Arch. Molluskenkunde | 145 | (2) | 133–150 | 61 figures | Frankfurt am Main, 20.12.2016 Illustrated checklist of newly described (2006–2016) land and freshwater Gastropoda from Brazil 1 2,3, 4 4 CARLOS J. BIRCKOLZ , RODRIGO B. SALVADOR *, DANIEL C. CAVALLARI & LUIZ R. L. SIMONE Abstract A list of Brazilian terrestrial and freshwater gastropod species and genera described from 2006 to 2016 is presented, updating the previous catalogue of SIMONE (2006). Colored photographs of type specimens, as well as information on type material, distribution and taxonomy are also provided. The list encompasses 42 recently described species, largely pulmonates, including 39 terrestrial, and three freshwater taxa. New genera are: Syneancylus GUTIÉRREZ GREGORIC 2014; Cli- nispira SIMONE & CASATI 2013; Habeas SIMONE 2013; Kora SIMONE 2012; Olympus SIMONE 2010; Spiripockia SIMONE 2012 and Vegrandinia SALVADOR, CUNHA & SIMONE 2013. The appendix lists native species whose known geographical ranges in Brazil have been extended considerably during this period, as well as those previously unrecognized in Brazil. Keywords: Caenogastropoda, Pulmonata, type locality, type specimens. Introduction eschweizerbartxxx sng- In the late 1940s, FREDERICO LANGE DE MORRETES but excluding slugs (e.g., Veronicellidae). Three years compiled the first comprehensive inventory of Recent later, SIMONE (2006) published an extensive catalogue Brazilian mollusks (MORRETES 1949). It encompassed book of Brazilian terrestrial and freshwater mollusks, molluscan species from every environment and received with 1,060 valid species. Most of them (948) were gas- subsequent corrections and expansions (MORRETES 1953, tropods. Unlike its predecessors, the book by SIMONE OLIVEIRA & CASTRO 1979). This first catalog listed nearly offered an extensive assemblage of colored specimen 1,500 species, over a third of which were terrestrial and photographs, mostly including type specimens. It also freshwater gastropods. The species lists published in the included information on distribution and an exhaustive following decades mostly consisted of short regional bibliographical compilation on each species. reports and occurrence notes, with the possible exception Not many Brazilian terrestrial gastropods have been of OLIVEIRA et al. (1981). Their catalogue, however, was described since the 1950s. It was not until the 2010s that the based on the institutional collection of the Universidade number of described species increased significantly. In this Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), which also harbors ex- paper, we compile a list of Brazilian terrestrial and fresh- otic specimens. water gastropod species described in the decade following SALGADO & COELHO (2003) published the first broad SIMONE’S (2006) catalog, up to 2016. We take the opportu- Brazilian species list since MORRETES (1949). It was re- nity to provide information on species distribution, types, stricted to terrestrial gastropods, comprising 590 species, relevant taxonomic changes, and corrections. Authors’ addresses: 1 Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curitiba, PR, Brazil. 2, 3 Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; 3 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; *Corresponding author: [email protected]. 4 Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, SP, Brazil. © E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2016, ISSN 1869–0963 DOI 10.1127/arch.moll/145/133-150 134 BIRCKOLZ, C. J. et al.: Checklist of newly described (2006–2016) land and freshwater Gastropoda from Brazil Figure 1. Chart showing the number of new species of land and freshwater gastropods described from Brazil between the years 2006 and 2016 (up to October 10, 2016). The species list presented here was compiled from Institutions: the specialized literature, including the original descrip- ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, Drexel University tions and any further papers mentioning the species, and (Philadelphia, USA) figured (preferably by the holotypes). In some cases, FNMH Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, USA) the original description fails to give a catalog number ICMBio Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodi- for the type material; these numbers are provided here versidade (Brasília, Brazil) whenever possible according to the institutions’ online MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardi- no Rivadavia (Buenos Aires, Argentina) databases, published type catalogs (e.g., PIMENTA et al. MCN-FZB Museu de Ciências Naturais da Fundação Zoobotâni- 2014, BREURE & ABLETT 2015) or the collections’ cura- ca do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil) tors (personal communication). The systematic classi- MCP Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Uni- fication used here follows BOUCHET et al. (2005), with versidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto some subsequent modifications (e.g., BREURE & ROMERO Alegre, Brazil) 2012, for the Orthalicoidea). MLP Museo de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina) From 2006 to 2016, 39 new