish shellfish separate A use. personal for fish take to license Black rockfish Black (30-61 cm). (30-61 persons 14 years or older must have an Oregon angling angling Oregon an have must older or years 14 persons (see below) most flatfishes reach lengths of 1-2 feet feet 1-2 of lengths reach flatfishes most below) (see halibut regulation changes before fishing. With few exceptions, exceptions, few With fishing. before changes regulation in estuaries. Except for for Except estuaries. in and bays of Pacific Pacific flounder starry and tocheck for inseason inseason for tocheck and Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations Fishing Sport Oregon over sandy bottoms near the mouth mouth the near bottoms sandy over catch anglers sand sole sand It is important for anglers to read the current issue of of issue current the read to anglers for important is It in Oregon by offshore anglers. Shore and nearshore boat boat nearshore and Shore anglers. offshore by Oregon in are a few of the flatfish species caught caught species flatfish the of few a are and Pacific sanddab Pacific the Oregon State University Extension/4-H Program. Extension/4-H University State Oregon the flat. are they guess) might one (as and Rock sole, petrale sole petrale sole, Rock offices of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and and Wildlife and Fish of Department Oregon the of offices Rockfish Rockfish Lingcod Lingcod “sea bass,” “rock cod” “rock bass,” “sea Flatfishes are dark on the upper side, lighter underneath, underneath, lighter side, upper the on dark are Flatfishes “ling” Oregon Angler Education Program, offered through local local through offered Program, Education Angler Oregon for youngsters to learn to fish are available through the the through available are fish to learn to youngsters for Sand sole Sand current regulations (including any made inseason) for size, depth and daily bag limits.
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