4 Newspapw Devoted , Community Interert To he Presentei) Fairly, dearly y \] Local Coverage n And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures ,/xxxix-NO. 10 "vol.. CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960 ntCTM) u ZnA Clam Mil) »t P. 0, Ctrtmt, N. j. PRICE TEN CENTS Sportsmen Honor Aihkk* „/ 7/frft SchooUlere Graduate IT 1,1 ^^[Householders Urge noiMiiicnct'iiicns Clasl to s Sidewalk Program I on Wcdiu'st I isl (.radnalcs In Parkview Area CARTERET - The Annual commencement exercises of [)i,v! What does It CarieiTt Hiah School will E Ms. Jakeway is Honoredpetition ;•„ ,,]• memories? hfld Wednesday, June 22. fi::iO P. M. In the Walter Over- holt. Stadium. By Education Association n . , luckily, you The exercises will begin with . ,,r ihr old mah Tl m -„• iwo bucks Ji till Store Will Signed uiilnwncss to mall . .,„>, ,„• necktie, at Richardson. A solo .;11, nrc to you. The Education Association teachers . ,j] :<n mi Its way, J CARTERIT — Home owner! ln C lta Bv 30 8 Sl ^ " - „:,.iidifri. by you. 5 area last night Helen Sobo. filed a petition urging thl man of the association wel-|chlnsky, Mrs. Lillian DeWItt ... , nMiM«'i of con- Eriwin S. Quin. superintend- corned the guests and acted as Mrs. Mary Sylvia Weisman [Mayor and Borough Council to ;hl)irs you Kind of ent of .schools will Rive the ad- toastmaster. Mrs. Jakeway was Walter Gaslor' Joseph Rivers' proceed with a sidewalk con- , :,,,[ r'.cn a wiirm, dress and present the class. The , i'i ;• :n your own presented with a gift in behalf'stephen Nelson Wesley Spe-istruction program. presentation of diplomas will be of the association. :!, :<, -i)'with the made by Stephen Skiba, presi- wak, Richard Mlglecz and Under the plan, householder! Among the guests who ex-Douglas King. ,U1HU ,,.IC Hmil m¥mniKI „ , ,,:, ,i lot of things thf Sporlsmf dent of the Board of Education. would have until September 1, id iiiui' written to " Association. Shawn from left U, riKht tended greetings, and best Gifts were also presented tojl9Bl time to build their own pres., ,1. II,,dak, R. Blalowarrj.uk. R. Fettiw. :The readin", of the Mines of itii'V would have ithe gradual..;- I.;I,, : done by wishes were School Superin-Mrs. Kovacs, outgoing presl-sidewalks. In presenting thl tendent^and Mrs. Edwin S.ldent and Mr.. King, immediate petition, a spokesman said -;in.'i)tnl thingH, not CARTBRET—More than 200 ul Physical Education and 's a mini telln an- " 8kibB' Pi'esident!past president. [there are a total of 508 homei persons were in attendance aflctic director at Rutiwrs I commuter for the din- in the development. There .,,,.;*•! id, time they to help honor Julia • ..mi to the hospital Carteret High Scrlool. and led by Miss Joanne Sym- „ t ,_ , .;shyn, ill's. Catherine aullivan, cated, There are a few homes speech. Mr, Rockafellesa^SSSSHKKS^ffi^r cited! al philosophy of any inatitu-1 winners, Thfe year's winners Sg with sidewalks, leaving a total Mrs. John Hila, Miss MargaretiMlchate Masknly, Mrs. Lillian ,., vou couldn't breathe Harry I, RockaffeUer, dlrector|many of his personal experl-itlon or community. chik. The "8t«r Spangled DeWWK'Mrs. Ann Richardson, :,.., n;i!M pumped you (Continued on Page 2) Sharkey, all members of the' ;of 483. Of this number about 30 Banner" will be sung by the Mr. .,: |»ii;Mllm? You held Board of Education; High icz, Mrs. Catherine j rent homes or there are va- jassemblage and Rabbi Norman School Principal Herman Homjwi_l Mrs. Mary Czaya and!canctes, bringing the total ':,,i-,ct tightly and orled:4 Lobel will officiate at the j Washington School PrindpalilMr'sT acs. [down to 453. : :ni: t -- so, don't let benediction. M-totoM Girl Free Chest X-Ray Slated Fashion Show Of this number 308 signed ;. • Ih.it happened— The baccalaurate exercifies ,r,v ninny years ago? iwill be held Sunday afternoon the petition, 40 homes have not •:fe SamtFieldMeet/n Boro for Wednesday Presented by lat 2 P. M. In the Carteret High Record Fines Pif gram Listed been contacted and 105 home [School auditorium. owners did not sign for side* !)../• iid :i lihe sun, got CARTHRET — Carteret Park CARTERET — A free com-ly by the Carteret Board ; The first honor students walk. » ;ii, sum and ached in WM the scene of the first an- Recently, Mayor Stephen :i I.M li on" those fishing and tnunlty chest x-ray Burvey -will Health and the jSehool Pupils elude Mary Bodnar. CarolSe; Collected In May For Nathan Hale Capp, Louise Cheslak, Joanne! Skiba appeared at A meeting in Mi J;I- not mi outdoor field, meet. be held in Carteret next Wed-jCounty Tuberculosis Parkview and outlined the lHPalth CARTERET—A fashion show :••': til. rr he was, stick- nesday, June 22, according to League. program.. The petitioners said The flag ceremony was pre- j was hel_d_ Tuesda^y _UM>J rmnegan, Merrill HawKe, Irene v.ni-.f n!ti you to make , Merrill Hawke, Irenc $4r7B9 ln lencement sided over by the Senior bcouta. Michael Yarcheskl,. health of-! Mr. Yarcheskl stressed the|June 14, 19M at the Columbus Kalapos Gall Kopln Joyce last monthi a the condition is dangerous for spin Pop roamed the fleer. The mobile x-ray unlt^fact that a chest x-ray will re- record, acting to his May1 ,,.