«t t. Ontario Farmers' Union chief to speak Saturday The Clinton County NFO's an­ nual Swiss steak dinner will be (SOfloDtooo served this Saturday evening at Ovid-Elsie High School, with the president .of the Ontario Farmers' Union scheduled to speak during a program after­ ward. "* Walter L. Miller, president of the OFU, recently helped or­ 113th Year, No. 50 2 SECTIONS — 34 PAGES ganize a farm tractor parade on St. Johns, Michigan — Wednesday, Apri 15 Cents the capltol to gain a better price for Canadian farmers. The parade attracted widespread , publicity. 28 men leave Miller will headline the pro­ Only solutions offered so far gram that will start about 8:30 for physicals p.m. at the Ovid-Elsie High. Al­ so on the program will be Dennis Twnety - eight men from Konczal, state secretary of the Clinton County left for pre-in- Michigan Future Farmers of duction physicals in Detroit, yes­ America. terday morning, April 8. The Paul Love, Clinton County NFO group left from the Community WALTER MILLER Room '•of the Central National Battle lines for mi president and general chairman 2 for the swiss steak dinner, said Bank at 6:45 a.m. serving of the dinner will begin at 8 p.m. MrsRobei'tStaleyandMrs Those leaving included: Donald 5:30 p.m. and continue until about Frank Ladiski, both of Elsie, are R. Ward, James M, Garrett, co-chairmen for dinner prepa­ James B. Hufnagel, Roger R. rations. Arntz, William M. Miller, Bruce Love said the general theme of E. Durbin, John GUschuk, Jerry 'Not all land; the.program will concern youth D. Gavenda. Dean A. Patterson, city taxation pro in agriculture, and FFA State James D. Miller, Howard J. Secretary Konczal, from Fowler- Sherman, Thomas D. Hawk, suitable ville, will discuss the FFA role David J. Patterson, Charles A. in agriculture. The main speaker, Nicholson, Alan L. Nutter, Duane Only two solutions to St. Johns municipal financial problems MUler, will also touch on the L. Thelen, William J. Decker, have been proposed during the last two weeks' of public meetings, for building' youth role. James P. Spitzley, Donald P. and already the battle lines are forming over the merits of the Pung, Donald R, Young Jr., Den­ two—a city income tax and a $180,000 capital improvements bond Clinton County supervisors MILLER, WHO OPERATES a nis M. Darling, Randall M. issue financed by a three-mill property tax levyfor.three years. are again reminding prospective beef farm near Tara, Ontario, Sandborn, Kendall D.Smith, Tony The lack of questions pertaining to the financial needs buyers of property in the county with his wife Jean and three J. Bocek, Robert F. Waltz, themselves indicated an apparent that all land is not suitable for daughters, has spent his entire Thomas G. Olson, Dennis L. acceptance by those at the meet­ building. They warn that buyers life on the farm. He's also been Wilson and Daniel L. Boyer. ings of the city's financial plight, CLINTON COUNTY should double check to« see if a. active in his community, being a but there was a lot said about building permit will be issued be­ past president of theTarabranch the solutions. traffic deaths fore they purchase property to of the Royal Canadian Legion and School board No clear - cut indication was build a home or business. of the Rotary Club. visible at the two meetings last Many people are "stung" every Thursday and Monday night as to Since Jan. 1, 1969 year when they buy property with Ha has been an active support­ petitions ready which way the audience would go the intention of building a home er of the Ontario Farmers'Union if given a choice, Mayor Robert on it, then find later that the since its inception 17 years ago. Petitions of candidacy for the Wood attempted to get an county zoning office will not He was director of organization one vacant seat on the St. Johns inkling of an idea Monday night, issue a building permit. for several years prior to being Board of Education are now however, when, he took a "straw THIS TIME LAST In most cases, such refusal elected president in November available at the superintendent's •vote" in the audience of some 60 is based upon insufficient drain­ 1967. office in the high school. people. YEAR: 8 age. Much land in the county is Prior to Miller's talkSaturday Only one member of the school Even that didn't produce a night, entertainment will be board will be elected this year. of heavy soil where proper drain­ clear picture. •'Four questions, the city commission should im age can be a problem. The board furnished by a group of Ovid- The term of Donald Bast ex­ each with a yes or no answer, r Elsie High School students. pires. Nominating petitions must mediately adopt a city income of