terrestrial and three fresh- MNHN Museé National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France) water snail species from Brazil were described (seeeschweizerbartxxx sng- Fig. MNRJ Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio 1 for year-by-year numbers). These are listed below, in de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) MPEG Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Belém, Brazil) systematic order, with additional data on their type lo- MUSM Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de calities, distribution, type material and other remarks of San Marcos (Lima, Peru) broader interest. In the same period, seven new genera MZSP Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo were erected: Syneancylus GUTIÉRREZ GREGORIC 2014; (São Paulo, Brazil) Clinispira SIMONE & CASATI 2013; Habeas SIMONE 2013; MZUFBA Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Federal da Kora SIMONE 2012; Olympus SIMONE 2010; Spiripockia Bahia (Salvador, Brazil) SIMONE 2012; Vegrandinia SALVADOR, CUNHA & SIMONE NHMUK Natural History Museum (London, UK) 2013. Nearly all of these genera were created to house SMF Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmu- the new species, with the single exception of Vegrand- seum Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) SMNH Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (Stockholm, Sweden) inia. This new subulinid genus was erected to accom- SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart modate Bulimulus trindadensis BREURE & COELHO 1976, (Stuttgart, Germany) a species endemic to Trindade Island, which lies about USNM Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 1,140 km off the southeast part of mainland Brazil (SAL- (Washington, D.C., USA) VADOR et al. 2013). ZMB Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universität Besides the new species described, in the same period (Berlin, Germany) there were reports of several species already known from ZMH Zoologisches Museum der Universität Hamburg Brazil that greatly extended their known geographical (Hamburg, Germany). ranges. These species, and their new distribution com- Shell Measurements: pared to that reported by SIMONE (2006), are listed in D shell width (greatest diameter) the Appendix. The Appendix also lists species already H shell height described by 2006, but recognized only subsequently L body length (slugs). as occurring natively in Brazil. It is also worthwhile to Museum Material: highlight that none of the species listed as valid by SIM- sh. shell (empty shell only) ONE (2006) were brought into synonymy since then. spc. specimen (shell and soft body preserved in ethanol The following abbreviations are used throughout the text. 70% or 96%). BIRCKOLZ, C. J. et al.: Checklist of newly described (2006–2016) land and freshwater Gastropoda from Brazil 135 Systematics Caenogastropoda R e m a r k s : Cavernicolous species. Superfamily Cyclophoroidea Habeas priscus SIMONE 2013 Family Diplommatinidae Fig. 5 Genus Adelopoma DOERING 1884 2013 Habeas priscus SIMONE: 522, figs. 11–17. Adelopoma paulistanum MARTINS & SIMONE 2014 T y p e l o c a l i t y : Brazil. Bahia state; Central, Boque- Fig. 2 irão do Maxixe (13°46'51.6''S 44°02'18.7''W). 2014 Adelopoma paulistanum MARTINS & SIMONE: 766, figs. D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality. 1–35. T y p e m a t e r i a l : Holotype: MZSP 103044. T y p e l o c a l i t y : Brazil. São Paulo state; São Paulo: Burle Marx Park, 23°38'05.61''S 46°43'24.24''W. Superfamily Rissooidea D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality. Family Pomatiopsidae T y p e m a t e r i a l : Holotype: MZSP 116256. Para- types: MNRJ 26763 (3 sh.), MZSP 106109 (14 sh.), MZSP Genus Spiripockia SIMONE 2012 106110 (16 sh.), MZSP 106112 (34 sh.), MZSP 106114 (18 spc.), MZSP 206115 (1 spc.), MZSP 106116 (2 spc.), MZSP Spiripockia puncata SIMONE 2012 106117 (16 spc. + 2 radulae [SEM preparations]), USNM un- Fig. 6 numbered (3 sh.). 2012a Spiripockia puncata SIMONE: 516, figs. 1–33. R e m a r k s : This species was described from a T y p e l o c a l i t y : Brazil. Bahia state; Serra do Ramal- small park in the city of São Paulo. The type locality ho karst area, Middle São Francisco River Basin, Lapa dos was threatened by real estate development and SIMONE Peixes Cave (13°49'21.78''S 43°57'24.39''W). (2015a) argued that the species should have the status of D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality. “endangered”. T y p e m a t e r i a l : Holotype: MZSP 105000. Para- types: MNRJ 30503 (1 spc.), MZSP 104435 (19 spc.), USNM 1182929 (1 spc.). Genus Habeas SIMONE 2013 eschweizerbartxxx sng- R e m a r k s : Cavernicolous species. Type species of Habeas corpus SIMONE 2013 the genus. The registry number of the USNM paratype Fig. 3 provided in the original paper is wrong; the correct num- 2013 Habeas corpus SIMONE: 520, figs. 1–6, 16–18. ber is shown above. T y p e l o c a l i t y : Brazil. Bahia state; Carinhanha: Ser- ra do Ramalho, Gruna das Três Cobras (“Três Cobras Cave”; 13°37'07.6''S 43°45'11.5''W, ca.
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