DOCUMENT RESUME ED 346 025 SP 033 466 AUTHOR Kleinfeld, Judith; Yerian, Sue TITLE Preparing Prospective Teachers TO Develop the MatheMatical and Scientific Abilities of Young Women: The Development of Teaching Cases. Final Report. INSTITUTION Alaska Univ., Fairbanks. PUB DATE Jul 91 NOTE 165p. PUB TYPE Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Case Studies; Classroom Environment; Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; *Equal Education; Females; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Material Development; *Mathematics Education; Preservice Teacher Education; *Science Equcation; *Sex Bias; *Womens Education IDENTIFIERS *Case Method (Teaching Technique); *Reality Research; 'Iniversity of Alaska Fairbanks ABSTRACT The project described in this report was designedto develop curriculum materials on gender equity issues for prospective teachers in education programs both at the University ofAlaska and nationwide. Practicing teachers, together with university researchers, developed 10 teaching cases which present real-world classroom difficulties centering on gender issues, particularly the development of scientific and mathematical abilities inyoung women. This report summarizes project activities and presentsabstracts as well as cases developed by teacher colleagues. Thecases are being tested and refined in both elementary and secondaryprograms at the university during the 1991-92 school year and will thenbe published and submitted to selected national publications. An appendixprovides relevant research articles on gender equity issuesto accompany teaching cases with special reference to science andmathematics. Titles include: "Gender Equity and Educational Reform";"...About Girls and Science"; "A Gender at Risk"; "Finding Realityamong the Myths: Why What You Thought About Sex Equity inEducation Isn't So"; "Sexism in the Classroom: From Grade School to GraduateSchool"; "The School Experiences of Black Girls"; "What'sa Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Math Class?" "Sexism in Our Schools";"Encouraging Girls in Science Courses and Careers"; and "Integratingthe Sciences." (LL) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** FINAL REPORT: Preparing Prospective Teachers to Develop the Mathematical and Scientific Abilities of Young Women: The Development of Teaching Cases Principal Investigators: Judith Kleinfeld and Sue Yerian Teacher Colleagues: Leslie Gordon Badger Road Elementary School Theresa Hall North Pole High School Janine Lombardi Nenana City Schools Betty McKinny Ryan Middle School Pamela Himsworth Randles University of Alaska Fairbanks Deb Reynolds Lathrop Higt School Stephanie Rudig Weller Elementary School Michelle Saiz Immaculate Conception Elementary School Sue Yerian North Pole Middle School Gerry Young North Pole Middle School U.3 DEPARTMENT OF EOUCAT/ON "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Otfice of Educational Research and impipyenem MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMAlION CENTER (ERIC) rTh.S doCument has been -produr..0as recevect Iron, the person or organi:at,on cy.gmehnd C Minor changes have been made to .mproye University of Alaska feprOduclion quality Fairbanks, Alaska Points of view Or opinions Slated in IhisClo:u TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES menu 00 nol necessarily represent Official INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." July 1991 OER1 posoon of policy BEST CRYFILABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT PART I Purpose of Proposal Project Activities PART II Case Abstracts Cases 1. Krn Schools to the Ground 2. ,The Hunt for the Golden Egg 3. The Square Parachute: Cooperative Science Groups in Rural Alaska 4. Angie, Her Mother, and Mathematics 5. The Vertebrate Dilemma 6. The Reluctant Mathlete 7. Heterogeneous Groups: It Didn't Work 8. Mrs. Johnson Hates Me 9. The Teacher Who Knew Too Much 10. One Pareat Counts for Thirty Teachers ABSTRACT A:Vs, This projent was designed to developcurriculum materials on gender equity issues for prospective teachers ineducation programs both at the University of Alaska and nationwide. Practicing teachers, together with university researchers,developedten "teaching cases," which present real-worldclassroom difficulties centering on gender issues, particularly the development of scientificand mathematicad abilities inyoung women. Thi- report briefly summarizes projectactivities and presents the ten cases developed through this project. Also included is an appendix ofrelevant research articleson gender equity with special reference to scienca andmathematics. These cases will be tested and refinedin both the secondary and ==. elementary programs at UAF duringthe 1991-92 school year. After further