supervisorsurgesprospective were asked, and eachpersonwas tax. ' buyers to first check this factor Greeters at the door will be Mr be returned to the superinten­ asked to answer one of the ques­ out before closing the deal on and Mrs Henry Repphun of De- dent's office by 4 p.m. May 12 Thirteen people voted that' the tions. Most ended up answering city commission should set a land., Witt and Mr and Mrs Stanley to qualify for a place on the bal­ a combination of the questions, <*' Welton of SC Johns. lot in the June 9 election. date for an advisory vote on Jthe but ~Wood came up with these adoption of a city income tax. Woodson D, Scott of New York NFO members will make final Also to be voted on June 9 figures: has'been elected president of the plans for the dinner at their will be a request for school Nobody said the commission Nineteen people at the meeting should not adopt eitherproposal. National Rifle Assn., succeed­ regular meeting tonight (Wednes­ operating miUage, but the school ^William E. Thacker, Chief Okemos Council Scout executive, pins the favored a bond issue for capital / ing a Clinton County resident, day) at 8:30 p.m. in the Central board has not yet decided what The Thursday and Monday Eagle Scout award:on Evan Rowland at Wacousta last Tuesday night as parents improvements at a cost of 3 Harold W. Glassen of rural Lan­ National Bank communityroom in amount of millage will be re­ mills for three years. meetings involved the use of an sing. "" St. Johns. quested. Mr and Mrs Robert Rowland and Asst. Scoutmaster Tom Morefield look on. Twenty-four people indicated overhead projector and tables of information flashed on the '—•-" •»-"*!*-•-, -S\.w. screen. Last Thursday, the in­ Wacousta formation included a listing of specific needs of the city over New home for Bee's Chevy-Olds and above the proposed budget youth new of 1969-70, as well as slides Official announcement was showing yearly tax, weekly and made this week by Bee's Chevro- quarterly deductions for city let-Oldsmobile management of a Eagle scout and non-resident persons under one-quarter million dollar build­ an income tax. There were also ing program slated to get under­ WACOUSTA - Another Wa­ tables comparing income tax and way early this spring. cousta Boy Scout has attained property tax and graphs showing the rank of Eagle, the highest the assessed valuation and city According to Bernard Feld- award possible for a Scout. pausch, speaking on behalf of the r income during each of the years auto dealership, one of the pri­ c He's Evan Rowland, son of between 1^59 and 1968. mary aims of the firm in the 7^ ^fY Robert and Mary Rowland. The UMliimmi m i rim i ii LfaagQuii inm .Ox: Eagle award was bestowed on him Only the first slide, showing Additional picture last Tuesday night in an Eagle the specific needs of the city; on Page 5-A Court of Honor at the Wacousta was used Mondaynight. It showed f/M-tV ***** X.AWT Community United Methodist a total _of $176,383 needed for. current program is to improve 4 spending on mobile equipment customer service and to mini­ Church. PROPOSED NEW HOME FOR BEE'S CHEVY-OLDS- The award was presented by and other capital improvements. mize waiting periods in the re­ They included items which City pair of autos and trucks. William E. Thacker, Scout ex­ ecutive for the Chief Okemos Manager Harvey Weatherwax in­ The new facility will be located scheduled to be completed diagnostic and write-up area, The service area of the new dicated are needed immediately on 10 acres at the intersection of through local firms. Financing and elevated showrooms will be Bee's Chevrolet-Olds will con­ Council of Boy Scouts of America. The Eagle ceremony to provide minimal but wise US-27 and Townsend Road. The for the building was arranged by spacious enough to accommodate tain 44 service stalls and this service. I site is immediately northwest Clinton National Bank. eight cars. * will include areas for quick ser­ was put on by an Indian dance of, the present Bee's Used Car Preliminary drawings and The parts area will be 10 times vice. team led by Ken DeLand. These amounts, Mayor Wood and Marina Sales and is within sketches show the building to be the size of Bee's existing accom­ According to the official an­ Asst. Scoutmaster Tom More- and Commissioner Charles Co- the city limits of St. Johns. of an entirely new design and modations, and the building will nouncement, thd new body shop field was in charge of the pro­ letta pointed out, were over and General contractors for the offering the latest in equipment be constructed to allow erection will include frame , front end, gram.
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