RitoRna VincitoR! VeRonika DzhioeVa sings faVoRite aRias Constantine Orbelian, conductor Kaunas City Symphony1 Orchestra 1. Macbeth: Nel dì della vittoria ... della potenza, e mal per lui che il piede RitoRna VincitoR! Vieni t’affretta! dubitoso vi pone, e retrocede! Completed in 1847, Macbeth is the frst of Vieni t’affretta! Accendere VeRonika DzhioeVa sings faVoRite aRias three operas based upon Shakespearean ti vo’ quel freddo core! sources that Verdi completed; several others L’audace impresa a compiere were considered, but never came to fruition. io ti darò valore; 1. GIUSEPPE VERDI: Macbeth — Nel dì della vittoria ... Vieni t’affretta! (7:19) The version of the aria heard here — Nel dì di scozia a te promettono della vittoria ... Vieni t’affretta! — is from le profetesse il trono... 2. FRANCESCO CILEA: Adriana Lecouvreur — Io son l’umile ancella (3:28) the composer’s 1865 revision of the opera. Che tardi? Accetta il dono, The aria comes late in Act 1, as Lady Mac- ascendivi a regnar. 3. UMBERTO GIORDANO: Andrea Chénier — La mamma morta (4:51) beth — determined to see her husband en- throned as king — reads a letter from him re- Duncano sarà qui?...qui? qui la notte? 4. GIACOMO PUCCINI: Madama Butterfy — Un bel dì vedremo. (4:21) vealing his encounter with witches who had Or tutti sorgete, — ministri infernali, (among other darker predictions) foretold Che al sangue incorate, — spingete i mortali! 5. PUCCINI: Suor Angelica — Senza mamma (4:48) that he would become king of Scotland. She Tu, notte, ne avvolgi — di tenebre immota; then tells him not to hesitate, fanning the Qual petto percota — non vegga il pugnal! 6. PUCCINI: Tosca — Vissi d’arte (3:15) fame of his uncertain ambition by urging him to “Accept the gift, mount the throne • 7. VERDI: Aida — Ritorna vincitor! (6:42) and reign,” no matter how much blood must I met them on the day of victory. be spilled in the process. 8. VERDI: Aida — Qui Radamès verrà. (6:12) I was stunned at what I heard. When the King’s messengers hailed me Nel dì della vittoria io le incontrai... 9. VERDI: Il trovatore — Tacea la notte placida (4:58) Thane of Cawdor, it fulflled a prophecy Stupito io n’era per le udite cose; that those witches had made. quando I nunzi del re mi salutaro 10. VERDI: La forza del destino — Pace, pace mio Dio (5:14) They also foresaw a crown upon my head. Sir di caudore, vaticinio uscito Make this your heart’s secret. Farewell. dalle veggenti stesse. 11. VERDI: Un ballo in maschera — Ecco l’orrido campo… Ma dall’arido stelo divulsa (8:19) Che predissero un serto al capo mio. Macbeth, you are an ambitious one. Racchiudi in cor questo segreto. Addio. You hunger for greatness, but can you be evil enough? VERONIKA DZHIOEVA, soprano Ambizioso spirto. The path to power CONSTANTINE ORBELIAN, conductor Tu sei Macbetto... Alla grandezza aneli, is littered with atrocities, and woe to him KAUNAS CITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ma sarai tu malvagio? who treads it hesitantly and retreats! Pien di misfatti è il calle Total Playing Time: 59:32 2 3 Come, make haste! I seek to which the dedicated artist Adriana re- 3. Andrea Chénier: La mamma morta la cupa via! to light a fre in your cold heart! plies — in “Io son l’umile ancella” — that Guardo! I shall give you the courage she is only a vessel for the creative spirit: Set in Paris before and during the chaos of Bruciava il loco di mia culla! to carry out this bold undertaking. “I’m the echo of human drama ... my name the French revolution, Umberto Giordano’s Cosi fui sola! The prophetesses promise you is Faithful.” Despite the complex and con- Andrea Chénier is a verismo opera in four E intorno il nulla! the throne of Scotland. fusing plot that follows – and the heroine’s acts; it was frst performed at Milan’s La Fame e miseria! Why delay? Accept the gift, unlikely “death by poisoned violets” in the Scala in 1896. Maddalena, the daughter of Il bisogno, il periglio! mount the throne and reign. end – the opera has retained its foothold in a countess, frst meets the title character, a Caddi malata, the modern repertoire. The stunning appeal popular poet, at an aristocratic soirée. Five e Bersi, buona e pura, Duncan will be here tonight? Here? of this aria will only begin to tell you why. years later, at the height of the revolution’s di sua bellezza ha fatto un mercato, Now rise up, you fiendish ministers, “reign of terror,” they meet again and declare un contratto per me! who stir the blood and spur Ecco: respiro