1 DIES. niton. MILDRED HANAN DIES; WIDOW OF ADMIRAL ALD1S. Saturday. September 21. 1921, at York Haritor, Mo.. roKXIII.lA. daughter <>f :Mrs. Louisa Mason Passes illon. asa (iw.-n and Mary Taylor Aldi*. I'm SHOOTING IS MYSTERY Terry intmI 2:3'i o'clock. Tuesday, September 27. TGRANDARMYOPENS at York Away After Long Illness. Harbor. Mo. widow of BRILL. So j«to nil tor 2.Y. 11*21. a' tho robidence Young Woman Never Tells Why Mrs. J.ouisa Mason Terry, J "i hor mother. luh South Fairfax si Alex Roar Admiral Silas W. Terry, died at nndria. \« MAKY THKK17SA. daughter «»f Who Ended Own Life, I' Ajiri;o ai,.! .bo iate Louis Urill. after a Ions ! Chum, 9 o'clock this at her 55THENCAMPMENT morning Funeral will t«k» y!a«*e from St Fired Fatal Shot. the Farragut apartments, rffter Mary > Church, Wednesday. 2*. residence,at September « Iin illness of more than a year. lo a.ui. 27* By thi» Associated Press. I services will be held tomorrowFuneral NEW YORK, September 26..Miss ifternoon at St. Ante's Church. iBROWN. On Sunday, Srptomltor !2i, at S jThousands Gather in Md.t and interment will !» in., at her reaidence, Rcok%*llle, Md Indiani Mildred Hanan. daughter of the late Annapolis.MA K'l'Ii A W widow of tho la to J. Fletcher e there. bemad Frown Ftinora! Tuesday. September 27. apolis.9,000 Die Since Alfred P. llanan, shoe manufacturer, Mrs. Terry was horn in Ha^erstown. from St. John* Episcopal Church, OJnoy. died in the Long Island College Hospl- Md., seventy-three years ago and was Md.. at 3 p.m. Interment at the church Lhe daughter of Judge and Mrs. I cemetery. Last Convention. tal early Sunday without having John Thomson Mason. In her any explanation as to why advancedshe : early BROWNING. Saturday, September 24. 1921. had been shot Friday morning by her me sue iiveu in Annapolis, vmicic lit 9:30 p.m. at hia_residence in Riv,r; INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., September 26. erstwhile chum, Mrs. Grace Lawes, who her father was a member of the state «»;iie. Mn JiiKUUOIlK FllKI-INGHUYSKA .Rattling drumsticks and the later committed suicide. < [iourt of apjieals. Admiral Terry had HitOWNINO, jr.. beloved husband of Helen often on so Ki'bersoa Browning, aged 40 yearn. Servire* of ancient fifes announced the jonn ©. nonana, importer anu i/au- been duty h» Washington. ait liis late home squeaking a. greater of the j Tuesday. Scptemlier 27. at of the Grand of the mouth graduate, who was in her com- ii part past thirty-live p.m. Inteimeut in O.tU llill cemetery, ltelaj! entry Army pany when the shooting: took place out- I years they resided here, and Mrs. lives and friends invited. * public into Indianapolis today Re!for side the apartment of a mutual friend, Terry eontinued to make her home here his ten a CEPHAS. Saturday. September 24. 1921, it it's annual was at her bedside when the end came. after death, years pro. Jier late fifty-fifth encampment. She is a J. T. ! residence, Sr. Philips, I). C., Mrs. Clara M. Hanan, her mother, and survived by son. Mason A1»LAI1> CEPHAS. widow of tiie late John Many of the veterans were bowed with several other relatives also were Terry of New York and a but others their city, Cephas and beloved mother of Florence years, many preserved but the girl, who had lapsedpresent,into Kleanor, the wife of Capt. daughter,Filippo Cephas He,'tnes, liauirl i ephas, Julia military carriage as they marched unconsciousness, died not recognizing L'amperio of Milan. Italy. Kic.vaudre Cephas and Charles Cephas.Warlexi, aiong oenina arum corps, any of them. Funeral Tuesday. September 27. at 3 p.m.. Today was devoted to the 1 An autopsy performed by Dr. Carl from St. Phillip's P.aptist Church, St. OPPftRTIINITIFSInrTHISWF.F.K tion of the visiting veterans. regiatraI Boettiger, assistant medical examiner, Phillips, li. t Ititeruieut at Ln<ou Recep' A. Cliain road. If. C. 26* Hon committee members estimated showed that a bullet pierced the thorax MRS. E. GARNETT DIES. Bridge eemetery, that 1ft.000 members of the Grand and the abdomen and lodged under the {CROCKETT. September 24, 1921. at Tuber, Army and its affiliated organizations ninth rib on the right side. Was Soon to Have Celebrated losis Ho-pit.il, JOHN CROCKETT colored».ui were here The real motive for the shooting may B.Klv at city iitoigue. I nless culled for by Sunday. 3 p.m. tomorrow remain* will be IhOOO Die In Year. never be publicly known. Police Wedding Anniversary.Fif.tiethj disposed of to the the theory that jealousy was a j according law. Although official reports show expressedMrs. Annie K. Garnett. a resident of volume enables us to do that we could not do contributing factor, but they were the G/R3»"ETT. On Sunday, September 2"». 