December 31, 1979· EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 37771 s. 539. An act to authorize the Secretary of title, which were thereupon signed by the Law 93-198; to the Committee on the District the Interior to amend the contract for the Speaker: of Columbia. construction, operation, and maintenance of H.J. Res. 468. Joint resolution extending 3086. A letter from the Assistant Secretary the Vermejo reclamation project between the the dates for the submission of the Presi­ of State for Congressional Relations trans­ Vermejo Conservancy District, located in the dent's Budget and Economic Report. mitting notice of the State Department's in­ State of New Mexico, and the United States; tention to consent to a request by the Gov­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. ernment of the Federal Republlc of Germany S. 629. An act for the rellef of Niobe Gio­ for permission to transfer certain U.S. origin vanell1 and Pierluigi Pac1n1; to the Commit­ defense articles to the Government of the tee on the Judiciary. ADJOURNMENT Netherlands, pursuant to section 3(a) of the Arms Export Control Act; to the Committee S. 659. An act for the rellef of the Black Mr. MINETA. Mr. Speaker, I move Hills Area Council of the Boy Scouts of on Foreign Affairs. America; to the Committee on the Judiciary. that the House do now adjourn. 3087. A letter from the Assistant Secretary S. 702. An act to establish alternatives to The motion was agreed to; according­ of State for Congressional Relations, trans­ criminal prosecution for certain persons ly <at 10 o'clock and 3 minutes a.m.) , mitting notice of the proposed issuance of an cha.rged with offenses against the United under its previous order, the House ad­ export license for major defense equipment States, and for other purposes; to the Com­ journed until Thursday, January 3, 1980, sold commercially to the Government of Jor­ mittee on the Judiciary. at 11: 55 a.m. dan (tra.nSIIllittal No. MC-7-80), pursuant to S. 1179. An act to incorporate the Gold section 36 (c) of the Arms Export Control Act; Star Wives of America; to the Committee on to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the Judiciary. 3088. A letter !!rom the Director, Defense Security Assistance Agency, withdrawing a s. 1375. An act for the rellef of Pandells EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Perdikis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. previously transmitted Letter of Offer to S. 1828. An act to exempt the Milner Dam Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive Saudi Arabia for certain defense articles and from certain requirements of the Federal communications were taken from the services (Transmittal No. 80-24), pursuant to Power Act (16 U.S.C. 807), and for other pur­ Speaker's table and referred as follows: section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control poses; to the Committee on Interstate and Act; to the Committee on Foreign .Afrairs. Foreign Commerce. 3084. A letter from the Chairman, Council 3089. A letter from the Director, Office of s. 1835. An act to extend the Joint Fund­ of the District of Columbia, transmitting a Management and Budget, Executive Office of ing Simpllficatlon Act of 1974; to the Com­ copy of District of Columbia. Act 3-135, "To the President, transmitting the plan for au­ mittee on Government Operations. amend article 6 of the Uniform Commercial thorizing executive level positions in the ex­ S.J. Res. 40. Joint resolution to authorize Code to include certain additional establish­ ecutive branch, including the maximum the President to proclaim annually the last ments within the provisions pertaining to number of such positions necessary and a bulk transfers, and for other purposes," pur­ justification therefor, pursuant to section Friday of Aprll as "National Arbor Day"; suant to section 602(c) of Public Law 93- to the Committee on Post omce and Clvll 414(b) (2) of PUblic Law 95-454; to the Com­ 198; to the Committee on the District of Co­ mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. Service. lumbia. 3085. A letter from the Chairman, Council ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION of the District of Columbia, transmitting a ADDITIONAL SPONSORS SIGNED copy of District of Columbia Act 3-136, "To amend article 20, section 2 of the District of Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors Mr. THOMPSON, from the Committee Columbia Pollee Regulations so as to prevent were added to public bills and resolutions on House Administration, reported that any unconstitutional prior restraint of free as follows: that committee on December 27, 1979, ex­ speech in the posting of noncommercial H.R. 5403: Mr. RoYER, Mr. SHUMWAY, and amined and found truly enrolled a joint signs on public lampposts; and for other pur­ Mr. GOLDWATER. resolution of the House of the following poses," pursuant to section 602(c) of PUblic H.R. 6109: Mr. HAGEDORN. