OF MILLBURN and SHORT HILLS Thursday, January 11,1990 Founded in 1888 40 Cents per Copy. $16.50 per Year by Maij to Your Door Volume 103, Number 2 Town substance abuse problem still persists Mrs. deVeer said. “And they can af­ By Carter J. Bennett It is estimated by a high school of­ the open on the nation’s high school “the most recent nation-wide studies well as Sally deVeer and Joan Price, ficial that 80 per cent of the senior and college campuses — is open to indicate 19 per cent of the students chairmen of the township’s Drug ford ‘better’ — a higher quality of co­ At Millburn High School’s pep rally class drinks regularly, i.e., at dispute. have problems. Awareness Committee, agree that caine, a higher quality of before the Thanksgiving Day football weekend parties. It is Robert Rimmer, student Alcohol, according to Mr. Rimmer, there is an increasing number of marijuana.” game a ninth grader passed out from One high school student’s assistance coordinator at Millburn represents the major drug abuse students experimenting with LSD A brighter view of the substance alcohol poisoning. The student was substance abuse problem was so High School, who voiced the estimate problem for township teenagers. and other hard drugs. “There is a abuse situation among local rushed to the hospital and was still severe during the fall that he spent a that 80 per cent of the school’s seniors “The kids get a mixed message,” resurgence of LSD,” Mr. Rimmer youngsters is offered by Detective unconscious upon arrival. month as an in-patient at Fair Oaks drink regularly at weekend parties. Mr. Rimmer said. “They see Bruce said, “it’s the latest thing this year. Henry Feindt of the Millburn Police In the week before the school Hospital. “That doesn’t mean that all 80 per Willis doing a ‘just say no to drugs’ And marijuana — it’s always Department. system opened its doors for the fall Is there a substance abuse problem cent have a problem,’’ Mr. Rimmer message on TV and moments later around.” Although Detective Feindt, who semester there were at least three in Millburn Township? Obviously so. quickly added, “but some have a they see him doing a commercial for Crack, perhaps the nation’s prime serves as the department’s juvenile parties in local homes attended by Whether the problem is more or less problem.” Mr. Rimmer can give no wine coolers.” drug problem, is not a problem in officer, does not downplay the prob students as young as 12 where alcohol severe than it was in the Vietnamese statistic for the number of problems Although Mr. Rimmer assigns the Millburn Township. Continued on Page 4 was served. War era when marijuana burst into at the high school, but he notes that No. 1 problem label to alcohol, he, as “The kids are terrified of crack,” , M rs. Steinberg seek seats on board An incumbent and a newcomer burden and do not currently have children in the school system I am both declared this week that they are confident that my experience and candidates for the Board of Educa­ sensitivity in working with people, tion in the April 3 election. will enable me to be an effective Conor D. Reilly of 62 Joanna Way member of the Board of Education.'' announced he will seek his second Mr Reilly, in announcing his deci­ 3-year term on the board and Vivian sion to seek reelection, said: M. Steinberg of 205 Parsonage Hill “I am painfully aware of the Road announced she will seek her material time contributions required first term. for active s®wice as a Board of A township resident since 1981, Mr. Education member and that con­ Reilly is a partner in the New York sideration weighed heavily against office of the national law firm of Gib­ standing for reelection. son, Dunn & Crutcher. He holds a “However,” he added, “ a number bachelor’s degree from M assachusetts Institute of of factors led me to conclude that I Technology and received his law should run this year Looking ahead degree cum laude from Harvard Law to the time period of my prospective School, where he was an editor of the second term 1990 to 1993, I believe Harvard Law Review. these will be years of great impor­ His daughter, Katherine, is in the tance to the Millburn schoal system. first grade at Hartshorn School and The board will be selecting a new ad­ his son, Michael, will begin ministrative team, including a superintendent to run the school kindergarten this fall. district in my view, the most impor­ Mr. Reilly currently is the Board of tant function a board performs. Education's negotiations chairman. It is clearly critical that we seek out •f; * 'M He also has served as chairman of and hire the most qualified in­ BOARD HOPEFULS — Incumbent Conor D. Reilly and the board’s public relations commit­ dividuals for the leadership of our tee and as a member of the finance, newcomer