1921. selling things to determine whether it was District of Columbia for about I at 12.1'* Large that since last AV.NIE year's encampment unable died in her p.m.. E. GAKNKTT. of Borland or because of becausethe forty years, yesterday wife of Philip Ournett. aged 73 years.Uioved death has taken nine thousand mem year. Funeral servicesseventy-thirdFuneral fioin the residence Here is a list of merchandise most of which is of from which severance of Mrs. l^awes* friendly will be held of her daughter, daily use, bers of the organization, it was with Miss Hanan. relations tomorrow at the .Mis. Alfred Wilkinson 1 .V»0 You st. n.w.. otherwise. on of her Mrs. Alfred J Si at that the attendance this . daughter, residence Tuesday, pfeuilier 27. 2 p.m. pected yearexI Wilkinson, 15.10 U street, at 2 o'clock. lives and friends invited to attend. Ileiaj can and We would be as as of meat at * you'll undoubtedly find you buy effect considerable savings. nearly large that LETTER BOX WEEK OPENS. Interment will be in Glenwood private Glenwood cemetery. Inter{ the last meeting. cemetery.HARTAN. On September 2*1. 1921. at Mrs. Garnett was born in Caroline Ids residence. t»T»22 Georgia ave.. HIGH, of the will A train of thirteen coaches brought Va. j beloved solicit your inspection merhandise; values then be quickly the delegates from Alaska and Postmen Seek Pledges for Mail county, She came to Washington j husband of Julia H. llartan tnee about and was O'TooleF N dice of funeral hereafter. ington. Three cars bearing the New forty years ago York arrived last Washj at Homes. Beceptaclesto have celebrated her fiftiethshortlywed- iJAMES. Suddenly. Friday, September 23. 1921. delegation aing anniversary. She is survived by Ht Waiter Reed llosniral llPCtVit.U apparent. ing. Other states sending large "Letter box week" bepan today her T. .lA.MW of Company h. 372d in even| husband, Philip Garnett. and j A. E. Infantry. resentations special cars wererep! throughout the city, with postmen seven children--Mrs. Annie Leaman F.' devoted s..ii of Lewis Mini Mary North Dakota. Colorado, Wyoming, how many residents wouldascertainingof Janes. Lester and Louis James. jr., Ethel or their front Tennessee, Mrs. Alice Holmes of White, Eunice Roots. Edna Brandos. uncle Oklahoma, Kansas and Maryland. secure boxes slots for Mrs. W nl -| doors into which all mail may be Norfolk, Grace ilkinson. Mrs. Constance and Felicia White. Tln-ima Special Train* Arrive, Mary J'ow ors, Mrs. Martha ('oilier, Roland. Funeral Tuesday. September 117. at Special trains are due to arrive dropped. Mrs. Ruth Boss and i'hilip M. Garnett, it a.Mi. :tt St Aloysius Church. Relative* Carriers will continue the campaign all of Washington. and friends invited to attend Interment at day bringing the veterans from Misto! during the week. It is hoped by City Arlington cemetery, with military honors. souri, Ohio, Illinois, the New England Postmaster Chance that thousands of will be secured from all JOHNSON. On Sunday, Septeml»er 2."i. 30111. states and Canada. pledges FUNERAL at his reside u -e. Bladensburg. Md., JEROME 1 of FOR VETERAN. \ . No. 1. the city. sections beloved husband of Sadie 11. Johnson. Representatives of Milwaukee and Only about 30 per cent of the Funeral notice later. (\ Des Special , Moines, Iowa, announced that of Washington are equipped residencesRites for Corp. Hartman to Be Held MARCEY. Saturday. Sop'emlsT 114, 1921, ft they would attempt to obtain the with home letter receptacles or slots 11P.m KLMIKA AMERICA <ne* Don A \/C 1 fifty-sixth encampment fc-r their in the front doors. Such apparatus or at Suitland, Md. aidsonf. wife ..f the late <4eorge W. Mar«ev A of \a. Carload BaMst'.n, of Class Funeral "Schimmel's"Jellv--Per cities. services respectiveslots, it is pointed out, enables the Tuesday Tonight the visitors will he the to make better time, helps carrierthe Funeral services for Corp. Milton morning at 11 o'clock from residence of her at a E. Hartman of Suitland. Md.. who son. tleorge F Mareey. Cherryvalley, quests reception given by state post office and insures the residents \a. Int»rinent at Fails Ball*-ton. and city officials. better and speedier service. was killed in action in France Church. Va for this sale. of our friends know what this 10, 191X, will he held at the OctoberTERRY. At her residence, the Farragut' Bought especially Many just Church at Forestville, Md., Apartments. Washington. I). C.. on Monday. EpiscopalSeptember I'd. 1921, at 8:30 a.m.. LOCLSA afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. tomorrowMASON widow of Hartman was TERRY, Rear Admira^ those who do not should at least a Your trial Corp.
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