appena. their love for each other. In Act 3, after Chén- Porto sventura a chi bene mi vuole! mortals onward! Io son l’umile ancella del Genio creator ier has been imprisoned, Maddalena comes Fu in quel dolore O night, conceal it in foul darkness; ei m’offre la favella, io la diffondo al cor. to plead for his life and sings “La mamma che a me venne l’amor! so that the stabbed breast won’t see Del verso io son l’accento, morta,” describing how her mother, the Voce piena d’armonia e dice: the dagger! l’eco del dramma uman, Countess, died to save her as their house Vivi ancora! Io son la vita! il fragile strumento vassallo della man. burned, casting her into poverty and despair Ne’ miei occhi e il tuo cielo! Mite gioconda, atroce, mi chiamo, Fedeltà. until Chénier gave her new hope and en- Tu non sei sola! 2. Adriana Lecouvreur: Io son Un soffo è la mia voce, che al novo dìmorrà. couragement. Despite his judge’s promise Le lacrime tue io le raccolgo! l’umile ancella to the contrary, Chénier is condemned to Io sto sul tuo cammino e ti sorreggo! • die. Maddalena comes to visit him, and bribes Sorridi e spera! Io son l’amore! When Francesco Cilea’s successful L’arlesia- See, I am scarcely breathing … a guard to let her change places with a con- Tutto intorno e sangue e fango? na prompted the commissioning of another I am the humble servant of the demned noblewoman, enabling the lovers to Io son divino! Io son l’oblio! opera, the result was Adriana Lecouvreur: a creative genius face the guillotine together. Io sono il dio che sovra il mondo story so popular for its comic/tragic mixtu- who gives me the words which scendo da l’empireo, fa della terra re and moving (if far-fetched) fnal act that ignite the soul. La mamma morta m’hanno un ciel! Ah! three other composers set the same story. I am only the accent of his verse, alla porta della stanza mia; Io son l’amore, io son l’amor, l’amor’ Their efforts have long since been forgot- the echo of the human drama, moriva e mi salvava! E l’angelo si accosta, bacia, ten. Premiered in Milan in 1902, Cilea’s the fragile instrument on which he plays. poi a notte alta e vi bacia la morte! opera begins with a classic play within a Tender, joyful, savage, my name is “Faithful.” io con Bersi errava, Corpo di moribonda e il corpo mio. play, with actors and actresses whose own My voice is a sigh which will die tomorrow. quando ad un tratto Prendilo dunque. curtain is about to rise, and featuring the un livido bagliore guizza Io son gia morta cosa! actress Adriana and her rival, Duclos. The e rischiara innanzi a’ passi miei Prince of Bouillon arrives to wish them luck, • 4 5 They killed my mother I’m love, I’m love, love — wishes to adopt Butterfy’s child. Butterfy "Piccina mogliettina, at my room’s door; and an angel draws nigh with a kiss shuts herself away in her room and com- Olezzo di verbena!” she died saving me! and it’s death that’s kissing you. mits suicide with her father’s dagger just as I nomi che mi dava Later, in the depths of night, My body is dying. Pinkerton arrives, calling her name. al suo venire. Bersi and I were wandering ... So take it. Tutto questo avverrà, when suddenly, I’ve already died! Un bel dì vedremo te lo prometto. I see a pale glow, levarsi un fl di fumo Tienti la tua paura, and it lightens the dark street sull’estremo confn del mare. io con sicura fede l’aspetto. ahead of me. I look! 4. Madama Butterfy: Un bel dì vedremo E poi la nave appare — My home was on fre! poi la nave bianca • So I was alone! Puccini began working on Madama But- entra nel porto, romba One fne day we’ll see And all around me, nothing! terfy immediately after seeing David Be- il suo saluto. Vedi? a curl of smoke arising Hunger ... despair! lasco’s play by the same name in 1900, and È venuto! on the ocean’s horizon, Poverty ... danger! the revised version that we know today was Io non gli scendo incontro. and then the ship will appear. I became ill, premiered in the spring of 1904. Perhaps the Io no. Mi metto là Then the white ship and Bersi, pure and good-hearted, composer was attracted to Butterfy’s unwav- sul ciglio del colle e aspetto, will sail into the harbor, marketed her beauty ering and hopeful (yet ultimately tragic) love, e aspetto gran tempo thundering a salute. for my sake. as expressed in one of Puccini’s most famous e non mi pesa Do you see it? He has come! I bring only misfortune to those and moving arias, “Un bel dì vedremo.” She la lunga attesa.
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