of GAMMA PHI BETA OPERATION BRASS TACKS: They ve Given Cinaerella a Key . DECEMBER � 1965 Public Relations Like Liberty . Its Price Is Eternal Vigilance by Beth McCallon Wheeler Chairman, Public Relations But we Pubhc Relations has been defined as doing something vice organizations with civic responsibilities. wortli-while and getting credit for it. However, it is more should seek to shift the emphasis in all our publicity in even truer of ourselves. than just getting a name into the newspaper for self- order to create a new and image if the serving purposes. To say that it is synonymoiLS with The sorority woman must create this new image publicity is like saying that the bicycle and the airplane sorority system is to survive, for we have allowed to are the same because they are both used for transporta develop the impression that we are snobs and playgirls- tion. Perhaps a better definition would be "the art of pampered and frivolous. We should interpret the term dealing effectively with people," or the total of our "social sorority" in the broader sense of pertaining to communications. the welfare of human society, rather than in the more While there is no doubt that good publicity is bene limited sense characteristic of society or the pleasure- ficial to the Greek system, I seriously doubt the value seeking world, or that which is enjoyed in the company of publicizing all social events, pledgings, etc. The NPC of one's friends or equals. Manual of Information states, "It is in accord with the However, with the larger vision, let's not lose sight of dignity and good manners of sorority women�to publi the sm;iller things, such as letters of congratulations to cize in the press only those things which are dignified and campus personalities who have received honors. And worth-while." Ho^v far \ve havc all digressed from this, don't forget the greatest friend-maker of all�yet the with every mention of a sorority by the press being judged simplest�a sincere "Thank you" coupled with a smile. as a measure of its prestige! Why do people persist in For, in essence. Public Relations is merely the applica regarding quantity rather than quality? tion of the Golden Rule. We should reduce this emphasis on campus activities This new image we are seeking cannot come about and social affairs�contests, homecomings, skits and the automatically, nor through the efforts of your Public like. Many of these school-sponsored competitions are time Relations Chairman, but only through the cooperation and money consuming. Instead of sororities competing of every member, Greek letter and alumnae, for we are one would it now asjainst another in these activities, be each engaged in Public Relations every day. Unfavorable better for us to join hands in donating these funds to impressions built up over the decades cannot be revised something more worth-while (scholarships, school librar overnight. In Public Relations, our work is never done, ies, etc.) and then devoting the time to helping the less for we must communicate with a passing parade and not a fortunate�or even studying�rather than spending the standing army. time in constructing booths, floats, or in rehearsals? Tozier Brown, NIC Public Relations Chairman, sum We must earn the good-will of the community by par marized this nicely�"Public Relations, to be effective, ticipating in their charity activities and drives, such as requires the four Cs: Consideration, Cooperation, Cora Heart Fund, United Appeal and the like. This docs not munication, and Continuity. Like liberty, its price mean, ho^vevcr, that we must become serious-minded ser is eternal vigilance." J J J THE CRESCENT of Gamma Phi Beta Editor Volume LXV December, 1965 Number 4 Betty Luker Haverfield (Mrs. Robert W.) 507 Medavista Drive 4 Michigan State University Columbia, Missouri 65201 6 Higher Education Act of 1965 . John C. Trussell 4 They've Given Cinderella a Key . Mary Margaret Garrard O Productive Citizens or Dependents? .. Mahnda Dean Garton O Jean Fenn of the Metropolitan Associate Editor Noreen Linduska Zahour 9 Opportunity, Challenge, Reward . Karen Tucker (Mrs. Edward F.) 3 Jacqueline Drive 1 U Gamma Phi Beta Profiles Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 14 Grand Council Announcements 14 Alpha Gamma's New Home on Top of the Hill 1 5 Texas Hospitality 1 O Gamma Phi Beta Goes to Camp Business Manager Eleanor J. Siec 1 9 The Perfect Christmas Gift Box 186, 630 Green Bay Road Kenilworth, Illinois 60043 4O New Chairman will Staff Convention 2, 1 Give Magazine Subscriptions this Christmas 23 In Memoriam 24 Among our Alumnae 45 Directory The Crescent is published September 1, Decem ber 1, March 1, and May 1, by (jeorge Banta Com pany, Inc., official printers of the fraternity, at 48 Gamma Phi Beta Chapter List Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wisconsin. Subscrip tion price $1.50 a