Vivian D. Steinberg this week declared their can­ district. I also believe that the legislative and long range planning didacies for the Board of Education in the April 3 election. change in administration will present committees. the board with opportunities, to Mrs. Steinberg is immediate past realize certain savings and president of the Millburn Conference She also is participant in the work of School. the Drug Awareness Committee. Mrs. Steinberg's parents, Mr. and economies and I am determined to of Parents and Teachers During her Mrs. Michael Tomich, reside at 11 insure that such occur. term as conference president she Elected recently to the council of CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME — George Walfson, left, of the Short Hills Association, Mrs. Willow Street. “In addition,” Mr. Reilly said, “in was co-chairman of the Charles T. In announcing her candidacy Mrs. the next three years the board will be RE I Distributors, and township recycling coordinator John King Loan Fund Dinner committee Steinberg also has served as a Steinberg said: facing a rapidly declining surplus Linson prepare the first load of recycled plastic for its trip to and the Intergroup committee. member of the board of trustees of The Whole Theater of Montclair and “For many years I have worked which will be approaching a R EI's Newark plant last Thursday. Story, page 19. A past president of the Short Hills minimum maintenance level and, School Parent-Teacher Association, has been a member of the Millburn- closely, on a daily basis, with ad­ more recently she has been a member Short Hills Historical Society, the ministrators, principals, teachers, therefore, the need to replenish that of the Hartshorn School PTA where Friends of the Millburn Library, the educational support staff, and most surplus or to increase property taxes. she has served as liaison to the Board Township Beautification League, the importantly, with many parents of This issue will force the board to face Board of Health of Recreation Commissioners, as Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and the our school children. I understand the an array of related and very difficult Board of Education observer and on Millburn League of Women Voters. conerns of each of these constituen­ financial issues. the book fair, after school activities, Mrs. Steinberg and her husband cies. I have successfully im­ “While I believe that the taxpayers strawberry festival, hospitality and Joseph L., an attorney, have lived in plemented programs involving all of of Millburn understand how good a the township since 1966. Their two these groups. school system they have, and how may be dissolved lunch day committees. that redounds to their benefit, and Mrs. Steinberg is also chairman of older children, Jason and Lisabeth, “Past political involvement also were educated in the township has led to my appreciation of the that such does not come cheap, I also Apparent Township Committee An ordinance calling for the a Board of Education ad hoc commit­ (pi Township Committee to take over the tee to study the school body's hazar­ schools and their daughter, Victoria, perspective of those many township Continued on Page 6 dissatisfaction with the operation of is a fifth grade student at Hartshorn citizens who help shoulder our tax the township health department, functions of the Board of Health and dous routes transportation policy. coupled with a possible personality have those interested in the health conflict between health officer field serve as advisers to the Com­ William Faitoute and municipal mittee is scheduled to be introduced business administrator Timothy Gor­ at Tuesday’s meeting of the govern­ Board adopts tentative budget don, could lead to abolition of the ing body. local Board of Health. Under state law, according to The additional tuition will have no Wasserman said. “I was impressed township attorney Roger Clapp, a A $21,067,445 tentative 1990-91 year and must be included in the The Board of Health was establish­ 1990-91 budget, 1990-91 salary in­ effect on the tax figures. last summer with the number of ed here in 1978 and has managed municipality the size of Millburn has school budget which will mean an in­ “This tentative budget meets the township residents who supported a crease in property taxes of $144.90 for creases of $1,066,664 and health, den­ health department matters since that the option of having its governing needs of the community and its substantial increase in salary for our body sit as the Board of Health or ap­ the average township homeowner — tal and workers' compensation in­ time. pointing a separate, independent whose property is assessed at surance rate increases of $272,970.
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