l rf\ l II· :(r /1., j .\ ~. Vol. XLIV, No.6 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Friday, November 2, 1962 ~~ Frosh Nominees Picked Crossroad's Panels Council Finally Solves [1\i To Give Information r:"•• To Run For 5 Positions About New Nations IRC-AAAS Problems 'II Iiil Last Tuesday nineteen candidates launched campaigns by John Finn II" for freshman class offices. The speechmaking, fiagwaving, This Saturday the Univer­ ,).. handshaking, and baby-kissing will continue until election sity will host an Operation ~ day November 8, when ballots will be marked on Copley Crossroads Africa conference steps. I, on "Africa's Challenge to I':" The candidates were nominated last Monday in a Gas- American Students." College I ton Hall marathon, the length students from the entire D. C. ~\ Randall Jarrell Opens of w h i c h has not been area have been invited to the all­ 1'· mat c h e d since last year's day conference which begins with frosh performed for us. registration at 9 a.m. in the Hall !r. library Lecture Series '-" With Poetry Selections Equal time to project their of Nations. Admission is free. 1,1. images over the air will be The aim of the program is four­ granted to the five presidential fold: to stimulate interest in Africa nominees. They will be interviewed and studies; to encourage partici­ on WGTB's "Georgetown Speaks" pation in future Crossroads opera­ at 8 p.m. on election eve. Yard ions; to provide information about ....~ ~ , '~.. " - ' . President Dan Altobello will be opportunities in Africa; and to - ", -. moderator of the show. share knowledge and ideas on the :_;_', : < . I There follows, as a special serv­ emerging nations of Africa. THE FIRE . Dave Marantette prepares his opposition attack ice of The HOYA, a complete voter's guide. Panels Discuss in the IRC-AAAS debate at Sunday's meeting. The day's schedule is made up of President four panel discussions, each to be by Atchity 19d Haggerty John Albrigio of Syracuse, New followed by a question period. The "It was simply felt that we had outgrown the IRC" York, is a 1962 graduate of Liver­ Just exactly how simply this statement of Rev. .John F. pool High School, where he was first panel dealing with opportun­ I, president of his class for two years ities for service with the U. S. Gov­ Devine, S.J., was felt was made clear in Sunday's Student ,) and soccer team captain. ernment in Africa will be chaired Council talkathon. In the final and finally-full debate on the 'i "My goal," says Albrigio, "is to by Dean William E. Moran of the long-standing controversy, the opposition was simply aligned place my whole self at your dis­ Foreign Service School. Represen­ posal. A president represents a tatives of the State Department, on the clear-cut issue that the Constitution of the Association body of people by giving his whole Peace Corps, the Agency for In­ of African American Students self to that body." Explaining that ternational Development, and the was . sufficient cause for the United States Information Agency he is not going to promise specific Folk Groups Sings Council to reject its request improvements, he says, "One sug­ will take part. At 11 a.m. a panel gests and makes improvements as of Crossroaders, with Mr. Sid Hall for recognition. I For G.U. Audience they are needed. I must first judge of Howard University as modera­ The controversy between i RANDALL JARRELL tor, will relate their experiences before I can act." the International Relations Robert Barrett, valedictorian of working in such countries as So­ At Saturday Show ", malia, Nigeria, Upper Volta, Ken­ Club and the AAAS solidified three 1 by Francis Ware his class at John Bapst High Saturday night, November School in Bangor, Maine, was elec­ ya, and the Federation of Rhodesia. weeks ago when the AAAS pre­ Randall .Jarrell, poet and ted the outstanding young man in 3, signals the return of na­ sented to the Council a one-page r: Diplomat Gives Theme constitution for "advice and con- - I critic, almost packed Gaston his state. He was governor of Boy's tionally-known entertainment sent." The advice was immediately '~. Hall )ast Thursday, October State, Eastern United States ora­ After lunch Mr. G. A. Onyeg­ to the Georgetown Campus torical champion for two years, and bula, Counsellor of the Nigerian forthcoming. 