*EE5! °nJSP. | lack of sidewalks and it would Councilman D'Zurilln gave a fleer Thp mnhllp v-rov nnlf'foM that a /.ho.t v.™,> i»in m_ln.Schooi l1 Auditoriu...j.i—i-im- unde..r the. |Kraus, 'John Pilot. Campbell — The program ;• .vuh vou, when he of veal not only possible symptoms report tubmitted to the ?or- cveate greater hazards wiUi th| direction of Mm j Richardson, Loretta Hogowski, "at the annual eighth grade d jHVf. preferred a co«y Safeway Pood Market at thoef tuberculosis but also heart OUSh COUBCl). 1 addition of new schools where aeottUni wntt were sunn Sufchtnskj* turn •eqenemlcs Barbara .Jg. IgraduatM exercises to be held |li.i.: Rcnii'irmci ' Carteret Shopping Center, abnormalities or shadows that children have to walk. a eoofc out atMl teacher.. The ;&i»ned!shnrid&fl|»v;. at the. ,fik)%n Hale School Roofevelt flwenue, from 1:00 tomight Indicate lung cancer. their skirte, .*te, ey Councilman John t. D'Zurllla no«ebar teches. poiutgd to the need of a wirg1 j ..Li'/ yuu nonesty and 5:00 P. M. and on the Cooke He said it was important for made in class. 'This; aiid<v was so to Harvey Baron, fo ows: "iK'ri ,ii ills meager Held lame* including tack commtuee fence OTer tne present [n side of Borough HalLevery adult sixteen yeai-» of ageg\ \held at the regula_ r June rnct- __.„ MIU< ui_M committeV races, three legged race, and 1 Berghout, Barbara Bodnar, by th»e national prayerL* the ot nviiii;,! ind wondered 1 paid Into the borough treasury. an . Jtrom 6:000 to 9:00 P . M. The,oTheor overover , W take advantagadte e off Ing of the Cofumbus-CleYelandJKaren Brechka, Janet Domhof! bY gnaronn Kovai aanQd a hvmlf relay races mn held with In- 1 z. ^ ttnn TurnpikeTurnpike.. WitWithh neneww sschoolc s iiiiv wh.it he was talk- Some 51,150 was collected inb y tnegrftduatlo n class. The suney is being sponsored joint- this opportunity. 'p. T. A. iEileen Gilbert., John HudakHudak,. by tnegrftduatlo n class. The|| MlM u0 Mhool chlldmn 'ii,i. He laupiit you to termediate Troops 111 and 136 The narrator for the 3lxth fines for traffic violators on weiicomcomee addresaddresss wilwilll be eexx 5- up, acnooi tmiaien winning tbe relay races while Alice Markus, Anthony Mikuski the TiiriiDike 5 .."••• ifib you started, grades was Marie Abatentarco,j^Carolyn Nagy, Maryann Panek tnthe TirDinil npikek . Mri^t ilfr tendeSd Tby Allei n Comba and\ ''••:: the lesson was antned nMrs .pi Genevievk Mite Preyt Jf, vio-jthl j e introduction by Marguerite; danger. Mayor Skiba agreed. jd the girls participating: iCarol Poll, Allan Riley, Car- of the West relied by snarls and ^^"•"""""Jr, Achievement Plan Vacation latlon clerk were commended Bartos. A recitation. "It Is Not 'Bessie Newall, Rose Clark. Isa- Amelia Simeone, Margaret Stu e d ng fthe! Carteret section would like to A rolling pin oonteit was held bel Podor, Berlene Green, Linda STiJaWtaK !:ifl^ ^ .l ° »n Easy Thing," will be pre- for the troop leaden with Mrs. ilar e traffic schedule. , Margaret Collins, see plans for the new Inter- Albright, Shirley Lukasiuk, Antoinette Abatemarco, Carol R :sei ted to Lorraine flutter awarded the Sales Show Rise Ichange facility before building ••wr ill the dlfflcul- Karen Pelauer, Beverly Toth, Ann Aliprantis, Anna Frances! Councilman John HulnickMllen Foytlin, Janis Richard-jstarts Bqr0URh CIerk prize. CARTERET -» Tonight at '• iiiirdships? The at- CARTERET- Junior Sue Wilgus, Johanna Turko, Andras. Lois Regina Babies, chairman of police, againlson and Leslie Sabo Potocnig was« directed to write A scavenger hunt concluded uf Pop to keep you Achievement companies in the 7:30 a planning meeting for Linda Shannon, Cynthia Pelegi, Gloria May Banick. Joyce A, warned against speeding m the; The song 'God Bless Amer-^ the ^ ^e Authority.' •. to have you grow the days activities with Oloria Carteret-Unlon County area the faculty of The First Pres- Carol Michael, Linda Harmer, BarnyakRamvair , HarveMarvpyv Lloyi.invHd Ti.Baron™ , |borou«h. 'Some motorists wil^lca will be rendered by the a worthwhile citizen, Ann Truch of Troop 100 as the Judith Cunha. Carol Pahler, Ellen Marie Batha, Jeffrey R. be sorry when the crackdown class, followed by a piano sollo have recorded total sales of byterian Daily Vacation Bible starts" he said.
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