/S VOL.LXX. PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1913. NO. 50 PRIEST NEAR DEATH. FALSELY CHARGED A FAIR-MINDED JU THE CLOSING CEREMONY. Thrown Fifteen Feet From Automo- NOT DOMINATED BY CORPORA- With It Ends a Most Glorious Period bile Miraculously Escapes. A JUST DECISION EMPHASIZING TION—AN EMPHATIC DENIAL BV In the Church's History. THE FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS BISHOP EIS. The many friends of Very Rev. Thomas WORSHIP. With the closing Lorente, provincial of the Spanish Domin- ceremony of the Con- stantinian festivals in the Basilica of S. icans in Louisiana, unite in extending con- Mary Major, Rome, on the 6th, 7th and" 8th That Catholic churches in the Calumet gratulations upon his narrow escape, a ter- and Hecla mining district in Michigan, 1 hat the Catholic denomination has as December, presided over, as Papal Le- rible accident and probable death recently gate by Card.nal Vincent Vannutelli, the where a bitter strike is now in progress, arc Father Lorente is the rector of St. An- much right to the use of the Faulkner m no wise connected with or dependent county courthouse for religious services as people ot Rome saw the end of one of 'ne thony of Padua church, New Orleans. He most glorious periods in the history of the upon the corporation operating the coppor was called at mid-night to administer con- any other denomination, is the position mines, was made plain to the convention t; ken by County Judge J. W. Holt, <; Uiurcn. l or every part of Europe, t:i? so'ation tc very sick parishioner. While two Americas and Australia sent ecclesias- of the American Federation of Labor, when bedside, a little Italian boy Conway, Ark., who stated December 6, a telegram to Rt. Rev. Frederick Eis, Bish- seated at the (hat he had been criticized by several citi- tics and laymen to the Eternal City these rushed to the house to call Father Loreiue di-ys. It might not shoot far wide of the op ot the diocese in which the Calumet father. Hastily calling a taxi- zens for permitting Father Boniface, a and llecla mines are located, was read be- to his dyi Catholic missionary, to conduct services n mark to say that a quarter of a million fi re the convention. crb, Father Lorente proceeded to the the Circuit court room. Although himself •Catholics (including Italians from the va- home. Where Carrolton avenue is crossed 1 a member of a Protestant church, Judge n »us dioceses) passed through the gates rf The telegram was in response to a mi ;- ly the Mississippi Valley R. R., what might Lome during the Jubilee year sage ot inquiry sent to Bishop Eis by Rt. have been an accident unto death for Fa- Holt says he can see no reason why one Rev. John 1'. Carroll, Bishop of Helena, denomination should be favored above nn- ther Lorente occurred. A freight car wis and a delegate to the American Federation c ther in this respect. APPOINTED BISHOP. passili;, there, and the heavy machine cl Labor convention from the American "freedom of religious worship," sad c rasile« against the moving car. The ta.ci- The Rev. Henry Althoff, rector of St Federation of Catholic Scicties. Bishop Judge Holt, "is one of the fundamental prir.- Barbara church, Okawville, 111, has been czo,:b . a total loloss: , lay scattered in pieces c'l lcs of our government, and we must a> Carroll's inquiry regarding the support of ah ng the track. Father Lorente was sh »t appointed Bishop of the Belleville, Catholic churches in the mining districts c< rd to everyone the right to worship his diocese, to succeed the late 1U> from the car with the chauffeur, and was < od according to his own convictions. The Bishop Janssen, ?.nd their relation to the operating corpor- borne some fifteen feet through the air. who died last July. ation was inspired by statements made by Citholic citizens of this county pay taxes But by a miraculous intervention o; and help to support the government the Bishop-elect Althoff was born at Avis- several delegates on the floor of the con- I rovidcnce he was only stunned and ton, 111., August 20, 1873. He studied vention when the condition of the striking same as the Protestants. Only a short bruised. Neither was the chauffeur other- classics at Tcutopolis 111.; philosophy it n iners and their families and the powers wise than stunned and bruised. time ago the Holiness denomination co.i- ducted a revival at the courthouse and Quincy, and completed his theological or.pos ng the miners were under discussion. course at the University there was no complaint. Some of our citi- of Innsbru: At that time the statement was made Austria. zens arc as much opposed to the Holiness and repeated by delegates who had bee-i PHYSICIANS IN RETREAT. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Sim- church as they are to those of the Catho- on the ground that the churches in the dis- On Friday morning recently, the closing on Aichner at Inssbruck, in 1902. He wis I'c Church, yet both should have the same trict are not only built upon company exercises of the first triduum for Catho.ic for a time assistant priest at St. Henry's rights, and so long as the property of th* ground, remain there at the sufferance of physicians took place in the chapel of Si. church, East St. Louis; later temporary county is not injured by such services, the corporation and are absolutely undar Vincent's Hospital, West Eleventh street, pastor at Damiansville, 111.; and five years and the business of the county governme it the control of the company, but that the NeW York City. About seventy of New ago took charge of the parish in Oka not interfered with, I can see no harm in Kaw- salaries of the pastors are guaranteed by ^ ork's representative Catholic medical men v ille. cither denomination or any other, denomi- the operating concern. Mass, receiving Holv The date of consecration has not been attended the 8 o'clock natin making use of the court room for Communion, listened to a short discours? set, but it will be sometime before Lent, In his message to Bishop Eis, Bishop re ' 3 us services." Carroll called attention to these statements by the Rev. T. J. Shealy S. J , received tli : ishop-elect Althoff will be the second Papal blessing, followed by Benediction of ruler of the Belleville Sei regarding the churches of the district and OLDEST JESUIT DEAD. asked for direct information as to their the Blessed Sacrament. truth or fnl-ty a? regards Catholic hav-~-s On the morning of Tuesday. December A POINT WELL TAKEN. I act! in the private cemetery of the Novitiate of worship. »ties among Catholic pri 2. < >veirn < r Baldwin of Connecticut at the In his wired reply Bishop Eis stated that )m men. o! St. Andrew-on Hudson, Poughkeeps*e, recent C Hindi of the Congregat onil it is true that Catholic churches are built X Y-, took place the funeral of Brother Church in Kansas City, Mo., made thj John Flood, the oldest member of the Eas- upon property owned by the operating SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS. point that the churches should not attempt company, but that in every instance a su t- Thirty-six children were killed in New tern province of the Society of Jesus. He fislation in favor of eugenic was a native of Ireland, first seeing the to influence le able rent is paid for the ground. The state- York state during October, according t-» marriages and such things, and, speaking ment that the salaries of the priests are the report of the National Highways Pro- l ght there ninety-three years ago, on No- ic Church, he said: "It co i- vember 11, 1820. But the bulk of his pa- of the Catholic Church, guaranteed by the company or that the tective society, made public some days ag \ tents itself mainly with looking after the company has any dominance or influence making a total of 227 children killed by ail triarchal span of life was spent within the borders of New York state. It' is scarce- individual, and in laying down rules for ,us over the priests or their utterances was un- classes of traffic since January 1. One own members as to matters of religion; qualifiedly denied. ly over twelve months since he had fitting- hundre and two children were killed by ly celebrated upon the Hudson's banks the not in trying to get them to work for rules * The message of Bishop Carroll and its automi )iles, whic have been the cause of golden jubilee of his entrance into the So- •o govern the conduct of others." That Is reply were read to the convention. the deaths of 239 persons so far this year, ciety of Jesus. one reason why the Catholic clergy do not according to the report, or eighteen more join in the movements that aim to make than were killed by this class of vehicles THE ROMEWARD MOVEMENT. people good by legislation. , during the entire year of 1912. DATE SELECTED. The Romeward movement from thi January 14, 1914, has been chosen for the NEW REGULATIONS. Church of England has continued at an ac- SISTERS REMOVED. Rev. Ed1'/. time of the consecration of Rt. A new law regulating moving picture celerated pace since the conversion of the St. Anthony's convent, 210 South Scott Mich., ."s Kozlowki, D.D., of Bay City, shows that has been adopted in Ohio migit seventy monks and nuns who endeavored street.
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