Day TRUSTEES APPOINT DR. DUMKE rip Campfin Former krr: Vice Chancellor Named ni t .1171 Head of California Colleges State kly Dr. Uienn S. Dunike was ap- celloi chit! ge kit: af- ,.1101,11) ¶ lust . !.,1 ,,s1(1 \sail lad pointed chancellor of the Cali- fairs since 1961, will receive $32,- prove the direction for sound cur- Spaztan fornia state colleges by the board 000 a year in his new post. riculum," 'Louis H Hei lb ron , of trustees yesterday during the chairman of the board of trustee& FORMER first of a two-day meeting of the SIM PRESIDENT said when Dr. Dumke received the trustees at Northridge in South- He was president of San Fran- vice chanchellor's post in October. 411§,. SAN JOSE, cisco state for VOL 49 CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 No. 100 ern California. four years before "He will give the colleges as a Irgee to Wee The 12-member board, meeting whole the benefit of his experi- .ki efoopment on the San Fernando Valley state ence, leadership and judgement." f. bus or lent. college campus, chose the former vice chancellor to replace Dr. RECOGNITION are welcome. MacLeish's Buell G. Gallagher, who resigned Dr. Dumke, 44, gained recogni- led from Opens as head of the state colleges in tion through his work on the mas- Tir,m, Tonight; Gh February, according to an exclu- ter survey team, established to of sive report from the Sundial staff coordinate ull areas of higher ed- of San Fernando state. ucation in the state. Following announcement of the! Included in the survtily was a Modern Version appointment, Gov. Edmund Brown of establish a separate board Bible's Job plan to issued a statement endorsing the of trustees to bring greater rec- selection: ognition to the state colleges. 'GREAT THINGS' Music Speech, Drama To Present Before becoming president of "Great things will be demanded Make SFS Dr. Dumke was dean of the of the chancellor . ir the chal- faculty at Occidental college, his 0 Go lenging years ahead and I am alma meter. He began his aca- Pulitzer Prize Winning Play confident Glenn Dumke will meet tEcoRDS demic career at Occidental after 4uSIC DEPT the test in every way. receiving his master's degree in By CHRIS HEADINGS MINTS "His depth of experience in 1939. P.M. Archibald MacLeish's modern interpretation of the 'Bible's Book CalifOrnia education and his brit- Saturday ofJob, "J.B.," opens its first local production tonight at 8:15 in SJS' :Noe administrative record make FULL PROFESSOR ord College Theater. Chars, min a natural choice for the post. DR. GLEN S. DUMKE In 1949 he became a full pro- Prize winning play is The Pulitzer presented by the Speech and ". I look forward to working ...new chancellor fessor, holding the Norman Bridge Drama department under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Loeffler, with him on the task of maintain- 40'4 chair of Hispanic-American his- associate professor of drama. ing and improving the free world's becoming vice chancellor of the tory. He was alternate delegate to is a play about a play which takes place on a I. "1.13." circus stage greatest system of public higher 17-college system with an enroll- the Republican national conven- lifter the audience has gone home.b education." ment of 108,000. a daughter is raped and murdered tions of 1948 and 1952. CLAM Two circus vendors, broken-down Dr. Dumke, formerly vice chan- "He brings to the office the dis- by an idiot, and the last daughter I6 actors who have fallen on evil Dr. Gallagher, Dr. Dumke's pre- dies after the city is bombed. days, decide to play the play and decessor, resigned in February for J.B.'s bank and plant are devas- take into their hands the life of "financial reasons" following right- tated in the &contemporary Job, the industrial bombing, his wife wing attacks. leaves him and his body tycoon and banker J.B. is cov- Quality Teaching Aim According to Dr. Gallagher, who ered with the sores of a disease. ester Bible's version, God has returned to the presidency of As in the QUESTIONS AND LESSON Satan argue about Job's piety the City College of New York, pre- ed Through all this, J.B. still trusts faith in God. They bargain vious to his resigning, "They said and God and keeps saying "The Lord is placed in Satan's I was a Communist. The attack and Job's life giveth, the Lord taketh away," in bands on the provision that "only Of Bill, MacColl Says was vigorous. But the faceless ac- an effort to direct his wife to- lel up upon himself put not forth tily cuers refused to identify them- ward God when she begins to "The Fisher bill is not designed "The poll indicated teachers selves