revision, thecases will be published through the Rural College and submitted to selectednational publications, such as The Journal of Teacher Education. PART I: PURPOSE OF PROPOSAL This project addressed the third objective of thefaculty Research and Curriculum Grants to Promote Educational Equity: "to provide (a) course modules and bibliographiesfor designing new courses alat focus on women or integrate knowledge of and about women and (b) strategies for curriculum change." This project was designed to provide,as its major product, a course module oneducational equity issuesfor use in basic, required courss at the University of Alaska Fairbanksand in other education programs throughout thecountry. This course moduleon gender equity will be used in education courses at UAF during the 1991-92 academic Specifically, we have produced ten teachingcases centering on issues of gender equity problemsof young femalescience teachers in rural Alaska, difficulties ofsustainingtqe interest of girls in mathematics as they enter adolescence, thesudden dropping out of high school of an exceptionallytalented young woman, difficulties of female science and mathematics teachersin a schord environment they perceive as uncongenial towomen, and so forth. While the original proposal soughtfunding for the preparation of fourcases, we have actuallyproduced tencases. Teacher enthusiasm was very high, and the principalinvestigators, Judith Kleinfeld and Sue Yerian, choseto decline the $1000 budgeted for each of them in this project in orderto provide additional support for the teachers to develop thecases. We note as well that the original proposalspecifically called for the development of teachingcases in the area of science and mathematics. While teachers originally proposed suchcases, and all teachers patticipating in the projectwere female science and mathematics teachers, severalcases, when actually written, dealt with gender equity issuesmore broadly. We have included these additional cases in this projectreport because the cases are well within the basicpurpose of the Faculty Research and Curriculum Grants to Promote Educational Equity. The original proposal called for thetry-out of the teaching cases in education courses taught inthe 1990-91 academic year. While we began project activities inuhe spring of1990 and were well underway in the fall of 1990,many of the teachers did not produce final drafts until May, 1991. Thecase writing process took a good deal more editing and revision thanwe originally anticipated. We therefore plan to try out the completedcases during the 1991-92 academic year, evaluating studentresponses as described in the original proposal. After further revisions,based on student response, we will publish these cases in the Case Series of the Rural College. We.also expect to publishsome of these cases in national journals in teacher education.The field of teacher education is undergoing a major shift toward qualitative and narrative modes of thinking and is beginning to welcome the publication of"teaching cases" (as opposed to the traditional research case) in professionaljournals. The kind of "teaching cases"we have developed are in the forefront of this change. As Sykes and Bird, in a forthcoming article in Review of Research in Education, frame thistransition: We are undergoing a "refiguration" in thesubstance, methods, and genre of social thought, and teacher education is participating in that refiguration. At the risk ci oversimplifying avery complex business, one may discern a set of connected (and relative movements), from a law-seeking toan interpretive aspiration, from a more masculineconcern for universal principal to a more feminineconcern for particular relationships, from the positivistic stance ofan observer on the scene to themore pragmatic stance of the actor in the situation, from conditioned behavior to meaningful action as a model for teaching and learning, from a cooler appraisal of teachingas teachnique to a more passionate consideration of teaching as moral agency..., from lecture to conversationas the mode for interaction between professors and teachers, and from exposition to narrative--stories--asa genre for that conversation. The cases we have produced under thisgender equity grant are examples of the type of materialsthat are being sought---stories about common and significant classroomdilemmas. These narratives raise ethical and value questions,as well as issues of pedagogical strategy, and provide the basis for valuableconversations about what the problemsare, how they came about, and what, if anything, can and could be done about them. PROJECT ACTIVITIES 1. Identification of Teacher-Researchers to Write theCases Sue Yerian,
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