-THE DAILY REGISTEB, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 Fiet Moratorium (Continued^ dicated support for the move- Assembly three days befortj antiwar ment. lorces open a series of dem- Rep. Rogers C. B. Morton, onstrations described by or- the Republican National Com- ganizers as a moratorium on mittee chairman, has en- routine life designed to show dorsed the concept of the Broadcast Charges the nation's concern with the student-originated protest — war. charges against him on clear In reply to Mr. Azzolina, a series of rallies, leafleteer- ASBURY PARK - Four Richard L. Bonello of Long ing, and discussions — if candidates seeking elec- packaging constitute "a There were challenges to phony issue." Branch said: "The charges Rogers' position from mora- there is no violence. tion to two District - 5B (on clear packaging) are se- Rogers Guarded ^Assembly seats tangled yes- But their Democratic oppo- torium leaders, politicians of nents fired back. rious and substantial . both parties and educators. Even Secretary Rogers had terday when they debated on radio station WJLK. The big Mayor Gordon N. Litwin of "When we first said there "For years we've heard the some favorable, if highly was a suspicion of conflict of qualified, words to say. question was: What are the Little Silver told Mr. Cole- repetition of this same old legitimate questions of the man that a proposed full-time interests," Mr. Bonello con- fallow argument," Sen. Frank "If the spirit of the mora- campaign? legislature "is not a minor tinued, • "we called for him Church, D-Idaho, said. "You torium is to be constructive Republican Assemblyman issue ... to step down." must not speak up, even and to help the President and "It's a gut issue," he said, He referred to Mr. Az- assist the country in this dif- James M. Coleman declared though you are a free people, that, by supporting a full- "... a question of leader- zolina, an owner of two Mid- because somehow this will ficult period, that's fine," ship. Now," he continued, dletown supermarkets, serv- Rogers said. time legislature, his oppo- not set well somewhere else nents "are dodging the big is- "you have to go to Congress- ing as chairman of the Un- and upset the President's "If on the other hand, the sues." His running-mate, As- man (James J.) Howard (D- fair Advertising and Packag- plans.'' spirit is 'You accept our de- semblyman Joseph Azzolina NJ) when you want to get ing Commission that is inves- tigating clear packaging of But, if there had been no cision, Mr. President, or else, contended that his opponents' things done." dissent, Church said, "I don't if it's coercive, then it could meat. think that the policy of ac- be very disruptive." "The commission," said celerating the war would ever Other and more expected Mr. Bonello, "was set un In support came from New York 1968. Why then were hearings have been reversed. had 20th ANNIVERSARY — The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster, second from left, with Western Candidates it not been for that we could Mayor John V. Lindsay, a delayed until seven weeks be- easily be engaged today in a constant critic of the war. Mrs. Webster, was honored yesterday afternoon at a testimonial marking his 20th fore the election? Was it his catastrophic unlimited war He asked all New Yorkers to anniversary in church pastorate. Attending the reception at the First Presbyterian (Mr. Azzolina's) interest in with China on the mainland meditate on the war "in Church, Red Bank, were Mayor Herbert E. Werner of Eatontown, left, and Ross E. Outline Positions the consumer?" of Asia." which we are all participants King, right, chairman of the program. The program included remarks by the Rev. Mr. Bonello went on to say and in which we are all vic- FREEHOLD — Democrat- charged incumbent GOP as- that Mr. Azzolina "led the Sam Brown, leader of tims." Albert T. Woodward, associate minister, a musical program, presentation of a gift ic Assembly candidate for the semblyman Joseph Azzolina, fight in caucus to defeat dear Wednesday's moratorium and a tribute delivered by Mayor Werner. (Register Staff Photo) western Monmouth District, chairman of a commission to packaging." movement, disputed that the The president's of 79 col- study false advertising and leges and universities issued Richard T. O'Connor has Role Questioned protests are aimed at de- called for a complete revamp- unfair packaging, in conflict stroying President Nixon or a statement over the week- of interest since he is the own- Finally, Mr. Bonello ques- end urging the President to ing of the state's tax struc- any other person. ture. He said this was the er of two supermarkets. tioned the role of Mr. Azzo- step up the