year payable in advance, 40^ a single copy. Send change of address and correspondence of a business nature to Gamma Phi Beta, Box 186, 630 Green Bay Road, Kenilworth, Illinois 60043. Mail %ri ing lists close August 1, November 1, February 1 �TT-TTi-y-tTTr-r and April 1. By February 25, send Grand Presi The Cover dent business for consideration at spring council Center at State meeting. Kellogg Michigan University is the the Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be ad largest laboratory in nation dressed to the Editor, Mrs. Robert W. Haverfield, for hotel, restaurant and institutional 507 Medavista Drive, Columbia, Missouri 65201. management students. Financed from Items for publication should be addressed to the by grants the it contains editor to arrive not later than June 1, October 1, Kellogg Foundation, meeting January 1 and February 20. rooms, dining and housing facilities for Member of Magazines Associated. All Fraternity conference guests on the campus. matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associated, 1585 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. Entered as second-class matter at Menasha, Wis consin, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for rate of under the mailing at special postage pro Postmaster: Please send notice of Undeliverable copies on visions for in the of Sec. 34-40 Par. (D) provided Form 3579 to Gamma Phi Beta, Box 186, 630 Green Bay Road, act of 1925. Second-class paid February 28, postage Kenilworth, Illinois 60043 at Menasha, Wisconsin. Printed in the United States of America Michigan State University 51,000 Strong 110 Years Young As you walk along the tree-shaded paths and gaze at the winding Red Cedar River flowing through the campus, you are captivated by the serene beauty and revered tradition of Michigan State University. Michigan State University was founded in 1855 and served as a model for the land-grant colleges and universities in the United States. The college's Beaumont Tower, the Michigan State University land mark, stands on the site of Ihe original purpose was to prepare men for rural leadership. As the first agricul campus first building in America erected for the leach tural college in the nation, it developed a course of study that would train ing of scientific agriculture. It was given by graduates both as agricultural scientists and liberally educated community alumnus John W. Beaumont in memory of Col leaders. S. Morril, father of the Morril Act of 1862 land- Justin establishing lege Hall 11857-1919). grant colleges, stressed that young people be educated "in several pursuits and professions in life." In keeping with these words, Michigan State's cur riculum has come to encompass a vast array of programs and degrees. No longer an agricultural college, it offers undergraduate degrees in ISO fields and graduate degrees in 70. Witll extension divisions in Oakland, Michigan and Okinawa, the en rollment has increased from 63 students in 1855 to 31,000 today. The spread of educational opportunity has expanded from one agricultural college to 12 colleges housed in 429 campus buildings. These buildings range in archi tecture from the old traditional ivy-covered walls to several modern 12-story dormitories. Beta Delta chapter of Gamma Phi Beta was formed on Michigan State's campus through a local club, 'The Gamma Phi Colonizers." The inter national chapter was installed on June 2, 1944 and its charter members formed the thirteenth sorority on the campus. Today Beta Delta girls, whose academic interests range from physical education to political science, spend Michigan Stale Gamma Phi Betas accept lh( many woman-hours at work in campus organizations and activities. A mass first place trophy for winning the annual tri snowball fight with the neighboring fraternities and sororities and our annual cycle race. Powder PufE football game are highlights in our leisure time festivities. Beta Delta's modern chapter house, at 342 Harrison, is situated on a large wooded lot in an area of new sorority houses. Through the contemporary walls seep the liveliness of the present and the tradition of the past. Parents' Weekend in the fall brings many mothers and fathers to the Spartan football game and the reception honoring our fathers which follows. Then there is our chapter Christmas party with its tree-trimming and Yuletide carols. And, with the spring comes Mother's Day when our mothers are guests at dinner and a specially planned program. At the beginning of Spring term, we participate wholeheartedly in Greek Week. Last year we placed first in the tricycle race and we always enjoy our community project for the week when we entertain underprivileged children. We participate in the Lambda Chi Alpha Junior 500 races and do our part in planning and working in the Water Carnival.
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