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HOW PRESIDENT CARTER How JIMMY CARTER BETRAYED THE SHAH which were growing in significance as a BETRAYED THE SHAH (By John Rees) &<>urce for U.S. oil imports. Iran was for 20 years the keystone of In terms of the Free World's defense America's strategy in the Middle East aru:l a strategy, Iran has long been of critical im­ HON. LARRY McDONALD major factor in the economic stab111ty of the portance. Iran and Turkey are the Middle OF GEORGIA Free World. But, in the two years a.nd two Eastern mexr.bers of the C.E.N.T.O. alliance for regional security. From Iran, highly so­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES months of the Carter Administration, it has ceased to be an ally and is now immersed phisticated electronic-intelligence listening Monday, December 31, 1979 in anarchy and chaos for which the U.S. posts, equipped and manned by the National President bea.rs the major responsiblllty. Not Security Agency, have monitored milltary e Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, there since the fall of the Nationalist Government activities in the Soviet Union. These have can be little doubt that the bizarre, in China has an America.n Administration grown to critical importance since the U.S. warped human rights policies instituted committed so damaging a betrayal of a major decided to take the Greek side after the by President Carter as the keystone of ally. Cyprus invasion and, in retaliation, Turkey his foreign policy were directly responsi­ What has happened in Iran threatens the shut down all U.S. bases and electronic posts ble fOr destabilizing the Government of entire world balance of power and the econ­ on her territory and moved so far toward an omies of the West, and it has come about accommodation with Moscow as to sign a the Shah of Iran. The President's new friendship and cooperation agreement with foreign policy was able within 2 years only because the Carter Administration al­ lowed itself to be used 1n a progra.m crafted the Soviets. to transfOrm Iran from a peaceful ally of by the Kremlin to destabilize Iran.. In the Even more important, the Shah's well­ the free world into an anarchic state words of a senior IranLa.n. diplomat in Wash­ trained and American-equipped Armed ruled by a fanatical religious extremist ington, "President Carter betrayed the Shah Forces were available to serve as the re­ through violent street mobs and secret and helped create the va.cuum that will soon gional protector of the small, sparsely popu­ star chamber courts who decree in mid­ be fiLled by Soviet-trained agents a.nd religi­ lated, but oil-rich countries along the Per­ night trials death at daybreak with no ous fanatics who hate America." sian Gulf and Arabian peninsula which have appeal. The vital importance of Iran to the Free been targets for both courtship and sub­ World is the result of a number of !.actors version by Moscow. Indeed, although there The administration's progressive de­ was some tension between Iran and Saudi stabilization of the Shah's government including: Its geographic location on the southern Arabia (based in part on the fact that has been chronicled by investigative border of the U.S.S.R. where it is the eastern they epitomize the two divisions of Islam), journalist John Rees in the weeldy gateway to the Middle East; the Iranian mllitary had already proved its magazine, the Review of the News. In Its on fields which a.re the source of be­ effectiveness in Oman where at the invita­ light of the barbaric incident now under­ tween 70 to 90 percent o! the on imported tion o! Sultan Qabus the Shah's troops way in Tehran, I strongly recommend by the countries of Western Europe, Japan, wiped out a Marxist terrorist organization this article to my colleagues: Israel, South Africa (and Rhodesia.); and and drove its stragglers back to sanctuary in • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. CXXV--2374-Pa.rt 28 37772 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 3'1, 1979 the neighboring People's Democratic Re­ Shah's efforts at industrialization and mod­ sort of propaganda activities seen in West­ public of Yemen (P.D.R.Y.) . ernization were therefore viewed a.s a. direct ern countries when the authorities attempt The P.D.R.Y. has been intimately col­ threat to the Shi'ite mullahs-who easily to prosecute revolutionaries. Third, pressure laborating with the U.S.S.R. since the British rationalized this a.s an attempt by the Chris­ was applied to institute guarantees of Amer­ abandoned Aden. Its revolutionary Marxist tian countries to subvert Islam by technol­ ican-style "free assembly," that would allow Government has been on excellent terms ogy.
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