timetable for with- lina's aide, James M. Neil- "I think Vietnam is prob- drawing American troops. See Marine Resources biggest problem facing the Mr. Robertson's mate, Mr. ably the most calamitous mis- state. Dawes, however, declared land, who heads the New Jer- Saying they spoke "only as take that has ever been made His opponent, Republican that clear packaging would sey Food Council, an organi- in the diplomatic history of individuals, the educators have to be proven to him to zation of supermarket owners stated "there are times to be John I. Dawes, mayor of the United States and if this Freehold, agreeing that there be in the best interest of the that opposes clear-packaging war persists, it will also de- silent and times to speak. Periled by Bad Water legislation. consumer. If this could be This is a time to speak." must be a complete revision stroy President Nixon, but of the tax problems, proposed done, he said, he would be in "The real question Is: that won't be the work of the Pullout Helpful FT. HANCOCK — Conser- specific plans for modifica- and at Ocean City; and in favor of it. vation of marine resources tion of shore areas which that taxes of senior citizens Does Mr. Neilland represent dissenters," Brown said. They said they knew an end Cape May, where the society be frozen when they reach the district... or does Mr. to the war would not solve was the central theme of yes- may cause damage to the fought placing of a sewer Mr. Nicosia attacked Mr. Another key political dis- terday afternoon's ninth marine environment. age 65. This should be studied Dawes' record as mayor of Azzolina?" Mr. Bonello said. all problems, but a rapid outlet in one of the few areas he recommended. At one point in the debate, senter, Sen. Charles Goodell, withdrawal would "be in our annual meeting of the Amer- Studies Published where shellfishing is stiU Freehold, asking "Is he going R-N.Y., said "the purpose of country's highest interest at ican Littoral Society in the • The society's education- permitted, the conserva- The two candidates, along to deliver when he gets to Mr. Coleman said that "con- our dissent is constructive." home and abroad." post theater. al program is carried on tion director declared. with their running mates, the Assembly or will he do flict of interest is a proper Although President Nixon through its publication, "The spoke at a debate sponsored the same as when he was matter lor an issue." The calls for immediate Nearly 300 members and "The program must go on mayor of Freehold?" has said he will not be af- withdrawals were criticized Underwater Naturalist;" until we see a public awaken- by the greater Freehold Area However, he noted that labor guests heard descriptions of leader John Giblon had fected by the moratorium, by Rogers and other adminis- the dismaying effects of pol- through lectures and slide ing," Mr. Bennett said. Jaycees at the Freehold Re- Mr. O'Connor attacked Mr. some of his officials have in- tration supporters lution in our oceans, rivers programs ("like this He illustrated his point with gional High School here Fri- Robertson's record on two served as chairman of a leg* and estuarine waters. Later, meeting") in a growing num- a series of slides picturing day night. This was the first counts. He charged that dur- islative labor committee. viewing underwater films of ber of states; and through a "what we're for and what debate for the western dis- ing Mr. Robertson's tenure as "He was able to bring knowl- unpolluted waters, they were nationwide policy of sup- we're against.1' trict Assembly candidates. mayor, some garden apart- edge and talent to the prob- About 35 spectators attended. reminded of how beautiful an plying information on marine Summary Given ment complexes were only as- lem," Mr. Coleman observed. untainted marine environ- biology and ecology to all "What we're against" was Republican Joseph Robert- sessed for 50 per cent of their The question of Mafia ties County Births ment can be. who ask for it, Mr. Bennett aptly summed up by the rus- son, mayor of Spring Lake value and that Mr. Robertson was resurrected briefly dur- explained. ty carcass of a Morris Mi- Heights, stressing his 16 years sold insurance policies to four ing the debate when a report- RIVERVIEW 1115 7th Ave., Neptune, Introduced by John Storr, in municipal government, officials in the corporation er asked attorneys Litwin, society president, Dr. Lionel The society's fight for pro- nor defiling a beach already Red Bank daughter, Thursday. tective legislation is ex- polluted by papers, cans and said the issues in the cam- that installed the sewerage Coleman and Bonello if their Mr.
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