with anything but post office fed quest ion. ORDEALS TEST FAITH throughout California felt more box numbers. But J.B. learns a lesson from to discriminate against teachers," ld up Job's trust in God need for academic education and is tested by his trial. He learns not to expect according to Hugh MacColl, legis- "We gave an effective answer a series of ordeals comparable less use for 'methods' classes," ex- justice. "You wanted justice . lative counsel for the state senate and threw the lie back in the face with the calamities facing modern plained MacColl. of the accusers." there isn't any. There's the world committee on efficiency and econ- tea . (and) only love," his wife According to Englander, a San GOD DESCENDS to earth from the platform in a circus tent omy. ONE OF TOP THREE Nickles and Mr. Zuss, the circus tells him. Francisco high school teacher and IENTAL which represents Heaven in Archibald MacLeish's play -.J.B." as- vendors, take on the parts of God Lead parts in the SJS produc- Instead, Senate Bill 57 "will member of a committee working to Following speculation in Febru- and Satan. the Creator Gary Safford (left) and Jerry DeBono play the two circus ven- sure that teachers instruct only in aid in implementing the new bill. ary that Dr. Dumke. one of the and Un- tion are held by James Bertholf -p5o,o by Bob Hall dors who become Gad and Satan. CE eeator. They need no specific as J.B., Zoe Krunitses as his wife the subjects they know best." S.B. 57 will "aid in the increase of top three candidates for chancel- Englander, CT 74871 actor for the part of Job because Sarah; Gary Safford as Mr. Zile- MacColl and Maurice both professional stature and lor when Dr. Gallaher was chosen, California State " .. there's always someone play- the circus vendor who plays G., president of the teachers' salaries," because of the would be selected. a '''co slow" re- ing Job." and Jerry DeBono as Nickles, the Self-Destruction Will Be Teachers federation (AFL-CIO), lengthening of required training quest WiLS made by state college explain- The first scene of the play finds vendor who takes the part of spent two hours yesterday to gain a credential. professors at several campuses crowd of Job a happy, prosperous business- Satan. ing the Fisher bill to a throughout the state. Morris man surrounded by his wife and "J.B." will be presented again SJS students and factlity in First to speak up were SFS pro- children, whom he loves. tomorrow night and Wednesday, Our Highest Achievement Dailey auditorium. Friday Flicks fessors asking for greater influ- As a result of God and Satan's April 14, at 8:15 in the College "It seems that the highest served Dr. Jones. "If you take Col- The controversial bill, passed in ence in the appointment of a new A pink -colored su a rir bargain, Job loses all he has, piece theater. Tickets are still available achievement of human civilization lingwood's statements and negate 1961, reforms the credential quali- e.1 chancellor. women pasengers and a mena gc del ' by piece. His five children die: a for the April 11-1.3 performances will be its own self-destruction," them one by one, you'll have a fications for California's teachers, Resolutions and telegrams to the of farm animals complicate life, eon is killed in the war, two are at the College theater box office, Dr. George Jones, assistant pro- good idea of what a pacifist is." shifting the emphasis of teacher for s u b marine skipper Cary trustees from individuals and or- killed in an automobile accident, Fifth and an Fernando sts. fessor of philosophy, observed yes- training programs from "methods" Grant, in tonight's Friday Flick ganizations at San Jose, Alameda, terday when he spoke on "Pacifism courses to academic subjects. in Morris Dailey auditorium at Angeles. Fiesno, Long Beach and International Relations" before CSTF lobbyist in Sacra- Los 7:30, a full cafeteria audience. Prof To Give mento during the Fisher bill's in- and San Diego state colleges to First "Operation Petticoat." centers Spartan Games ception, called S.B. 57 "a major "search and evaluate carefully be- "I speak as a philosopher rather divine," said Dr. Jones step in improving classroom teach- selecting a new chancellor," than as a submarine from a warship to a fore Relations club- ing in California." in his International Pan Am Talk veritable Noah's Ark, were issued in early March after Feature Clash sponsored address. He also called the bill "one of Grid appointment Dr. Ronald Hilton, professor of The film stars Cary and , immediate of Dr.
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