25, in the vastly successful In the following issue of The j winner of a Harvard Book Club Embassy, will deliver a keynote with the appearance of The • .opening of the Riggs Library Award. Br6thers Four from 8 :30 to HOYA, a letter from IRC Presi­ address on the theme of the day­ dent Philip Paris expressed his 1. /Lectures Series. Mr. .Jarrell Barret says that he will stress 10:30 at McDonough Gymnasium. "a re-evaluation of the adminstra­ "Africa's Challenge." At 2 :30 p.m. opposition to the AAAS on the I had been invited to read and com· a panel of representatives from The concert is sponsored by the grounds that "the attempt to place ment on some of his poetry after tion's lights-out Jimit." He also 'L • promises an information service, a voluntary agencies will talk about East Campus Student Council. them in an exclusive clique harms ~I , his successful participation in the opportunities for volunteer service Tickets are on sale at various Cam- the commendable end for which \ ~Tational Poetry Festival at the report to his class on Student Council meetings, and a freshman in Africa. The day's program will pus locations and at the Disc we are striving: a bringing to­ J Library of Congress. , dance. be concluded with a panel of Afri­ gether of students of all nation­ can students ,presenting their views Shop on Connecticut Avenue. Prices alities . The AAAS . has C Jarrell, who displayed ebulliently Chad Floyd is a native of W ash­ on such subjects as "The Role of range $2, $2.50, and $3. been the only group to break away ';'. good spirits, began by reading sev- ington, where he has worked as a Women in Africa," "Pan-African­ from its parent organization . I eral of his war poems, from his Senate Page for three summers. He ism," "The Church in Africa," and Big Names Return The recognition of such a seceding .. early period, among them Tempo­ attended prep school at St. Paul's "r\ ranes, The Bombardier, Flying "Cultural Trends in Africa." This This is the first attempt in sev­ group would set a dangerous prec­ in Concord, N.H. At Georgetown, last topic will be discussed by Col­ edent, threatening the other well­ ',r~ .. .iJeath, and The Bird. He then Flo,yd is an AB pre-med student, eral years to bring "big-name" en­ turned to two delicate translations lege junior Sebastian Mezu. tertainment to the University. A established activities on this Cam­ and a staff member of WGTB. pus." from the nineteenth century Ger- (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 8) major loss was sustained by the ·... man poet, Rilke, The Blind Man Second Intercollegiate Jazz Festi­ On the day this letter appeared ~ and The Pauper's Corpse. In a val although it featured such en­ in The HOYA (October 18), Father 1\, somewhat happier mood, he fin­ tertainers as Dizzy GiIlespie. Sev­ Devine, moderator of the AAAS, !.. ished with a mixture of his later eral East Campus leaders feel that in a letter to Chairman John .;. works, including Xing, Cinderella, the fate of future student-spon­ Thompson, outlined the background , .. In the Front Room, and The Wom- sored concerts depends to a large and issues involved in the contro­ an at the Washington Zoo. extent on the success or failure of versy. this one. Bartley Brennan, Presi­ Father Devine had spoken to After a brief question period, dent of the East Campus Student Rev. Brian A. McGrath, S.J., Mr. Jarrell received a standing ova­ Council, feels, however, that the Academic Vice President, about tion even more enthusiastic than fame of the entertainers and their getting University recognition for the one he had received at his. en­ efforts will draw large and en­ the AAAS. Father McGrath sug­ trance. Afterwards, he said that thusiastic crowds. gested that the AAAS be organ­ Gaston Hall was one of the two ized as a committee of the IRC. finest rooms he had ever lectured Famous Group His suggestion was carried out. in and that Georgetown had pro­ In his letter Father Devine stated: The Brothers Four are recorded vided him with one of his best "About mid-year, the officers of by Columbia, and have played at aUdiences. He was impressed and the IRC asked me if we would the "hungry 'i'" in San Francisco, very happy with the students. please separate the AAAS from the "Blue Angel" and "Basin Street the IRC, i.e., that it no longer be Jarrell was educated at Vander­ East" in New York, and have made bilt University, Nashville, and a committee, but that it become a numerous radio and television ap­ separate organization. Their rea­ studied under a number .of the pearances. The group is most fa­ most famous members of the "Fugi­ sons in asking this were not moti­ mous for its varied college con­ vated by any ill-will towards our tive School" of poetry. Today, he certs throughout the nation, for .. counts Allen Tate, Robert Penn African group--it was simply that which it has received much notori­ we had outgrown the IRC, and Warren, John Crowe Ransom, and THE FRYING PAN ••.
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